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Black History Month
is here, and there are books for every age that focus on this special month:
Lift Every Voice and Change:
A Celebration of Black Leaders and the Words that Inspire Generations by Charnaie Gordon and Aeron Cargill (becker&mayer Kids!, ages 7-12):
Powerful sound clips from 12 Black leaders amplified by bold illustrations and background facts illuminate pivotal moments of Black history in America. A succinct profile of the speaker alongside an explanation of the significance of the quote and moment provide the context. Available at Amazon.com.
This Book Is Anti-Racist:
20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do The Work by Tiffany Jewell and Aurélia Durand (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, ages 11-15):
Gain a deeper understanding of your anti-racist self as you progress through 20 chapters that spark introspection, reveal the origins of racism that we are still experiencing and give you the courage and power to undo it. Each lesson builds on the previous one as you learn more about yourself and racial oppression. An activity at the end of every chapter gets you thinking and helps you grow with the knowledge. All you need is a pen and paper. Available at Amazon.com.
Baby Young, Gifted, and Black:
by Jamia Wilson and Andrea Pippins (Wide Eyed Editions, ages 0-2):
Meet icons of color from past and present in this baby board book celebration of inspirational achievement. A collection of positive, yet simple, affirmations to encourage the next generation. Highlighting the talent of Black leaders and changemakers from around the world, young dreamers will develop confidence, selfassurance and self-belief. Available at Amazon.com.