1 minute read



By Elena Epstein, Director of the National Parenting Product Awards


Preschool Label Pack

Perfect for kids heading to school. These personalized and ultra-durable labels help stop the spread of germs by ensuring your little one’s things do not get misplaced. $26.50, ages birth-4 years, www.mabelslabels.com

Bulkie® Sleep Mat

(Photo: Mike Calabro) All rolled into a convenient backpack, the Bulkie® sleeping mats are perfect for any home hang out adventure or nap at school. Thick, comfy, cozy, and cushy with a 100% cotton flannel lined blanket. $55.00, ages 2-7 years, www.urbaninfant.com

Think Tank Scholar

600 Pocket-Size Math Flash Cards: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division Everything you need to enhance your child’s math skills. Features 600 flash cards for kindergarten through sixth grade. Includes 33 bonus facts and eight word problems. $44.99, ages 3-12 years, www.thinktankscholar.com

Science Stumpers

A fun-filled collection of bite-sized science mysteries. Each brain teaser provides a mini story with fictional characters to describe events that have counterintuitive results. The goal is to solve the puzzle using new concepts. $16.95, ages 7 years-adult, https://missing-piece-press.square.site

Sago Mini School

A learning platform created with child development experts that builds early reading, math, sciences and problem solving through child-led activities. $7.99, ages 2-5, www.sagomini.com

Math Wizard and the Magical Workshop

An addition & subtraction adventure. Brew potions with dragon claws and magic sparkles to master place value on a magical quest. Then, add and subtract balloons to help dragons fly! Part of the Osmo Math Series for first and second grade math curriculum learning. $59.00, ages 6-8, www.playosmo.com

Early Math 101 To Go

Contains everything you need to create a fun and handson experience for your child to learn geometry and problem-solving skills through play. Includes activity booklet and cards, pattern blocks, small pegs, lacing beads and more. $39.99, ages 4+, www. edxeducation.com

For more product reviews, please visit nappaawards.com


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