2 minute read
DofE Bronze and Silver Qualifying Expeditions
from BIS Abu Dhabi Times
In March, 43 Year 10 DofE Bronze Award students made their way to Fujairah for their two-day, one-night Practice and Qualifying Journeys. The weather made way for a fantastic journey with cool winds and lower temperatures. The students were aiming to make progress on their strong Khatim Desert practice journeys. All groups had clear journey purpose aims, ranging from ‘A DofE Instructional Video’ to ‘How to celebrate a birthday DofE style’. The journey purpose ensures groups have a goal to aim for whilst completing the expedition.
Students spend a portion of their journeying time completing their purpose and must present this upon the return to school. Navigational skills were put to the test at the start of day two, when fog descended on the mountains. Students ensured that their navigational skills were correct to travel to the first check point, in which all students did with ease.
All groups demonstrated exceptional navigational and campcraft skills that ensured a very successful Adventurous Journey.
All BIS Abu Dhabi DofE and North Star staff were proud of the way that the students conducted themselves throughout the Adventurous Journey, showing a real care for the DofE ethos. Students must now concentrate on finishing their Physical Recreation, Skill and Voluntary Service elements of the Award. Well done Year 10!
In January, children in Nursery had an amazing experience when animals from the petting zoo came to visit. The children got to hold, stroke and feed ducks, rabbits, turtles, birds, hedgehogs, guinea pigs, and a goat. They loved talking to their friends about their experiences and what they noticed, including similarities and differences between the animals, as well as learning how to treat and take care of the animals.
Year 8 & 9 Skiing Trip
This term, 29 students from Year 8 and Year 9 headed to the snowy slopes of Switzerland. Along with staff and students from other schools in the NAE family, they had a blast skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing their way across the Swiss Alps. They made phenomenal progress and had a great time with their friends.
As part of their Pollution Revolution topic, Year 4 visited a hydroponic farm in Masdar City. In small groups, students had a workbook to complete and were asked to work collaboratively, represent the school well, develop their knowledge and understanding and record key information. The winning group from each class had a tea party with Mr. Cocker, Head of Primary. He asked them about their learning and students had a chance to celebrate their teamwork with some delicious pastries and juices. What a great way to complete the topic!
Year 4 Tea Party
Over the weekend of 13th - 15th January the Year 11 Geographers participated in some fantastic fieldwork. We were excited to be able to give students some real fieldwork experiences this year after two years off and give them a chance to really live their Geography in some of the most beautiful parts of the UAE.
The three-day trip gave students the opportunity to develop hypotheses, conduct fieldwork, collect data, present and analyse data and draw conclusions from their study of the natural environment. Students visited Wadi Showka and Al Hamra Beach in Ras Al Khaimah and Al Hamariyah Beach in Sharjah to consider river and coastal habitats.
Year 11 Geography Trip
The final day was spent conducting a comparative investigation of Urban Environments in Al Fahidi historical district and the Emirates Tower area of Dubai.
We were spoiled with brilliant weather and the chance to make some great memories celebrating birthdays around the campfire and working together exploring the geography of our region.