Mountsorrel Post (63) June 2018

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JUNE 2018

No. 63

Couple’s 60 years together A MOUNTSORREL couple whose eyes first met over a hot dog stall at Loughborough bus station have celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary.

Public question council A LARGE rise in the parish precept and the use of the Memorial Centre by a local pre-school were two issues that were raised by members of the public at Mountsorrel’s Annual Parish meeting on April 24. Held in the new Memorial Centre and chaired by parish council chairman Steve Haywood, one member of the public asked Mountsorrel’s Borough Councillors if Charnwood had questioned the 163% rise, which saw the parish council component of the council tax rise from £75.99 to £199.85 for a band D property. Borough Councillor John Capleton replied that borough councils had no powers over the parish councils in re-

Noel and June Wakeling of Market Place, Mountsorrel, met in 1957 and married a year later. Noel (83) said: “I bought the hot dog stall after I came out of the RAF and had it for about a year – it was a good moneyspinner.” He had the stall for only a year but the woman he served a hot dog to on that day in 1957 he was to have beside him as his wife for 60 years. He remembers his first impression of June: “I thought she was a nice bit of stuff, she attracted me.” June (81) says the same. “I thought he was very handsome” she said. It wasn’t long before June joined Noel helping out on his side of the hot dog stall and their relationship grew over

Continued on page 2


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Pic: Noel & June Wakeling & (inset) on their wedding day

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crease was to replenish the parish council’s reserves - £320,000 had been spent and there was now £48,000 left. This is below the level recommended by government guidance. Cllr Haywood said any increase in the precept next year would not be of this size and would be more in line with previous years. The St Peter’s pre-school playgroup had met in the old Memorial Hall and was re-located to the cricket pavilion while the Memorial Centre was built. Having returned to the Memorial Centre in January it says it’s been told by the

of the community over the years, both serving on committees, joining groups frying sausages, onions and faggots. and helping to run them. Noel has a “Isn’t it about time you two got married?” said Noel’s auntie Norah one day – keen interest in local history and was a founding member of Mountsorrel Heritsix months later the couple were wed at age Group while June is known to thouthe Salvation Army church in Loughborsands of people having been ough on March 15, 1958. Mountsorrel school’s lollipop lady for 40 The couple’s first home was on Loughborough Road, Mountsorrel before years. Looking back over their 60 years they moved to Market Place where they together, June said: “We’ve had a happy have lived for 50 years, raising three married life, a good married life, we sons, Barrie, Nigel and Martin. They respect one another.” have five grandchildren and 14 great “That’s what important” said Noel. grandchildren and celebrated their 60th “It’s the respect you have for each other, anniversary with a family party at a resthat and looking after one another.” taurant in Loughborough. The couple have been active members

Pic: The Mountsorrel Annual Parish Meeting in the Memorial Centre

Anniversary continued from page 1

parish council to agree to remain in the pavilion, which it says is unsuitable, or vacate the Memorial Centre by the end of this summer term. Speaking at the meeting, pre-school director John Bird said: “This is a beautiful building, perfectly suited to us. We have been shafted and that is why parents are so up in arms.” A member of the public said: “Why can’t we afford putting a pre-school like this in the Memorial Centre?” Cllr Haywood said it was about costs. It was agreed to organise a meeting with John Bird, Cllr Haywood and one other councillor for the following week

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to discuss the way forward. [On May 24, the pre-school published a statement saying that having received no firm assurances about their future in the Memorial Centre, they would be vacating the building.] On highways matters a member of the public reported that Crown Lane was difficult to negotiate by pedestrians as it had previously been two way traffic with a footpath and was now one way with no footpath. The large number of potholes in the parish was raised, and concerns about drains on the Navins which are full of soil, and inconsiderate parking. Police Sgt Rod Smart reported that the way police record crime has changed resulting in a 12% increase in Charnwood this year, although burglary had decreased by 9% and antisocial behaviour by 17%. The parish council has provided the police with an office in their building on Little Lane and Sgt Smart said this was open for public enquiries. The public raised the issues of speeding on Halstead Road and Walton Way and littering by lorry drivers near the Wyevale roundabout. Clare Clay, headteacher at Mountsorrel primary school, reported that the school’s Ofsted rating was Good and the school is on the road to a rating of Outstanding. She said the school had good links with the community and that the Mountsorrel Educational fund, a charity, was a wonderful support to the school. John Doyle reported on the work of the Sorrel Youth Café. It has now been open 8 years and a free to use drop in for young people. Many of the users have blossomed with the support of the youth workers. Funding streams have dried up and the café is fortunate to have the support of the parish council and Mountsorrel United Charities, he said. Plans for the future include extending opening hours, starting a young carers group and increasing community links. New volunteers are needed, he said. George Overton from Mountsorrel United Charities said grants totalling £121,000 had been awarded to local people in need over the year. Chairman of Mountsorrel Parish Council Steve Haywood said the opening of the Memorial Centre had been a success with 2500 people attending. The parish council is committed to running the library, he said. He praised the work of the cemetery gardener, reported that tree work would take place in the Peace Garden and that the council financially supports the annual REVIVAL and the Sorrel Youth Café.

JUNE 2018

spect of the precept, and that there were no capping limits on town and parish councils. One member of the public said: “How the hell can you justify this increase – plain and simple, it is not acceptable” which was met by a round of applause. Chairman Steve Haywood said all the decisions regarding the precept were made at council meetings that were advertised and open to members of the public. He said that one reason for the in-


Annual Meeting continued from page 1

Foxes’ skipper visits hospice Architectural plans

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LEICESTER CITY Football Club skipper Wes Morgan capped his Premier League season with a visit to Rainbows hospice where he met children with life limiting conditions including 13 year old Matty Hatton from Mountsorrel. The City favourite said he heard about Rainbows at the recent Testimonial Ball for his friend and former teammate, Nottingham Forest captain Chris Cohen, which supported the hospice, raising almost £55,000. “I was incredibly moved to hear about Rainbows and the fantastic work it does to support youngsters and their families across the East Midlands when they need it most. And I wanted to find out more and lend my support. And if that brightens the lives of the youngsters, that means a lot to me” he said. The Leicester player – who led City to Premier League glory in May 2016 – spent several hours meeting youngsters, family and staff at Rainbows. Wes said: “I have children myself… and it makes you realise how fortunate you are and what some parents and





JUNE 2018

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WORK HAS started on a £280,000 refurbishment of Loughborough’s Carillon Tower.

Pic: Matty Hatton (13) with Wes Morgan youngsters have to go through. But Rainbows is amazing. I had an idea it was like a hospital, but it is not like that at all. It is a joyous place full of love and colour and making memories for children with short lives. It’s amazing.” Julie Macauley, Rainbows Family Liaison,

commented: “Wes created huge excitement for the youngsters here, their families and staff. He was a true gentleman and took time to meet and talk to everyone. We are so grateful to him for his generosity – and in making a day our families will always remember.”

The war memorial, built after the First World War to commemorate the men of Loughborough who gave their lives for their country, will undergo a range of improvements including restoration work to improve the chiming of the bells at the top of the tower. Charnwood Borough Council is carrying out the refurbishment and says it will be complete in time for November 11 when the nation will mark 100 years since the end of the First World War. The Carillon is a grade two listed building. Construction was completed in 1923 and it is 150ft high. At the top are 47 bells, cast at John Taylor’s Bell Foundry in Loughborough, and the borough carillonneur, Caroline Sharpe, gives regular recitals. The refurbishment work will see the clavier fully restored with the striking elements of each bell refurbished by the foundry and there will also be some maintenance to the workings of the bells themselves. Repairs will be carried out on the stonework, copper roof, bronze memorial plaques, windows and doors. The war memorial carries the names of 686 men who died in both world wars and other conflicts. 3

Murder mystery in Mountsorrel solved DINERS AT Mountsorrel Working Men’s Club witnessed a murder - then set about trying to find the identity of the killer themselves. They were taking part in a murder detective night organised by Ian Shonk form the Mountsorrel Community Team (MCT). Following the success of the mediaeval banquet last year, Ian’s murder night was set in the 1950's with many guests dressed for the occasion in either period style or crime based fancy dress. More than 100 guests enjoyed the event, with food supplied by Rival Catering. Ian said: “The ethos of the MCT is to promote the Business and Community life of the village, so to have a Mountsorrel company like Rival Catering is a great asset, their food and service was once again first class!” Ian went on to thank the WMC. “The Working Men’s Club is Pic (top): the murder company (top row) with some of the guests

one of the cornerstones of the village and we are very proud of the great support they give to the MCT" Inspector Corner (of the Yard) led the investigation, presenting a series of re-enactments, items of evidence and chances to question the suspects before the teams. The evening was liberally strewn with 'red herrings' for the teams to catch before, with great anticipation, the murderer was revealed. Successful teams were presented with a Certificate of Acheivement whilst the losers were 'Kippered' with the presentation of a Red herring Certificate. One of the guests, Bob Johnson, said: “It's been a great night! We missed out on

tickets for the medieval banquet last year, so we got murder tickets as soon as they went on sale.” The Murder Company consisted of: Ian & Anne Shonk, Jez & Alison Fletcher along with Sharon Calcott & Brett Melville.

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JUNE 2018

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JUNE 2018

New shop supplies quality spectacles THE SMART addition to Birstall’s Sibson Road shops is the newly opened Prospecs, a supplier of top quality spectacles.

Mountsorrel retain team title MOUNTSORREL BOYS Brigade & Girls Association have successfully retained the senior section Race-walk cup for the third year in a row. On Monday May 16, Mountsorrel BB body involved as you don’t need to be a attended Abbey Park in Leicester and skilled athlete or particularly fit, you just competed in both the Company section need to come along and have a go, (11-14yrs) and Senior section(15-17) that’s the ethos we try to promote. SomeRace walks against other companies times, like on this occasion, it works from the battalion. out! They gave their all, with Emma Adams “We’re really proud of both of our gaining second place in the company teams and it’s great to represent the section competition. Mountsorrel community by bringing The seniors were able to win the home a trophy for the third year running team competition to successfully retain - or walking.” their trophy for the third time in as The Boys Brigade has been in Mountmany years. This was made possible with sorrel for nearly half a century and operJamie Adams, Adam Piggin and Chad ate out of Mountsorrel Methodist Church Unwin coming second, third and fourth on Monday Nights between 6pm and respectively. 9pm. BB Leader Kane Sole said: “The Battal- Pic: Mountsorrel BB race walkers ion Racewalk has been an annual fixture since 1929. It’s a great event for every-

The business is owned and run by Teresa and Mike Keily and has just relocated from Rothley after 25 successful years in the village. Mike said: “Lots of you will already be familiar with Prospecs - as a customer, or having been recommended by friends.” Between them, Mike and Teresa have on display, including designer and pre70 years experience in the manufacture mium brands such as: Silhouette, Rayban, and dispensing of Michael Kors, Armani, spectacles. Hugo Boss and many othTeresa said: “We ers. Also on offer is a wide have been tucked choice of value frames away on an industrial with prices starting at £19 estate in Rothley and complete specs from where we were at£49. tached to our manu“The lenses are the most facturing business. We important element in a needed to relocate and decided on Birgood pair of spectacles” says Mike. stall as the best location to open larger, “There are hundreds of different lenses more prominent premises to welcome just bring us your prescription and we our customers. We hope we have estabcan explain and advise you on the choiclished a reputation for providing great es available.” customer service and expert advice.” He added: “Our prices on the display There is an extensive range of frames are for the frame only because there are so many different types of lens, we don’t price assuming the most basic lenses are going to be fitted.” The shop has an onsite lab where your spectacles are finished to the highest standard using state of the art equipment and Prospecs offer a One Hour Service (subject to your lens requirements). Prospecs, 121 Sibson Rd, Birstall


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JUNE 2018

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Noticeboard all details printed free Stonehurst Farm

1940’s WWII Event Sat & Sun Aug 18/19 10.30am-4.30pm

Stonehurst Farm and Charnwood Wartime events present a two day combined weekend 1940’s event. This is a real family day out with a large number of period vehicles and displays of equipment creating a wartime atmosphere. The farm has a good collection of animals for children as well as a Vehicle Museum. Light snacks and drinks can be found in the restaurant (NAFFI) Both Allied & German Groups are invited to attend this two day weekend event being held at Stonehurst Family Farm. The site has a suitable field and hard core area for the event. Also of interest is the Motor Museum, housing a large collection of Vintage Cars and Motorcycles plus a large selection of farm animals and a restaurant (NAFFI)

Birstall Running Club Meet Monday & Friday nights, 6.15 for 6.30 run Birstall School Lane playing fields – showers & toilets available We also meet on a Wednesday night at Sibson Road car park at 6.15pm for 6.30pm run Speed work sessions also available on Wednesdays for those wanting to improve Contact Deryk on or Bob 07927 346640

Age UK Digital Drop-in at Rothley Library. 10am-12noon. FREE 1:1 help and support with laptops, iPads, tablets or smartphones. A regular group that meets on 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month Second & Fourth Thursday of the Month


JUNE 2018

Age UK Social Drop-in Group at The Community Room Tesco Park Road, Loughborough between 10am – 12noon. Open to all - lonely, bereaved, couples or just want to make new friends; come and join us for a natter, a cuppa or just a break from the shopping! Information & Advice available if you need it Every Thursday Age UK are working in Partnership

with Fearon Hall, Loughborough and holding regular

tion Army Music Sections Sun, June 10 – Charnwood Concert Band Sun, June 17- Melbourne Town Band Sun, July 1 – The Newhall Ensemble Sun, July 8 – Loughborough Concert Band Sun, July 15 – The New Orleans Hotshots Jazz Band Sun, July 22 – Hathern Youth and Concert Brass

New Age Kurling Sessions The “Land” version of the wonderful Ice Curling in the Winter Olympics! This version is open to everyone of any mobility (including wheelchair users) and can be played standing, sitting or standing using a pusher so you don’t even have to bend! Great fun and VERY addictive. On between 1.30pm and 3pm each Thursday at Fearon Hall, Rectory Road, Loughborough. 5 minutes walk from The Rushes or some onstreet parking in nearby roads. Cost £2 to include a cuppa and cake! Queries to Age UK on 01509 260327

Honk! A musical comedy

Cedar Care Circle Please come and join our informal support group for carers and cared for sufferers of Alzheimer's and dementia. We share information and problems. We meet at Ruth's Lambourne café Lambourne Road off Wanlip Lane Birstall. 2pm or earlier if you'd like to have a light lunch before the meeting. A warm welcome awaits. End the loneliness and isolation by meeting fellow carers. For more information contact Barbara on 07905760556

Soar Valley Music Centre, a music charity based in Belgrave, are pleased to announce that tickets have now gone on sale for their annual musical theatre production. This year’s show is ‘Honk! A musical comedy’ which is based on the wellknown story of the Ugly Duckling. Produced and performed by staff and students and with a live orchestra, the heart-warming, ‘quacking’ show will be fun for all the family and you are sure to go home singing along to its catchy tunes. Performances are at the Cedars Academy, Wanlip Lane, Birstall on Saturday 14th July at 7pm and Sunday 15th July at 1.30pm. Advance tickets are available from SVMC on 0116 266 4153 and cost £11 for adults, accompanied children under 12s are £8.50

Enjoy a

Summer Of Music in Queen's Park The bandstand in Queen’s Park, Loughborough will play centre stage to performances by local talent this summer. Free afternoon concerts by a number of bands and choirs will be staged on the bandstand from May 27 until July 22. The concerts all start at 2pm: Sun, June 3 – Loughborough Salva-

Soar Valley Music Centre

Summer Music Weeks If you are looking for ways to keep your children entertained over the long summer break, SVMC’s summer music weeks may be the solution. There are 3 different courses available this year: Monday 23rd July - Friday 27th July: ‘Music is Fun’ Week. For children aged 6-12. Come along & find out more about traditional orchestral instruments, compose your own music, learn to play an instrument & arrange a concert for your family and friends. Monday 30th July - Friday 3rd August – Techno, Rock & Pop Week. Aimed at 9-14 year olds, this week will teach children about the music industry. They can learn to play a band instrument, produce & record, & put on a gig for family and friends. Monday 6th August – Friday 10th August – Musical Theatre Week. Aimed at 8 – 16 year olds, this week will focus on singing, acting, dancing & general stage craft. The week will culminate with an informal performance for family and friends. All the courses run from 10am – 3pm daily (although children can be dropped off from 9am) & take place at Soar Valley Music Centre’s base in Belgrave. Children will need to bring drinks, snacks & a packed lunch. Each week costs £75 per child per week (£60 per child per week where 3 or more siblings enrol.) Places are limited so if you are interested, please call 0116 266 4153 or e-mail for more information & a booking form

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Learn about

Oral History & Sound Heritage

Saturday June 16th St Aidans Church, New Parks LE3 6RJ

Concerts by international choir - Choros Amici - the choir of friends - Sainsbury's Choir of the Year 2000. Programme will include music to commemorate the end of WW1. This is the opening concert of the St Aidans Music Festival. Tickets on the door for a 7.30pm start. also Saturday July 7th Stoneygate Baptist Church, London Road, LE2 3ND CANTAMICI featuring Baroque music by Vivaldi, Charpentier, Monteverdi, Bach and Handel. Organ solos by Simon Lumby. Tickets on the door for a 7.30pm start

In association with Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland. Alternatively, contact us at: Cedar Mews Care Home Hallam Fields Road, Birstall, Leicester LE4 3LX E: | T: 0116 267 4835 To book, contact Jeanette Silver – Age UK Charnwood Office on 01509 260327 Midsummer

Musical Evening At St Leonard's Church Swithland Saturday 23rd June at 7.30pm Featuring Edward Capewell - Organ, Nicola Fairbairn - Oboe, Clive Fairbairn - Keyboard Adults £10 Children £5 including interval refreshments. Tickets available from 01509 890551 or 01509 890600 Proceeds in aid of St Leonard's Church Bell Restoration Fund

Family Carers’ Workshop

Birstall & District Art Society

Thursday 28th June 2.00–4.00pm Come along to our FREE Information Workshop at Cedar Mews Care Home, Birstall and get the chance to speak with providers of help and support, designed to ease the burden of those caring for a family member, whatever their condition. Refreshments will be available.

Tuesday, 10th July, at 7.00 p.m. You are invited to join us at the Palmer-Tomkinson Centre at Cedars Academy, Wanlip Lane, to watch talented professional artist Christine Adams giving a demonstration on how to paint flowers using watercolours. Newcomers and visitors most welcome. Refreshments available at the interval. Demonstration ends at 9.00 p.m. Members £1; Guests £3. Free raffle. Ample parking and wheelchair access

Victorian poverty A MIDSUMMER heritage day at Rothley Parish Church in June will give visitors a glimpse of what life was like in the Victorian workhouse. ‘Echoes from the Workhouse’ features a 12 panel diorama telling the story of how the relief of poverty has been managed from 1601 to 1930. Visitors can hear the imagined voices of workhouse paupers in 40 short video clips. All that and the new see-through model of the workhouse, with the option to try the workhouse chore of Oakum Picking. A workhouse master and matron will be on hand to ensure good behaviour. At the other end of the church will be the Rothley Handbell Ringers showing off their new set of bells. They will add tuneful melodies to the air and will be happy to let visitors have a go. And for those unfamiliar with the church building itself, the oldest building in Rothley, a chance to follow the stunning 360deg virtual tour on their smart phone or tablet. All that excitement can be topped off in the Old School Rooms next door over a delicious cream tea. The event is on Saturday June 16 from 1-5pm and admission is free.



JUNE 2018

at the University Library Practical sessions on how to collect memories of your local community, or preserve sound recordings for future generations Have you ever wanted to collect memories of your local community, or preserve sound recordings for future generations? You can learn how to at a public conference on Monday 9 July, hosted by the University of Leicester Library. Practical sessions will show you to how run an oral history project and organise the material you collect. Speakers from the British Library will introduce a new initiative to preserve rare sound recordings in the Midlands. The Leonard Cheshire Archive will talk about their work preserving the history of those who have lived and worked in Leonard Cheshire charity. The Library is hosting the event on behalf of CILIP Local Studies Group, an organisation that promotes local studies libraries. The conference is for anyone involved in oral history and sound collections, or who would like to work in this area in the future. The programme is designed to help attendees keep up to date with best practice, find out about new initiatives, and meet other people in this field. Tickets can be purchased via Event-

brite. For further information, please email William Farrell: or telephone 0116 252 2018

Get involved at REVIVAL 2018 THE MOUNTSORREL Community Team is pleased to announce its adding a little competition to this year’s REVIVAL on August 12.

New Kia showroom

Announcing a range of competitions Sandra Utteridge, a member of the REVIVAL organising group, said: “For this year’s REVIVAL we have tried to provide a little something for everyone. It’s a mixture of artistic flare, fun and home grown pride. We are keen for people to get involved doing something they enjoy. “This year there are 5 competitions to enter- so there’s no excuse to not get involved.” They include: • Photographic Competition – enter up to three of your own photos depicting Memories of Mountsorrel. Size: 25cm x 20cm (8” by 10”)

• Cake Baking competition – bake your best Victoria sponge • Best Vegetable competition – present up to three of your own home grown vegetables in an attractive display • Fancy Dress – three different age groups. Let your imagination go wild with no one theme • Fun Run – run by the Mountsorrel Junior Football Club on our behalf, the race is open to anyone aged 5 and upwards. Free to enter on the day. Run through the closed main road as crowds line the street from Bond Lane to the

Pics: soap box racing at REVIVAL

Green (approx five mile). Its only for fun so run in fancy dress if you wish. Debbie MacRae, Chair of MCT, said: “We have listened to the feedback from last year and in line with some of the old village traditions have decided to develop an opportunity for our residents and visitors to show off their talents and


Do you need financial help? Have you lived in Mountsorrel for 6+ months?


JUNE 2018

The Mountsorrel Relief in Need Fund could help by giving you a grant towards items for your home, your health, your garden or other needs. Please phone to make an appointment. You will need to give some financial details but these are kept confidential. Call or text Rachel on 0793 1129 360 Email Registered charity number 217615

have some fun. We hope this will be the start of a new REVIVAL tradition.” Information about all the competitions and how to enter can be found on the MCT website: The soapbox racing returns this year and if you want to take part, the crew that run the event have put together a package for 10 people you can bid for. It consists of: • Use of the Honda trophy winning court • Take part in the street parade • Designated area in team pitch • VIP access to track in field during the race • Free cold drinks • Your details in the revival program • Three runs at the racetrack Businesses or individuals can make a bid – for more details call race director Ian Shonk on 07940 511449 or email The MCT has expanded its road closers for REVIVAL 2018 to include: Sileby Road, Watling Street and The Green throughout REVIVAL and the Leicester Road between 12:00 to 12:30pm for safe passage of the Parade & Fun Run. More information on the Website. Further information about the MCT and the events it is organising can be found by visiting the website: Anyone interest in joining the MCT as a member of the group or as a volunteer for its events should contact us through the website or you can contact Graham Lloyd on 07775 6161001.

CAR BRAND Kia Motors will be expanding its offering in Leicestershire, following a deal led by East Midlands-based Nelsons Solicitors. Family-run franchise Kia Loughborough will be opening a second showroom due to the success of its site in Leicester Road, Mountsorrel, where it has been based since 2003. The Mountsorrel branch will continue to run independently as a used car sales operation, while the new site (pictured above) in Loughborough – formerly a Citroen dealership, which has a 300 sqm showroom and a workshop with six bays – is expected to fully open in Belton Road in June after renovations have taken place.

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Parish Council notes was on the council’s website. The meetings at which the precept had been discussed and agreed had all been open to the public. He said it was hoped the A member of the public raised the Memorial Centre would be self funding issue of the health hazard being created by the end of the financial year 2019. by lorry drivers at Rothley Lodge. A There were questions raised regardletter has been sent to Charnwood’s ing proposals relating to the provision of Environmental Health Officer, containing a cricket pitch on Halstead Road and the the suggestion that portable toilets be likelihood of the Parish Council having provided at the site. to invest significantly in any proposed David Wilson was co-opted onto the scheme and the requirement to produce council to fill a casual vacancy. a robust business plan to support such a It was agreed to lease the Parish scheme. Rooms to Mountsorrel Heritage Group Chairman Steve Hayward reported for 18 years for the creation of a heritthat at the current time the Halstead age museum. Road project was still in its development It was agreed to allow the Mountsorstage although Jelson were required to MOUNTSORREL HERITAGE Group have published a book to rel Community Team to use all of the provide a cricket pitch as part of its mark the centenary of the Armistice in 2018. Parish Council’s recreational facilities as obligations under a section 106 agreewell as the Parish Rooms and the Memo- ment. The specification of the cricket Entitled “Mountsorrel in the Great men: The stories of the road to war of C rial Centre for the Revival 2018. War”, it follows up the group’s successSquadron, Leicestershire Yeomanry and pitch was still under discussion with A full meeting of Mountsorrel Parish ful WWI Exhibition in 2014. The book F Company, 5th Battalion, Leicestershire relevant parties. Council was held on March 12. will go on general sale at the ‘Mountsor- Regiment. Concern was raised following the Members of the public raised con• Belgian Refugees: The arrival and recent decision of the council to request rel Revival’ on August 12 priced at £12 cerns about the increase in the parish but is available to order now at a prelife in Mountsorrel of a Belgian refugee the Early Year Pre-school playgroup to precept by 163%. Chairman Steve Haypaid price of £9. Full details are at family. vacate the Memorial Centre. A petition ward said the decision was not taken • Conscientious Objectors: The backhad been started and it currently had lightly and that the council’s previous story/military/world-war-1/ grounds of two village men who were 124 signatures requesting the council; to practice of keeping the precept rise in The book commemorates and records conscientious objectors. reconsider its position. Similar facilities single figures by drawing on the counthe 402 men who either lived or were • Women at War – the Mountsorrel in nearby parishes were currently full cil’s reserves was no longer sustainable born in Mountsorrel, and served in the Voluntary Aid Detachment: The stories of and there were very few groups that this year. armed forces during the war. From that those who served at home and abroad in provided for the 30 hours of childcare. The increase in the precept from 402 the village suffered 95 casualties the village VAD. The pre-school currently employs seven £207,276 in 2017/18 to £543,970 in who did not return and had 16 men • Quarrymen at War and the effect of staff and their future was now in jeop2018/19 was necessary to meet the costs ardy. Meetings were due to be held with taken as Prisoners of War. the war on Mountsorrel Quarry: At the of operating the new Memorial Centre, Also commemorated are the 10 ladies time of the War the Mountsorrel Granite Mountsorrel’s two members of Parliataking on Mountsorrel library, the Halof the Mountsorrel Branch of the St Quarry was the main employer in the ment to discuss the situation. stead Road improvements, provision of village with many quarrymen serving in It was reported that the outcome of a John’s Ambulance who served in the additional allotments, supporting Sorrel Voluntary Aid Detachments including the village territorial unit. Serving at first Code of Conduct investigation following Youth Café, replenishing reserves and to three in military hospitals in France and as infantry with the Leicestershire Regia complaint made by the Early Years meet increased staffing costs. two more at military hospitals here in ment many were later transferred to Pre-school was that the complaint had It was agreed to approve Peppercorn England. Royal Engineer Quarrying units. been dismissed with no further action Catering as the tenant for the Memorial The stories of all of these are set • Individual Stories: The individual being taken. Centre Café unit. war stories of four Mountsorrel men It was reported that the lease arrange- against a description of the village as it It was agreed to support the camwas in those first years of the 20th Centu- who served in; the Royal Navy, Royal ments regarding Mountsorrel library paign to save Mountsorrel’s Sure Start ry. Marine Light Infantry, Leicestershire were still being discussed and that the children’s centre. The foreword was written by Colonel Regiment and the Royal Air Force establishment of a new charity to run the The council has agreed to obtain Robert Martin, OBE DL, grandson of • Homecoming and Remembrance: library and the formal transfer of the costings for dog waste bins to be provid- building would not be completed until Major William Martin, formerly Company The demobilisation and welcome home ed at Speedwell Road or Kingfisher Road, September 2018. Secretary of the Mountsorrel Granite of those who served in the war and the near the junction with Leicester Road; Company, who was killed in action at building of Castle Hill war memorial and The annual parish council meeting Rothley Road near Linkfield Road; The the Battle of Frezenberg whilst commandother memorials in the village. was held on May 14. Green, Loughborough Road/Betty Hensing C Squadron of the Leicestershire • Mountsorrel Servicemen in the A minute’s silence was held for Cllr er’s Lane. Yeomanry. Great War: Pen pictures of the over 400 David Slater who had recently died. A full meeting of Mountsorrel Parish The book runs to approximately 200 Mountsorrel men born or resident and Cllr Steve Haywood was elected as Council was held on April 9. (A4) pages with over 160 illustrations in identified as having served. chairman for the ensuing year and Cllr Seventeen members of the public some 14 Chapters including: Paul Harris was elected vice-chairman. attended. Concern was raised about the • The Village at the time of the Great The Sept issue of the The council re-affirmed its eligibility increase in the parish precept. The chair- to use the General Power of Competence War: Describing the businesses, social MOUNTSORREL POST man said a press release explaining the life, churches and social life of the viland its intention to use this power in reasons for the increase had been sent lage in the first years of the 20th Century. will be published on Sep 7. 2018/19. to the local press and published, and • Mountsorrel Territorials and YeoThe copy deadline is Aug 24.

A FULL meeting of Mountsorrel Parish Council was held on February 12.

Mountsorrel’s Great War


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JUNE 2018



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News from Learn about local history the churches THE PROGRAMME for the 2018 Leicestershire and Rutland Festival of Archaeology – the biggest Festival of its kind in Britain- has been announced.

BOTH ST Peter's Church and Christ Church continue to thrive as worshipping communities serving the village of Mountsorrel. Our Priest-in-charge, Revd. Colin Resch, has been given the additional responsibility of the parish of St Leonard's Church in Swithland. This means that the morning services at St Peter's Church in Mountsorrel will now commence at 9.30am. The services at Christ Church will remain at 11am. More details about our services can be found on our website At St Peter's Church we will be holding our Patronal Festival service of Holy Communion on St Peter's day, Friday June 29, at 7pm followed by a Bring & Share Supper. All are welcome to attend. Our curate, Revd Darren Walker, will be ordained priest in Leicester Cathedral on Saturday June 30 and will be presiding at his first service of Holy Communion at 11am on Sunday July 1 at Christ Church. Anyone who would like to celebrate with him is welcome to join us. In August, both churches in Mountsorrel will be open for visitors during the 'Mountsorrel Revival' on Sunday August 12. Visit us for refreshments or to have a go at ringing the bells. In September, we will be running our next Alpha Course. This 12-week course explores the basics of the Christian faith for anyone interested in finding out more about Christianity today. We will meet on Friday evenings at 7pm starting on Friday September 7. Each evening will include a meal, so booking is essential. For further enquiries or to book on to the course, please contact Revd. Colin Resch by email or phone 0116 429 9946. (To learn more about Alpha, see From the Mountsorrel Anglican Churches

80 events will be held all over the two counties to celebrate local archaeology. Events run through July with the main Festival between July 14 and 29. The programme is overflowing with family friendly events, guided walks, talks and displays. These are as diverse as ever - ranging from trips to Prehistoric hillforts at Beacon, Breedon and Burrough Hills, to tours of medieval Launde and Leicester Abbey and visits to industrial sites likes the Glenfield Tunnel and Swannington coal mines with lots in between. One highlight will be a city centre display of the amazing ‘Stibbe’ Roman mosaics discovered by University of Leicester archaeologists last year in Great Central Street, which were lifted and have been conserved. This will be at BBC Radio Leicester's building on Jubilee Square.

School fete promises a fun filled day MOUNTSORREL SCHOOL fete returns in June.


JUNE 2018

The PSFA of Christ Church and St. Peter’s Primary School will be holding its annual Summer Fete on Saturday June 30, in the school grounds on Rothley Road, Mountsorrel from 11am to 2pm.

“This promises to be a fun filled family day, with lots of exciting stalls and activities” said Anna Cox, Chair of the PSFA. “All funds raised will go back into the school to purchase extra classroom equipment to enhance and vary the children’s learning experiences and also supply exciting outdoor play equipment to encourage healthy, active play and to stretch the children’s imaginations” she added. “We have had fantastic local and national support for our grand raffle and a long list of fabulous prizes including

passes for SnowDome, Play 360, Barney’s Play Barn, Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Climbing Club, plus gorgeous treats from Nelly Belly Gifts, Emma’s Nail Lounge, Mind Body & Soulfullness, New Dimensions, The Hair Gallery, Colours Hair and Nails and Studio 28. We also have lots more great prizes yet to be revealed! “There will be something for everyone on the day, including, bouncy castle fun, face painting, village green games for the children - and any game adults! - cake stall, bric a brac, many refreshments and a fabulous barbecue, with meats kindly and very generously supplied again by M.E. Roberts family butcher of Mountsorrel. There will also be performances by the staff and children’s choirs. “If previous years are anything to go by, then this is set to be a wonderful day of fun for everyone and we would welcome you on the day. Please join us and tell your family and friends. We have a wet weather plan too so don’t be put off we are not blessed with glorious sunshine!” The fun starts at 11am with the raffle draw being held at 1.30pm and entrance is free.

The Festival brings together local archaeological organisations, heritage groups, museums and archaeologists to show off all that is good in the County’s archaeological heritage. Here are three festival events of local interest: Echoes From The Workhouse Saturday 21st July: 1 - 4pm Rothley Cemetery Chapel, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, LE7 7PT An exhibition telling the story of the Poor Law from 1840 to 1930, featuring a new model of the Barrow upon Soar Union Workhouse with a 12 panel dio-

rama. Forty line and wash illustrations have been specially created to recover the memory of the workhouse experience, edited into 40 video clips to hear the recorded voices of the paupers. Accompanying 124 page book is on offer for £9. Parking opposite at the Roman Catholic Church. No Toilet facilities on site. Guided Walks & Tours. Guided Tour Of The Mountsorrel & Rothley Heritage Centre Sunday 15th, Friday 20th, Tuesday 24th, Friday 27th July: 2pm Meet outside Granites Coffee Shop, 240 Swithland Lane, Rothley, Leicester LE7 7UE (satnavs try LE7 7SJ) Join Robert Turlington for a guided walk looking at the history and archaeology of Nunckley Hill Quarry, the Mountsorrel Railway (Swithland branch), the remains of a 19th century building known as ‘Dobb Hall’ and the 1888 MSLR restored passenger carriage.

Cost £5. Booking Essential as numbers limited: email or phone Robert on 0116 297 0810 Mountsorrel Memorials Walk Wednesday 25th July: 2pm Meet at the Mountsorrel Memorial Centre, Leicester Rd, Mountsorrel, LE12 7AJ Join Mountsorrel Heritage Group for a guided walk around the war memorials in Mountsorrel. Starts and finishes at the Mountsorrel Memorial Centre. The walk includes one steep (but short) hill, some uneven ground, a visit to a much altered 13th century church and a scheduled ancient monument, Mountsorrel Castle. FREE (but donations to Mountsorrel Heritage Group appreciated). No booking required.


THE SORREL Youth Café on The Green is looking for young people who are interested in helping to start or take part in a number of new projects.

David Slater A CHARNWOOD Borough Councillor who represented Mountsorrel has died.

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THE BANDSTAND in Queen’s Park, Loughborough will play centre stage to performances by local talent this summer. Free afternoon concerts by a number of bands and choirs will be staged on the bandstand from May 27 until July 22. Performers will include the Loughborough Male Voice Choir, Charnwood Concert Band and the Newhall Ensemble. The concerts all start at 2pm and will take place: Sunday, June 17- Melbourne Town Band Sunday, July 1 – The Newhall Ensemble Sunday, July 8 – Loughborough Concert Band Sunday, July 15 – The New Orleans Hotshots Jazz Band Sunday, July 22 – Hathern Youth and Concert Brass For more information about events in Queen’s Park visit

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Cllr Slater, 70, was the ward member for Quorn and Mountsorrel Castle Ward and chair of the Plans Committee. He served as the leader for seven years, stepping down in November. Cllr Jonathan Morgan, who took over the leadership of the council, said: “David was an incredibly decent man who served the Council and the residents of Charnwood with absolute dedication. “His mantra was putting residents at the heart of everything we do as a Council and he certainly put that into practice, helping to build a very solid and stable council which focused on serving our local communities. “David was also a genuinely decent person and I have received many messages of sympathy from across the borough and the political spectrum. He was always someone you could turn to for advice and support and he has left a huge hole in civic life and the lives of his family, whom our thoughts are with at this time. “David was a friend to many and he will be missed by us all.”

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Small ads are 25p for the first 16 words. 17-32 words: 50p. Enclosing payment, post your ad to us or hand it in (inside an envelope) at Mountsorrel library. Trade/business rates for small ads are 25p a word. You are liable for the trade/business rate if you are offering a service for which you are asking for payment, or if you are advertising new goods for sale. All text will be printed bold. Box outline £1 extra. Max 50 words. Phone numbers count as one word.

TELEPHONE EXTENSION Sockets fitted by ex-BT engineer. Cable, BT and digital TV. Over 25 yrs experience. John 2675132 mob 077 91788331

Planning P/18/1070/2: 75A Leicester Rd - change of use from a shop to a micro-pub P/18/1054/2: 4 Castle Hill – regularise boundary issues – form extending hip roof over existing flat roof/balcony: form solid timber screen onto side conservatory wall to boundary: existing original window (ground floor lounge) to be obscure/frosted glass blocks; regularise surface water/roof drainage on boundary line P/18/1032/2: Loughborough Rd – proposed erection of a chalet bungalow on land rear of 202 Loughborough Rd P/18/0941/2: 24 Rockingham Rd - 1st floor side extension above existing P/18/0873/2: 31 Rothley Rd – erection of outbuilding to rear of dwelling P/18/0923/2: 91 Rockhill Drive – erection of roof extension to side of dwelling P/18/0910/2: 2 Windmill Close – erection of single storey extension to rear of attached garage and side of dwelling P/18/0858/2: 105 Rothley Rd – erection of bungalow to the rear of 105 Rothley Rd P/18/0662/2: Linkfield Farm – land northeast of Loughborough Rd – erection of 52 dwellings & associated open space, access, infrastructure and landscaping P/18/0706/2: The Peace Garden, Sileby Rd – works to 18 trees in the Peace Garden P/18/0491/2: The Green, Mountsorrel – tree works as set out in accompanying application form, remedial selective thinning, crown raising to give highway clearance (height 5.2m). Clearance from roofs (2m) and clearance for grass areas (2m)

The Sept issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Sep 7. The copy deadline is Aug 24.

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is still required if you are selling or renting out your house. Call David Jackson on 0781 5519490 to arrange your EPC


Unit 109, Greenacres, The Sidings Leicester LE4 3BR Editor: Mr Jerry Jackson Editorial/Advertising

0116 4422067 Correspondence, news etc can be handed in at: Mountsorrel Library or to our office.

JUNE 2018

is also looking to recruit volunteers to help staff a new Thursday afternoon Fun and Families session providing opportunities for families to meet up, share a reasonably priced meal and for the children to engage in fun activities. Funding for a crafts worker to help staff this session could be available. If you are interested in finding out more about any of these projects or volunteering then please contact Graham on 07775 616001.

Small Ads


Stand Up 4 Yourself is a project supported by the Mountsorrel United Charities Education Fund and aimed at young people, aged 14+, who are interested in live music, performing and/or developing their skills in playing an instrument, singing or organising music events. The group is starting to meet weekly and will work towards developing Open Mic sessions throughout the year. Come Dine with Me was established several years ago and provides an opportunity for budding chefs and young people interested in hospitality, to use the Café as a restaurant. The young people from the project have now gone on to work, college and other things, so the Café is now looking to recruit a new group. Previously the young people have gained skills in catering, hospitality, organising events, budgeting, purchasing and dealing with customers. The group is open to young people aged 14+. Parish Crossover is a project looking to consult with young people in the villages of Quorn and Rothley about their interests and the activities they would like to have access to. The project is looking for approximately 20 young people to spend a day taking part in activities at Beaumanor Hall and talking about what they want in their village. In addition to young people, the Café


Music and cooking at youth café

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