6 minute read
Critical Path
Spelunky 2
Mossmouth’s long-awaited sequel to the ludicrously popular roguelike title Spelunky is finally here. Hitting the PS4 this month, with a PC release planned later this year, Spelunky 2 looks to build upon the original with a new generation of explorers searching for treasure on the moon.
Here are the key upcoming events and releases to mark in your calendar...
Super Mario 3D All Stars
Announced literally as I was writing these pages, Super Mario 3D All Stars is here to save my hopes and dreams. The game includes Mario 64, Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy (and not, regrettably, its sequel). The latter two games don’t matter, though. This game comes out a week before my 30th birthday (hint hint) so I’m going to be playing Mario 64 while openly weeping at my lost youth and rapidly approaching decline.

Digital Dragons digitaldragons.pl

Much like everything else in our new normal, this year’s Digital Dragons event will be taking place as an all-digital event, running from the 15th-18th of September. The four-day event will feature speakers from companies such as Remedy, Gearbox and EA DICE, with meetings taking place via a dedicated app.
Crysis Remastered
“But can it run Crysis?” – Yes probably, but can it run Crysis Remastered? Crytek’s classic “check out what my fancy new PC can do” title has returned prettier than ever with a fresh coat of paint. More importantly, it will also be coming to PS4 and Xbox, if like me your PC runs mostly on hopes and desperate dreams.

Baldur’s Gate 3

After a 20 year-long wait, the third mainline entry to the Baldur’s Gate series is almost here. Developed by Larian Studios, creators of the Divinity series, the game will be launching in early access, where it is expected to stay for at least a year while the team works on what they describe as their “most ambitious RPG yet.”
30th Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time
This game, from Spyro Reignited Trilogy creators Toys for Bob, is actually the 8th installment of Crash Bandicoot but the 4th chronologically, because numbers are meaningless and time is a lie. Fittingly, the story sees Crash travelling across multiple different universes – Why, of all people, does Crash Bandicoot get to escape our reality?

Star Wars: Squadrons
From Motive Studios and EA, Squadrons is set in the universe of an obscure science fiction franchise from the 70s, called ‘Star Wars’. Seriously though, the game is channelling a stylish retro look in its trailers and comes with its own fanbase as a spiritual successor to the classic X-Wing and Tie Fighter PC titles. Coming less than 12 months after the excellent Fallen Order, EA looks to be on a roll with its galactico franchise.

Editor: Seth Barton seth.barton@biz-media.co.uk +44 (0)203 143 8785
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Senior Business Development Manager: Alex Boucher alex.boucher@biz-media.co.uk +44 (0)7778538431
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We’re Playing...

Was I ever like this? My son is playing Minecraft every allowed minute and talking about it every other minute. It’s ups and downs, his rendition of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is delightful. But we have had to intervene in his intensive farming techniques, his treatment of (even virtual) cows was somewhat concerning.
Seth Barton, Editor
This month saw the first MCV/DEVELOP team Warzone victor y. Yes, it took us this long. With my life’s goal complete, I’m out seeking new challenges. So I’ve picked up Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+ 2. I didn’t expect skateboarding to be more difficult than surviving an island of 150 armed murderers, but here we are.

Chris Wallace, Staff Writer

So far this month I’ve been spending my time working through Marvel’s Avengers from Crystal Dynamics. On top of that, I’ve been spending some time on the recentlyreleased Battletoads, as well as enjoying the all-new Linkin Park playlist for Beat Games’ Beat Saber
Alex Boucher , Senior Business Development Manager
Paws the game
The best furry friends the industry has to offer. Send yours to chris.wallace@biz-media.co.uk

Pet: Beep Owner: Ed Hargrave Owner’s job: Audio Designer, Media Molecule
This is Beep, who Hargrave describes as ‘a nuisance but totally loveable.’ Loveable enough in fact, that he has been made into a character in Dreams.

Pet: Bokkun Owner: Claire Sharkey Owner’s job: Head of Comms and PR for Modern Wolf
This rather sophisticated looking individual is Bokkun. Claire promises that he’s not judging us, but politely listening until we decide to feed him.

Pet: Friendo Owner: Michael Gapper Owner’s job: Co-director at Honest PR
Friendo spends his days snoozing. He wakes at 10pm to start digging and to sort the contents of his bowl. He likes nuts and seeds, but leaves the kibbles.