3 minute read
Comment 2
3-4 Slender-billed Gull 5 Nature at our reserves: Simar 6-7 Enjoying spring bird migration 8-9 Campaign 10 Over 23,000 birds ringed in a year! 11 Il-Ponta tal-Munxar 12-13 Highlighting migration at our reserves 14-15 Giving them another chance! 16
Editorial Board
Nathaniel Attard (Editor), Victor Falzon (Naturalist & Field Teacher), Belinda Hodder (Communications Assistant), Alexandr Krushlinsky (Design & Digital Media Assistant), Jasmin Hinwood (Events Assistant)
BirdLife Malta Council
Darryl Grima (President), Saviour Balzan (Secretary General), Norman Chetcuti (Treasurer), Miriam Camilleri, Denise Casolani, Marvic Doughty, Kathleen Galea, Nicholas Galea, Raymond Galea, Eurydike Kovacs, Paul Portelli (members)
BirdLife Malta Senior Management Team
Mark Sultana (CEO), Nicholas Barbara (Head of Conservation), Sarah Brady (Head of Education and Engagement), Nathaniel Attard (Communications Manager), Arturo Palomba (Finance Manager), Mark Gauci (Reserves Manager), Manuel Mallia (Salina Park Manager), Manya Russo (LIFE PanPuffinus! Project Manager), Janet Borg (Office Coordinator)
Contact BirdLife Malta
57/28 Marina Court, Abate Rigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1120, Malta +356 21347645/6
info@birdlifemalta.org www.birdlifemalta.org
Printing Poulton’s Print Front cover photo Slender-billed Gull by Aron Tanti
Reg. Vol. Org. VO/0052 © 2021 BirdLife Malta. All rights reserved.
Let’s not abuse land, biodiversity or science
Springtime is with us and the birds are flying north to their breeding grounds. I would recommend you all experience the beauty of this phenomenon by simply going in nature and observing all that is around you. You are bound to see birds migrating, maybe even some local breeding species carrying nest material, or the males singing out to attract a female companion. This, combined with the colourful carpets of flowering plants, along with butterflies and other insects is not only relaxing, but also indicative of a positive feeling seeing nature re-energizing itself and reproducing a new cycle of life.
I have many times repeated the phrase that we humans are also part of nature and that nature is an indicator of our well-being too. Taking care of nature and observing it can indicate aspects that we need to take action upon for the benefit of biodiversity but also for us humans. Through scientific studies we know of the impacts of climate change, use of plastics and land abuse. We have facts that indicate we need to act and there is a positive movement to live a more sustainable lifestyle. BirdLife Malta and the whole BirdLife Partnership always believed that science is the backbone of all our conservation work and I would also add our education work and people-engagement activities. Science is there to help us understand factually and help us take action for the benefit of nature and us together.
Our natural resources have been used and abused of for so many years and now we are seeing science being abused of too. I am referring to the Government’s decision to use science as an excuse to allow people to continue with their abuse of birds. It is a very pathetic and sad attempt to try to allow the unacceptable. The killing and taking of birds from the wild can never be justified with the excuse of a scientific activity. I truly believe we are reaching the end of such bad practices but instead of having it done by visionary leaders, this will be effected through the European Commission.
While birds are migrating to Europe, our calls are also towards Europe. We are asking them to bring Malta back in line with the European Union’s Birds and Habitats Directives and to instill in our country respect for the law. I urge you to join us in our requests and to voice your concerns whenever you have the opportunity. It helps us, it helps nature!
Mark Sultana
We would like to stay in touch with you, please send us your email address on info@birdlifemalta.org so we can update your contact details.