2 minute read

Two-faced or Single-minded?


A wonderful insight into the past year of local reverend


In Greek mythology the god Janus, after whom we name the month January, has two faces. One looks backwards to the past and the other looks forwards to the future. As the year turns it is often helpful to be a little like Janus and do the same. It’s now just over four years since we moved to Felixstowe, I’ve been trying to live here since I was 18! I am glad that my hopes for life in Felixstowe have been proven correct. Firstly, and above all else, Felixstowe is a generous place. Throughout the last year I have seen people dip their hands into their pockets to help others. Some of the causes that are helped are local and some far away but all of them are well supported by people of good heart. Look at a few of the events that have enriched our community and at the same time raised funds for others. The Rotary fun run, The Carnival, The Mayor’s Charity Events, The Christmas Day Dip, and The Rudolph Run and many more. The last raised nearly £8000 just by itself. And all this doesn’t even cover the events organised by individuals. I remember last January being slightly more chilly after the Rainbow Group at Level Two shaved my beard, my moustache, and my head to raise to help Langer Primary children go on outings. And where would so many of the hard-pressed of our town be without the support of the pop-up shops run by the BASIC Life Charity and their volunteers, the meals provided by the Salvation Army, and the friendship offered through Hope Trust and the Felixstowe Dementia Action Alliance? Felixstowe is also, as befits a maritime town, a welcoming place. According to the census we are one of the most ethnically diverse communities in Suffolk. Look at the business along our High Streets and see how many are run by hard working people who were not born here yet have made Felixstowe their home. Due to the pressures of the economy, seafarers do not have as much shore time as previously but, for the vast majority, a friendly welcome is offered. On Easter Day it was a pleasure to have six Filipino seafarers join us towards the end of

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