
On a practical level, Decentraland will allow you to interact with LAND (an essential digital asset that can be purchased in games). The platform allows LAND owners to create games, apps, gambling, creative 3D scenes, informational sites, and literally anything a LAND owner can think of. In this article, you can know more about the token MANA and understand How To Buy MANA In Canada.

Due to the limited number of virtual properties in Game 1, the area of the lot is defined as 16x16 meters. Interestingly, there is no limit to the height of the Earth. The diverse EARTH has created an area that can be viewed as a small community around a common theme. The Decentraland token also serves as a governance token, allowing anyone to vote on various local issues. The amount of land a person owns is directly related to the voting rights he owns.

Decentraland works in a similar way to most blockchain projects. Consent is divided into three levels: consensus level, native content level, and realtime level. Decentraland is the first protocol to track and manage land title certificates using Ethereum smart contracts. The second level uses a distribution system that delivers distributed content to virtual worlds. The final layer is responsible for providing peerto-peer connectivity to users so that players can interact with each other in the game.