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october every year is international liver awareness month

in October join ECCQ in caring for your liver.


Your liver is an amazing organ and you cannot live without one.

Did you know it can repair itself given the chance after an injury or surgery? What does your liver do?

Your liver performs over 500 different functions including: 4Produces bile to breakdown fats, some vitamins and cholesterol 4Produces protein for blood plasma 4Breaks down glucose and converts it to store and provide energy when you need it 4Stores iron from broken down old red blood cells and releases it when new red blood cells are being produced 4Stores vitamins and minerals and releases them when you need them 4Filters and removes bacteria, toxins, alcohol and drugs

Unfortunately there are some conditions that can affect your liver, but with proper monitoring and management you can maintain a healthy liver.

The most common conditions include: 4Fatty Liver – this can be controlled and reduced with a healthy diet and regular exercise 4Alcohol related liver disease – stop drinking alcohol 4Hepatitis C virus – can damage the liver and lead to liver cancer. The hepatitis C treatment can cure and eliminate the virus. 4Hepatitis B virus – can damage the liver and lead to liver cancer. There is no cure but with recommended regular monitoring and for some people treatment – the risk of liver cancer will be greatly reduced: 4If you have been told in the past that you are a ‘healthy carrier’ you still need to see your doctor regularly - usually every 6 months for tests including blood tests, liver ultrasounds (these check for liver cancer) and Fibroscan to check for liver damage. 4‘Healthy carrier ‘is a term no longer used - as you still have the virus and it could be causing damage to your liver.

The Cancer Council of Australia advises 2832 people were diagnosed with liver cancer in 2021, with men diagnosed three times more often than women. Unfortunately, most people will not develop symptoms of liver cancer until it has become advanced.

HoW CAn yoU ProTeCT yoUrSeLF AnD yoUr LiVer?

4Have a liver check with your GP including checking or testing (if not done in the past) for hepatitis B and hepatitis C, liver function tests, an ultrasound of your liver 4See your GP when they recommend follow up 4Eat healthier foods (avoid fried, salty and sugary foods and drinks) and get regular exercise 4Reduce your weight if overweight 4Stop or reduce alcohol 4Stop smoking 4Get enough sleep – this will help your liver reduce its workload and get a bit of rest too.

For more information, please contact ECCQ:

Website: www.eccq.com. au/bbv

Phone: 07-3844 9166

If you live in Cairns, you can also contact:

Rhondda Lewis

Viral Hepatitis Health Coordinator

Phone: 07-4226 4761

Email: Rhondda.Lewis@ health.qld.gov.au

Hepatitis, HiV/AiDS and Sexual Health Program ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (eCCQ)

make up Diwali essential

Nimisha Modi

Hetvi Hair & Beauty 0412350013

Hey girLS, It’s Diwali, that time of the year when we all Indians get into the holiday mood, the mood to enjoy some fire-works, mood to enjoy family dinners, mood to enjoy an ecstatic Diwali party with our family and friends. And amidst this celebration, how can we forget Indian Women, their beauty and their urge to look prettiest on these occasions.

Its festive season, and so, please don’t experiment with your skin using new products. You may never know when you end up with allergic reactions or pimple breakouts. So, go the regular way and simply Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize your skin at least twice a day.

Eyes:-Indian women are known for their beautiful mesmerizing eyes. So, on festive occasions like Diwali, enhance your eyes with the right amount of makeup. Go for golden eyes with a smokey look at the corners, or simply choose the neutral eye makeup and add a little magic with a smokey look at the outer ends. In case you want to look bold and play with colours, use colours like ivory and gold and use coloured eyeliner to finish the look. Add a little shimmer in the edges for a more dramatic and festive look.

BroWS:-Thick and finely shaped brows are in vogue. So, simply colour your brows with a black or brown shadow using a fine brush. Avoid using pencils for their unnatural looks. eye LASHeS:-Use long lasting, waterproof mascara on your lashes. Make sure you use enough to give your eyes the most beautiful look ever. Mascaras open up your eyes, making them look bigger and prettier. eye LinerS:-Choose the eyeliner you are most comfortable with. However, the winged eye liner shape looks classy these days.

BLUSH:-Use a blush that adds a more glowing effect to your skin. Choose the colour that highlights your cheeks perfectly. (Not very light coloured)

HigHLigHTer:- Use a highlighter on the cheekbones and also the bridge of your nose.

LiPS:-Lip colour is absolutely your choice. You can keep it light or even bright coloured, based on your choice.

In case you are opting for a nude look, add a lot of gloss on your lips to add a little sparkle on them. And if you are opting for colours, go for Pinks, Reds and Corals.

And Lastly, Don’t forget to carry your makeup essentials where ever you go for a final touch up.

Wish you all Happy Diwali and Prosperous New year. Have a blessed life. Nimisha

AriEs ( 21sT MArch To 20Th APril )

This month is significant in terms of relationships and collaboration with people you interact with regularly. Mercury transit would help you succeed in competitive exams and come out of challenges with the right intellect. There may be a small gathering in the family, at work, or at a business deal to begin a new journey. The transit of Venus and Mercury would bring about a slew of festive events. However, it would be best if you were careful of the Sun's transit because it can cause ego conflicts and manifest as an argument, which leads to problems at work or in relationships. This month's focus should be on health. Avoid eating outdoors and being aggressive during a conversation. Be vigilant when flying, as Mars' transit indicates that there could be some difficulties. This month, you would be presented with an unexpected opportunity linked to a foreign country. Projects involving a foreign country or a shift in the workplace can be beneficial to you. Those of you who have been looking for a love partner likely to find it. You may get to spend a lot of time having fun with someone you like. This month would bring you planned financial gains from increments, as well as tips from your friends for a successful financial investment. This may provide you with an anticipated return. This month, students must adopt a constructive attitude toward their studies. Make a schedule for the upcoming exam and take baby steps to ensure you get the desired results.

According to your monthly Horoscope, you may embark on a new business venture. It could be a unique business opportunity or a project in which you can participate this month. The monthly horoscope also includes the chance of your marrying. New alliances may form unexpectantly, and you may amass an abundance of fame and social status. You have nothing to worry about in terms of health this month. It is, however, advised that you take care in cases involving your eyes and lower limbs. The month also brings a new and intriguing love interest with whom you can immediately interact. According to the monthly horoscope, the month would be smooth with some difficulties that you would manage well. These celestial alignments would result in favourable circumstances for many of you this month. In addition, the month may offer good opportunities for the natives. You may have a chance to grow your company or advance your career. This is the month in which it would be very beneficial to make the most of the opportunities that come your way during this month. In terms of your family life, you should be very cautious and tactical in your expressions. Try to remain calm and mature in the face of adversity. Try to keep track of your spending and cut back on unnecessary purchases. This would be an excellent month to invest in commodities like glittering mettle.

This month may start on a high note in your professional life. Businesspeople can face numerous challenges and should avoid making hasty decisions. If you are searching for a new career, you most likely find one in the middle of this month. As the month progresses, business is expected to thrive. This month has the potential to improve your financial situation. However, you must maintain a long-term perspective and maximise your savings. Avoid being risky with your money in the middle of this month, or you may find yourself in a difficult situation. The second half of this month would be favourable for both your earnings and investments. As the month starts, your love life and friendship are looking up. As the month progresses, you may have a greater understanding of your partner's and loved ones' feelings and are more sensitive to each other's needs. There would be some upheavals, but the latter part are likely to clear the air, and you may feel much more optimistic and excited about your life. This month would be a blessing for you, with no significant issues in your studies. You are likely to achieve the desired outcomes with your efforts and the encouragement of mentors. This is a time of accomplishment and total fulfilment. For the most part, your health would be in decent condition for the rest of the month. However, strict discipline can still be needed. Your health may remain good throughout the latter half of this month, but it may cause you to be a little careless, which may affect your fitness level.

cAncEr ( 22nd JunE To 22nd July )

librA ( 23rd sEPTEMbEr To 22nd ocTobEr )

cAPricorn ( 22nd dEcEMbEr To 20Th JAnuAry )

This month, business professionals are likely to meet their objectives. It is time to improve your financial situation by enrolling in a new course in a similar sector. Your monthly horoscope suggests that expanding your skill set now would set you up for improved economic changes in the future. You may need to make a financial investment at this time to advance your profession, but you can be confident that your financial gains would improve in the long run as a result. If you've been thinking about buying a car, now is the time to do so, according to your monthly forecast. If you intend to speculate and generate money, this may not be the time or location for you. Those wanting to take out a loan this month are urged to reconsider their plans, as the credit facility may not supply you with the desired income that should be flowing under ordinary circumstances.

TAurus ( 21sT APril To 21sT MAy )

You work hard to achieve happiness and success as a native who resists change but accepts it with modesty. This month, however, the hard work shall continue. You shall complete all of your tasks using your communication skills and overcome ongoing disputes with others using your persuasive ability. Your strength would grow, and you would be able to complete several projects on time, paving the way for financial gain in your life. Aside from that, you are likely to develop in long-term ventures that would yield positive results in the long run. During this time, you should maintain good working relationships with your superiors. You would be just fine financially. However, you may consciously participate in spiritual acts, and if you do any study, you would be able to obtain good results. The transit of the Sun and Mars is very beneficial for students studying Medicine. The former would allow you to study Medicine, while the latter may enable you to pursue advanced studies that is likely to lead to specialisation. Your efforts would be worthwhile if you took the right decision. This would be a difficult month for single natives. Your isolation would be intense, and you would long for someone to be a part of your life. Just hold on to your feelings, and you would be free of this isolation in no time. Again, the month would be more beneficial and rewarding for married couples.

For those who are dating, this may not be an inspiring month. They may get bored, but they would be wise to stick with their partner. In addition, they want to make them happy with their love and care. Children in the family should stay out of trouble. This month , they must exercise extreme caution. You may have to take a trip you've been putting off for a while. However, this journey would likely be highly profitable. You most likely go on a vacation with your loved ones. This month, doctors and medical practitioners are likely to energised and motivated. Their hard work would be greatly appreciated. Judges and peers may commend legal practitioners for their efforts. They may gain notoriety and would undoubtedly profit from this. Teachers are in for a tough week, and they may be tired by the end of it. Athletes will quickly meet this week's obstacles. With all of their efforts, they will emerge victoriously. You would have a fantastic time on this tour. Natives involved in the company or industry may make significant progress this week. They would perform admirably in their current ventures. They could take their company to new heights with a little more effort. Real estate brokers and builders shall make incremental progress in their day-today work. This week, they should also concentrate on starting their new ventures or deals. Teachers are encouraged to take the initiative to ensure that their work is recognised.

You may face some ups and downs during this month. You are under the influence of Saturn and Jupiter, which is likely to create some confusion and problems in your life. You may experience a feeling of irritation as a result of stress. There would be an increased expenditure on travel this month. Some family disputes may also take place during this time. The month suggests that you should try to be more careful regarding your actions. You may need to keep your words under control. You should retain your calm till the middle of the month. You may have some highs and lows at this time, but you should endeavour to maintain your sanity. As a result of this planetary alignment, you would need to increase your self-esteem at work. Furthermore, it is critical to take extra care of your eyes and avoid allowing employment to impact your health negatively. Your interest in politics or study may be piqued as a result of this planetary position. Some of you may be drawn to religious and spiritual pursuits, and you may even host auspicious events at your home. If you were involved in a legal issue, you might get some good news around the 21st of the month in 2022. Finally, your patience would allow you to obtain what you have been seeking for a long time. Your efforts will undoubtedly be recognised. You most probably become astute, organised, diligent, calculated, and willing to pull all the strings that your position enables. There's no need to be embarrassed if others see you have more vitality than femininity.

The work you have put into your projects up to this point is likely to bear fruits. For the time being, you can sit and relax. Then you can start reaping the rewards of your labour. When dealing with your siblings, try to keep your proud, impatient, and bombastic character at bay, as minor disputes with your siblings are possible. You would be clever, generous, engaging, and fascinating, giving you a never dull, constantly busy, and very alive personality to deal with. You need someone's support to enhance your energy and enthusiasm if you're feeling insecure. Others may perceive you as a forceful personality who makes bold decisions. Others may criticise you because you are firm despite being a lady. The primary threat to your health is repressed anger, grudges, and painful reminiscences, which can even lead to a mental syndrome. You have an exciting and revitalising week ahead of you. You may feel prepared to take on new difficulties related to your work or new ventures. Your youthfulness would provide harmony to your entire family. Your trait of being silent, humble, and adaptable when it is not required to express yourself would earn you more respect from others. You can certainly express your philosophical ideas when they are needed. If you become hesitant to use your analytical skills more effectively, you may become stuck, which leave you with lots of pending work.

lEo ( 23rd July To 22nd AugusT )

scorPio ( 23rd ocTobEr To 22nd noVEMbEr )

AQuArius ( 21sT JAnuAry To 18Th fEbruAry ) gEMini ( 22nd MAy To 21sT JunE )

This month, you must be patient when making decisions because most of the planetary transits may affect your intellect. There would be a delay in receiving luck's assistance, so it is best to have a backup plan and depend on your chance. Relationships with children must also be carefully handled because miscommunication can trigger stress. Jupiter's transit would provide you with advancement and progress in the project you were working on. This month, your hard work and dedication would be rewarded by some significant planet transits. Engineering-related work or employment may lead to success. Students are encouraged to practise their skills and remain centred. Many of you who get nervous or stressed out about exams should break down your training plan into baby steps. This would support you in your test. When giving gifts to your partner, be romantic and imaginative. This would help you have an excellent time in your love life. You should not use a realistic approach in your love life. Your love life needs rejuvenation through communication and quality time spent with your partner. Try to be humble in your interactions with your girlfriend. Avoid being violent because it can lead to health problems. Replace fast food with leafy greens and juicy fruits. This would help to increase your immunity. Meditation can help people embrace change in a positive way, and you can have stress-free days this month.

Virgo ( 23rd AugusT To 22nd sEPTEMbEr )

Some complications may cause discomfort at the start of this month. Don't be boring; try something out of the ordinary that is both realistic and important. You should have ample time to make improvements as the month progresses. The latter half of this month may require you to reflect on previous decisions and actions. During the month's end, well-aligned planets would aid your cause. You should anticipate financial benefits at the beginning of this month. However, as the month progresses, you may find yourself losing the ability to think logically and rationally. A minor financial issue could cause you trouble around the middle of this month. In terms of finance, the latter portion would be much more beneficial to wealth formation. This month, the affection, warmth, and peace you feel are more vital than ever. Positive energy, trust, respect, romance, and intimacy may increase as the month progresses. You and your beloved are likely to experience plenty of passion, romance, and intimacy in the latter half of this month. The planetary positions during this month would make studying difficult. The middle of this month would be much better for your studies, but you may become easily distracted, and your results would suffer as a result in the latter half of the month. This month could be beneficial to your health and fitness. There is no extensive illness on the horizon. About the middle of this month, your health would remain mediocre. However, you would soon feel at ease with your health and fitness levels.

The first part of the month would need you to deal with issues concerning your personality and character. This planetary alignment may cause you to become emotionally dependant on your spouse. You may also begin to feel insecure; yet, the intimacy are likely to grow throughout this period. You may be unable to think and form decisions fast, which would harm your finances and career. You may need to travel abroad for work, and this trip would be beneficial. You would put in a lot of effort, and your efforts would be rewarded. You should maintain your cool at work and be able to remain calm in stressful situations. Also, keep a close eye on your remarks to avoid getting into heated debates with your professional colleagues. Your mother's health may be a source of concern this month, as she would likely experience some health issues. Similarly, monitor your child's eating habits and ensure that they follow a healthy lifestyle pattern. Others may criticise you because you are firm despite being a lady. Your ethics would hurt someone you deal with. Continue with your ways and dealings if you have complete faith in them. Others can quickly comprehend your motivations. You have an exciting and revitalising week ahead of you. You would feel prepared to take on new difficulties related to your work or new ventures. Your youthfulness is likely to provide harmony to your entire family.

sAgiTTArius ( 23rd noVEMbEr To 21sT dEcEMbEr )

PiscEs ( 19Th fEbruAry To 20Th MArch )

This month, your communication skills and diplomatic approach are likely to be extremely beneficial to you on both a personal and professional level. With Jupiter's blessings, you can expect a great outcome from family and savings this month. Nonetheless, it is recommended that you exercise prudence or seek professional counsel before making a major investment. You are likely to have disagreements with siblings as a result of miscommunication, and you are also recommended not to engage in a quarrel because this can result in financial loss. Commitment is needed at work, and be very careful before sending mail, texts, or phone calls. Keep an eye out for squabbles and office politics. Those in the media should take care of their client relationships because planetary transit is not in your favour. Some of you may experience a delay in receiving your exam results. Don't get sidetracked by a relationship. Disagreements with a spouse are more likely to take place this month. Instead of criticising each other for previous mistakes, use constructive dialogue to revitalise your relationship. Some of you may incur property-related expenses in a foreign country as well as employment in a foreign country. With Saturn's influence this month, hard effort and tenacity are extremely required. Don't rely on luck to achieve your goals in your job and business. There may be new employees at the office. A marriage proposal may be on the way unexpectedly. Those of you who are waiting for a love proposal or confession may need to wait a little longer.

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