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431 The Science Department works to develop a richness and excitement of the natural world through basic understanding of anatomy, earth science, marine biology, biology, chemistry, and physics. Many of these courses are offered at the Honors and AP level. The department goals for students include developing critical thinking and problem solving skills for success in scientific endeavors, developing research skills and understanding the scientific process through experimentation, relating abstract concepts to concrete, real-world problems, encouraging students to explore individual scientific interests via a variety of learning opportunities, and participating in collaborative learning experiences to maximize academic and social growth. Students will utilize technology, such as computers, graphing calculators, and Vernier software, for research and experimental analysis. Students will also become aware of the role and responsibility of the scientific community as it relates to the global community.

The course is an introduction to biological science with an emphasis on themes that guide modern biological research. The main focus of content includes structure and function, matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems, interdependent relationships in ecosystems, inheritance and variation of traits, and natural selection and evolution of living organisms. Labs enhance the methods by which students understand the underlying themes. Students will dissect animal tissue.



PREREQUISITE: BK honors criteria This course covers a wide range of basic biological principles including structure and function, matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems, interdependent relationships in ecosystems, inheritance and variation of traits, and natural selection and evolution of living organisms. Although the content is similar to Biology, the depth of the content requires students to have higher level memorization and critical thinking skills. A meaningful part of this course is laboratory work, where concepts learned in the classroom are reinforced and/ or clarified. Students are required to make connections between what they study in class and what they observe in the real world. In addition, students use the scientific method to investigate scientific principles. Students will dissect animal tissue and complete a science project.



PREREQUISITES: Biology, Chemistry, and BK honors criteria AP Biology is a college level introduction to biology that can result in the attainment of college credit based on performance on the AP Exam. The course content will cover a wide range of material from cellular components of life, genetics, population biology, microbiology (viruses/bacteria), plant and animal diversity, comparative animal biology, to ecological systems. This lecture-based course requires students to complete laboratory activities. Students are required to take the Advanced Placement Exam. Students must attend mandatory afterschool sessions scheduled throughout each semester.


PREREQUISITE: Biology The purpose of this course is to provide the student with exploratory activities in the structures and functions of the components of the human body. The content includes, but is not limited to, cell physiology, body tissues and membranes, the integumentary system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, nutrition and metabolism. Laboratory investigations of selected topics are an integral component of the course. Dissection of animal tissue is a course requirement.



PREREQUISITES: Biology, Chemistry and BK honors criteria The purpose of this course is to provide the student with exploratory activities in the structures and functions of the components of the human body. The content includes, but is not limited to, cell physiology, body tissues and membranes, the integumentary system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, lymphatic system, urinary system, reproductive system, nutrition and metabolism. Although the content is similar to Anatomy/Physiology, the depth of the content requires students to have higher-level memorization and critical thinking skills. Laboratory investigations of selected topics are an integral component of the course. Dissection of animal tissue and a science project are course requirements.



PREREQUISITES: Algebra 1 and Biology This course covers a wide range of basic principles including atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, the states of matter, the gas laws, solutions, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, acids, bases, salts, and an introduction to carbon chemistry. A meaningful part of this course is laboratory work, where concepts learned in the classroom are reinforced or clarified.



PREREQUISITES: Algebra 1, Biology and BK honors criteria This course covers a wide range of basic principles of chemistry, including atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, the states of matter, the gas laws, solutions, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, acids, bases, salts, kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics and an introduction to organic chemistry. Although the content is similar to Chemistry I, the depth of the content requires students to have higher level memorization and critical thinking skills. A meaningful part of this course is laboratory work, where concepts learned in the classroom are reinforced or clarified. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative aspects and theoretical development. A science project is required.



PREREQUISITES: Chemistry and Algebra 2 or current enrollment in Algebra 2 and BK honors criteria This course is designed to be the equivalent of a general chemistry course taken during the first year of college. The major topics covered include chemical bonding, atomic theory, periodicity, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, gas laws, kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base equilibrium, and thermodynamics. Emphasis is placed on chemical calculations and mathematical formulation of chemical principles through specific laboratory experiments. Several labs incorporate the Vernier graphical analysis program. A graphing calculator is required. Students are also required to take the Advanced Placement Exam. Students must attend mandatory afterschool sessions scheduled throughout each semester. 23




PREREQUISITE: Biology Environmental Science is an applied science with an interdisciplinary focus. Students will have opportunities to apply scientific principles and methodology as they investigate current environmental issues. Inquiry-based laboratory exercises will allow students to explore the role and impact of human activities on natural systems. Content includes, but is not limited to, backyard ecology, invasive species, energy audits, water pollution, and acid rain.

This is an advanced course studying and surveying the oceanic realm. Students will focus on an integrated study of physical, chemical and biological processes of the ocean. The topics covered in the course will include: the geochemical formation of the earth, sediments and its systems; the mechanics of waves, currents and tides; the unique chemistry of water; and the major ecosystems of the world with a focus on Florida’s marine ecosystems, including dissection of preserved specimens. The relationships that humans have with the ocean, including pollution, bioremediation, harvest of resources and the ethics of stewardship will also be discussed. As in all honors science classes, a science project is required.



PREREQUISITES: Biology and BK honors criteria This advanced course integrates biology, chemistry, physics, geology, ecology, economics, history, political science and mathematics as students investigate current environmental issues. Students will analyze thoroughly the regulations aimed at protecting our national resources. Utilizing scientific principles and methodology, students will explore the role and impact of human activities on natural systems. The inquiry-based laboratory exercises will help students build scientific research and communication skills through mapping, graphing, analyzing data mathematically, researching the scientific literature, and presenting findings in class. This course is ideal for students who are excited to learn about environmental issues and conduct scientific research. A science project is required.



PREREQUISITE: Biology Marine science explores the physical, chemical, geological and biological aspects of life in the oceans. Topics covered in the course include the history and the origins of the ocean, the chemistry of water, geology, climate, currents, tides and waves. Emphasis will be placed on the biological concepts that underlie ocean systems and processes. Concepts will be reinforced through a variety of laboratory work, including dissection of preserved specimens.



PREREQUISITES: Biology and BK honors criteria


PREREQUISITES: Chemistry with a minimum grade of 77 and concurrently enrolled in a mathematics course at the level of Algebra 2 or above This course is a modern inductive approach to the physics of today. Time, space, mass, motion, energy, sound, magnetism, and electricity are examined in the process of developing models of the universe. This course is strongly recommended for prospective science and engineering majors. A graphing calculator is required.



PREREQUISITES: Chemistry, enrollment in a mathematics course at the level of Algebra 2 or above and BK honors criteria This course, the equivalent of one semester of algebra-based general physics class taken during the first year of college, will provide students with the opportunity to study Newtonian mechanics, rotational mechanics, mechanical waves, and electric circuits. It will utilize student-centered learning to foster critical thinking skills as the student builds models to describe and predict the natural world. Students must attend weekly after school lab sessions and take the Advanced Placement Exam. A graphing calculator is required.



PREREQUISITES: AP Physics 1 and BK honors criteria This course, the equivalent of one semester of algebra-based general physics class taken during the first year of college, will provide students with the opportunity to study fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. It will utilize student-centered learning to foster critical thinking skills as the student builds models to describe and predict the natural world. Students are required to attend weekly after school lab sessions and take the Advanced Placement Exam. A graphing calculator is required.

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