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the consular State of Play provides data and analysis on consular services provided to Australians in need overseas

IN 2022-23 the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) assisted in over 9,200 cases of consular assistance and crisis support.

This represents an increase of 17% of consular cases (excluding crisis cases) from financial year 2021-22 and aligns with the increase in Australians travelling overseas.


The Department was supporting approximately 1,375 active cases at any one time.

In the 2022-23 financial year, compared to the previous financial year:

• theft cases have increased 241%, with 157 cases

• arrest and immigration detention cases have increased 28%, with 969 cases

• whereabouts enquiry cases have increased 57%, t h I s represents an I ncrease of 17% of consular cases (exclud I ng cr I s I s cases) from f I nanc I al year 2021-22 and al I gns w I th the I ncrease I n austral I ans travell I ng overseas. with 265 cases

• illnesses and hospitalisation cases have increased 23%, with 1,122 cases

• cases involving welfare and other serious matters have increase 2%, with

3,160 cases

• cases involving death have increased 23%, with

1,871 cases

• assault cases have increased 54%, with 199 cases

• repatriation assistance cases increased 176%, with 163 cases.

The top locations for consular cases were:

• Thailand with 778 cases, an increase of 9% from last year

• the Philippines with 610 cases, an increase of 4% from last year

• Indonesia with 512 cases, an increase of 38% from last year

• United States of America with 451 cases, a decrease of 2% from last year

• Vietnam with 330 cases, an increase of 25% from last year

In 2022-23, the 24/7 Consular Emergency Centre responded to over 48,000 calls or one call every 11 minutes.

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