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ariEs ( 21st march to 20th april )

The month promises positive developments in Aries life. To begin with relationships, the period is likely to get favourable in terms of personal interactions. Singles may enjoy pleasant times with their desired partners. Those of marriageable age may get suitable proposals from family and friends. There is a possibility of some Aries natives, getting a sudden proposal from their ex-partner. Married couples are likely to spend quality time with their spouses. On the career front the month may be a bit busy for working professionals. You may be allocated new projects and assignments. Interaction with different people is likely to yield good results especially for those natives in the sales field. Besides, sudden work pressure or client expectations are likely to bring some stressful moments. It is therefore, advisable to avoid shouldering new responsibilities from clients during the phase. In financial matters there may be gains along with some expenses on family and friends around the month. You may benefit from communication related businesses. A long distance trip may give rise to some expenses. Your spouse may look upon you for financial aid during the month. The period is likely to bring challenges in the academic field as students may struggle for better grades. They may need to keep a positive mindset to deal with issues related to their curriculum. A sudden change in syllabus or a surprise test is likely to put students under stress. Hard work and dedication may help natives appearing for competitive examinations to pass out with flying colours. In health and fitness stress and indigestion issues are likely to take a toll. It may be advisable to stick to a healthy diet. Joining wellness classes to plan diet courses or an elder’s advise may help to boost immunity levels and maintain healthy parameters.


cancEr ( 22nd junE to 22nd july )

The month may begin with a positive note but as the month progresses, there would be an increase in competition and stiff resistance. You may acquire growth in your career during this month though obstacles would cause delays and difficulties. The difficult picture may not last long and you are likely to see some positive rays gradually. This month may help you to take decisive steps in achieving your targets. The month looks extremely important for your career advancement. This can be termed as a good month for your finance. It may not only help you find some excellent earning opportunities but also will help you to recover lost ground and accelerate the pace of progress. This is the period when you need to pay special attention to your long-pending projects. Your financial position may stay satisfying and there may be an enhancement in wealth during this phase. Do not take ambitious steps as your hasty or rash decisions may cause unnecessary problems. You may be beaming with confidence and probably will be highly spirited. Also, you may get the chance to make things work well with the help of your experience and your perspectives. So, this period is likely to boost harmony in your personal life and relationship. Some hidden resentments may resurface hence a calm and composed approach will require to sail through some sensitive phases during this month. Some positive developments in your education can enliven your spirits. However, your involvement in some unnecessary matters might cause some problems in your studies. Planets may force you to bring more discipline in your life to raise the standard of your fitness. There may be some minor health issues but, you may be able to maintain your energy level during this month.

libra ( 23rd sEptEmbEr to 22nd octobEr )

You may benefit from your unique qualities that may appear weird or funny to others. You are likely to enjoy the spotlight at parties and public gatherings. Be gentle with yourself and your loved ones. However, significant pressure may make you uncomfortable in managing relationships. Your bond with a loved one may hit the rocks that may make you feel defensive and fearful. On the professional front you may prove to be independent, ambitious,and highly goal-oriented. Your intelligence and wit may help you to easily achieve your set goals. It may be the most favourable time for you. You may strongly believe in the proverb- To err is human, to forgive is divine, as a loved one may pardon you for a mistake committed accidently. The period may make you feel low due to the vacuum of your children separated for higher jobs or studies. However, this feeling may evaporate in the forthcoming days. With enhanced physical and mental stamina you may gear up to do any sort of work. Make sure you channelize your energies in the right direction and for purposeful means. Don't take to heart if you are not appreciated for your good deeds as situations may turn in your favour at the right time. You may get interesting proposals for pleasure trips to exotic places that you are likely to enjoy with your beloved and family members.

taurus ( 21st april to 21st may )

The month may bring some challenges for Taurus natives who may face issues in career and health. The period indicates a sudden change in the work environment. Relationships may face trials and tribulations. It may be advisable for you to avoid aggression and get humble especially while being in conversation with people around you. Matters related to loan work may move towards completion. Stay cautious while interacting with your partner as miscommunication may lead to stressful situations. Too much work involvement may make your partner feel ignored that may adversely affect your relationship. In case of money and finance, the period may not bring you favourable results. There may be expenditure on loan related matters. Health issues may put an adverse impact on your savings. You may get drawn towards learning new courses related to your hobbies like singing, painting or cooking. Education and learning may bloom during the month. Students interested in sports are likely to do well in their upcoming competitions. However, they may need to follow the advice of their mentors. Some short distance trips may bring a sharp rise in expenses. Those in language and research-related courses may get expected results. Self-study and analysis may help students in projects and target achievement assignments. Besides all this, take due care of your health and avoid unwanted aggression. However, the period indicates some health challenges due to disturbed sleep patterns. Stress and poor immunity levels may nag you this month.

lEo ( 23rd july to 22nd august )

The month looks set as a good one for Leos. You may be able to resolve pending matters. The Mercury transition may help you in building and honing your personality and communication skills. The period is indicative of short term travels related to work or business. Although, with some malefic effects from Mars you may face problems around mid-month. The phase may put your patience and abilities to test. Self-motivation is the only tool that may successfully help you to pass the test. Things may get better at the workplace as your abilities may enable seniors to assign you with an important task in the latter part of the month. Money and finances may shine and you may move ahead with investment planning for the current financial year. Make sure you emphasize long term prospects while doing so. However, it may get advisable for you to remain cautious in the initial part of the months as there may be glitches in financial matters. Nevertheless, conditions may start improving gradually as financial dealings done in the middle part of the month are likely to yield favourable results. Love relationships may take a positive turn with blessings from the planet, Venus. However, petty issues may disrupt the harmony in the association as the month progresses. Make sure you do not stretch or complicate matters beyond a point. The period is likely to bring mixed results on the academic front. Students may proceed with studies with great interest this month. However, they may face some distractions due to emotional matters. Staying focused and vigilant may be the only option for them. Health issues may surround you in the initial part of the month. Make sure you do not take your fitness for granted. All the same things may get better as you may regain your vitality in the latter part of the month.

scorpio ( 23rd octobEr to 22nd novEmbEr )

A sweet surprise awaits you Scorpio! Your patience may finally bear the fruits of your labour as you are likely to be happy with the way life may take twists and turns in your favour. Continue with hard work to improve your fortunes. Take special care of elders in the family and give them desired attention. This may make them feel loved and cared and you contended! The month is likely to bring you moments where you may share quality time with your family. More so for couples who have had a love marriage! Devoting time to each other is likely to improve your fortune. In business related matters you may plan to invest in the real estate sector. It may be a good month for reconsideration, however, skip projects that may be under development as they are likely to cause troubles. Try your fortune and get focused on work, as it may bring you satisfaction in life as you may exhibit interest in your actions. Relationships are likely to blossom this season as singles may encounter someone special who may bring positivity in their lives. It may be quite worthwhile for you. In careers, there is a likelihood of some of you taking up alternative options such as teaching special skills. This may be a perfect choice of vocation that may give you a name as well as leave a positive mark in your career.

capricorn ( 22nd dEcEmbEr to 20th january )

The month may bring up challenges in your life. There may be consecutive activities coming up. This may not be the right time to begin something new as well as make huge investments as losses may occur. As aptly saidWITHOUT THE RAIN THERE WOULD NEVER BE RAINBOWS! Similarly, you may have to face struggles before you taste success and growth. At the same time, your dynamic capacities may be upgraded and you may be allowed to analyze your mistakes and plan the next move. On the career front, you may have to postpone your travel plans in light of some confusions due to mixed views in your professional life. If you have been planning to put your cash into a business, it may be possible as every cash dealing may remain safe for business activities. Relationships may undergo turmoil especially for newly weds, as there may be chances of disagreements. Marriage charm may seem to fade as differences may drift the couple apart if issues are not sorted out immediately. Make sure you build the comprehension, for the advancement of your relationship. In education, students who have been toiling hard are likely to gain. Hard work may draw positive results and ingest the right kind of knowledge needed for progress. You may lend money to a family member as finances may improve in the second half of the month with support from planetary alignments.

aQuarius ( 21st january to 18th fEbruary )

The transit of the Sun may incline you towards religion and spirituality. In relationships, you may face challenges with seniors and your father. Avoid relying on luck for better results. Learn to live a punctual and disciplined life, to gain name and fame at the workplace. With Jupiter going retrograde you may need to exercise caution in terms of family relationships as there may be occasions of disagreements or miscommunication. Avoid getting into confrontations with in-laws during the retrograde phase of Saturn and Jupiter. The period also indicates some differences with elder siblings. Those in marriage are likely to face some ups and downs in their personal life. Refrain from an over demanding nature as the transit of Sun and Venus is likely to bring disparity in your relationship. All the same, keep away from lending money to friends as there may be no chances of recovery. With the influence of Rahu you may bear losses in investments and gains while Ketu’s influence may bring a financial crunch during the month. The period may not be auspicious for gains as there may be confusion with various investment options at hand. If necessary, take the help of an expert. Sudden travelling may bring up your expenses for the month. Retrograde planets may cause unplanned expenditure on vehicles in this phase. Maintain a budget to balance your income and expenses. Moreover, some health issues are likely to crop up at this time.However, your mother’s health may be the focal point of consideration. Refrain from major investment dealings related to business. Despite luck not favouring you for the month , you may financially gain during the span. Gemini natives may stand to gain from their peculiarities that they may have been ridiculed for! You may bask the spotlight in various parties or public gatherings. Your vibrant, enthusiastic and extraordinary zealous nature may get people attracted towards you. Postpone the commencement of your dream project as the period may not be favourable. Make sure you don't fall prey to depression as the phase may soon fade away with time. All the same you are likely to prove yourself fortunate without much delay. Take time to enjoy with your family by planning a short vacation with them. Earning money may be your moral responsibility but do take due care to balance your family life. Those planning to change their home and office interiors may find the period suitable for the same. You may take expert suggestions to make desired changes in a better way. However, too much reliance on others may turn burdensome for you as are the final authority to decide ways for your personal growth. All the same you may be geared up to take any sort of work as your physical and mental stamina will be at its peak. Make sure you invest your vitality and channelize your energy in good and purposeful things. Refreshment is what your body may need at this point of time. However, hectic work schedules may keep you away from seclusion you may seek the most.

gEmini ( 22nd may to 21st junE )

virgo ( 23rd august to 22nd sEptEmbEr )

The month is likely to bring some good opportune moments for progress amid stiff competition and resistance for Virgos. Despite challenges from planet Mars, you may see positivity cropping in. In addition, you may gain a better understanding of the prevailing situation and strengthen your position by the end of the month. All the same with optimism from Venus you are likely to come across excellent earning opportunities. This positivity may continue further with the progression of the month as planetary support may help to accelerate progress growth. Although, it may get necessary to review your financial plans to enhance your financial strength and accomplish desired results. You may resolve pending financial tasks with support from planets. There may delays but eventually things may fall in place. Romance may seem all set as Venus may boost your love prospects. With positive planetary influences in the early part of the month you are likely to enjoy peace and harmony in your love life and relationships. Especially during the mid-month there may be exciting encounters with a loved one. Those in committed relationships may get an opportunity to take their alliance to another level. On the academic front students may find exciting opportunities to learn and enhance their knowledge. The combined impact of Venus and Mercury indicates your creativity may be on a high level, but your wayward approach is likely to bring hurdles in education. However, your performance may remain outstanding in the latter part of the month. Health may indeed be wealth for you as you are likely to maintain good energy levels. Positive placement of planets may favour you in conserving normal health parameters. Despite it, low resistance and poor immunity may make you prone to seasonal ailments in the latter part of the month.

sagittarius ( 23rd novEmbEr to 21st dEcEmbEr )

Sagittarius be assured the month promises you every possible support from fate! An inclination towards religion and spiritualism is likely to bring positivity in your life. There may be chances of travel to divine destinations that may open doors to improve fortunes in your life. You may come across new associates while travelling and establish relations with high profile people that may enhance your social status in society. This may be a satisfactory period in terms of personal goals and achievements. The month also suggests positivity for careers and gains. Those in businesses are likely to earn excellent profit margins. You may gain from relations that may help in acquiring loans. Make sure you formalize the transaction. Nevertheless, your business may enjoy good sources of income. New ventures are likely to improve and enhance. You may experience various benevolent deals in business. Success may knock your door at work. On the domestic front life may go through a rough patch. Singles may get pressured for marriage that may bring distractions in their plans for further studies. Although, the problem may not be grave, and you may need to rearrange your with new perspectives. Married couples are likely to get into arguments that may prove disadvantageous for their personal life. However, matters may get resolved with the help and support from friends that may prove to be a silver lining in improving the relationship.

This is likely to be a positive month for Pisces. You may witness developments in your life. Students opting for studies related to scriptures or occult sciences may get success. Moreover, the period may incline you towards gaining secret knowledge. Those in the research field are also likely to get success this month. You may get an opportunity to travel overseas for higher studies or research related work. Relationships may blossom during the phase. Singles are likely to get suitable marriage proposals from a friend or family. Married natives may need to spend quality time with their spouses to keep the flame burning. Moreover, you may need to be cautious from getting into unwanted confrontations with your spouse as it may lead to stress. Addiction or wrong company may lure you this month. Therefore, be careful and try and avoid toxic people and harbour positive thoughts. In financial matters, the month is likely to bring a lot of ups and downs. There may be soaring expenses due to health and education. Refrain from major investments in legal matters that may bring financial losses. However, the period may be favourable to clear pending issues related to legal and tax matters. Focus on completion of unresolved issues before shouldering new responsibilities. Think prudently while making decisions related to life. The period may bring subsequent changes in your personal and professional life. Make sure you don’t plunge into hasty decision making due to aggression or an emotional setback. Health issues are likely to pose threat in the upcoming days. Keep away from junk food and cold beverages and adhere to a healthy diet. There may be complications related to your teeth, throat or stomach. Safeguard your health for good fitness levels.

piscEs ( 19th fEbruary to 20th march )

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