About C.Lin

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/ 01 Claire Lin(C. Lin),小美事設計事物所核心成員(Core-Founder of biutifulittlethings),畢業於紐約 PRATT 學院,主修平面設計視 覺傳達,擅長攝影及影像概念傳達。 曾任沛報國際有限公司(PPAPER)資深藝術指導、喜事國際時尚 集團(MSYAMING Fashion Group)視覺總監。作品散見於時尚、 劇場、流行音樂及獨立出版。

Working experience Oct. ’10 — May ’11 MSYAMING Fashion Group, , Taipei | Director of Designs Responsible for multi-brands visual planning & promotion Brands including: Maison Martin Margiela, Haider Ackermann, Ann Demeulemeester, Comme des Garçons Victor&Rolf, Rick Owens, GIVENCHY, ...etc. Feb.’06 — Aug.’10 PP Groups, Taipei | Senior Art Director Responsible for PPAPER, AANGEL, EYE magazine/editorial design, Coordinating with multiple jobs: Branding & marketing strategie setting, concept developing and project leading Fashion shooting, styling, and set design Interview skills & colum writing Client-oriented promotional design, exhibition curating, event planning Clients included GEORG JENSEN, Y’s, Cartier, & RADO ...etc.

Apr.’05 Fairchild Publications, New York | Freelancer Responsible for VITALS & W magazine promotional design Education ’02 — ’05 PRATT Institute, New York, USA M.S. in Communications Design

Editorial Design client / eeye magazine design & photography

/ 02 design & photography

/ 03 design & photography

client / GEORG JENSEN Editorial Design/ Art direction / photography

Advortorial Design client / Cartier

/ 04 design

/ 05 design

Editorial Design client / Y's

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