1 minute read
from Generali - May 2023

the speed of their progress, they’re at risk of losing their advantage.
“If you're thinking you have an advantage, bear in mind you don't know what others are preparing in the kitchen. Is there something that will overtake you? Immediately after the game is just before the next game, otherwise others will overtake you.”
With so many providers working to improve on the customer experience and expand the reach of this technology, Stockhammer says Generali uses the competition that inevitably arises between insurers as motivation to never rest on any progress made and instead use it to fuel their next industry-leading development. He believes that working closely with both their technical partners for expertise and their customers for insight, they can continue the evolution of insurance from just simple protection to enhanced prevention.
“We shouldn’t be so arrogant in saying we are the brains for working on such a proposition, because I have respect for others that are working on similar products. So it’s always the thing pushing us permanently to the next limit.”