BSC CYBERSECURITY PROGRAM PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Our nation is facing a crisis in cybersecurity attacks. Experts tell us that every aspect of personal and professional data is at risk. Data breaches, identity theft, credit card hacking are fears we live with personally and in our professional lives. The cost of cybercrime damage is expected to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021. And even as this risk increases, the global cybersecurity workforce will have more than 1.5 million unfilled positions by 2020. North Dakota is in equally dire straits when it comes to the cybersecurity workforce needed in our hospitals, refineries, technology companies, power plants and more. The need for cybersecurity workers is great and cybersecurity training opportunities are few. BSC is well-positioned to fill that gap. Last year BSC revamped our Computer Information Systems offerings to create a Cybersecurity and Computer Networks program – and enrollment rose by nearly 10% in less than a year. In the fall of 2017, we saw enrollment increase again. Our students want to live and work close to home, and this region has an urgent need for cybersecurity experts. The time is right and the faculty and curriculum are in place to grow our own cybersecurity workforce. The North Dakota University System and BSC are ready, and we are looking to business and industry to be our partners in educating the experts who can secure our nation’s networks and data. Given North Dakota’s revenue shortfalls, BSC’s budget has been drastically cut, severely impacting our ability to deliver new and cutting-edge programming to students. The risk is great, and the urgency of the workforce challenges dictates that we cannot wait for state revenues to improve, or for the next legislative session in 2019 before addressing the workforce needs. Thus, BSC is looking to business and industry for financial support for our cybersecurity program.
BSC FUNDRAISING GOAL Our goal is to raise $1.6 million to strengthen the program by funding additional faculty, classroom equipment and outreach to recruit additional students into the program.
Total Investment $1,651,000 Description Amount
3 years
1 time
3 years
3 years
These funds allow BSC to add faculty, create in-house animations and incorporate blended classroom learning environments where students can leverage next-generation, high-fidelity simulations, and immerse themselves in handson learning. They’ll receive mentoring from faculty and industry experts, complete internships and participate in virtual training environments. Your investment will allow us to expand our capacity to train more students by Fall 2018, thereby serving the critical workforce needs in North Dakota and the region.
Lifetime Leader – $1,000,000 to $2,499,999 Physical Recognition Outside Signage Cyber Education Wing of Technical Center
Internal Signage
High visibility signage on SW-facing wing of Tech Center visible from College Drive and Schafer Street. 560 BSC/BPS students/day enter building (including 50+ cybersecurity students) Placed in central hallway
Marketing/ Lead gift(s) announced via news conference Communications Recognition Acknowledgement included in news release(s) BSC Magazine featured story
Alert to all media
Rotating website slider +
BSC Foundation Recognition
BSC Foundation Annual President’s Club dinner
Award presented at BSC Foundation President’s Club Dinner in October
All news sent to statewide media, posted on website, and media outreach, shared via BSC, BSC Foundation and Alumni social media channels, etc. 22,000 delivered; digital copy at
Donor Recognition Plaque
Plaque with all donors in prominent location in the Technical Center
3,200 disseminated
BSC Foundation Annual Report featured story
Benefactor – $500,000 to $999,999 Physical Recognition Outside Signage Cyber Education Wing of Technical Center
Internal Signage
High visibility signage on west-facing wing of Tech Center visible from Schafer Street. 560 BSC/ BPS students/day enter building (including 50+ cybersecurity students) Placed in central hallway
Marketing/ Lead gift(s) announced via news conference Alert to all media Communications Recognition Acknowledgement included All news sent to statewide media, posted on in news release(s) website, and media outreach, shared via BSC, BSC Foundation and Alumni social media channels, etc. BSC Magazine featured story 22,000 delivered; digital copy at
Rotating website slider +
BSC Foundation Recognition
BSC Foundation Annual President’s Club dinner
Award presented at BSC Foundation President’s Club Dinner in October
Donor Recognition Plaque
Plaque with all donors in prominent location in the Technical Center
3,200 disseminated
BSC Foundation Annual Report featured story
The included depictions are for reference only. The DCN Cyber Education Wing is one naming option. Other ideas on the table include Cyber Operations Wing, Cyber Headquarters, Cyber Studies, Cybersecurity Hub, and, from our students, Hacking Hall. We will work with our industry partners moving forward to finalize the name.
Founder – $250,000 to $499,999
Physical Recognition Cybersecurity classroom naming rights Marketing/ Communications Recognition
News release announcing donation OR inclusion in lead donor(s) news conference if timing allows
3 large, high visibility classrooms available; plaques outside room Alert to all media
Acknowledgement included in media outreach
All news sent to statewide media, posted on website, shared via BSC, BSC Foundation and Alumni social media channels, etc.
BSC Magazine story
22,000 delivered; digital copy at
BSC Foundation Recognition
BSC Foundation Annual President’s Club dinner
Award presented at BSC Foundation President’s Club Dinner in October
Donor Recognition Plaque
Plaque with all donors in prominent location in the Technical Center
3,200 disseminated
BSC Foundation Annual Report story
Diamond Award – $100,000 to $249,000 Physical Recognition
Cybersecurity classroom naming rights
4 classrooms available; plaques outside room
Marketing/ Communications Recognition
Donor cited in media outreach website, shared via BSC, BSC Foundation and Alumni social media channels, etc.
All news sent to statewide media, posted on
BSC Magazine story
22,000 delivered; digital copy at
BSC Foundation Recognition
BSC Foundation Annual President’s Club dinner
Award presented at BSC Foundation President’s Club Dinner in October
Donor Recognition Plaque the Technical Center
Plaque with all donors in prominent location in
BSC Foundation Annual Report story
3,200 disseminated
Ruby Award – $50,000 to $99,000 Physical Recognition
Student study/collaboration room, conference room, break room, faculty office suite and lab naming rights
5 available; plaques outside rooms
Marketing/ Donor cited in media outreach Communications Recognition
All news sent to statewide media, posted on website, shared via BSC, BSC Foundation and Alumni social media channels, etc.
BSC Magazine
22,000 delivered; digital copy at
BSC Foundation Recognition
BSC Foundation Annual President’s Club dinner
Award presented at BSC Foundation President’s Club Dinner in October
Donor Recognition Plaque
Plaque with all donors in prominent location in the Technical Center
3,200 disseminated
BSC Foundation Annual Report