Bed Bugs Policy Residence hall staff and Buildings and Grounds are committed to effectively responding to residents who suspect they may have bed bugs. For the safety and comfort of all students living in BSC residence halls, students and staff should adhere to the following guidelines: 1. As soon as a student suspects they may have bed bugs, contact the RA on duty or the Residence Hall Coordinator. This staff member should notify the RHC (if not already a part of this process) and the responsible staff member will call our local pest control provider for inspection and assessment. Do not remove any item from the room. 2. Notes: a. If a student notifies the residence hall staff on a weekend or holiday, the weekend Residence Hall Coordinator will be notified; however, it may be difficult to have an exterminator dispatched on weekends or holidays. b. Also, students who report suspected bed bugs when the exterminator can be dispatched are expected to follow the guidelines provided by the Residence Hall Coordinator regarding the inspection and assessment phase with local pest control as well as the actual process of removal. You should not remove any items from your room unless absolutely necessary. This is CRUCIAL so that we can prevent the spread of bed bugs if they are found to be in the student’s room and belongings. 3. A student may not, at any time, deny the exterminator or BSC staff access to their living space during this process. 4. Exterminator Findings a. If the exterminator finds that there are no bedbugs present in the student’s room or suite, then no further action will be taken. The student will be asked to continue monitoring his/her living space, and to notify residence hall staff immediately if there are further problems. b. If the exterminator concludes that bed bugs are present in the room or suite, residence hall staff will provide the affected student(s) with a detailed list of instructions for heat treatment control. Residence Life does not pay for this treatment. You will be assessed this cost. c. Only the exterminator can confirm or deny the presence of bed bugs. 5. Bed bugs are a serious community issue, and ALL students are expected to comply with all instructions given to them within 24 hours once bed bugs have been confirmed within their living space.
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