Contact February 2018

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February 2018

n i g n i Scout

d a e h n e k r i B

LET'S TALK ABOUT IT! Birkenhead District Youth Forum Friday 23rd February 2018 7.30pm to 9pm Calling all Birkenhead Scouts, Explorers and Network members, come along and have your say! Contribute towards YouShape month here in Birkenhead! Birkenhead District Headquarters 15 Balls Road Birkenhead For more details call Rory Coleman - District Youth Commissioner on 07479883939 or email

Š Copyright 2012 The Scout Association Registered Charity number 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland)


2 District Youth Forum

Have your say!


The DC

News from our District Commissioner

4 Archery Sign up for sessions with

your group...

5 Remembering John Bethell memorial 6 Birdwatch... Beavers keep an eye out! 6

Training News

7 Adult Skills Weekend 8

Time to Shine


Auction of Time & Talent

Hello and thank you for reading the

February edition of

Contact. It seems a bit late to wish everyone a Happy New Year, but as this is the first issue of 2018 I send the best wishes of all of our District team to you and look forward to another great year of Scouting in Birkenhead. Christmas Post seems like an age ago but another successful year of selling, posting, sorting and delivering has no doubt raised a huge amount not only for charities but for Scout groups across the Wirral. We look forward to hearing the final totals in the coming weeks.

Young Leader training

25th Birkenhead fundraising event


Bear’s Grill

This issue brings you exciting news of a District Adult Skills training weekend to be run in June. This along with dates from our County training team for Getting Started, Nights Away and other modules. Please book on to courses as soon as possible. This month will also see the return of Young Leader training. The first event will be a training day on February 11th. I’m currently working with our District Explorer team on delivering the mandatory modules and will be in touch with section leaders soon with details of how they can help their Young Leaders develop their leadership skills. Thanks for reading.

11 West Wirral Gang Show

Paul Ellis

Contact is published by

Birkenhead District Scout Council 15 Balls Road, Oxton, Wirral CH43 5RF Compiled by : Paul Ellis Tel: 07720 555885 paul.ellis Please email content to : SMO-MediaTeam@

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the death of Kelly Marie Evans

Kelly was an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader at 2nd Thingwall Scout Group and was loved and respected by all who knew her. Kelly joined Scouting in 2007 as a Group Supporter at the 10th Birkenhead before moving to 2nd Thingwall. We would like to offer our deepest sympathy and condolences to Denise Lewis (ADC Beavers) and all of Kelly’s family at this very difficult time.

... s g n i l b m a R ’s C The D Hello, I can’t believe it is time for another Contact issue! By the time you read this Census will either be upon us or just been taken! Fingers crossed for another year of growth, if we have grown then it means we are delivering more Everyday Adventure and teaching more young people key Skills for Life! Thank you to everyone who made Scouting happen in Birkenhead (and further afield) in 2017! Not much to report on since the last issue of Contact in December last year! All sections are back up and running and our District HQ is a hive of activity. I’ve seen lots of leaders around and about planning for the next 12 months! We are currently developing our own Strategic Development Plan to help us to continue to Grow and Develop right here in Birkenhead! Some more information will be coming out about this soon and it will be launched at our AGM in June!

Birkenhead District Archery Birkenhead District Archery Team have bookings available for sessions on the second Friday of each month using a proper archery range.

The 2019 Arrowe Park Jamboree Anniversary camp is still getting planned! There will be a website launched soon and some key roles being advertised to help the four DCs in planning the event! If you’re interested in getting involved with this 90 year anniversary stay tuned to your emails and social media! Finally, the Young Persons award day is planned (by county) for Saturday 10th March, check out the latest @MerseysideScout for more info or visit their website / Eventbrite page! And the West Wirral Gang Show is running in March at the Gladstone Theatre! More details can be found in this issue of Contact! Please make the most of the County training dates and book on as soon as you can! There will also be a District skills day in June. See page 7 of this issue for more details. Matt Jones

The cost is £50 for a one and a half hour session for as many or as few as you want to bring. We cater for all sections, from Beaver Scouts through to Network and Leaders. There are two sessions each month: 18.30 – 20.00 and 20.00 – 21.30 To book contact Jane on with your preferred dates.

John Pennington Bethell MSc, FRGS, FSNR 1925-2017 and Janine Bethell (nee Serriere) 1931 - 2017

Service of Remembrance for Mr John Pennington Bethell Ex King Scout of the 65th Birkenhead - St Stephen’s The service will be held at St Stephens’s Church on Sunday 18th March 2018 from 1.00pm The service is in recognition of John’s life and his involvement in Scouting both in Birkenhead and world wide. A short extract from his life in the 65th Birkenhead Scout troop : The German bombing of Birkenhead was very heavy on the night of 13th and 14th March 194. King Scout and Patrol Leader John Bethell, then aged 15, showed outstanding gallantry and devotion to duty in assisting the Civil Defence. He was awarded the Scout Bronze Cross for Gallantry on 25th June 1941 for risking his life by entering a burning building to rescue two old ladies. In his will he asked that his former Scout group be presented with his medal and citation. It is then hoped to put all his Scouting memorabilia on display for all to see. The Mayor of Birkenhead and Scouting dignitaries have been invited to the service to witness the handover. Everyone is welcome to attend the service John Bridgwater - GSL 265th Birkenhead Scouts

The 25th Beavers took part in the RSPB’s Big Bird Watch recently. Amazingly they saw everything from sparrows to eagles in their gardens. They talked about looking after wild birds and how they could help. They painted Bird boxes to put up in their gardens before playing Bird bingo! A great evening but the compact Bird boxes may pose a challenge for the eagles!

ing in a tr r e d a e L d a e h n e k Bir Happy New Year Everyone and we start 2018 with some exciting news. We are holding a leaders only camp from 1st -3rd June at 1st Frankby Greasby.

This camp is an adult skills camp where you can come along and learn new exciting skills, brush up on existing skills and spend time together without the young people for a change. Whether you are a Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer leader there will be something for all. Now here is the best bit - it’s only £10 for the weekend. Bring your tent and prepare for a fun weekend, or visit us for the day. Book via the Eventbrite page which is live now or contact me for more details. Eventbrite its listed as a free event but tickets will be invoiced nearer the time.

Birkenhead Scouts

Adult Skills Weekend 1st - 3rd June 2018 @1st Frankby Greasby HQ Bushcraft, Pioneering Backwoods Cooking, Foraging and more skills!

Learn New Skills, have fun and socialise, camp for the weekend or day visitors welcome. Contact Vicki Coleman for more details or click on

R U O Y S ’ T I O T E TIM . e n i Sh

Calling all Young Leaders! There will be a YL training day in February for all Explorers who take part in activities with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in the District... We will be covering all the essential training to help you to get the most of your time helping in other sections. Sunday 11th February Birkenhead Scouts HQ 10.00am - 2.00pm Lunch provided! Š Copyright 2013 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland)

0604_TSA Recruitment posters.indd 1

29/05/2013 11:59

AUCTION... OF TIME AND TALENTS! for the 25th Birkenhead Scout Group 9th February 2018 7pm till late. A fun evening to auction Time and Talents to raise money for rebuilding work at the Scout Hut in Beresford Road. Tickets £8.50 for Adults, £4 for Children, includes a Hot Supper and Disco. at Old Parkonians Rugby Club Holm Lane Oxton Birkenhead Call Vicki Coleman on 07813489981 or email

25th Birkenhead Scout Group © Copyright 2012 The Scout Association Registered Charity number 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland)

Bear’s Grill Hot and sour soup! Be prepared with a curry sauce. Here is a basic instant curry sauce, once you have this it is the staring point for a lot of dishes. 1 Red Pepper sliced thinly 1 Green Pepper ditto 150gms Button Mushrooms ditto 8 cups chicken Broth (More if you wish, you could also use a Veg Stock instead) 1/2 cup Scallions chopped (Posh name for Spring Onions) 2 tblsps Grated Ginger 3 tblsps Hot chilli sauce (1 if using Tobasco) 6 tblsps Lite Soya Sauce (I think it is best if you add this one at a time, stir, then taste. Six can be a bit much to some folks) Juice and Zest of a Lime AND Seasoning to taste. Heat the Chicken Broth till it simmers Bung all the veg and stuff in... Suggestions: if you wish to have a thicker “sauce” a teaspoon of Cornflour mixed with the broth will do it... You can also add thinly sliced lamb or beef or pork or chicken to bulk it out. You can even add your own homemade dumplings of whatever variety or Rice Noodles. With this basic recipe you can add ....... The world with this recipe is your oyster, prawns, fish, you name it! Turkey though is a no no - too strong a taste! Enjoy, Will Redfearn

West Wirral Gang Show Presents

At the Gladstone Theatre, Port Sunlight 8th - 10th March 2018, 7.30pm (2pm Sat matinee)

Tickets: 07954 520 655

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