The Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2019

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning found one of the best usages at Digital Marketing. The combination of AI and Machine Learning is targeting the customer segmentation, retargeting the customers, push notifications, click tracking, you name it – in a limitless combination of possibilities. According to a recent study by Blueshift, 28% of the Digital Marketing companies worldwide are using AI and 26% of companies using Machine Learning. The SEO companies in Bangkok are using these new technologies to the fullest. According to the latest Forrester’s Global State of Artificial Intelligence Online Survey, 57% of businesses worldwide are using AI to improve their customer experience and support while 44% are using AI as a means to provide the ability to improve customer satisfaction upon existing products and services. The SEO companies of Bangkok are proving to be the world leaders in this matter.

Chatbots: Chatbots are inspired form the AI and they can do basic human interaction better and efficiently than human employees. The SEO companies of Bangkok are using the Chatbot facility to the fullest. With the perfection in artificial intelligence over the years, chatbots have improved by having the ability to hold an elementary conversation with visitors and answer F.A.Qs as a live human customer support representative would. Even though many websites have been offering live chat support systems with live human representatives on the other end for years, the system has still not been robust as people still experience long waiting times.

Omni-Channel Marketing: Consumers are now classier than ever and find their information through many online and offline channels. Initially, multichannel marketing was introduced to allow predictions to communicate with businesses through various channels. For instance, forecasts can be introduced to your business through Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Instagram ads. Your Email subscribers can communicate with you through email and website visitors can communicate through chat or comments. But even though multichannel marketing was a step up from single-channel marketing, it didn’t solve consumers’ every problem. That’s why omnichannel marketing offers a better involvement for your forecasts because it provides a seamless and consistent communication process to prospects and customers across all channels and the SEO companies in Bangkok are using it the best way possible. According to the latest study, the SEO companies in Bangkok and other cities are getting more than 89% more engagement through Omni-channel marketing while without it the customer engagement drops to only 33%.

Faster Loading Mobile Websites and Webpages: Many SEO companies in the world are still not taking mobile internet users seriously. With the growing number of mobile Internet users, the faster loading dedicated mobile websites or webpages are drawing more traffic than the slower loading websites. The SEO companies in Bangkok are leading the mobile digital marketing segment.

Email Marketing: Electronic Direct Mails are the new weapon of mass digital marketing. The Personalization of Emails makes email more effective. However, personalization is not only applicable to email- it applies to all your marketing efforts. The

SEO companies of Bangkok are

technology to the fullest.



Influencer Marketing: The


SEO companies in Bangkok are

employing YouTube, Instagram and Tik Tok celebrities to influence their audience to buy some products or use services from them.

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