Boost Your Sales with Facebook Marketing While a lot of websites can boast of millions of visitors, Facebook is still the behemoth of the online world. Its billions of users offer a unique opportunity for just about anyone to reach a market that’s dynamic and responsive. But the question is why aren’t business owners succeeding spectacularly in terms of using Facebook in finding people who are more likely to be interested in their product and converting them into customers? That’s because most business owners have no clue on how to make money from Facebook. Unlike before, Facebook is now offering paid options to market products on its site. They are actually inviting online entrepreneurs to utilize Facebook as a marketing tool and these paid options are generally effective in getting the word out; but they’re far from the ultimate solution to your needs. In fact, I still maintain that a fan page or business page (that’s still available for free) can get you much better results than paid Facebook advertising if done right. Online users are still wary of paid recommendations but they are ready to believe genuine, unpaid recommendations; even if they get it from a total stranger. If you really want to know how to make money from Facebook, you have to keep in mind that Facebook was designed for staying connected and for sharing. Forget paid advertising and placement, forget paying people to ‘like’ your pages; the secret to successful Facebook marketing is all in the sharing (and participation). Offer up interesting and useful information in your posts, information that your followers or friends are more likely to share. Don’t be above sharing something cute every now and then, but don’t use it too much to get those likes and shares. Be genuine in your dialogue; answer questions when they pop up and tell them more about your company. In short, be there to share and to get to know your potential customers and they will return the favor by sharing and liking your posts. If one Facebook user can reach about 200 people and those 200 people can reach about 10 000, Facebook is truly a marketing gold mine. That’s how to make money from Facebook in a nutshell; but wait, there’s more. By sticking to the fan pages or business pages, you’re separating yourself from the image of big companies that don’t care about their customers, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invest in your Facebook pages. Invest in the graphics and the activities. By ‘activities’, I mean events like online contests that offer prizes, or share incentives, things that will encourage your online followers to put the word out and to give you their stamp of approval where their friends can see. You might not need a lot of money to get started on Facebook marketing but you will need to invest a lot of your time; initially, at least. If you are serious about learning how to make money from Facebook and if you’re invested in mastering this powerful marketing tool, you have to not lose sight of the fact that Facebook is still a social media website. Your visitors will want to get to know you as a company and you should return the favor by getting to know them; why are they interested in your company and what is your strong selling point to them? This is only a start to learning how to make money from Facebook. You can find out more by joining our Facebook community where you can master online marketing strategies from online business owners like you! Visit for more information about How to Boost Your Sales with Facebook Marketing Other articles you will find interesting: Email Marketing Tips Part 1 Email Marketing Tips Part 2 A Mind for Success Creating A Killer E-book Title Part-1 This Could be Be Killing Your Business Growth List Building Strategies Part 1