2021 Bismarck State College Security Fire Safety Report

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CRIME/EMERGENCY REPORTING AND COLLEGE RESPONSE Reporting Crimes and Other Emergencies Campus community members ‐ students, faculty, staff, visitors and guests ‐ are encouraged to report all criminal actions, emergencies, suspicious behavior or other public safety related incidents occurring within the College’s Clery geography to the Bismarck State College Safety and Security Department (Safety and Security) in an accurate, prompt, and timely manner. The College’s Clery geography (as defined in the "Geography Definitions" elsewhere in this Annual Report, and hereafter referred to as the “College’s Clery geography.”) includes: •

On‐campus property including campus residence halls, buildings, and/or facilities;

Designated noncampus properties and facilities;

All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that are within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus or on‐campus property/facilities.

The Bismarck State College Safety and Security Department (Safety and Security) has been designated by Bismarck State College as the official office for campus crime and emergency reporting. Safety and Security strongly encourages the accurate and prompt reporting of crimes. Accurate and prompt reporting ensures Safety and Security is able to evaluate, consider and send timely warning notices, disclose crimes through ongoing disclosure processes such as the posting of crimes in the Daily Crime Log and accurately documenting reportable crimes in its annual statistical disclosure. Bismarck State College further encourages accurate and prompt reporting to Safety and Security and/or the local police when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report. This publication focuses on Safety and Security because it has primary responsibility for patrolling the Bismarck State College campus and it has been designated as the institution’s primary reporting structure for crimes and emergencies. However, criminal incidents or incidents off campus can be reported to the local Bismarck Police Department. Additionally, as outlined below, the College has also identified a list of primary campus security authorities (CSA) or preferred receivers of reports to whom crimes or allegations of crimes can be reported. Primary Campus Security Authorities (CSA) or Preferred Receivers of Reports: •

Call the Safety and Security by dialing 701- 224-2700 or on‐campus extension 42700.

Report in person to the Safety and Security at the Safety and Security office located in Room #135 of Schafer Hall at 1500 Edwards Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501.

Crimes or emergency situations can also be reported to the Bismarck Police or local emergency services by dialing 911.

Sex Offenses and other incidents of sexual or relationship violence can also be reported to the college’s Title IX Coordinator, by dialing 701- 224-5638 or on‐campus extension 5638, or in person at the Executive Suite located in Room #331 of National Energy Center of Excellence at 1200 Schafer St., Bismarck, ND 58501.

Contact the Human Resources (HR) Department by dialing 701- 224-5427 or on‐campus extension 45427, or in person at the HR office located on the upper floor of the Meadowlark Building at 1700 Schafer St., Bismarck, ND 58501.

Contact the Community Standards Coordinator by dialing 701- 224‐2540 or on‐campus extension 42540, or in person at Room #225 of Student Union,1425 Schafer St., Bismarck, ND 58506.

Complete the online reporting form at: Campus Security Authority Reporting Form (This form should only be used for non‐emergency or non‐urgent reporting)

Response to Reports Safety and Security Officers are available M-F 7:30am-12:00am. In response to a call, Safety and Security will take the required action by either dispatching an officer or asking the reporting party to go to the Safety and Security Office to file an incident report in person. All reported crimes will be investigated by the college and may become a matter of public record. Crime victims are given on and off campus resource information as necessary and appropriate. Safety and Security procedures require an immediate response to emergency calls. Safety and Security works closely with a full range of city and county resources to assure a complete and timely response to all emergency calls. Priority response is given to crimes against persons and personal injuries. Safety and Security responds to and investigates all reports of


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