3 minute read
Married in Belgrave
WERE YOU married in Belgrave?
Maybe at St Peter’s, St Michael and All Angels, Claremont Street Methodist Church, in a temple or tabernacle?
Belgrave Heritage Trust is displaying a collection of photographs of Belgrave weddings. The display is entitled ‘I Were Married There’ and presents pictures of ‘The Big Day’, generously lent to us by the trust’s friends and members. The photos record weddings from as early as 1897 up to the present day. The display will be open in the Old Laundry at Belgrave Hall every Wednesday from May 31 to June 28 and the weekend of June 3/4. Admission is free, but a donation to the trust’s funds would be appreciated. For more information, contact the Secretary at belgraveheritagetrust@gmail.com
A FULL meeting of Mountsorrel Parish Council was held on January 16, 2023.
PC Culverwell reported that crime figures are much lower than in the same reporting period 12 months ago. Members thanked the police for their regular attendance at meetings.
Members considered the budget and precept proposals for 2023/2024. It was agreed to increase the council tax precept by 5% and to meet the shortfall in the budget from reserves. The precept for the forthcoming year will be £554,926, with a deficit of £31,725 being met from the council’s general reserves.
A meeting of the projects and amenities committee was held on January 23, 2023.
It was agreed to recruit a Mountsorrel library volunteer coordinator to be employed for 20 hours per week with a preferred start date of April 1, 2023.
Members were reminded that there were available section 106 money and earmarked reserves set aside for the purpose of the new play area off Halstead Road recreation ground. Members were frustrated that the Halstead Road improvements had been slow to progress due to the deeds of variation, and this had been flagged by the parish manager with the chief executive of Charnwood Borough Council. A new play area at Halstead Road was a chance to move part of the project forward. It was agreed to commission Sports & Play consulting to the value of £2500 to support the Parish Council through the procurement process for the delivery of a new play area at Halstead Road.
Members considered quotations for extending the floral displays around the village. It was agreed to spend £3549 for the provision of 17 window boxes and the associated watering requirements to be located on the railings of Castle Gardens, the Parish Rooms and the Peace Gardens.
A meeting of the planning and policy committee was held on February 6, 2023.
The crime figures from January 1 –28 were provided. Three reports of criminal damage, three reports of burglary, four reports of theft, five reports of vehicle crime, and no reports of antisocial behaviour.
A site visit with officers from the County Council has been undertaken, to discuss the potential siting of vehicleactivated speed signs.
A meeting of the finance and general purpose committee was held on February 13, 2023.
It was agreed to increase allotment rents to the following: full plots, £50, half plots £25, smaller plots in proportion to previous charges to £35, and a concession of one-third to be applied for those on means-tested benefits.
It was agreed to increase the cost of pitch hire to sports clubs by 20%. The charge to hire the parish room will not change for charities and other organisations within the parish. There will be a 20% increase for organisations outside the parish and for commercial use. Cemetery charges will increase by 10%.
It was agreed to allocate a budget of £2000 for the celebrations of the coronation of King Charles III.
It was agreed to spend £3250 on tree work on Castle Hill and £1999 on the refurbishment of the toilets in the Parish Room.
A meeting of the planning and policy committee was held on March 6, 2023.
The crime figures for February 1 – 28 were provided. Three vehicle crimes, two thefts, two burglaries, three criminal damage and one report of antisocial behaviour.
A meeting of the full council was held on March 20, 2023.
It was reported that the bus shelter near the library had been modified in consultation with the parish council to help prevent antisocial behaviour.
It was agreed to award a certificate of commendation to George Overton for his years of dedication as a trustee of the Mountsorrel United Charities/Mountsorrel Community Support Fund.
A meeting of the projects and amenities committee was held on March 27, 2023.
It was agreed to continue to support the Mountsorrel branch of the Royal British Legion by organising the Remembrance Sunday parade in the village for 2023.