7 minute read
review only applies to the 22B Birstall service, which is operated by Centrebus Monday to Friday and First Bus bus on Saturdays.”
As far as I’m aware, the 22B no longer runs through Birstall on weekdays.
They also say that the 22A Monday to Friday bus is not affected by Council cuts, and it's up to Centrebus to decide whether or not it runs.
So I’m none the wiser...
Watch this space.
Name & address supplied
In response to the previous letters regarding the changes to the Birstall village bus services, I am still baffled as to why and how this is better for residents and the environment?
Review of the Saturday B service (only one and hour), a review of what? Whether we should have one at all?
The Birstall Post welcomes your views and opinions on any subject. Letters, which must include your name and address, (though not necessarily for publication) can be posted to: The Birstall Post, Unit 109, Greenacres, The Sidings, Leicester LE4 3BR, or handed in at Birstall library or email: editor@birstallpost.co.uk
I received a reply from Safe & Sustainable Travel Team Leicestershire County Council recently regarding my enquiries about the threatened axing of the Birstall 22A weekday bus services and the 22B Saturday service.
I had read that a spokesman from Centrebus was asking people to be aware that some of their bus services, including to and from Birstall, were at risk of being axed because of Council cuts.
I have been left totally confused by the reply from the County Council, which says, amongst other things, that “the
A few words about the people of Birstall and surrounding areas that supported the dance/disco at the social club on March 18.
First of all let me thank one lady who organised it, Paula Clifford, a remarkable lady. Paula and her team worked so hard to organise this event. Also, a couple of ladies who have supported the gym, Rosie Rollings and Helen (Volkswagen lady). These two ladies have been fantastic in their support of my gym. Without these wonderful people, we would not be able to help the young people, who come from all over the Charnwood area.
The gym has over 300 members now and their support goes a long way.
In closing, I want to thank the people of Birstall, they have been fantastic. Over 220 people attended the fundraiser on March 18. Well done to all of you.
Yours in sport
Carl Gunns
Using the 22A service as part of the 'more efficient timetabling so buses are not coming together at once' pilot. We only have one service that covers the village! Which other buses are meant to be coming?
This is cost cutting by any other name, making residents reliant on taxis and cars (if that), or cutting them off all together from different amenities, shops, and being able to get to work.
But the further cutting of our village service seems inevitable, no matter what the consequences...and that is by far the saddest part.
Name and address supplied.
Did you know that there are two different state pensions running now? And that people on the new pension appear to get more, so younger pensioners are probably better off than older ones, unless the older ones are entitled to pension credits etc.
I wrote to the department for work and pensions about it and eventually got a detailed reply, and was told “that care has been taken to ensure fairness to both groups”.
Maurice Hayward passed peacefully away on January 26, 2023.
There will be an informal memorial gathering for Maurice at Birstall Methodist Church on Saturday April 22, at 3pm. All welcome.
Continued on page 7
However looking at my recent increase on the old pension scheme, and a relative’s who is on the new pension, their rise is obviously higher because it’s a percentage increase, and so now the difference per WEEK is £42.07 so I’m not sure how anyone can say that that is fair.
Name and address supplied
Bradgate Sewing Circle
Invite you to their Open Morning to be held on Tuesday 16th May 2023 from 10am to 12 noon at The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, Leicester LE7 7PR Display of Patchwork & Quilting, Knitting and Crafts Raffle, Crafts for Sale
Admission £1 to include Tea/Coffee and Biscuits
The Outwoods presents a Bird Ringing
Demonstration on Sunday April 16
Where: The Outwoods, Main Car Park, Woodhouse Lane, Loughborough, LE11 3YG
Date: Sunday April 16 from 8-9am and 9.30-10.30am (two timeslots)
Learn how and why bird-ringing is carried out in this rare and informative demonstration event led by Charnwood Ringing Club
Limited Bookings
Contact Ross.Bray@idverde.co.uk or text 07483096460 to book your place
Friday Night
Thurcaston Films
“Mr Malcolm’s List” (April 14, 115mins) ing lady who, in the course of her duties, fixates on Lady Dant’s Christian Dior dress. After an unexpected windfall, Mrs Harris ventures to Paris to buy the luxurious dress of her dreams. This is a delightful “rags to regalia” tale that you should not miss.
“The Lost King” will be shown on June 9.
Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost the usual £5, which includes a lucky prize draw and refreshments during the interval. You can pay for tickets at the door, if there are any left or pay in advance from:
Richard 0116 2363 066 or Diana 0116 2362 619
24 Apr Hairy Bee Keeper
And looking ahead to May....we are having a Coffee Morning to raise funds for our Project:
Saturday 13 May in the Coffee Shop with Stalls – Tombola, Plants, Cakes, Books and Jigsaws etc.
Don’t sit at ‘home alone’! Why not come to our friendly Group –meet new friends and maybe catch up with old friends! As you can see, we have a varied programme. The cost is £2 per evening – new faces always welcome. This year we are raising funds for MND (Motor Neurone Disease). Contact Eileen 2929670 for further details
Birstall Tea Dances
Set in the nineteenth century, April’s film is a feel-good romantic comedy drama. Mysterious but handsome bachelor, Mr Malcom, has many lady followers. Exasperatingly, Julia discovers that he has an actual written list of qualities which he requires in a future wife. However, She resents being rejected and creates a plan ..... but will her plan work?
“Mrs Harris goes to Paris” (May 12, 115mins)
In our May life-affirming drama comedy, Oscar nominee, Lesley Manville, plays a widowed clean-
Want to try bowls?
St Margaret's is a friendly local club which welcomes bowlers of any ability.
Contact Carolyn or John on 0116 2675947
Birstall Methodist
Monday Group
3 Apr Taste the ChocolateAmongst Ourselves
10 Apr Easter Monday – No Meeting
17 Apr The Very Crafty Zebra –
Held at St James, Birstall Village Hall, Birstall Road
Birstall, Leicester, LE4 4DH Fridays 3.30pm – 5.30pm
April 14th & 28th
£5 each on the door, Tea / coffee included Home made cakes available, We ask for donations.
Further information contact Jackie, Mobile :07908607405
Email: lucasjackie86@gmail.com
Birstall Royal British Legion Club
All old and new members will be very welcome
Bingo every Tues starting at 9pm
Acoustic night Sunday 16th
Quizzes every Wednesday starting at 8.30pm and Sundays at 9pm
Music Quiz Friday 28th
Saturday Entertainment
Easter Saturday 8th Jamie Neale (male vocalist)
22nd Kato (female vocalist)
Pool tables only 50p
Open bank holiday Monday 10th 12 till 6pm, families welcome Room hire available for Wakes please contact us for further information on 0116 2674817 or 07894715049
Cedar Care Circle
Hi everyone. At our last meeting we discussed the impact of Easter and several Bank Holidays on our usual meeting dates. As a result, instead of our normal calendar of the 2nd and 4th Monday in the month, we are holding meetings on the following Mondays in April, the 3rd, 17th and 24th. The venue is the lovely Brunchies Cafe Hallam Fields Road, Birstall at 1pm. We look forward to welcoming you. Don't let dementia rob you of social contact. We understand how hard it can be 24/7. Just come for a chat over a cuppa. Barbara. You can contact me on 07905760556
Ulverscroft Camera Club
is a successful, friendly camera club which meets fortnightly in
Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall. The Club is non-competitive, with a focus on learning through mentoring and mutual support with a membership at every level of photography from beginners to professionals. Meetings consist of practical, hands-on, themed workshops, talks by inspirational professional photographers and outings to local sites offering good opportunities to develop members’ skills. New members are welcomed throughout the year. If you would like to try something new contact us at www.ulverscroftcameraclub.com
You are most welcome to join us for our
Palm Sunday Service
Sun, 2nd April 2023 at 10.45am
Speaker: Joshua Rowe
Venue: The Day Centre, The Village Hall, Birstall Road, (junction with School Lane) Birstall (LE4 4DH)
Birstall Independent Baptist Church Enquiries: 0116 221 4883 http://www.birstallbaptistchurch. org.uk
Come and join us for an evening of song at St Leonard's Church, Swithland with the
Loughborough Male
Voice Choir on Saturday 22nd April at 7pm Tickets £15 incl refreshments from maryselina@hotmail.co.uk
St Leonard's Church, Swithland invite you to their Red,
White & 'Bluebell Service'
on Sunday 7th May at 3pm in Swithland Woods by the Great Pit with the Leicester Cathedral Choir
All donations for the Air Ambulance Charity
The Rothley History Society
You are invited to join our meetings at The Rothley Centre at 7.30pm on the following dates:
Wednesday 19th April
"Malcolm Sargent - the Leicestershire Years"
Speaker - Sam Dobson
Wednesday 17th May
"Charnwood Slate Gravestones & 18th Century Trade Routes"
Speaker - Bob Trubshaw
Wednesday 21st June
"The History of Walled Kitchen Gardens in Leics & Rutland"
Speaker - Sue Blaxland
Birstall Flower Club
Wednesday April 26, 2023
Birstall Village Hall 7.15pm
Demonstrator: Linda Smith
Title: Best Foot Forward Visitors £5 Queries to: Sylvia 0116 267 4206 or Carol 0116 267 1437
The UK ConstitutionHistory, Present and Future
with Bob Grindrod
5 week course starting on Wed 26 April 2-4pm – at The Rothley Centre - Fee £43* (or free if you are in receipt of an income related benefit; or you could also apply for WEA Learner Discretionary fund for a fee waiver if your household income is less than £21,000 a year).
The course will look at how the UK Constitution works and whether it remains 'fit for purpose' in the modern world. We will look at how our Constitution has come about, its main components and the recent crises that have tested it almost to destruction. Would we all be better off if it were codified, written down, and taught in schools as in many countries around the world?
To enrol please ring 0300 303 3464 quoting course ref. C2348849 or via the WEA website www.wea.org.uk
Syston Model Railway Society will be holding its
Annual Model Railway Show
at ROOTS @ Thorpe Farm, Barkby Thorpe, Leicester, LE7 3QE on April 29th/30th. Opening times are 10am – 4:30pm on Saturday and 10am – 4pm on Sunday. Admission is £5 per adult and £4 per unaccompanied child. Accompanied children go free. There will be a number of layouts in various gauges as well as spe-
Continued on page 9