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Like the adage that the only constant is change, the only certainty that can reasonably be relied upon, it seems, is uncertainty.
None of the business leaders we or our reporters are speaking to have any illusions about the year ahead: It will likely be painful, it will likely involve tough decisions (if those choices haven’t already been made) and it will inevitably be characterized by fiscal, economic, labour, climate and endemic-pandemic uncertainty.
This is a different kind of crisis than the ones that have plagued economies, communities and workplaces for the better part of three years. It feels like a crisis of confidence; an inability to trust in or rely on things staying the same. Notably, the Conference Board of Canada’s Index of Business Confidence has now fallen for five consecutive quarters. The last time that happened was during the 2007-08 financial crisis.
It is no small task to lead through a recession – or through a readjustment, reckoning or reality check of any kind. So for BIV Magazine’s 2023 Education issue, we explored the theme of leadership through the lens of learning. In the pages ahead, you will see features that address this topic outright, such as our piece to the right on effective leadership in the post-pandemic era. We also examine the role EQ – or emotional intelligence – can play in the workplace, and how professionals can lead their entrepreneurial ventures to successful outcomes.
This broad theme of leadership is also addressed by the seven