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RANDOM DRUG TESTING BK implements new procedure for 2020-2021 Abigail Parker | Copy Editor

Bishop Kenny High School has begun randomly drug testing students this school year. Along with The Bolles School and Episcopal School of Jacksonville, BK announced in October 2019 that it would expand its drug testing policies from testing based on suspicion to randomized drug tests as well.

Dean of Students Laurie Wray stated that in years past, the school had only drug tested based on reasonable suspicion. Now, however, the school has purchased a program that randomly selects students to be tested based on student numbers. Any student could possibly be tested at any time in the school year.

There are multiple types of alcohol and drug tests that the school could make students take. The main test is a 14-panel saliva based test that searches for alcohol and drugs such as marijuana, opiates, cocaine and amphetamine.

The second test, which is also saliva based, is used to test for nicotine use.

Wray noted that breathalyzers are also available

The 14 panel drug test is used to look for alcohol and various drugs such as opiates, cocaine, marijuana and amphetamines. when reasonable suspicions abuse program to combat tool for our students to make arise and will still be used at student drug use on and off good choices in regards to school functions. campus. A student might drugs and alcohol,” Wray said.

The deans of students be subject to a substance BK will continue random and the school nurse will abuse evaluation given by an searches, including having administer the various tests. authorized professional if he or the drug dogs on campus, If a student tests positive, she tests positive for drugs or to ensure that students on the school will discipline the alcohol. If the student chooses campus are not exposed to student by putting him or her not to undergo counseling, illegal substances, according on probation. The student’s he or she could be asked to to Wray. parents will be notified so that withdraw from the school. the student can get help. “We felt very strongly that

The school has a substance [the tests] would serve as a

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