5 minute read

god is a Perfect and righteous Judge…

What do you call some who lies?

GG: A liar.


Have ever stolen anything?

GG: Nope.

But you just admitted that you are a liar.

Key Verse: Matthew 13:40-42

As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.


We are blessed to bring you the Good News. Our theme simple and clear.

It is to make God real and personal.

And to make God very Real Person. Only then we can learn to know His nature and relate to Him. Just as Children relate to their Father and Mother.

Here is a powerful truth: That God is not an object or an image or imagina-tion of human mind.

God is a living and loving person. We find this amaz-ing revelation in the pages of Holy Bible.

This month we focus on some of the most important questions some may ask you. For example, Are you a good person? Are you Mr Good Guy?

It looks a like a simple question, but your honest answer to this questions will lead to a self discovery. Just like looking in the mirror to fix our face and body, we must look God’s word. Scriptures are supernatural Mirror. And they reveal the true condition of your heart and soul.

Try to ask yourself this question:

“ I am a good person?”.

The only person who can give an absolutely true answer to that question is God alone. So, why not you ask God the same question, “God, can you please reveal to me that I am a good person according to your standard?”

Let’s meet Mr. Good Guy (GG), if good people go to heaven, he will be the first on the line.

Our first question to GG is;

“Have you kept the God’s ten commandments?”

GG: “Pretty much”.


Do you mind that God examines your life style Mr GG…?

Have you ever told a lie?

GG: Yeah, who hasn’t?

GG: Well, I did steal some pencils and pens from a schoolmates

What do you call some who steals?

GG: A thief.

Have ever looked at someone with lust?

GG: Of Course!

Remember, Jesus said, Everyone who looks at a person with lustful intent has already committed adultery with that person in their heart.

Have you ever used God’s name in vain?

GG: Yes, when I was angry at some one who did wrong to me

That is called blasphemy “The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. (Exodus 20:7)

GG: Ok, So I am not perfect.

Actually, it is worse than that…

Suppose, God could put a microchip device into your brain that could rec-ord all your private thoughts for a month and play them on a big movie screen for all our children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren read this article, they need to realise that we at DAV in 1970s were what we say………………………….HUM KISIS

SE KUM NAHI….(We are no lesser than others)

reunions and inducted in DAV

Lovers Hall of Fame


It was indeed an honour for me to have gone through DAV College, Ba. I would not want to change that for anything.

Apart from granting us an education base that helped us earn a living, the school also taught us how to live. Apart from giving me a life partner, it also gave us numerous friends.

But most important, our school days, like legends of KrishnSudama, gave us fond memories of childhood in those formative years, without any barriers of status. We call them– “Yaadein” – memories, the thread of which can take us back in time, and I hum …. “koi lauta de mere beete huye din….” (Somebody please give me back those bygone days.)

God Bless DAV and all our mates who are spread in various corners of this world. And deep hearty Naman (salutation) to those who have passed away. God Bless all the others, including teachers and management. And may the school prosper for many many years to come.

And when we are gone, and your friends and family to see…

GG: Oh no, that will be absolutely embarrassing!

Remember, God knows the secrets of every heart (Psalm 44:21) and he knows all our thoughts (Psalm 139).

GG: Well, compared to some worst people in the history of mankind I am saint.

True, but the moral standard is God’s law and not other people. Each of us have to give an account of them self to God (Romans 14;22).

GG: But won’t God just forgive me?

Try that in court of law…

Justice demands that for every broken law you must pay full penalty. Imag-ine trying to escape from paying driving offences.

GG: Then, there is no one man is good in this world.

Yes, that is true, all have sinned and fallen short of God’s moral law that were given through ten commandments.

GG: I can never pay for all the laws I have broken day after day! There is no way…

Yes, humanly speaking it is impossible,

But, There is only one way… God’s way.

If a sinless person offered to pay your punishment, then justice would be served and you

We have left a legacy that the new generation can be proud of, and hope the seed we planted of the first DAV Reunion in 2015 continues in perpetuity. We will meet in memories, as we proceed on the fourth DAV Reunion in Brisbane next month. We may retain the theme of Ba Reunion-YEH ZINDGI NA MILEGI DOBARA…. you live only one.

And we DAVians of yesteryears will make an effort, especially those in Australia and New Zealand that we lived beautifully with this thought, and would meet in 2023 Reunion.

I, together with my wife Shashi, and other veterans from DAV lovers hall of fame, Surya and Hem Lata Singh, Sada and Sarita Naicker would attend, together with Mahendra Singh, Sant Sharma, Indar Nair and brother Vel Nair, among others who will grace the Chinese Catholic Hall on 9 September in Runcorn, Brisbane. Let the fun begin.

[About the Author: Thakur Ranjit Singh is a founding executive of DAV Reunion from 2015, and has attended all International DAV Reunions. He is a journalist, a media commentator and blogger at FIJI PUNDIT. He is a regular contributor from Auckland for this publication. E-mail: thakurjifj@gmail.com] could go free.

God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners (law break-ers), Christ Jesus died for us (Romans 5:8). We can’t earn God’s forgiveness by our million good works. It is our hum-ble and broken heart that opens the way to receive the free gift of God’s forgiveness to all who trust in the name of Jesus.

It begins with accepting that we are morally fallen short God’s standard, and none of our good works can pay for our sins. Then, we can repent of our lifestyle and turn to God; For He is more than willing to accept all who call on His name with a sincere and sobering heart.

Therefore, we invite you to pray this with a sincere heart;

“Dear Father God, today I thank you for your word that has touched my heart. I repent of my wrongs and I confess with my mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and I believe in my heart that Jesus died for my sins, God raised Jesus from the dead for my Mukti (Salvation). Now help me to know Jesus more and more so that I can grow in the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Teach me your ways so that I can be person who will learn to honour you and learn to love each other. Amen.

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