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Leadership Conference

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Ambassadors, Reading Leaders, Times Tables Champions, Sports Leaders, Playground Leaders, BISAD Diploma Ambassadors and Eco Warriors. Each workshop was led by teachers who lead in these areas within the school alongside dedicated IB Diploma students.

Our Young Leaders then listened to Mr. Harper talking about his personal experience as a leader, drawing upon leaders who had inspired him before having the opportunity to reflect on the day, sharing their new knowledge and skills with those from different workshops. Students added to their BISAD Diplomas before being proudly presented with a certificate from Mr. Lowe and Mr. Cocker.


These students are now involved in BISAD’s Young Leaders Programme and will be carrying out their leadership roles next term. We look forward to seeing these Change Makers in action!

FS1 Read and Relax

‘Children are made readers on the laps of their parents’ – Emilie Buchwald.

This term, our Nursery students were delighted to welcome their parents into school for Read and Relax. They shared their favourite stories and completed lots of exciting activities linked to Traditional Tales.

Children and parents worked together to build a bridge for The Billy Goats Gruff, mixed some porridge for Goldilocks and the Three Bears and constructed a boat for The Gingerbread Man. Everyone had a wonderful time.

World Book Day was a great success! Not only wonderful learning was taking place in class, the students also truly embraced the challenge in ensuring that their costumes were created in line with the Sustainable Development Goal of responsible consumption.

There were so many incredibly creative and resourceful costumes - both homemade and reused, so thank you to all parents for encouraging this.

Year 2 Maths Parent Workshop

In February, we had a fantastic turnout for the Year 2 Maths Parent Workshop. We shared the key skills that have been covered so far this year as well as what the children will be learning for the rest of the academic year.

The main focus of the workshop was to share the strategies that we use in class to teach addition, subtraction and multiplication. Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Cocker and Miss Lapworth each ran an area where parents were able to visit, see examples, use manipulatives and ask questions.

It was fantastic to hear how useful many of the parents found the session and left knowing how they can further support their children at home.

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