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Page 4 & 5 Our New Websites’ Launch Page 6 Felixstowe Museum Page 7 Fairtrade in Felixstowe Page 8 Recipe Page 9 St Elizabeth Hospice Page 10-11 Doreen Savage and Town Crier Updates Page 12 BASIC Life Charity Page 13 Local Law Page 14 Local Theatre Page 15 The Wharf Page 16 Mystery Shopper Page 17 New Defibrillator Page 18 Local Lad: Dean Wales Page 19 Felixstowe Samford Page 20/21 What’s On Listing Page 22 Index of Advertisers
Note from the Editor
Welcome to the March edition of The Felixstowe Magazine
We’ve had such a full on few months, reasons of which will be revealed in the forthcoming pages (specifically page 4 & 5). I think you’re going to really like our news and I hope our two new launches become a fun and useful tool to connect with the community and businesses alike. March is a special month for us, not just because it’s the month of Mother’s Day (another shout out to Mummy Birdy) or because it’s Easter, but mostly because this March marks our second birthday. I’m so proud we’ve made our second year and I’m very grateful to all of our readers, advertisers and contributors as you’re all very much a part of our growth and success. In fact, we celebrate our birthday at the Blue Naan on Saturday March 12th and I’d personally love for you all to join me in a hearty nosh up and some birthday cake. All booking details are on page 20, so please do join me and The Felixstowe Magazine team. I hope I see you then and until next time, have a wonderful month!
Editor Mandeep Birdy 07929 979 073 info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
Publisher: Birdy Publications Ltd, t/a The Felixstowe Magazine - 07929 979 073 - info@thefelixstowemagazine.com - www.thefelixstowemagazine.com Delivered by Tony, Michele, Elaine, Brian, Jill, Dean and David.
The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor or publisher. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: first complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.
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Our New Advertiser’s Website has Launched!!! Screenshot of www.ilovebusiness.co.uk
This is the BEST thing since sliced bread! With our BRAND NEW advertiser’s website, we can now offer incredible online advertising opportunities and fulfil a major part of our ethos - to connect the community with local business! For all of you wonderful readers that want easy access to all our advertisers, past and present, here is your answer.
We created iLoveBusiness to put all our advertisers under one roof so you have easy access to each and every one of them, whether you’re at home or out and about, iLoveBusiness is fully dynamic for easy use on your computer or your phone. What’s most exciting about this is that for those advertisers who chose a Professional Listing, you can now virtually ‘meet’ those businesses before even going to see them. With pictures and videos businesses can now really showcase themselves so you can make the best choice when selecting who to get your service from.
As this is so new, for adverisers, there is a whopping 50% discount up until the end of March. You’re going to want to be part of this so call us now on 07929 979 073 to find out more or hop straight on to www.ilovebusiness.co.uk and sign up for your Professional Listing! We at The Felixstowe Magazine are super proud of this new expansion to our business and we hope you love it just as much as we do!
Food Bank - Community Support Books Into Breakfasts & more...
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Local News
OMG it’s all happening! Now launching our beautiful new community website...
Our New Community Website!
Blimey this month is MASSIVE for us! Not only is our second birthday coming up (see page 20 for your invite to our Birthday Bash!), but we’re also launching TWO websites! We’re really so proud about this. We’re always trying to think of how to improve our magazine, the business and to align what we do to our ethos so you, our readers and advertisers, benefit as much as possible.
Screenshot of www.thefelixstowemagazine.com
Running a mag isn’t easy, but working with local folks such as yourselves makes this business such a buzz!
We think a lot about you, our readers and advertisers, and how it’s much needed to have a good publication to spread great local news and giving a comprehensive What’s On guide. but we’ve always felt we’re missing something special for our online fans. Well, now I feel we have the answer! www.thefelixstowemagazine.com is a thriving hub of activitity with more news extended stories and updates that we might not otherwise be able to fit in the pages of our magazine. All of these stories can be shared, liked and commented on to make the site truly interactive.
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Ella-Mark EU Grocery Store NEW SHOP!
The best selection of European foods in Felixstowe. Fresh meat and dairy produce of best quality. Opening Times Monday - Saturday: 9am -8pm Sunday 10am: - 4pm
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07929 979 073
We also now have a very comprehensive What’s On Calender for you. Anything and everything happening in our town can go on here, so you can of course contact us to submit events to this calender. For all of you businesses, you can also advertise your business on this site. Spaces are limited but for a whole year at a time you can claim a space for less that £10 a month! These ad spaces will point to your listing on ilovebusiness.co.uk (our central hub for all our advertisers) where you can have even more info on your business.
We are so excited about this new addition to The Felixstowe Magazine, so go ahead, log on to www.thefelixstowemagzine.com and enjoy the experience.
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Local Museum One of Felixstowe’s finest treasures...
Felixstowe Museum
The delightful Felixstowe Museum is housed in the Ravelin Block, adjacent to the Port viewing area. It was completed by the Royal Engineers, in 1878, as part of a Submarine Mining Establishment and is the only remaining purpose-built example in the U.K.
The mines were electrically connected, tested and stored in this building, which included a smithy and carpenter’s shop. The Harwich Harbour defensive minefield was laid between Landguard and Dovercourt. In 1979 the Felixstowe History & Museum Society took possession of the Ravelin Block, which had been empty since 1976. The Department of the Environment renovated the fabric of the building, laying on water and electricity. Volunteers cleared the first few rooms inside, enabling the museum to open at Easter in 1982.
Accreditation by the Arts Council in 2013.
In 2003 the museum achieved full registration status, in recognition of attaining national standards in collection care and management. It has subsequently been awarded Full
For details of opening times and what’s on, check the website www.felixstowemuseum.org or e-mail: felmuseum@btopenworld.com
In 1996 the property became the responsibility of English Heritage. However, the museum remained completely independent and self-financing. Now every room is in use although not all are open to the public (e.g. workshop and collection stores). There are fourteen display areas, recording the social and military history of the town. There is also, a tearoom, a shop, a reference library and an archive room.
The museum is managed and staffed entirely by volunteers. It opens to the public between Easter and end-October but work parties continue throughout the winter on myriad tasks; painting, cataloguing, conservation, research, setting up new displays etc. During the season we also have a stall on numerous “away-days” at shows and events. New volunteers are always welcome!
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The Felixstowe Magazine
when responding to adverts
Local News
Local group bringing wildlife to our town…
Tea Grower from Kenya to Visit Felixstowe Jenny Brabazon from the committee of Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum writes about a big announcement made at the Forum’s AGM on 6th November 2015 at the Town Hall. AGMs can, let’s face it, be rather dull affairs but that of Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum last year was anything but. Firstly because we had a speaker from the national Fairtrade Foundation, Rachael Sweet, communities, campaigns manager and secondly because a producer tour was announced for 2016.
The Fairtrade Foundation is the body which audits standards and awards the official fairtrade logo. Rachel’s presence ensured we had representatives from fairtrade towns across Suffolk, including Ipswich, Bury and Sudbury. Rachel’s presentation was really inspiring. She spoke about the Foundation’s current campaign, ‘Show Your Hand, Make Trade Fair’, work with businesses and councils and fairtrade in the workplace. She also announced that a fairtrade grower from Kenya will be touring Suffolk and staying for a few days in Felixstowe during this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight which runs from Monday 29th February to Sunday 13th March 2016. The theme for next year’s Fairtrade Fortnight is breakfast and we are hoping to have fairtrade breakfasts organised in
Trusted by local families since 1925
Photo by the Fairtrade Foundation
workplaces, churches and schools and the town council has already volunteered to have one at the Town Hall. For the AGM business itself, members and visitors were welcomed by the town’s Mayor, Doreen Savage, who said how pleased she was with progress over the last year, particularly in involving the town’s Youth Forum in planning events around Fairtrade Fortnight. The meeting heard from secretary Stephen Wyatt on activities during the year. He said the Forum was pleased that Felixstowe had had its Fairtrade Town status renewed and was grateful to the Town Council for its support and for giving an award to the Forum for ‘outstanding service to the town of Felixstowe.’ The year’s accounts also showed once again that the Forum is on a healthy financial footing thanks to events such as the launch of Fairtrade Fortnight at St John’s Church, regular walks and coffee mornings and Art on the Prom. Membership of the Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum is free and we welcome new members at any time. You can join on line at www.felixstowe-fairtrade.org.uk, by filling in a form from the library or by contacting secretary Stephen Wyatt on 01394 671033.
213 High Street Walton 01394 670100 183 Hamilton Road 01394 583010
Fairtrade helps small scale farmers in the developing world by ensuring that they earn fair and stable incomes and have long term contracts with companies. In addition, they earn a Fairtrade Premium, which they invest as the farmerowned co-operative democratically selects projects that will benefit their business or community.
Your local Foot care Specialist The East of England Co-op has been your local funeral service for 90 years. We are not part of the national Co-operative Funeralcare chain based in Manchester.
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Felixstowe’s Cultural Food Corner Cut-Outs Celebrating Felixstowe’s many cultural delights with what we love best...food!
Easter Egg Biscuits
Nice and simple so you can splurge on your creativity and decorate to your heart’s content! Ingredients
briefly beat again with the electric mixer. Bring together the mixture in the bowl with your hands to form a ball of biscuit dough.
100g unsalted butter, softened 200g golden caster sugar
Add 1tsp cold water to bring the dough together if you need to. Wrap the mixture in cling film and chill in the fridge for thirty minutes.
1 large egg
300g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Line a large baking tray with baking parchment.
1/2 tsp vanilla extract Pinch of salt
Lightly flour a work surface, then roll out the dough to about half a centimetre thick. Use a medium-sized Easter egg shaped-cutter to cut out shapes. (You could use bunny shapes if you like).
1 tsp ground allspice
Icing writing pens in colours of your choice Method
Beat the butter and caster sugar together in a large bowl with an electric mixer until pale and fluffy.
Add the egg and vanilla and beat again to combine.
In a separate bowl combine the flour, baking powder, salt and and ground allspice. Add to the creamed butter and sugar mixture and
Lift the shapes carefully on to the baking tray using a fish slice or palette knife.
Bake for fifteen minutes, or until a light golden colour. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely, then ice with icing writing pens, edible glitter, ice gems, smarties... all in the colours of your choice. Have fun making these and have even more fun eating them!
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Saturday 12th March 2016 £15.50 p/head (£10.95 for children). Eat as much as you like buffett. Live DJ and Birthday Cake!
01394 671 779 or 671 144
bluenaan@hotmail.co.uk 7-9 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, IP11 7AX
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Local Community
Could you volunteer to help this fantastic group of locals?
Felixstowe Friends of St Elizabeth Hospice Since its conception in January 2008, the Felixstowe friends group has raised over £66,000 for St Elizabeth Hospice! This is an incredible amount for a committee of eleven members and the support of numerous volunteers to help at events and functions. Their fund raising activities are going strong with the main fund raising for the hospice coming from three street collections and three quiz nights a year. The Felixstowe Friends of St Elizabeth Hospice have also been one of the Mayor’s charities helping at her functions and collecting many tombola prizes from businesses in the town. The team also held a very successful fashion show at the Orwell Hotel, several coffee mornings, fayres and supporting the hospice at their events have all contributed to the much needed funds. St Elizabeth Hospice improves life for people living with a progressive illness and cares for more than two-thousand people a year across East Suffolk and South Norfolk.
Their work is centred around an individual’s needs, which means specialist support, wherever it is required. The hospice care for people at home, in the community or at the hospice itself. They help people deal with problems such as pain, anxiety and fatigue, as well as offering practical advice and family support. The majority of our patients are cared for at home. We also provide day care, inpatient beds and family support.
St Elizabeth Hospice provides palliative care. Palliative care, which is care given to patients with active, progressive and advanced illness for whom the focus of care is quality of life. The hospice provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms with the aim to treat patients in a holistic way providing physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual support. The hospice also work with other health and social care workers within the community. St Elizabeth Hospice constantly look to improve their services and what they can do for those in need.
Incredibly, the hospice is an independent charity, which provides services completely free of charge. Their services cost £9.1 million a year to run, with almost three quarters of
Ella-Mark EU Grocery Store NEW SHOP!
The best selection of European foods in Felixstowe. Fresh meat and dairy produce of best quality. Opening Times Monday - Saturday: 9am -8pm Sunday 10am: - 4pm
10 Orwell Road, Felixstowe, IP11 7HD - 07707 039265 FB: Polish Home Made Food
to advertise, please call
07929 979 073
that figure coming from the local community so they rely on fundraising, donations and volunteers. This lovely crew of locals, at the Felixstowe Friends of St Elizabeth Hospice, are a very friendly group, and hold meetings usually every five to six weeks. They are always looking for new ways to raise money for the much needed service that the St Elizabeth Hospice provides in our area.
If you would you like to come and meet our group and either join our committee or be available for an hour or two at events and functions we organise, then please contact Lena Moreton, the Secretary on 01394 286901 or email lena-fred@uwclub.net
To advertise with The Felixstowe Magazine contact us on: 07929 979 073 or email: info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
CHICKEN & RIBS Special Offer
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or email info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
Felixstowe Waves Swimming Club
Work is at long last starting on the old surgery site for the long awaited Wetherspoons. I know there have been concerns expressed regarding the future of the trees on the corner of the site. One tree has been removed as it was considered unsafe, but the rest will remain. This was one of the conditions of the planning permission. It will be good to see this very untidy site transformed. Another recent planning application is for the site on the corner of Garrison Lane/High Road West by the traffic lights for 8 dwellings and 4 flats. If this is approved it will get rid of another eyesore about which complaints are made regularly.
Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise for children due to its non-impact nature and low risk of injury. The club provides teaching and coaching for all levels of competitive swimming at Felixstowe Leisure Centre 4 nights a week. Our groups cater for all levels of swimming and training for ages 5 years and upwards. Teachers and coaches are all ASA qualified.
Felixstowe Town Council received a briefing from the PCC in January regarding the plans for future policing in Suffolk. We were very concerned regarding the affect the proposals would have on the Town and I must admit after hearing the presentation I was still concerned. We will be losing the front desk option – only 3 in Suffolk will be available. Drastic reduction in PCSO’s and those that remain will not be involved in parking issues or neighbour disputes. At the moment on street parking restrictions that are violated are the responsibility of the County Council and enforced by the Police with money collected by way of fines going straight to Central Government. This will no longer happen. The Town Council has written a letter setting out its concerns – and these have been aired quite publicly. We are told crime is changing! Fortunately, one of our Councillors is a retired Police Inspector and he has been great in helping with advice. You may have noticed a bright yellow box affixed to the front of the Library. This houses a defibrillator that can be accessed and used by anyone who finds themselves in the situation of needing to assist a person suffering a heart attack. The Town Council has funded this equipment and instructions on how to access it are on the front of the box. This is the first of its kind in Felixstowe as the others at The Palace Cinema, Marks and Spencer and the Co-op are all kept in inside their respective buildings.
Great news regarding the foot ferry between Felixstowe/ Shotley and Harwich. The present operator has purchased a different vessel which can accommodate 58 passengers at a time (12 in the previous vessel) and will be offering up to 34 crossings a day (23 previously). The timings differ by 5 minutes but link perfectly with the bus service. From a point a couple of years ago when it seemed the Ferry operation would cease to the above news is brilliant. In August last year 5621 passengers made the trip on the Ferry. Undoubtedly, the ferry, the café, the Fort and the Museum are now a huge attraction. Spring is on its way!!! Doreen Savage.
Please mention
A free taster session is being held at 7:30pm on Friday 18th March 2016 at Felixstowe Leisure Centre where we are looking to recruit young swimmers aged between 6 – 10 years old. To register, or for further information, please email Sam at membership@felixstowe-waves.com or visit our website at www.felixstowe-waves.com and send us an enquiry.
Colneis Flower Club Our AGM was attended by a record number of members and the business part of the meeting was soon completed. Cups for our Practice Piece Competition were presented to Carole Gorton who won the first prize for the beginner’s class, followed by Carol Miller who came second. Sadly, we didn’t have any entries for the intermediate class and Anne Arbon received the first prize for the Advanced section with Margaret Miller second. Congratulations to everyone who took part. The AGM was followed by our social evening, drinks and a very tasty buffet. There was a lot of fun and laughter and everyone had an enjoyable evening.
Why not join in the fun by coming along to our next meeting on Thursday, 17 March at 7.30pm in the Old Felixstowe Community Centre, Ferry Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9NB when Helen Bird from Colchester will be demonstrating with the theme ‘This is my way’. The Practice Piece is ‘Still Life’.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Membership for the year is £30; Visitors, who are always welcome, £4.00 Margaret Miller
Felixstowe Recorded Music Society We look forward to the advent of spring and lighter evenings with no fewer than three meetings in March. We begin with Philip Jordan taking us on ‘Another Musical Journey’ on Wednesday March 2nd - Philip’s previous presentations have delighted us with wonderful miscellanies of music and interesting anecdotes. Then on March 16th Ivan Ross will be discoursing on ‘Musical Schizophrenia’ – perhaps an indication that his musical tastes are very wide-ranging? Finally, Heather Farthing invites us to ‘Spring Forward’ on March 30th – Heather’s presentations are always original and entertaining. Our meetings are held at 7.30pm in
The Felixstowe Magazine
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11 the United Reformed Church Hall, Tomline Road and we warmly welcome you to join us (visitors £2.50 including refreshments). Further information from Mike Fowle on 01394 275098 or email mike@thorndyke.fsbusiness.co.uk. Copies of our programme and Newsletter are also available from Stillwater Books in Hamilton Road.
Lioness Club of Felixstowe This month, Felixstowe Lionesses would like to take the opportunity to thank a local lady, Mrs. Jo Danzigger, for the ongoing support she has given us. This wonderful lady knits teddy bears which are then sent on to children in Africa. Just before Christmas Lioness Lynn was given another sixteen – shown displayed in front of her Christmas tree – bringing the total sent to over fifty. We really are very, very grateful to her.
January’s social event saw several members at the Wolsey Theatre for the Rock Panto, which they all thoroughly enjoyed. In February most of us attended the Lionesses Annual Conference weekend in Letchworth.
On the fundraising front, we are looking forward to the Chocolate Bingo Evening on Friday March 4th and a Quiz Night with Paul Voller on Friday April 29th. There will also be the rescheduled Clairvoyant Evening to look forward to soon. For details of events and information about Lionesses, please email Val: vijinks880@hotmail.com
Orwell Decorative & Fine Arts Society
Our next meeting is on Wed. March 2nd where Ian Swankie will talk on 'Pots and Frocks - the World of Grayson Perry. Ian lectures on various subjects as well as being a guide at Tate Modern and Tate Britain. At our last meeting on Feb. 3rd we heard a talk from Shirley Smith about the beautiful medieval illustrated manuscript 'Les Trés Riches Heures'. This prayer book was commissioned by the royal Duc du Berry and illustrated by Flemish artists. A wonderful talk. So why not join us as a member. We meet at Tower Hall, Broadlands Way, Rushmere St Andrew on the first Wednesday of most months. Lectures last about an hour, are wonderfully illustrated and are presented by national and international lecturers. Guests and non-members are welcome, provided we have available space. A £5 donation is requested. For more info call Jean Bradberry on 01473-710921 or email odfasmemsec@btinternet. com. Visit our website at http://www.orwelldfas.org.uk/ for
to advertise, please call
latest events and news. ODFAS is a member society of the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies. Registered charity No. 1104724
News From FADOS After a very productive meeting our next production has been decided upon and cast. We go into rehearsal on Feb 22nd with ‘Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime’ by Constance Cox. This is an adaptation of a short story by Oscar Wilde, packed with fascinating characters, a bizarre story line and highly amusing dialogue. We will be performing on June 16th 17th and 18th at FADOS House at 7.30p.m. Tickets will be £8.00 and available from the end of April at Webbs in Orwell Road, or bookable on 01394 671 306. Prior to this we propose to branch out on a different kind of social event on March 19th. This will also take place at FADOS House at 7.30 p.m.
This will be a CASINO Night. There will be a selection of games to play, the cost of the ticket will include refreshments, a glass of wine and a bagful of ‘chips’ (not the fried variety). Everyone will start with the same number of chips and the winner at the end of the evening will receive a prize. The tickets are priced at £10, and we would be delighted if people would dress up. The number of tickets available will be limited to 20 players, apart from the croupiers and caterers! If you want to book a ticket ring Su on 01394 671 306 We look forward to seeing you soon
Gainsborough Club After our Christmas break we began 2016 with a talk on Pocahontas by Dr J Massey. It is always interesting to hear about the fascinating characters in our country's history, particularly as this one has strong associations with East Anglia. Next month we have our AGM on Tuesday 1st of March at 7.30 p.m. and we will have a talk from the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service. We always welcome new members, and we meet at the St Felix Hall in Gainsborough Road. 01394 448 604
01394 215326 or 07802 904260
07929 979 073 or email info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
Local Charity & Their News
BASIC Life Charity
From the initial idea in 1997, through our acceptance as a registered Charitable Trust in 2000, Felixstowe-based BASIC, an independent Charitable Trust, has been able to assist many groups, organisations and individuals with financial, practical and general support. We are a ‘people’ charity and believe our mission is to support those in need and to provide assistance for those who are otherwise prevented from realising their own charitable goals. When BASIC started one of our dreams was that people would feel so inspired by our work that they would do all the things you hear about – like running in the London Marathon for us.
It’s on the front row at Brackenbury and costs just £15 a day to rent. We already have bookings for this year but if you fancy a break please contact our Walton shop on 279400.
Dave has been training hard in preparation for the big day. The Virgin London Marathon is on 24th April and of course we’d welcome your support.
We hope this spring will offer the opportunity for new beginnings, a time of growth and also appreciation for the lovely community we’re part of.
Well, this year it’s come true as the intrepid Dave Ainsley is about to do just that for us!
Donations can be made via either of our shops or online via Dave’s Virgin Money Giving page. Links to this are below, on our website and our Facebook page. Special thanks to Darren Walne and Searon Logistics for sponsoring Dave’s running vest!
Later this month we’ll be celebrating Easter and of course it’s a very special time for the local Christian community with services taking place throughout the town.
As usual Churches Together in Felixstowe will be holding their annual services in the Triangle. For those who don’t go to church it’s a great opportunity to go – without going! Over the last few months the East of England Co-Op have been including BASIC in their green token scheme. We’ve been delighted to see our box in the lead for most of the time and we’ve heard that we won the first prize of £500!
This money will be put to good use in our community and we’d like to thank every person who put their tokens in our box! Darren Wash and the local Solar team have supported us with our food bank from day one and we’d also like to extend our thanks to the whole team for their continued support.
As the sun begins to break through and we start thinking about more breaks why not consider the BASIC beach hut for a quiet time by the sea?
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Finally a big thank you to everybody who continues to support us.
Link to Dave Ainsley Virgin Page:- http://m.virginmoneygiving.com/mt/ uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserPage.acti on?userUrl=DaveAinsley&faId=670404&isTeam=false
Walton shop: 312 High Street, Walton 01394 279400
Felixstowe shop: 17 Hamilton Road, Flx 01394 272618 www.basic.org.uk
Would you like to advertise your business? Just drop us a line at info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
Felixstowe Mortgage Centre Ltd We work for YOU! We offer mortgages on an unlimited basis. We offer advice on: • • • • • • • • •
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For a free, no obligation consultation at a time and place convenient to you, call Sharon on...
01394 270200 sharon@nm-mc.co.uk
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Local Law
13 More news from Jackamans’ budding Solicitor...
A Day in the Life of a Trainee Solicitor I have now settled back in at the Felixstowe office and I am really enjoying working with the private client team again. For the most part it doesn’t feel like I’ve been away in other departments for a whole year, but I am certainly very grateful for the conveyancing and commercial experience I gained during that time when a broader perspective is needed on any particular matter.
The past weeks have been busy as always, with the submission of the last of the trust and estate tax returns by HMRC’s deadline and lots of clients wanting to get other matters wrapped up before the end of the tax year. The team was also invited to present at another local Women’s Institute meeting last month and we were flattered to see so many village residents join us. It was a lovely opportunity for a frank, but hopefully not too daunting, chat about lasting powers of attorney, advance decisions and the Care Act 2014. Many people hadn’t yet considered the effect of these arrangements, or the lack of them, on their lives.
I have also been kept busy on the training front as I complete my Professional Skills Course. It’s probably no surprise that I have chosen to attend private client focused courses as the elective part of my studies - the will drafting session I attended last month proved to be a useful update, and my final course in April on estate administration looks to be the same. I’ll then be keeping my fingers crossed until I receive the confirmation I need before I apply to be admitted to the roll of solicitors in August. Not long now! This article provides only a general summary and is not intended to be comprehensive.
Special legal advice should be taken in any individual situation. For further information do contact our conveyancing department on 01394 279636
Powers of Attorney, Wills, Trusts & Probate personal attention guaranteed
Ipswich 01473 255591 Diss 01379 643555
Felixstowe 01394 279636 Harleston 01379 854455 www.jackamans.co.uk
to advertise, please call
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or email info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
Local Theatre More events from our very own theatre, The Spa Pavilion...
A Busy Line-Up for March at the Spa Pavilion March promises to be the busiest month yet for the re-opened Spa Pavilion Theatre. Beginning the month with passion and romance, celebrating the greatest movie of all time – A night of dirty dancing on Wednesday 2nd March at 7.30pm is sure to pull in another packed house. The show features a hugely talented cast many with West End theatre backgrounds. Recast and re-scripted for 2016, you can enjoy the romantic memories and music including: She’s Like the Wind, Big Girls Don’t Cry, Hey Baby, Wipeout, Do You Love Me, Be My Baby, Hungry Eyes and, of course, the Oscar-winning (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life. Tickets from £18.50. On Saturday 5th March at 7.30pm join The Counterfeit Stones as they bring their touring show, 25x5, to The Spa. Billed as the most famous Stones band in the UK by none other than Mick Jagger, The Counterfeit Stones are more than a tribute to the Rolling Stones, they're a complete re-enactment. Their repertoire, instruments and clothes faithfully match those of the originals. Tickets from £16.
Also in March there’s a chance to see The Manfreds - Hits, Jazz & Blues on Thursday 17th March at 7.30pm Tickets
from £18 and finally don’t miss the Sixties Seaside Special Triple Bill – featuring Dave Berry, Chris Farlowe & Vanity Fare! Three acts for the price of one on Monday 28th March at 7.30pm tickets from £18. Ray Anderson, Director for NRG Theatres said “We asked for feedback from the local people when we first opened and we hope we are putting on the kind of shows they have asked us for. So far our line-up has gone down well and this month we’ve worked hard to find something for everyone to enjoy.” The fully licensed Spa Café with its stunning views across the sea is now also open every day from 10am to 4pm and also two hours before each show offering morning coffee, lunches and afternoon tea with home-made cakes. For details of all the shows in March and indeed throughout the year go to www.felixstowespa.co.uk or call their box office on 01394 284962.
SPA PAVILION Café Now Open Every Day! 9am-5pm & 2 hours before each show Just some of our great shows:
A NIGHT OF DIRTY DANCING | 2 MAR A fabulous show bringing the full magic of Dirty Dancing to life.
The Counterfeit Stones bring their touring show, 25x5, to The Spa. Billed as the most famous Stones band in the UK by none other than Mick Jagger, this is a complete Rolling Stones re-enactment.
A spectacular Easter Pantomime for all the family in association with KD Theatre Productions 6th Apr 7pm, 7th Apr
Pop legends Gerry & The Pacemakers back by popular demand
The Felixstowe Magazine
BOX OFFICE TUES-SAT 11am-4pm CAFÉ 9am-5pm Every Day for Breakfast, Lunch & Afternoon Tea
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Local Business
Like a pheonix rising from the ashes, here’s the new owner of The Wharf telling us more since taking the business on...
News from The Wharf
It has now been almost five months since we opened in our new home and the response to the return of The Wharf could not have been better. It has been fantastic to see all our loyal supporters return - we have missed you as much as you’ve missed us. New customers have found their way to us and it looks like we may be adding new faces to our regulars which is an amazing feeling. It’s also lovely to come back to work to the infamous smell of incense as you walk through the door. We’re sure if we could bottle and sell it, we’d make a fortune! Now on two floors, our clothing, bags, body jewellery, homeware and additional gift ranges all sit upstairs above our candles, incense, hot packs, seasonal gift ranges, gemstones and our ever evolving card availability which all makes for twice the fun and twice the exploring.
In addition to our own offerings we have become an additional outlet for Felixstowe and Walton Football Club to sell merchandise to their fans. It is great to support the local team and to help kit out their fans in the colours to wear, wave and display to all. So all loyal fans in need of replacement shirts, hats or banners pop upstairs to get your merchandise. We are looking forward to bringing back the much loved product ranges such as throws, mirrors, dragons, buddhas,
fairies, books and more now that we have settled in properly after the Christmas festivities. As we re-connect with our suppliers all the treats and trinkets will appear ready for you to decorate your homes and give out presents that are unlikely to be found anywhere else.
The spring and summer ranges will bring a great variety of curiosities, gifts and clothing and the much loved ranges will soon be returning We hope to do you and ourselves proud. Best wishes from all at The Wharf.
Opening times: Mon—Sat: 9—5.30 Sun: 10—4
The Wharf is a locally owned small gift shop with treasures for all to enjoy. Our large incense range has scents for all preferences with sweet, subtle and bold fragrances depending on your favourites. The gift ranges extend through both floors giving you a little corner of treats for all needs and our clothes ranges will keep you decked out in fabulous colours and in unusual designs. Please pop in to see us it will be wonderful to see you. Tel: 01394 780035 Email: sales@thewharfonline.co.uk
To advertise, please call
Unit 12, Great Eastern Square, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 7DY.
07929 979 073
or email info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
Mystery Shopper Reviewing the latest and greatest of Felixstowe, here’s our Mystery Shopper to bring you her take on the best of our town...
Pampering at The Salon
Jennifer Louise has made quite an impression in our town and to be frank, I wasn’t sure what the fuss was about... until I visited The Salon with a friend. I’m absolutely one for have a lovely pamper and was chuffed to bits when I recieved a voucher to The Salon for my birthday.
Jennifer herself did my treatments - a massage, a Spa pedicure and I also got my hair cut (why not indulge myself!) The massage was heaven! The room was lovely and warm, which is a big deal for me as I feel the cold easily. The scents of the oils weren’t too overly perfumed and I felt right at home. Half an hour later the Spa pedicure began. If the massage was heaven, this was paradise! My friend came to join me and we were both offered a glass of Prosecco, which was a lovely touch to our day. We were also give a generous slice of gorgeous homemade cake! We were made to feel comfortable - nothing was too much trouble and we had a good giggle while having the treatments.
The Spa pedicure was a full hour long and my feet felt glowing and elegant. I was led to the hairdressing section at the back of The Salon which is brightly lit and vibrant. My favourite part about haircuts is always the shampoo bit and having my head massaged. I wasn’t disappointed!
Clear-View Removals
Zoe was the lovely lady that cut my hair - she was great becasue I didn’t feel intimidated at all with her. Usually I do and I end up not feeling I can mention if I’m not quite happy with something, or if I have a suggestion to make. However, with Zoe, I could say anything and she was only too happy to accommodate my needs. All in all, we had a GREAT time. I definitely know what I want for my birthday next year! Hint, hint!! The Salon by Jennifer Louise 163 Hamilton Road Felixstowe 01394 276662
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Local News
This is actually brilliant! Our town now has a new defibrillator for the Felixstowe public, accessible from outside the library...
Defibrillator for the Felixstowe Public
Felixstowe Town Mayor, Doreen Savage with Jonathan Needle (East of England Ambulance Service) and Felixstowe Library Manager, Steph Merrett.
LifePak CR Plus Defibrillator ready for action.
Conveniently located outside the Felixstowe Library.
A community, public access defibrillator has now been installed outside Felixstowe Library, Crescent Road. The device, which can deliver a brief electric jolt to establish a normal heart rhythm, is kept within a secure high-visibility cabinet, and was funded by Felixstowe Town Council. Suffolk Libraries gave the go-ahead for the unit to be installed outside the library so that it can be accessed at all times in case of an emergency. Details of the device and its location have been registered with the East of England Ambulance Service. In an emergency, callers can be given the access code and directed to the library. Staff from the library and the Town Council, along with local Councillors, will also be shown a training video and given the access code needed to remove the defibrillator from the cabinet in case.
prompts and instructions. The Town Council is pleased that it has been able to fund this community access defibrillator which, whilst we hope it is never needed, could save lives. Our thanks go to the library for their permission to host the unit in this central location.” Any individuals or organisations who would like further information, please contact Felixstowe Town Hall.
The production of this publication is made entirely possible by the support of our advertisers.
The Town Mayor, Cllr Doreen Savage, officially launched the facility on Thursday 4th February and said: “As the defibrillator is fully automatic and will not deliver a shock unless required, it can be easily operated by following the voice
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or email info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
Local Lad Random ramblings by the lovely Dean Wales...
Hotel Habits
Do you think hotels, or to be more accurate, do you think the people that stay in hotels are odd? Or is it just a hotel becomes a window to one’s usually clandestine domicile habits? If we were to be brutally honest, we’re all guilty of the odd unsavoury practice which might slip out in the public realms of a Travel Lodge breakfast bar over a buttered slice of Nimble toast and a limp croissant.
But this really only occurred to me a few weekends ago during a short break in Birmingham with my better half...oh and on the subject of the Black Country will someone please tell me what Bostin Fittle means! I’m praying it isn’t rude. Now I’m used to kipping over in hotels, and with my day job I’m fortunate enough to stay in some quite plush gigs from time to time. However, it wasn’t until I padded along the corduroy carpet clad corridor of the Holiday Inn Express - our lodgings of choice for the weekend - and spied a rather short, dungaree-clad gentleman checking in whilst clutching a bottle of bleach and a packet of Birds Dream Topping that I started thinking. I understand some folk take a city break for a wild time, but really? What was he planning on doing? Okay not every odd incident is quite as extreme.
For instance, there’s always a chap that arrives for breakfast
unshaven and believing it’s decent to wear his PJ bottoms, sandals and home-knitted Beyonce cardie with a jammed zip.
Or indeed the bod who fails to understand how rustling up a Cumberland sausage and Special K sandwich at breakfast is going to turn a few stomachs. Have you ever tried that by the way? It’s divine….er ehm…so I’m told. And then there are those who arrive for the glorious first meal of the day pretending that the exquisite fare laid out by the highly rated chef, (in the finer establishments of course) is a culinary spread they enjoy at home on a daily basis. The lady of the house loudly announces: “Oi Derek, look at this, they’ve got Rye Porridge with a blackberry compote, that’s your favourite isn’t it?” Only to add: “Derek... DEREK! Look at this, Eggs Benedict…that Cumberbatch bloke must’ve had those when he stayed and they’ve named them after ‘im.”
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Local News
We’ve actually tried bowls and it’s harder than you think! Here’s a bit about our local bowls club...
Felixstowe and Walton Bowls Club Win Samford Cup Felixstowe and Walton Bowls Club beat Ipswich and District BC in a thrilling final at Kesgrave BC which was so close that extra ends had to be played. The Samford Cup is a Knock Out competition organised by Ipswich and District Federation Bowls League with twenty-four teams entering this year. The Bowls Club has a long history and is situated in High Road West, It was built in 1913 behind Felixstowe’s Conservative Club, and shortly after incorporated a tennis court and a four rink bowling green. After World War II the tennis court was replaced with a larger car park and the addition of two more rinks to the bowls green.
During the next twenty years the bowls club membership varied between thirty-five and fifty members who played only friendly games. The club began to enter teams in local leagues in 1970 after which membership increased considerably, to around one hundred members, so that in 1997 partial funding was obtained from a lottery grant and the current brick clubhouse was constructed. The name was changed to the Felixstowe and Walton Bowls Club.
The clubhouse is equipped with some seventy lockers, refreshment facilities etc. Members can also make full use of the parent Conservative Club, which has a bar, snooker, darts and many other social activities. Six rinks are available seven days per week during the season (April to October) with friendly “roll ups” each
afternoon. Seven teams play in both the Ipswich & District Bowls League. Club competitions and social events are held throughout the year. Qualified coaches are available to provide tuition.
We have fifteen volunteers and eighty-seven members New members are always welcome and can apply at any time. Anyone interested in joining is invited to contact the Secretary on 01394 270205.
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What’s On Listings
You Can Now View Our FULL List of Events
We try and ensure the listings are correct BUT please check with the or
Friday 4th March
Chocolate Bingo Evening on: ‘Eyes Down’ @7pm With the Lioness Club of Felixstowe. At the Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Hamilton Road. £10 adults, £5 under 12 years; includes book of Bingo tickets and supper. Soft drinks available on the night, or bring your own (soft drinks only) Contact 284797 or 277328
Tuesday 8th March
Celebrate Our 2nd Birthday Bash with us! Saturday 12th March @ 7pm til late Hosted by Blue Naan, come and celebrate our second year with us! £15.50 (£10.95 for children). Eat as much as you like buffet, with cake, DJ and a boogie later. Book in advance to avoid disappointment. We welcome all our advertisers, supporters, friends, family and fans!
To Book Call 671779 or 671144. please mention The Felixstowe
Felixstowe Area Social Club for Retired Persons @ 2pm with 2.15pm start At the Old Felixstowe Community Centre, Ferry Road, IP11 9NB. Mary Moore will be giving a talk entitled “Forty Years at the Forge”. New members are always welcome. £1 to members, £2 to non-members. Call Matthew Robertson on 282202 for more info.
Wednesday 9th March
Felixstowe Family History Society @ 7.30pm. (in conjuction with Felixstowe History & Museum Society). ‘What Grandmother Didn’t Want Me to Know’ with Stephen Manning at Broadway House, Orwell Road, Felixstowe IP11 7DD. Free for members and £1 for nonmembers. With refreshments.
Friday 11th March
Felixstowe Walkers at Christchurch Park A walk around one of Ipswich’s parks. Meet at 11am outside Christchurch Mansion. Distance 2 miles, Grade 2 *The Felixstowe Walkers are part of The Felixstowe
Society and regular walkers will be expected to become members of the society. £7 p/year, or £10 for two adults at the same address. For details send a SAE to Betty Woollan, Membership Secretary, The Pines, Manor Road, Trimley St Mary, IP11 0TU. felixstowewalkers@hotmail.co.uk.
Suffolk Libraries Presents: Vikings from the British Museum @ 6.30pm, film starts 7pm At the Felixstowe Library. Film of an expertly guided tour of the major exhibition. £7.50, advance bookings only. 694880.
Sunday 13th March
Guide Dog Easter Craft Fair @ 10am - 4pm At the Brackenbury Sports Centre, High Road East. Easter Egg hunt for children, activities, refreshments and plenty of craft stalls.Tombola and raffle. Entry by donation. Model Railway Exhibition. @ 10am - 4.30pm At the Memorial Hall, Trimley St Martin, IP11 0RJ. Entry £3 Children £1. Various Layouts, Digital demos and trade stands. Refreshments. Free parking and disabled access. Proceeds go towards the Trimley Station Trust.
Thursday 17th March
St Patricks Day Lunch @ 12.30 for 1pm Felixtowe Ladies Lunch Club Meet
at The Alex. New Members always welcome. Please confirm with Jan Garfield 01394 210887 or Nicky Yeo 01473 617 665.
Saturday 19th March
The Dorian Singers’ Spring Concert Haydn’s The Seasons @7.30pm At St. Andrew’s Church, Felixstowe, IP11 7EB. Piano - Marina Korneva, conductor - Alan Loader. £10 (incl. refreshments) available from The Card Centre on Hamilton Road, from choir members or on the door. Profits to East Anglian Air Ambulance.
Sunday 20th March
Third Felixstowe Sport Relief Mile @ 2pm Run, jog, sprint or even walk 1 mile, 3 miles or even 6 miles for charity at Grange Community Primary School, Grange Road, Felixstowe. Organised by Felixstowe & District Council for Sport & Recreation. Apply at www.sportrelief. com or on the afternoon.
Tuesday 22nd March
Felixstowe Art Group @7.30pm Broadway House, Orwell Road, Felixstowe. Illustrated talk and surprises by Joan Moore ‘A Caribbean evening’. Members free, guests £2. 276975 www.felixstoweartgroup.org
Thursday 24th March
Felixstowe Walkers at Felixstowe Ferry A walk along the Deben Estuary, meet at 10.30am outside St Nicholas Church. Distance 2 ½ miles. Grade 2 *The Felixstowe Walkers are part of The Felixstowe Society and regular walkers will be expected to become members of the society. £7 p/year, or £10 for two adults at the same address. For details send a SAE to Betty Woollan, Membership Secretary, The Pines, Manor Road, Trimley St Mary, IP11 0TU. felixstowewalkers@hotmail.co.uk.
Good Friday 25th March
Open Air Church Service @ 10.45am to 12noon At the canopy at the triangle, Hamilton Road. ‘Setting the scene’ till 11.15am then United service with sung worship, readings, drama and prayers. FREE. Contact Dee Balshaw 672580.
Saturday 26th March
Felixstowe Allotment Society Open Day @ 10am till 4pm On both Cowpasture and Ferry Road allotments. Do come along and see if you would like to enjoy the benefits of nearly free vegetables. Contact secretary@fsalg.org.uk or 286649.
Easter Sunday 27th March
Easter Sunrise Service @ 6.30am (remember the clocks go forward the night before!) - 7am On the beach, opposite the Town Hall Sung worship , prayers and readings by members of local churches. FREE. Call - Dee Balshaw 672580.
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s at www.thefelixstowemagazine.com!
rganisers of activities when attending for the first time.
Saturday 2nd April
Felixstowe Allotment Society Open Day @ 10am till 4pm On both Cowpasture and Ferry Road allotments. Do come along and see if you would like to enjoy the benefits of nearly free vegetables.Contact secretary@fsalg.org.uk or 286649.
21st - 23rd April
‘The Telescope’ by R C Sherriff @ 7.30pm. Performed by theTrinity Players at Trinity Methodist Church, Hamilton Road.Set in London’s East End in the 1950’s. £8. Contact Anne and Ian on 285305. Profits to Tall Ships Youth Trust.
Friday 6th May
Level 2’s Dinner Dance At the Brook Hotel. £20. Brilliant live band ‘Solid Gold’. This is a LEVEL TWO FUNDRAISING EVENT. Contact Wendy at Level 2 if you are interested on 272521. Don’t take too long as last year it was a sell-out! Thank you.
Smart 4 Art After School Club FOR CHILDREN @ 3.30-5pm Fun and creative classes for children £10 p/hour. Materials included. Booking essential. Call 07929 979073.www.smart4art.co.uk. See advert on p.18.
Smart 4 Art for ADULTS @ 7 - 9pm Fun, creative and relaxing art workshops for adults. Have the freedom to create to yor hearts content! £10 p/hour. Materials included. Booking essential. Call 07929 979073. www. smart4art.co.uk See advert on p.8. Workshop of the World: A Social History of 19th Century Britain @ 2-3.30pm Tutor: Simon Doney. 10 weekly lectures starting 11 January 2016 in Felixstowe Library. £50. Just come along to the library for the first lecture. Fee is payable in full at the second lecture. Further information from Wendy Webb (670040) or Mary Halliwell (e-mail: mary.halliwell31@btinternet.com)
Bridge Club @ 6.45pm - 10pm Rubber Bridge Partners. We are all moderately good and enjoy ourselves. Friendly atmosphere at Broadway House, Orwell Road , Felixstowe. Phone Ron on 277085 for further details. A V A GO Art Group @ 1.30 - 4.30pm St Edmunds Hall, Langer Road. For pros and amateurs come and have fun. Refreshments incl. £2 p/session. Call 275690. Felixstowe Old Peoples Welfare Association Mon - Fri @10am - 4pm
At Senior Citizens Centre at Broadway House,Orwell Road. Pop in for a cuppa, coffee. Meet old and, new friends, read a paper. 278061. Felixstowe Indoor Bowls Club Monday - Friday @7am - 10pm Felixstowe Leisure Centre. 694600.
Smart 4 Art After School Club FOR CHILDREN @ 3.30-5pm Fun and creative classes for children £10 p/hour. All materials included. Booking essential. Call on 07929 979 073. www.smart4artc.o.uk. See advert on page 18. Smart 4 Art for ADULTS @ 7-9pm Fun, creative and relaxing art workshops for adults. Have the freedom to create to yor hearts content! £10 p/hour. All materials included. Booking essential. Call on 07929 979 073. www.smart4art.co.uk See advert on page 18.
Baby & Toddler Group (term time only) @ 10 - 11.45am At the United Reformed Church (corner Tomline/Orwell Road). A relaxed group for Mothers/Parents/Carers with Babies & Toddlers. All welcome. £1 per family (Inc tea/coffee/squash & biscuits) Dance Lessons St. Edmund’s Hall, Langer Road Children’s and adult beginners and intermediate. 07757 217456. Felixstowe Opportunity Group @ 9.30am - 12pm For additional needs children aged from birth and for their siblings. Parents/carers can enjoy respite in the parents’ room for part of the session. £1.50. Maidstone Campus of the Academy. 286399 or visit https://www.facebook.com/ FelixstoweOpportunityGroupFog.
Felixstowe Art Group @7.30pm Broadway House, Orwell Road, Felixstowe. Talk with slides by Chris Cushing ‘Artists Models’ Members free, guests £2 276975. www.felixstoweartgroup.org
Felixstowe and District Horticultural Society (the second Tuesday of every month) Old Felixstowe Community Centre. £2 for guests. Diane Elmes 284647.
Story time @ 1.30 - 2pm At Felixstowe Library - stories for young children. Free. 694880 Street Dance @ 6.30-7.30pm
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Brackenbury Sports Centre. Develop choreography skills, hiphop moves and freestyle. For 9 - 16 year old. £35 p/term (10 week course) or £4 pay as you go. 07549130959 or visit www. justjaydance.co.uk.
Speakers of Felixstowe (The second Thursday of the month) @ 7.30pm At the Landguard Room at the Marlborough Hotel. Just follow the signs. A warm welcome awaits. Felixstowe FREE Fit Club
Every Thursday unless stated on our website.
@ 7.30pm (arrive 15 minutes before) British Legion Hut, Mill Lane. Workout smarter - Not harder! FREE group fitness activities and basic nutritional advice. Bring family and friends. NOT a bootcamp. www. felixstowefitclub.co.uk www.facebook.com/felixtowefitclub Or call/text Jamma on 07850214463
Walking Football @ 6.30 - 7.30pm Brackenbury Sports Centre. Outdoor 5-a-side aimed at the over 50’s. £3. 270278. Felixstowe Twins Club @ 10am - 12.00noon Grounds of Felixstowe Academy (old site), Maidstone Rd, IP11 9EF www.felixstowetwinsclub.co.uk.
Felixstowe Opportunity Group @ 1pm - 3pm A group for children aged from birth who have additional needs and also for their siblings. Parents/carers can enjoy respite in the parents room for part of the session. Session fees are £1.50. Maidstone Campus of the Academy. 286399. www.facebook.com/ FelixstoweOpportunityGroupFog.
The Felixstowe Area “N” Gauge Model Railway Group @ 7.30pm At Great St. Farm, High Road, Trimley St. Mary. 277211 www.felixstowengauge.org.uk. Photographic Society @ 7.30pm Broadway House, Orwell Road. All welcome. FREE.
Kirton and Falkenham Parent and Toddler Group @ 1 - 3pm Kirton Church Hall. £1.50 per family. 07742 227877.
Baby & Toddler Group (term time only) @ 10 - 11.45am At the United Reformed Church (corner Tomline/Orwell Road). A relaxed group for Mothers/Parents/Carers with Babies & Toddlers. All welcome. £1 per family (Inc tea/coffee/squash & biscuits)
Felixstowe Country Market @ 9.30 - 11am Trades and Labour Club, High Road West. Home made preserves, eggs, garden produce and crafts. 272003. www.country-markets.co.uk.
Songs and Rhymes for Babies and Tots @ 9.30 -10am and 11.30am - 12noon At Felixstowe Library. Free but ticketed. 694880
Stories in the Middle @ 10.15 - 10.45am At Felixstowe Library. Story time with song and craft for pre-school children. Free. 694880 Felixstowe Country Market @ 9.30 - 11.15am At Felixstowe Library. Preserves, eggs, garden produce, home made cakes and crafts. 272003. www.country-markets.co.uk
Lions Club of Felixstowe, Car Boot Sales (from April) @ 8am - 1pm At the Sunday Market Site, Sea Road, Felixstowe all year till the end of October. Pitches £6 (up to 3 tables). Entry to the public is free and Registered Charity Pitches are also free (ID must be displayed) 273514.
Felixstowe Old Peoples Welfare Association @ 9.30 am to 12.30pm At Senior Citizens Centre at Broadway House, Orwell Road. Pop in for a cuppa or coffee. Meet old and new friends, read a paper. Call 278061.
Market (by the Old Felixstowe Community Association) @ 10am - 12noon Every second Saturday of the month (except June for Summer Fair). Raffle, cake, plants, cards, wool, jewellery, books, craft and bric a brac. Felixstowe Community Centre, Ferry Road. FREE. Felixstowe Indoor Bowls Club @ 8am - 8pm (Sat & Sun) Felixstowe Leisure Centre. 694600.
Jazz East at The Fludyers @ 7.30 - 10.30pm Fludyers, Undercliff Road East. FREE. Dance Classes @10am to 11am for 4-7 year olds @11am-12pm for 8-12 year olds Brackenbury Sports Centre 4 - 7 year olds) Ballet and modern dance. Learn and develop technique, creativity. (8 -12 year olds) modern and street dance class, £5. 270278.
Enter your listing with The Felixstowe Magazine by contact us at: info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
or email info@thefelixstowemagazine.com
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Foot Care
Party Shop
Ooh! Sore Feet?....................................23
Smart4Art.................................cover & 18 B.M. Electric Bikes.................................17
Foot Station.............................................5
James Catchpole.....................................7
Blinds & Curtains
Funeral Services
Turners of Felixstowe............................17
Gordon Rodwell.....................................19
Arthur’s Building....................................11
KW Autos................................................6
Abacus Blinds.........................................5
Co-op Funeral Services...........................7
Garage Services
P.J. Harper...............................................3 RJ Bullock Ltd.......................................23 K&A Building Ltd...................................23 Cafe
Pie ‘n’ Mash Shop....................................8 Carpenter & Joiner
Turners Carpentry & Joinery..................23 Charity
BASIC Life Charity..................................4 Cleaning
Maid 2 Clean........................................16
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P.A.H. Electrical......................................4 S.M Electrical.......................................23 Fencing
IP11 Metal & Wooden Fencing.........cover Flat Pack Assembly
Clear-View Removals............................16
Trinity Tyres............................................12 Gardening
Mick Stephens.......................................23 Gifts
The Wharf..............................................15 Glazing
Felixstowe Glass Co..............................23 Groceries
Flying Lady Wedding and Party Shop.16 Felixstowe Plastering.......................23 Plumbing & Heating
CME Property Services Ltd...............6
Turners Plumbing & Heating............23 Removals
Clear-View Removals.......................16 Restaurant
Hachette Bistro..................................2
Favorite Chicken................................9 Pie ‘n’ Mash Shop..............................8
Blue Naan.............................cover & 8 Security Systems
Sparks Security Systems Ltd...........16
Ella-Mark EU Grocery Store....................9
Skip Hire
P.J. Harper...............................................3
CME Property Services Ltd.....................6
Mick Stephens.......................................23
Blue Naan.............................cover & 8
Cooks Waste Kare Ltd.....................23
Kitchens & Bathrooms
Favorite Chicken................................9
Mortgage Advice
Felixstowe Mortgage Centre Ltd............12 Painting & Decorating
Russell Taylor.........................................23 Pet Services
Dandy Dogs.............................................5
Spa Pavillion....................................14 Tuition
English & Maths Tuition......................5 Windows
Mr Misty.............................................3
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