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Cloud adoption in the Middle East has experienced rapid growth, and it is almost impossible to see ‘non-cloud’ environments recently. With the benefits of computing and storage efficiency, cost-effectiveness and access flexibility of cloud computing, it has been an obvious choice for the government, enterprise, education, healthcare, and many other social sectors that are using one or more cloud services in their daily business.
It is still not all about what “cloud as a service1 & 2” unleashes for the whole market and industry. Cloud service growth is the reason for the spread of other advanced digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and internet of things (IoT).
More specifically, cloud computing is facilitating the digital transformation and digital economy development in the Middle East. And many ME countries have released their own initiatives to adopt digital technologies to achieve national transformation goals.
For example, UAE Vision 2021, Dubai Smart City, and Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 are focused on accelerating the demand for real-time operations for the transformation of public services and experience. All these initiatives are boosting and will boost the usage of cloud computing in the region3
Bahrain’s cloud-first policy aims to encourage the deployment of advanced technologies and systems in the IT sector to enhance the public’s quality of life by providing highly efficient services. Bahrain will continue implementing this policy on a wider scale and to further improve government processes4
Saudi Arabia’s National Transformation Program5 aims to develop necessary infrastructure and create an environment that enables the public, private and nonprofit sectors to achieve Vision 2030 – accomplished by achieving governmental operational excellence, supporting digital transformation, enabling the private sector, developing economic partnerships, and promoting social development, in addition to ensuring the sustainability of vital resources.
Those initiatives and other policies promote the tremendous investments for those digital infrastructure and technologies deployment in GCC countries. An increasing number of sectors have been making their services and processes online to improve efficiency and quality.
(1) https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/learn/cloud/cloud-as-a-service.htm
(2) https://www.vmware.com/topics/glossary/content/cloud-as-a-service.html#:~:text=Cloud%20as%20a%20Service%20 (CaaS,pay%2Dper%2Duse%20basis.
(3) https://logicera.net/the-rise-of-cloud-computing-in-the-uae/
(4) https://www.bna.bh/en/iGACEOBahraingovernmenthassuccessfullyadoptedCloudFirstpolicy. aspx?cms=q8FmFJgiscL2fwIzON1%2BDsza1Y%2Fkue9jMtMR3lk55ms%3D#:~:text=Al%20Qaed%20said%20that%20the,to%20further%20 improve%20government%20processes.
(5) https://www.vision2030.gov.sa/v2030/vrps/ntp/