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In North Dakota, HOME supports housing production and funds homeownership and rental assistance programs with approximately $2.6 million available.

LIHTC encourages private sector investment in affordable housing through tax incentives. Property owners receive the credits for up to 10 years based on their capital investment and a project’s level of commitment to low-income tenancy. Credits of approximately $3.1 million are available.
The HTF’s purpose is to increase and preserve the supply of housing for extremely low-income households, including individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and has approximately $2.8 million available.
The application process for the programs is competitive with the top-scoring projects awarded conditional commitments from NDHFA. Applicants must provide evidence that there is a need for the proposed project or program, and that the costs are reasonable. The application deadline is 5 p.m., CDT on Sept. 30, 2023.