BISHOP LIFTING EQUIPMENT STORE Prominent Supplier of Lifting Equipment in the United Kingdom
About Bishop Bishop is a reputed and leading lifting equipment supplier. They are a full-time member of LEEA, Lifting Equipment Engineers Association. They have been in this business for the past thirty-eight years and thus have all sorts of lifting equipment from electric hoists to toe jack. They deliver a wide range of lifting equipment that you can purchase online with just a few clicks. They also have got a comprehensive hiring service that is covered in the whole of the United Kingdom. Their expert professionals will be glad to provide you with tailor specific solutions for meetings that can match with your requirements.
Our Products
Industrial Lifting Equipment
Electric Winches
Steel Lifting Equipment
Height Safety Equipment
Why Should You Hire Bishop? They have got top-quality lifting solutions. 100% client satisfaction. 100% retention rate. Partnered with mainstream brands such as CM Lodestar, William Hackett, Stahl, etc. Bespoke expert advice. Affordable pricing range. Flexi and multi-facet staff. Swift dealing. EC declaration and ISO registered products.
Contact Us Bishop Lifting Services Unit 1 Rhymney River Bridge Rd, Cardiff CF23 9AF, United Kingdom
Official Website +44 (0) 29 2046 5988 029 2047 1513