OutsourcingPoland BPO and Shared Services Centers
• 367 BPO, shared services, and outsourcing centers • Top 89 universities in Poland • Profiles of center managers and workers • List of 132 newest Class A office buildings
We Inspire You to Take Good Decisions 1HĆ&#x201A;EGU HTKGPFN[ GORNQ[GGU CPF [QWT DWFIGV To begin with, our offer covers 7500 sqm. (quarter 4, 2011). 6JG Ć&#x201A;PCN QHHGT comprises 30,000 sqm. of QHĆ&#x201A;EG URCEGU YKVJKP VJG PGZV [GCTU 1WT RNCPU: 2011 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Building I; 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Building II; 2013 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Building III; 2014 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Building IV # HGY WUGHWN VGEJPKECN KPHQTOCVKQP | Usable area: 7500 sqm. | 7UCDNG CTGC QH C V[RKECN Ć&#x192;QQT 1050 sqm. / 1080 sqm. depending on arrangement of interior | 7UCDNG CTGC QH C ITQWPF Ć&#x192;QQT USO | 0WODGT QH Ć&#x192;QQTU WPFGTITQWPF NGXGN s VJG ICTCIG CPF Ć&#x192;QQTU CDQXG VJG ITQWPF | Types of spaces: any, from open space to individual development, depending on tenants' needs #TGC .QECVGF +P -CVQYKEG 5RGEKCN 'EQPQOKE <QPG s 6CZ +PEGPVKXGU .QECVKQP BePGĆ&#x201A;V HTQO VJG GEQPQOKE RQVGPVKCN QH VJG TGIKQP CPF KPXGUV KP -CVQYKEG | 39 Konduktorska Street (side street of Korfanty Avenue. Direct access from planned Northern Katowice Ring Road) | 10 m from the Bus Stop (route: Konduktorska St. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; railway station) | 500 m from Korfanty Av., which is the city's main road | MO HTQO &6Ä° GZRTGUU TQCF EQPPGEVKPI cities in Katowice agglomeration) | 2,5 km from Katowice City Centre | 4,5 km from A4 motorway | 40 km from Pyrzowice Airport | A multinlingual workforce | Access to over 210,000 university students at 40 universities The Upper Silesian Industrial Park Ltd Contact person: Justyna Bartecka tel.: +48 32 781 20 38 mobile: +48 503 135 663 fax: +48 32 781 20 32 e-mail: justyna.bartecka@gppkatowice.pl
ISSN 1643-4692
Publisher: BiznesPolska Media sp. z o.o. tel.: +48 22 651 9855; fax: +48 22 842 0021 ul. św. Bonifacego 92 lok. 13; 02-920 Warsaw
Outsourcing in Poland
Table of Contents
Outsourcing in Poland – still young market with untapped potential . . . . . . .
Research: Magdalena Adamczyk madamczyk@biznespolska.pl
Manager’s Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advertising: Agnieszka Sawka asawka@biznespolska.pl
BPO in Poland – a map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
President: Thom Barnhardt mobile: +48 508 143 963 barnhardt@biznespolska.pl
List of BPO, Outsourcing, and SSC Companies in Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Design and layout: Sławomir Parfianowicz, sparfianowicz.wordpress.com
Top Office Buildings in Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Druk: Miller Druk
Top 89 Polish Universities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
Outsourcing in Poland – still young market with untapped potential 2010 may go down as the year everyone in Poland finally “got it” - that the out sourcing services sector is a tremendous opportunity now, and looks set for continued rapid growth. While sev eral k ey cities (such as Kr akow and Wroclaw) have understood this already for some time, cities in Poland’s east, south, and northwest are keenly a ware of the opportunities to expand their tax base, off er employment options for their young graduates, and modernize their city with new office buildings and stat e-of-the-art telecom services.
“ At its very core, outsourcing is a labor arbitrage – a never-ending search for relatively lowcost, highly-skilled labor, versus an existing alternative. And Poland is well-placed for this
“big headline” growth numbers, and means high demand f or moder n off ice space, r ecruitment ser vices, and le gal and ac counting work - to name just a few. In this annual business dir ectory, OutAnd this is g reat news for large multina- sourcing in Poland, published by BiznesPoltionals considering Poland as a shared serv- ska Medi a, we ha ve tr ied t o pr ovide an ices or BPO destination. Incr eased exhaustive listing of c ompanies in the out competition within Poland means more op- sourcing sector in Poland. O ur definition tions, better ser vices, and c ontained costs of outsourcing is deliberately broad, and includes the dominant sectors of shared servfor multinationals. By some estimates (PAIZ), the sector em- ice c enters, and BPOs pr oviding ex ternal ploys about 45,000 people, and is likely t o services, as well as R&D c enters, I T and grow to 70,000 within two years. Those are software development , and call c entres.
trade. ”
Niche services, such as animation work provided f or H ollywood pr oducers, also fit within our definition. At its very core, outsourcing is a labor arbitrage - a never-ending search for relatively low-cost, highly-skilled labor, versus an existing alternative. And Poland is well-placed for this trade. On the supply side, Poland has more than 2 million university -level students , and turns out about 400,000 g raduates each year (by far the dominant r anking in CEE). With major universities spread across many cities, the c ountry off ers multina tionals choices of multiple locations, and relatively different skill sets and c ost-options. T his army of young workers - reinforced and resupplied annually - is better educated than the EU average, and strong in European languages, technical and I T skills, and administration and accounting. The ec osystem of suppor t f or the out sourcing sector is also dynamic and improving rapidly. T he stock of moder n Class A office buildings has g rown substanti ally over the last fiv e years, and cities tha t offered f ew choices - such as Szcz ecin, Gdansk, and K atowice - ha ve seen big increases in their st ock of moder n offic e space. C ity governments offer administrative and investor support, as well as potential for tax br eaks for employment, grants of land, or other incentives. Financial incentives from the European Union may also be available. And while br oadband ac cess in Poland’s countryside is poor, telecom quality and broadband access in the larger cities is often world-class. On the demand side, c ompanies worldwide ar e under pr essure t o cut c osts t o achieve profit targets, as revenue gains have been more difficult to achieve. Not only are there c osts t o wr ing out of r ules-based, repetitive transaction tasks, but fir ms are increasingly aware of labor -cost arbitrage for higher value-added services, such as consulting, financial modeling, pharmaceutical research and advanc ed software programming. And sometimes it ’s not only about the costs - but the ability t o consolidate opera-
Continued on page
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
Outsourcing in Poland – still young market with untapped potential Continued from page
tions with better controls, or provide extra capacity for busy or over-loaded parts of the organization.
“ The sector employs an estimated 45,000 people, and is likely to grow to 70,000 within two years. ”
In Poland, BPO and outsour cing ser vice providers see further potential in so-far untapped areas. While most pr ovide ser vices to clients that are ultimately based outside Poland, the domestic marke t holds pot ential as large P olish fir ms - such as bank s, manufacturers and telecoms - seek c ost reductions, operating efficiencies and higher financial returns on their asset base. Poland’s public sect or, including ministries, a gencies, and cities , is mostly untouched by outsourcing, and represents big potential - as is clear from the examples of the UK and west ern Eur opean gover nments. Another market , not t o be dis missed, is the behemoth of the Eur opean Union, with its need for European language skills and cultural sensitivities. Ironically, the str ain on public financ es and need f or budgetar y savings across Europe may ultimately bene fit Poland’s outsourcing industry. As the sector passes its first sta ge of development, one can ex pect to see fur ther
differentiation and speci alization in Poland’s diff erent r egions. O utsourcing managers (profiled here in Outsourcing in Poland) ar e keenly a ware of the need t o move up-market , pr oviding mor e valueadded ser vices to sustain the shift of c ommoditized ser vices to lower c ost locations in Indi a, “ eastern” Eur ope, or lower -cost
eastern Poland. A s Poland’s smaller cities bite at the heels of the mor e established outsourcing locations, one can expect to see further development and diff erentiation, and an altogether healthier and deeper outsourcing services sector in Poland. n Thom Barnhardt BiznesPolska Media
CityInvestPoland 2011
5th edition
distribution at Munich’s Expo Real in October CityInvestPOLAND
We would like to thank all of the city officials that were so responsive with providing information about companies in their region. As well, contributions from the associations ABSL and ASPIRE helped us in gathering data and urging their members to contribute.
A guidebook for foreign direct investors, with essential data and key contacts in 25 of Poland’s largest cities, 16 voivodships, and 14 special economic zones
Olsztyn Szczecin Bydgoszcz
Gorzów Wielkopolski
Toruƒ Poznaƒ Warszawa
Zielona Góra ¸ódê
Enquiries to Agnieszka Sawka: asawka@biznespolska.pl
Kielce Opole
Rzeszów Kraków
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory manager’s_profile_
Sony Pictures Global Business Services – Shared Services Center Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan and Los Angeles, U.S.
SPE’s European territories and lines of business into one location, in ac cordance with local la ws and c onsultation r equirements. Main f ocus includes managerial and statute accounting, reporting to the parent company in Los Angeles, as well as the dealing with inc oming and outgoing pa yments. Gd ynia is the first suc h a ser vice center for Sony Pictur es and the pr ecursor to the c oncept of shared services worldwide. Advice about setting up: Gdynia was selected due to language sk ills, education le vels, sk ill le vels, and a vailability of the workforce as w ell as f avorable cost profile and availability of office space. Another important factors are that Tricity is located very close to large academic centers. W e are in the pr ocess of finalizing a grant Innovative Economy, 2007 - 2012. Project is called “Creation of common services in Poland for Sony Pictures Entertainment.”
Michał Gryglewski Managing Director, Gdynia
Jarek Zboralski People & Organization Director, Gdynia
Operations in Poland: Center star ted first operations in Dec ember 2009, employing first 13 people. Sony Pictures Entertainment has created a Finance Shared Services
Center (SSC) in Gdynia to handle transactional finance and accounting support for SPE’s European businesses. The Centre will consolidate portions of our transactional financ e operations ac ross
Employee issues: At present we employ about 60 people of 11 nationalities, speaking nearly 15 different languages. Staff based in Poland has begun performing work for Sony Pictur es Home Enter tainment operations in Italy, Benelux and the Nordics. We plan to hir e 100-150 people mor e during the y ear 2010 and 2011. n
Outsourcing to Poland? We are a Warsaw-based Consultancy with hands-on experience in helping multinationals set up BPO and Shared Services Centers in Poland. Our approach is to identify your needs and then suit them to the available possibilities on the ground. – What and why -the pros and cons – Cost-benefit analysis – – Location analysis – Labor issues – Communications & IT issues – Market trends – Advise on and acquisition of government subsidies & incentives – Setting up strategy and implementation thereof – Corporate planning support: human resources, wages & social security, accounting, taxation and other administrative issues.
We specialize in setting up centers that are dedicated to the following functions: IT, HR, KPO, Financial & Accounting Services & Business Analysis. Our experts take pride in initiating and implementing innovative functions. Contact us with your needs, for a free quotation at your earliest convenience: Mbewe & Associates www.mbewe-associates.com mbewe@mbewe-associates.com GSM: +48 602 427 828
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
The “boutique” provides better service for less Euros- and is more fun.
Dimar Polska – Call Center and BPO
Employee issues: We employ circa 60 telemarketers, and manage another 160. Suppor t staff circa 30. Has gone up dramaticall y over the last 3 y ears. The employee base is mostly young, eager, and flexible; what they currently still lack is indi vidual problem-solving skills regarding new situations. However this is impr oving. We are sure that things can and will c hange rapidl y, therefore we embrace change. We also have found that we have less staf f r otation and lo wer operating c osts than in Warsaw.
Headquarters: Łódź
Jasja van der Veen General manager / owner Łódź jvdveen@dimar.pl
Operations in Poland: We are based in Łódż, where we moved our call center and telemarketing operations two years ago from Warsaw. Dimar Polska exists since the year 2000, and focuses on telemarketing, call c enter and database management ser vices f or inter national clients , of whom most have an office in Poland. In Łódż we have a 90-seat call c enter operation, and a 100-seat call center BPO operation we set up and manage for one of our clients, an insurance company. All our clients are external, mostly from the financial sector. Almost all projects are sales or sales-suppor t oriented (outbound calling). We operate two shifts: 9:00 to 16:00 for b2b, and 16:00 to 21:00 for private individuals.
Amway Business Centre-Europe – Shared Services Center Headquarters: Michigan, U.S.
Przemysław Siuda General Manager, Kraków przemyslaw.siuda@amway.com
Advice about setting up: Hire an experienced local partner, if you are not present in Poland yet. Poland is developed and in the EU but setting up a BPO center here costeffectively requires local knowledge. Setting up a 100 seat call c enter for a client, pr oviding location, infrastructure, recruitment, training and management is something for a specialized niche player to do, not a Big 4. Critical issues to be addr essed include employee contracting, database protection regulations, and health and saf ety r egulations particular to the BPO sector . You can go the “big ho tel” wa y or the “boutique ” appr oach.
Operations in Poland: European shar ed ser vices c enter suppor ting Amway affiliates’ offices in 26 European countries. The sc ope is widel y understood as business processes. We are here because of the availability of skills-educated employees, fluent in Eur opean languages , with experienc e in pr oviding services internationally and also because of competitive costs of such quality services. Krak ow was chosen because of its number one position in Poland within service center sector. Advice about setting up: Cost is not the number one factor; staff development and car eer progression are as impor tant as salaries; infrastructure reliability is a key element.
Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: – We ar e r eaching sales r esponse rates in Poland that are unknown in western Europe. For example, instead of f ighting f or 2-3% sales to a database, we are achieveing results like 10%, some o ver 15 and e ven 20% r esults, which nobody expected. – Setting up a BPO operation in an old factory, which after thor ough r enovation is no w a unique of fice location, with high w ooden ceilings, large windows and red brick walls in the center of town; – Being acknowledged by the client ’s HQ as currently their best telesales operation in Europe. We managed no t onl y to sa ve costs when c ompared with F rance or Ger many but as well increase results at the same time. The latter is the more difficult part. – Cost savings of a BPO 100-seat call c enter in Łódż compared with western Europe are much more than 50% on a monthly basis. – City of Łodz authorities f ocused on BPO investments but no t o vercrowded with clients yet. n
Employee issues: Currently 30, g rowing up to 100 this y ear. From my experienc e g rowth b y up to 300 people per y ear is possible without c ompromising quality. Employees possess uniqueness skills, including str ong f oreign languages . Shortcomings include frequent impatience for career progression. Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: Positives: availability of a variety of skills and experiences; Negatives: v ery limited go vernmental suppor t. We believe that one can achieve double digit savings (in percentage terms). n
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory manager’s_profile_
H-P – BPO and Shared Services Center Headquarters: Texas, U.S.
Jacek S. Levernes Managing Director HP Global Business Center jacek.levernes@hp.com
Operations in Poland: In order to consolidate and improve HP’s worldwide operations, the c ompany has established a network of global business c enters responsible for carrying out support activities (in areas like finance, accounting, HR, customer support, reporting, supply chain management, etc.) on behalf of other HP units, as well as other companies. There are currently 10 such centers located in Mexic o, Costa Rica, India, China, Spain, R omania and Poland (Wrocław). The Wrocław Global Business Center (Global eBusiness Operations Społka z o.o.) was established in 2005. By 2008, the GBC emplo yed appr oximately 1,200 ac countants, business anal ysts and other certified specialists. The specific nature of the center’s operations requires it to employ specialists who can communicate in all EMEA languages. The center will expand in Wroclaw. In the next few years HP GBC will play a key role in the area of commercial business pr ocess outsourcing as well as shared and dec ision-support services for HP businesses in Eur ope. HP leases ar ound 20,000 sm of office space in Wroclaw. Advice about setting up: The most significant f actors that determined the selection of W roclaw f or the Shar ed Ser vices
Center were the a vailability of well-educated, goal oriented and f lexible staff, as w ell as administrative support from the authorities. Wroclaw is an in vestor-friendly c ity, it helps companies at all stages of business realization. Very important was the g reat atmosphere of the city, which attracts both investors as well as potential employees. The state of Wroclaw’s infrastructure is c onstantly improving. We are now waiting for the new airport that will be finished in 2011 and the end of all road improvement projects. Employee issues: In order to guarantee the op timal qualit y of service the t ypical employee profile requires candidates f or the W rocław GBC to ha ve graduated fr om uni versity or o ther ter tiary education institution and to f luently speak English and a second EMEA language depending on their job position. HP has almost 1800 employees in its center in Wroclaw. The number of the workplaces created in the center in the next few years will be above 2000. As our services evolve we will employ people with 37 years business experienc e with kno wledge of at least English and ideally 1 or 2 more languages. n
Outsourcing in Poland manager’s_profile_
Hewitt Associates – BPO and Shared Services Center Headquarters: Illinois, U.S.
Eoin McCoy Centre Director Kraków eoin.mccoy@hewitt.com
Operations in Poland: While Hewitt has had a c onsulting presence in Poland for the last 15 years, our outsourcing op-
Business Directory 2010 erations started in Krak ow 5 y ears ago. In that time, we have g rown from zero to 500 assoc iates, and no w run tw o operational c entres in Krakow. We run a mixtur e of BPO and Shar ed Service (internal) operations. Our BPO operations c over our HR BPO (Human R esources Business Process Outsourcing) service across 75 countries, and our Benef its Admin ser vices for the UK. Krakow is the strategic ser vice centre for all of Europe, Africa and EurAsia, and will be the service location f or all f uture work in the r egion(s). As our client and service expectations developed over the last decade, He witt needed to build a str onger multi-lingual ser vice capability. Traditionally, our outsourcing business has been quite UK/US centric. Krakow as a location was the onl y location capable of matc hing our strategic needs:- a developed BPO market place capable of providing the sk illed experience we need and a str ong academic infrastructur e to provide the polyglot graduates, as well as a developed and matur e service “infrastructure” in the city. Advice about setting up: • Make sure your organization is ready - a lot of companies focus on the issue of whether the local market has the abilit y to deli ver. Don’t lose sight of the issue of whether your organization is capable of delivering on this project too - real estate, legal, finance, HR etc….
Alexander Mann Solutions – BPO Headquarters: London
Vic Khan Director of Global Client Service Centers Krakow vic.khan@alexmann.com Operations in Poland: Alexander Mann Solutions operates an HR/R ecruitment Ser vice Centre based out of Krakow which services over 25 clients worldwide operating in 9 different languages on day-to-day basis. Started operations in Krakow in 2005, with just under 20 people; currently we employ almost 300 people. We started off with a vision of a 100-150 headcount centre, yet we have almost doubled in siz e
and look to grow further in the next 12-18 months. Kraków provides unique selling points: a good supply of high quality talent, language capabilities, a stable safe environment and a wonderful place to live - especially for an Anglo-Indian person like myself. Advice about setting up: I would hire a strong HR Manager who has experience in working in the local market and who can
• Have a vision - ha ve a clear idea of what you expect your operations to be. A 3-5 y ear vision for the c entre is impor tant - o therwise, you might find yourself in a ‘different” place. • You need a strong local team, with strong local market knowledge. Trying to run this “fr om London” will impact your success. Employee issues: We currently have 500 assoc iates in Poland. This figure has grown from zero in 5 years, doubling in size almost every year during that period. We will continue to g row towards 800 over the coming 2-3 years. One of the most attractive aspects of the Krak ow (and Poland) market is the strength of the academic stream and the talent of the graduates, but don’t confuse this “potential” with “capability”. An organization still needs to invest and de velop this talent, as y ou would anywhere else in the world. Customer service skills, market & business awareness, business leadership & strategy and cross-cultural “skills” - as all “soft skills” elements - ar e no w widel y par t of the workforce “toolkit”. Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: We c onstantly ac hieve a 40-60% emplo yer cost arbitrage as we relocate the work. This is even before we find any quality and efficiency gains, which in tur n help us gain ano ther 3060% benefit. n
give you accurate advice on all matters relating to HR. This I believe is imperative in setting up successful operations. I would join ASPIRE, assoc iation of IT and Business Pr ocess Ser vices companies. ASPIRE pr ovides a unique oppor tunity f or organisations to get together suppor t each other to meet c ommon challenges and to help the wider community in terms of CSR activities. Employee issues: We originally had a vision of a 100-150 headcount center; however due to the success of operations we are almost 300 and will continue to grow further. Over the last two years I believe the market has stabilized here which in turn allowed our organization to plan f or our f uture growth. Whilst there will always be challenges in securing talent, Krakow provides a unique oppor tunity of a c ity with over 30,000 graduates per year. Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: The ease of setting up operations in P oland, the energy and enthusiasm of the workforce and their ambition to provide a world-class service. n
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory manager’s_profile_
Infosys BPO Poland – BPO Headquarters: Bangalore, India
Krystian Bestry AVP & European Delivery Head Łódż Krystian_Bestry@infosys.com
Operations in Poland: Infosys BPO Poland is based in Łódż and it is the only city of operations in Poland. Today the center employees 900+ employees and provides outsourcing ser vices in the ar eas of ac counting, financial c onsolidation and financ ial c ontrolling procurement, data management, or der management, consulting and business transformation support. We have selected Łódż as our primary location for data services for our customers for EMEA region. Key reasons include the high a vailability of well-skilled talent, espec ially with ec onomic and administration university backgrounds, high availability of foreign language skills, central location in Poland, and an excellent physical facility. (Infosys bought the facility from Philips Electronics in 2007 as part of a global deal.) Advice about setting up: The right profiling of people is critically important, as is the need for quite modern office space with excellent IT infrastructur e. Polish employees are very open, results-oriented but also a bit c ritical of the status quo , whic h allo ws us to pr ovide more challenging work to highly-qualified employees, including pr ocess improvements. F or nonconsumer brands, recruitment might become an issue, so strong PR campaign on the local market
will be needed -and tr y to use local in vestment support agencies to assist. Employee issues: Currently 940 employees at Infosys in Łódż. The center was set up in 2003, g rew to 600 FTEs by the end of 2007 and 900 by the end of 2009. Employees are very ambitious, flexible and dedicated to work. Polish education system ensur es that they can also get trained and manage quite complex tasks within r easonably shor t timeframe. Still the kno wledge of unique f oreign languages remains an issue (Balkans, Nordics, Arabic) - not so many people belie ve it could help on the job market Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: Positive: Ability to learn very fast. Also ability to independently propose improvements based on own observations. Language skills are improving, and universities are adapting to suit and train to our needs. Infosys is working with local uni versities. Negative: general inc entive pr ogram f or BPO companies (grants, subsidies, SEZ) is very complex to appl y for and very rigorously controlled. n
Outsourcing in Poland manager’s_profile_
Business Directory 2010
Mariusz Szałaj Senior Manager, Business Relations and Development, Warsaw; Mariusz.Szalaj@avon.com
transactions in the region. The first “migration” was moving Avon Cosmetics GmbH Ger many in 2006, the next were Polish entities: Avon Cosmetics Poland and Avon Operations P oland. During subsequent years we migrated the following markets to Warsaw: Italy, France, Great Britain and Ireland, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Hungary. What’s different about AVON EMEA FSSC’s operations from other captive SSCs is that w e “outsource” local accounting and payroll services in our smaller markets (like Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Moldova, Czech Republic, and Slo vakia) with centralized reporting to the Warsaw SSC. We call this our “local outsour cing - g lobal deli very” model. In general AVON EMEA FSSC is actually providing services for 10 countries within the “full outsourcing” approach, and additionally for six countries within the “local outsourcing - g lobal delivery” approach. Accounts receivables management and collections have remained decentralized in the local markets.
Operations in Poland: Avon EMEA Finance Service Centre (FSC) was established in 2005 in Warsaw. FSC handles transac tional financ ial-accounting pr ocesses of A von in Europe, Middle East and Africa. A VON EMEA FSC is covering 70 % of all ongoing finance and accounting
Reasons for setting up: Apart from typical reasons of labor costs arbitrage, I’d like to underline highl y-skilled workforce, optimism and pro-activeness typical of Poles. Warsaw, as the capital city, is easy to access, and easier to acquire highly-qualified associates and graduates.
AVON EMEA Financial Services Center – Shared Services Center Headquarters: New York, U.S.
14 manager’s_profile_ State Street
Scott Newman General Manager and Vice President, Kraków; snewman@statestreet.com
pricing administration, ex change-traded deri vatives processing, and financ ial reporting services on behalf of multiple State Str eet locations throughout Europe. As experience levels increase and local employees begin to fill key positions in the management structure, the Krak ów office is suppor ting more State Street locations and functions across Europe and v ery high c omplexities of f unds ar e being serviced from Krakow. State Street established a presence in Krakow to c reate capac ity to suppor t our business pipeline. We are not a BPO and the positions offered in Krakow are the same as offered in other State Street locations. Kraków has a deep and talented labour pool, and it is an attractive city in which to operate and live. Employees ar e highl y educated and ambitious, and these qualities suppor t the agg ressive growth plans of our Krak ów office. In addition, Kraków is centrally located in Eur ope and offers connectivity to the majorit y of c ities in whic h State Street operates.
Operations in Poland: Since first establishing our office in Kraków in October 2007 with 60 emplo yees, State Str eet has grown rapidly and no w employs more than 650 people in Kraków. State Street’s operation in Kraków provides investment fund accounting, hedge fund accounting,
Advice about setting up: Poland has multiple c ities offering a deep talent pool, high level of education, good language skills and infrastructur e r equired f or multi-national companies to successfully operate. There are differences fr om c ity to c ity in the le vel of State Funding a vailable and pr ospective c ompanies should research thoroughly.
– Shared Services Center Headquarters: Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Employee issues: At the moment we employ about 100 employees mainly Accounting Specialists. Looking back over two-three years, we can say that the emplo yment level is pr etty constant in spite of significant inc reases in the w orkload. Taking into account that the AVON EMEA FSSC has almost reached maturity in terms of its own development, a next inc rease in emplo yment would be strictly related with new migrations of services to Warsaw. Regarding skills, not everyone needs to finish accounting studies to work in SSC, since we need a di versity of knowledge in our shared services center. W e speak her e 8 languages, having English as the base language for communication. Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: First class location f or high quality multi-lingual support, particularly for BPO functions such as F&A or HR. High qualified workforce, young, operative, extremely open-minded and diligent people. Within 45 years of operations we increased process efficiency and quality not only from FSSC perspective but also for all serviced markets - as well as significant cost reductions. n
Employee issues: State Street has grown from 60 to more than 650 employees and has sec ured real estate for more than 1000 employees which we plan to reach over the next two years. The level of education is extremely high; employees are ambitious, committed to providing a very high standar d of service and ha ve a har dworking culture. Business Eng lish is a r equirement for State Street’s operations in Kraków. There are situations, related to the young demographics of the w orkforce, where ne w employees may have a limited understanding of the requirements of working life. This c ould be addressed by increasing the level of practical courses and internships offered by universities. Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: Positives: Str ong c onsistent r ecruitment pipeline of high-quality, educated staff; and understanding in the mark et that State Str eet is offering a le vel of job c omplexity that c hallenges employees. Negatives: The pr ocess of appl ying f or and bringing the application process to conclusion for state aid support has been extremely challenging. The road infrastructure of Kraków also needs improvement. And the c ity authorities should be more supportive of the BPO/SSC sector, which employs around 20,000 people. n
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory manager’s_profile_
UniCredit Business Partner – Shared Services Center Headquarters: Italy/Germany.
Lissimahos Hatzidimoulas CEO of UniCredit Business Partner Based in Italy. Poland operations in Szczecin Operations in Poland: UniCredit Business P artner provides f inancial services support to more than 30 banks of the Group. The of fice serves as a post -sales services centre for mainly retail clients of Bank Austria and HVB of Germany. “What we do as the global back-office company of UniCredit Group is pr ovide administrati ve ser vices to cap tive banks supporting them in serving their individual customers: for example, we open and close accounts, process various transactions, handle loans and mor tgages, etc ”, said Lissimahos
Playsoft – R&D Center Headquarters: Paris
Pierre Olivier Monteil Studio manager, Gdańsk pierreolivier.monteil@playsoft.fr Operations in Poland: Playsoft Polska is based in Gdansk, with additional offices in San Francisco, Vietnam, and Mexico. It supplies services in mobile games and applications development and qualit y assurance services for
Hatzidimoulas, CEO of UniCr edit Business Partner. Advice about setting up: “We want to grow the Polish operations, and allocate more responsibilities to Szczecin”, said Hatzidimoulas. “I’m enthusiastic about the city’s visions for its future, and it’s a clear vision”, he said. “We have great support from the c ity. There have certainly been some challenges in starting up and growing so quickly, but we have found very, very good people with exceptional German-language skills.”
the biggest publishers in Eur ope and in the US . Playsoft started to publish its own games in 2010. The Polish subsidiary is the biggest studio of the group with o ver 80 emplo yees. The acti vity in Poland started in 2006, one year after the creation of Playsoft France. The choice to choose Poland to settle a development center was driven by: – Qualification of the workforce : top notch engineers – Time zone - same as in headquarters in France – Easy access by plane – English proficiency of the workforce – Personal network of the founder of the company in Poland – Size of the c ountry: big po tential market for our services At the beginning Pla ysoft Polska was onl y focusing on pr ojects br ought b y Pla ysoft F rance. 100% of the revenue was coming internally. During the last f ew months, however, the c ompany decided to star t pr oviding ser vices to P olish clients. The objecti ve is to de velop the business in Poland with national companies. Advice about setting up: – Choose a c ity well-connected with all Eur opean capitals
Employee issues: In Szczecin, nearly 80% of Unicredit’s employees are women, and the y provide support services to Germany and Austria. 95% ha ve uni versitylevel education, and the a verage age is 28. “Women have a very thorough approach in their work”, said Hatzidimoulas. Responsibilities include administrati ve pr ocessing of loan and mortgage applications, and checking their completeness. Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: UniCredit BP has realised significant cost savings by outsourcing ser vices to Poland. “W e ha ve seen a signif icant decrease in c osts, mainl y due to lower labor c osts, by more than 50%”, said Hatzidimoulas. He added that they have also realized improved operational and process efficiencies b y c oncentrating their ser vices in competence centres, such as the one in Szczecin. One of the c hallenges Unic redit had in Szczecin was sorting out office space. The company currently operates fr om a r enovated section of the S zczecin ship yard (Stocznia Szczecinska), in of fices leased fr om Koncepta. Koncepta is the same de veloper behind the planned Baltic Business P ark, whic h will be a modern Class A of fice building to be r eady by end of 2011. n
– Get a location close to pr estigious university in your field of services Employee issues: Playsoft Polska employs currently 80 people. The number had r eached 120 when our acti vity was focused on porting video games. Now, we turned to game creation, which requires a smaller number of employees but with higher qualifications . The studio might g row up again to 90-100 employees. Poland has been chosen because of the skills of the de velopers who has sho wn g reat qualities such as: fast learning and adaptability capacity to new technologies; outspoken and wellorganized people. Positive surprises - and critiques - of operating in Poland, and cost savings/efficiencies: Positive surprises include rigor ous attention to work and dedication. Negative surprises: -sometimes lac k of understanding of business and client’s need (but that’s changing); low design sensibility (it’s getting better too). Labor costs are 2 to 3 times c heaper than in western Europe, but the o verall cost savings is around 30 to 40%. (constant training, increase in project management time and c osts, r egular trips…). n
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
Bydgoszcz: Gdańsk Gdynia: Szczecin: Sopot: – Alcatel-Lucent Poland – Acxiom – Asseco – ATS-SI – Goyello – Atos Origin IT Services – Arla Fo – Geoban – BLStream – CTDP & Co. – Bank B – Nordea Bank Poland – Coloplast Shared Services – JP Morgan Chase – Compuw – Sony Pictures – Comarch – Lucent Technologies – Fineos – Thomson Reuters – Gamelion – Teleplan Poland – First Da – Macrologic – IBM – – Object Connect and Imp – Prokom Software – Intel Te – Sagra Technology – Jeppese – Softvig – Kainos – Stream Global Services – Lufthan – TietoEnator – Unicredit Business Partner T – Unizeto Technologies Poznań: – – Vobis – Arvato Services Poland (Bertelsmann) – BCC – Bertelsman-rvato Services – Carlsberg – Contact Center – Dalkia – Duni – External Services – Franklin Templeton Investments – GlaxoSmithKline – Holicon Contact Center – Kleffmann – Lorenz – MAN – Mentor Graphics – Microsoft Zielona Góra: – Open Text – Roche – ABD – Starter – Telcordia Technologies – Unilever – W.R.Grace – Wikia Łódź: – ABB Soft Factory Wrocław: – Accenture – ACP – AMG.net – Alstom – Atos Origin – CAN – Bank Pekao – CapGemini – BSH – Central Europe BPO – BSS – Credit Suisse – Central Wings Opole: – Centrum Rozliczeń i Informacji CERI – Diehl Controls – Fagor Mastercook – Call Center Inter Galactica – CitiFinancial – GE Money / Genpact – PZU – Comarch – Geoban – R.N.G. – DHL Express Gliwice: – Google – Dimar – Ista Shared Services – Hewlett Packard – Ericpol Telecom – Pregis – IBM – Fujitsu Services – Vattenfall Business Services – Irevna – GE Power controls – KPIT Cummins – General Electric – McKinsey&Co – IBM Katowice: – Microsoft – Indesit – 4EverNET – ING Poland – Mphasis – Infosys – Archidoc – IT4Q – Nokia Siemens Networks – mBank, Multibank – Arvato Services Poland – Kroll Background Screening – Opera Software – Nordea (Bertelsmann) – Kroll Ontrack – PNC (PFPC) – Philips – Asseco Poland – Mentor Graphics – QAD – Polkomtel Bielsko-Biała: – Asseco Systems – Neubloc – Remy International – PTC – Avio – Bombardier – Northgate Arinso Poland – Ruukki – SAP – Fiat – CapGemini – PricewaterhouseCoopers – Santander Consumer Bank – SouthWestern Group – Comarch – Proximetry Poland – Siemens – Tele Atlas Tarnowskie Góry: – Contact Center – Rockwell Automation – TietoEnator – Teleca D – Cyclad Poland – Steria – UPS – Sitel – TP – Display Link – TP – – Volvo – Transition Technologies Sosnowiec: – ENIRO Poland – Unilever – – Wabco – Virtual Viewing – Ernst&Young – UPC – – Whirlpool – Contact Center – Warta – Grant Thornton International – Warta, [Centrum Alarmowe Warty] – – Wipro
Gdynia Sopot Gdańsk E Tczew
Zielona Góra Wrocław
Łódź Rawa Mazow
Sosnowiec Katowice Bielsko-Biała
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory
– Masterlease (Futura Leasing, Prime Car Management) ods Global Financial Service Centre – Meritum Bank BPH/GE Capital – Nordea Bank Poland ware Inc – Playsoft – Sii ata – Synopsys Regional Competence – Transcom plementation Centre in Gdansk – Zensar Technologies echnology Poland en by Boeing (C-map)
nsa Systems Poland Tczew: – Contact Center
Elbląg: – Alstom
Olsztyn: – City Group – France Telecom Ciechanów: – Contact Center
lbląg w Olsztyn
szcz Ciechanów Rawa Mazowiecka: – Contact Center
Kielce skie Góry Dąbrowa Górnicza Kraków Rzeszów
Dąbrowa Górnicza: – Alba – Arcelor Mitall Shared Service Centre Europe – DHL Logistic – Wipro
– – – – – –
CRH Żagiel Genpact Idea Centertel Inteligo-PKO BP PCM Telekomunikacja Poland Rzeszów: – Contact Center – Pratt&Whitney
Kraków: – 7 Geo – – – ABB – – Accounting Plaza – – ACS – – Adservco – Airline Accounting Center – – (Lufthansa) – Alexander Mann Solutions – – Amway European Shared – – Service Center – – Capgemini BPO – – Capgemini ITO – – CBB Call Center – CCA - Contact Center AzSoft – – CGI – – CH2M Hill – – Chatham Financial – – Clifford Thames – – Comarch –
Warszawa: – ABG – ABN Amro – Aegon – AstraZeneca Pharma Poland – Atemis – Athenasoft – Autodesk – Avon – Axel Springer – BanCom – Betacom – Bonair – BOŚ – C-Land – Citibank Europe Plc O/Polska – Citibank International Plc O/Polska – City Group – Commercial Union call center – Computer Associates – Compuware – Comtica – CTM Teleperformance – DHL Express – Dimar – Direct Communication – Epicor Software – Euronet Worldwide – Exact Software Poland – First Data (PolCard) – Gemius – General Electric – GlaxoSmithKline – Gtech (Lottomatica) – Guest-Tek – Heuthes – Hewlett-Packard – Hogart Kielce: – Altar – Call Center Inter Galactica – Contact Center – Kolporter INFO – Teledirect
Communication Factory Connect2Media Delphi SSC Delphi Technical Centre EDF Electrolux Ericpol Euroscript Evolving Group Fortis Paribas Bank FQS Fujitsu Google HCL Hewitt Associates Hitachi HSBC IBM BTO IBM SWG Lab Intelenet
– International Paper – Kenexa – Lurgi – Motorola GSC – Motorola SSC – Philip Morris Int’l SCE – Pliva – PricewaterhouseCoopers – Sabre – Sabre SSC – Shell – State Street – TAK Outsourcing – TechTeam Global – Teleinvention – UBS – UPM-Kymmene – Vesuvius (Cookson)
– IBM – iehl Controls – IFS – IFS Industrial and Financial Systems – IMPAQ – Intentia – Inter Partner Assistance – Intergraph Europe – Itella Information (d. BusinessPoint) – Lawson Software – Liberty Mutual – Lionbridge – M2 Net – Macrologic – Matrix.pl – MCX Systems – Mellon – Microsoft – MKJ – MKS – Oracle Poland – P4 PlayMobile – Pharmaceutical Research Associates – PLL LOT – Procter&Gamble – Progress Software – Prokom Software – Provident Poland – PTC – PTK Centertel – Qumak-Sekom – Renault – Roche – Rodan Systems – S&T Services Poland – Sage – Samsung Electronics Poland – SAP – SAS Institute – Signity – Simple – Sitel – Softlab Trade – Sun – Sygnity – Symantec – Tchibo – TNT Express – Transcom – Update CRM – Wapro – Warsaw Software Group – Webtel – Xerox – Contact Center
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
BPO, Outsourcing, and SSC companies in Poland Dąbrowa Górnicza
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Finance, accounting SSC
Justyna Swędrak
Arcelor Mitall Shared Service centre Europe
➥ Justyna is from Szczercowo, close to Łodz, where she graduated with honors from the Czesław Miłosz Secondary School, before moving to Łódź. She is in her final year of study at Łodz's College of Pharmacy.
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: Finance, accounting SSC Management in Poland: Abhijit Roy - CEO & BOD Chairman
DHL Logistic
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Logistic Outsourcing
➥ Justyna is 21 years old, and she's been working at telemarketing company Dimar Polska since March 2009. Her job gives her valuable experience interacting intensively with people, and she spends most of her day talking with clients and monitoring the quality of sales projects.
➥ She wants to continue to develop her professional skills, in particular through the completion of her on-going studies at the Higher School of Entrepreneurship, with a special focus on Public Health.
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 123 Services provided: Finance, accounting outsourcing Management in Poland: Ramesh Phillips - Member of the Board, Michał Szop - HR Manager
Elbląg Alstom
Gliwice Ista Shared Services
➥ In her spare time Justyna reads books and plays basketball. On the weekends, she bikes around Łodz, particularly in the forested area of Łagiewnickie Woods. n
Bielsko-Biała Avio Fiat
Bydgoszcz Alcatel-Lucent Poland
HQ of parent company: USA/France Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Andrzej Dulka - President
JP Morgan Chase
HQ of parent company: USA/France Services provided: Finance Management in Poland: VP. Emea Operations Hub Manager
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Call center Management in Poland: Krzysztof Sikora - Member of the Board, Wojciech Sikora Member of the Board
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Finance, accounting SSC
Vattenfall Business Services
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT, finance, accounting SSC
Lucent Technologies Teleplan Poland
HQ of parent company: Holland Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Bob Jason - President
Atos Origin IT Services
HQ of parent company: France Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Dariusz Baran - President
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 573 Services provided: Shared Service Centre
Katowice 4EverNET
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 48 Services provided: BPO (call centre) Management in Poland: Michał Lewdoń - Vice-president
Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: fulltime employees: 488, parttime employees: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: ca. 225 Services provided: BPO Management in Poland: Piotr Cholewa - Owner, Konrad Rochalski - President, Waldemar Nowicki - Vicepresident of the Board
Arvato Services Poland (Bertelsmann) HQ of parent company: Poland
Asseco Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 336 Services provided: IT Services Management in Poland: Adam Góra - President
Display Link
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 10 Services provided: ICT outsourcing, R&D Management in Poland: Mariusz Tomaka- CEO in Poland
ENIRO Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: BPO Call Centre
Asseco Systems
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: ok. 44 Services provided: Software Solutions
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: ca. 80 Services provided: R&D
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: about 1000 Services provided: BPO, audit, accountancy outsourcing, IT outsourcing, tax advisory services and business advice, human resources management, processing personnel and payroll files Management in Poland: Marcin Nowak - Capgemini Eastern Europe DDS Centre Manager, Daniel Habrat Head of Capgemini IM Eastern Europe, Marek Grodzinski - BPO Poland Centre Director at Capgemini
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 160 Services provided: BPO, outsourcing IT services, IT solutions and help, software & hardware support Management in Poland: Janusz Filipiak - President, Piotr Piątosa - Vice-president; Paweł Prokop - Vicepresident of the Board
Contact Centre
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: BPO Call Centre Management in Poland: Krzysztof Rosiński - Director
Cyclad Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 36 Services provided: IT Services Management in Poland: Katarzyna Szkutnik - General Manager
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: R&D Software Development
Northgate Arinso Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: HR, Payroll Process Outsourcing
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ernst&Young
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 11 Services provided: BPO services relating bookkeeping, accounting, payroll Management in Poland: Duleep Aluwihare - Partner, Ernst & Young Poland; Neil Hughes - General Manager in Poland; Leszek Lerch Partner, Director of offices in Katowice and Cracow
Grant Thornton International
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 240 Services provided: BPO, audit, accountancy outsourcing, tax advisory services and business advice Management in Poland: Tomasz Wróblewski - Partner
ING Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Financial Customer Service Management in Poland:
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 10 Services provided: BPO, Outsourcing IT services, IT solutions and help, software & hardware support Management in Poland: Wojciech Marciniak - Member of the Board, Dawid Kuboszek ember of the Board
Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: Full time in Poland: 488; parttime/contract: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board
Kroll Background Screening
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: Pre-employment screening services
Kroll Ontrack
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 31 Services provided: SSC, IT Customer Service, (data recovery; computer forensics service and software , strategic data management Management in Poland: Marek Suczyk - Managing Director
Mentor Graphics
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: R&D
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: Shared Service Centre Management in Poland: Olga Grygier - President, Tomasz Reinfuss - Partner / Director of office in Katowice
Proximetry Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 52 Services provided: IT services for wireless telecommunication Management in Poland: Mirosław Ossysek - President
Rockwell Automation
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 382 Services provided: SSC, multifunctional site, operations center, financial shared services center, customer care center, customer services and maintenance, IT center, rockwell software Development Center, Human Resources Business Services, Strategic Sourcing and Purchasing Supporting Departments: Finance, Human Resources Management in Poland: Sławomir Szpak - Director, Rockwell Automation in Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 180 Services provided: BPO, outsourcing IT, service desk, call center, application management, monitoring Management in Poland: Karine Brunet - CEO SteriaPoland, Bruno Boquet-Dierctor GSC
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Call centre, telecom customer service Management in Poland: Maciej Witucki - President of the Board, prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński - Przewodniczący Rady Nadzorczej TP S.A.
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 92 Services provided: SSC, logistics service Management in Poland: Matthias John - UltraLogistik Operations centre Continued on page 20
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
BPO, Outsourcing, and SSC companies in Poland profile_ Małgorzata Chróścicka
Outsourcing Center based on Virtual Contact Center, planned for January 2011). Management in Poland: Dariusz Borek - President, Marek Wesołowski - Member of a Board, Krzysztof Palacz Member of a Board
Call Center Inter Galactica
➥ Małgorzata, after her 3 ½ year stay in the Netherlands, moved to Łodz to work in the outsourcing industry. In the Netherlands she obtained a certificate in Dutch as a Second Language at ROC Zadkine in Schiedam and studied Modern Business Administration at Markus Verbeek Praehep in the Netherlands. At that time she also worked in the finance department of a Dutch holding company. ➥ In Poland she started work in the Accounts Payable department of the Philips Shared Service Center in Łodz and became a team leader for the Benelux organizations. She used her knowledge of the Dutch language on a daily basis while speaking with her Dutch customers.
➥ Currently Małgorzata, 31 years old, works at Infosys BPO Poland in the Solution Design department. She is responsible for developing sales offers for potential clients. She is continuing to develop her professional skills by attending executive trainings offered by the company and passing exams to graduate from the Business Administration studies in Dutch. ➥ Małgorzata grew up in the south of Poland in the beautiful area of the Table Mountains, and in her free time she loves to go to the mountains for trekking or rock climbing. She enjoys international travel too. For business purposes she has visited many countries in Europe, India, United States and South Africa. From each journey she brings back a piece of art made by a local artist, as art is another of her passions. n
Cont’d from page
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Call centre Management in Poland: Simon Boyd - President UPC Poland
Management in Poland: Krzysztof Kudelski - President, Frank Fripon - Vicepresident of the Board, Geert De Kegel - Vice-president of the Board
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Call centre
Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: Full time in Poland: 488; parttime/contract: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały – President of the Management Board
Kolporter INFO SA
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 113 Services provided: Help-Desk, call center, Outsourcing IT Management in Poland: Jarosław Ambroziak - President
Kielce HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 85 Services provided: IT (The company plans to build an
Management in Poland: Heinrich Kleinemeier
Management in Poland: Eric Van Der Schilden
Alexander Mann Solutions
Amway European Shared Service Center
Number of Employees: 230 Services provided: RPO Management in Poland: Vic Khan
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Tomasz Ziemniak - Managing Director, Tomasz Kluz - President
Kraków 7 Geo
Services provided: Call centre
Services provided: Engineering Management in Poland: Marek Florkowski
Accounting Plaza
Number of Employees: 266 Services provided: F&A, HRO, CP, ITO Management in Poland: Kuba Więcaszek
Number of Employees: 250 Services provided: F&A, HRO, ITO, Call centre Management in Poland: Piotr Szymański Number of Employees: 40 Services provided: Architecture outsourcing services Management in Poland: Antoni Jakubowski
Airline Accounting Center (Lufthansa)
Number of Employees: 316 Services provided: F&A, Sales
Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: F&A, HRO, ITO Management in Poland: Eric Finat
Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: Call centre Management in Poland: Magdalena Madra
International Paper Number of Employees: 40 Services provided: F&A, Sales, IT Management in Poland: Przemysław Siuda
Number of Employees: 457 Services provided: F&A, ITO, Technical Writing Management in Poland: Andrew Zajac
Capgemini BPO
Number of Employees: 2500 Services provided: F&A, Call centre, CPO Management in Poland: Marek Grodziński
Capgemini ITO
Services provided: ITO Management in Poland: Daniel Habrat
Number of Employees: 450 Services provided: Customer service Management in Poland: Tomasz Berbeka
Kenexa Ericpol
Number of Employees: 150 Services provided: mobile telephony Management in Poland: Paweł Szczerkowski
Number of Employees: 45 Services provided: RPO Management in Poland: Joanna Kubica-Gretka
Motorola GSC
Evolving Group
Motorola SSC
Fortis Paribas Bank
Philip Morris International SCE
Number of Employees: 52 Services provided: Data processing Management in Poland: Szymon Małecki
Number of Employees: 900 Services provided: IT development Management in Poland: Jacek Drabik
CBB Call Center
Services provided: Call centre
CCA - Contact Center AzSoft
Services provided: Call centre
Services provided: ITO
CH2M Hill Teledirect
Altar Warta, [Centrum Alarmowe Warty]
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: More than 2,000 Services provided: Call Center (languages: English, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Italian, Spanish) Management in Poland: Pavlo Polishchuk - Project Manager
Management in Poland: Marc Ammelung
Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: F&A Management in Poland: Ruben Robles
Chatham Financial
Number of Employees: 15 Services provided: Financial advisory Management in Poland: Peter Ahlin
Clifford Thames
Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: Support services for auto industry (cataloguing, billing) Management in Poland: Ian Batley
Number of Employees: 2000 Services provided: IT development Management in Poland: Janusz Filipiak
Number of Employees: 134 Services provided: Call centre Management in Poland: Trevor Coyne Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: F&A Management in Poland: Monika Batko
Services provided: F&A Management in Poland: Paweł Mleczko
Number of Employees: 1000 Services provided: ITO, HRO, F&A Management in Poland: Nicklas Blomqvist
FQS Fujitsu
Services provided: IT development Management in Poland: Jerzy Rudziński
Services provided: Pharma Management in Poland:
Number of Employees: 80 Services provided: IT development Management in Poland: Wojciech Burkot Number of Employees: 150 Services provided: ITO Management in Poland: Siddhartha
Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: SSC Advisory Management in Poland: Romek Lubaczewski Number of Employees: 675 Services provided: IT development Management in Poland: Mike Dietz
Hewitt Associates
Number of Employees: 416 Services provided: HRO Management in Poland: Eoin McCoy
Sabre SSC
Number of Employees: 30 Services provided: Call centre Management in Poland: Steve Hilton
Hitachi Communication Factory Services provided: Telemarketing, telesales, customer service
Number of Employees: 80 Services provided: F&A Management in Poland: Jacek Pączek
Number of Employees: 25 Services provided: Games testing Management in Poland: Joanna Krzemińska
Delphi SSC
Services provided: F&A Management in Poland:
Delphi Technical Centre Number of Employees: 500 Services provided: Automotive engineering
Number of Employees: 400 Services provided: Customer service Management in Poland: Mike Eden
Number of Employees: 1500 Services provided: F&A Management in Poland: John Lyons
Services provided: IT developing
Number of Employees: 1400 Services provided: F&A, ITO, HRO, CPO Management in Poland: Patrick den Bult
State Street
Number of Employees: 650 Services provided: financial reporting Management in Poland: Scott Newman
TAK Outsourcing
Number of Employees: 10 Services provided: Credit control Management in Poland: Jeremy Milligan
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory
BPO, Outsourcing, and SSC companies in Poland TechTeam Global
Number of Employees: 30 Services provided: ITO Management in Poland: Eline Cajot
Number of Employees: 150 Services provided: Call centre
Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: F&A, marketing Management in Poland: Antony Roberts
Number of Employees: 783 Services provided: Finance and accounting Management in Poland: Andrzej Kroc - President; Andrzej Górecki, Joachim Blechstein - Board Members
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 10 Services provided: Debt collection centre
Number of Employees: 106 Services provided: F&A, HRO Management in Poland: Dariusz Świeżak
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 370 Services provided: Call centre Management in Poland: Jarosław Bauc
PTC Comarch DHL Express
Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: Finance Management in Poland: Arkadiusz Rochowczyk
HQ of parent company: Belgium/Poland Number of Employees: 170 Services provided: Contact centre Management in Poland: Ken Allen, Tomasz Buraś
HQ of parent company: Poland/Germany Number of Employees: 700 Services provided: Back-office, contact centre Management in Poland: Daniel Stańczuk
Vesuvius (Cookson)
Number of Employees: 35 Services provided: F&A Management in Poland: Frederic Marsal
Idea Centertel Inteligo-PKO BP
Arvato Services Poland (Bertelsmann)
Tele Atlas
Fujitsu Services
HQ of parent company: Japan/UK Number of Employees: 280 Services provided: Help desk IT Management in Poland: Dave Deane
Transition Technologies
Ericpol Telecom
HQ of parent company: Ireland Number of Employees: 110 Services provided: BPO centre Management in Poland: Wiktor Doktór
CRH Żagiel Genpact
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: Target is 60 Services provided: Call center Management in Poland: Magdalena Daszkiewicz - Manager
HQ of parent company: France/Poland Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: Call centre
SouthWestern Group
TP S. A.
PCM GE Power controls Telekomunikacja Poland
Management in Poland:
HQ of parent company: USA/Poland Number of Employees: 55 Services provided: Finance and accounting Management in Poland: Krzysztof Gryz, Michał Giczela
Virtual Viewing Warta
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: Back-office
ABB Soft Factory Accenture IBM AMG.net Indesit Atos Origin
HQ of parent company: France Number of Employees: 85 Services provided: Finance and accounting Management in Poland: Monika Thompson
HQ of parent company: Italy Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: Finance and accounting Management in Poland: Antonio Melone, Barbara Ferrazzi
HQ of parent company: Italy/Poland Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: Back-office, call centre
HQ of parent company: India Number of Employees: 900 Services provided: Finance and accounting Management in Poland: Krystian Bestry
mBank, Multibank
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 250 Services provided: Finance and accounting Management in Poland: Zuzanna Kłys
Central Wings Centrum Rozliczeń i Informacji CERI HQ of parent company: Poland
Olsztyn City Group
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: Financial Services Management in Poland: CitiHandlowy
France Telecom Infosys
Bank Pekao SA
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: ca. 200 Services provided: SAP consulting Management in Poland: Bartłomiej Buszczak - President
BCC General Electric
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 800 Services provided: Finance and accounting
HQ of parent company: Sweden Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: Back-office Management in Poland: Anna Rudnicka
HQ of parent company: France Services provided: call center Management in Poland: Telekomunikacja Poland SA
Opole Call Center Inter Galactica
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: More than 2,000 Services provided: Call center - english, german, russian, ukrainian, czech, italian, spanish Management in Poland: Pavlo Polishchuk - Project Manager
PZU SA Philips
HQ of parent company: Holland
HQ of parent company: Poland
profile_ Piotr Sętkowski
(Plewiska / Poznań - Poland; HQ: Other locations: contact centers: 2 in Poznań, 1 in Szczecin, 1 in Konin; logistics centers: Żerniki/Poznań, Błonie/Warsaw) HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 1800 (270 in Szczecin) Services provided: IT, lettershop, logistics, contact center & back office, loyalty programs, financial services Management in Poland: Janusz Jankowiak - Managing Director
HQ of parent company: France Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: Call centre Management in Poland: Jasja van der Veen
Number of Employees: 140 (Opole) Services provided: Accounting centre Management in Poland: Andrzej Klesyk - President
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Waldemar Sokołowski - Director of It Department, Board Member
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Piotr Brzoskowski,- Director, Board Member
➥ In his early years Piotr travelled with his parents often, and grew up partially in Germany where he learned German in a native school. After that time, back home in Poland, he graduated from the University of Łodz in 2003, with a degree in German language. All his further activities were connected with this language. As a librarian he worked with old German scripts, translated books about history and traveled as a translator in the building construction business area. ➥ Piotr, 29 years old, has been working at Lodz-based Infosys for four years, initially his customers being the units of Philips in Germany, and now - the Austria-based offices of Procter and Gamble. He works most of his time with German and Englishspeaking account managers as a technical first-level support and a promotion management specialist in either Infosys or on-site at the customer's location. ➥ During his free time, Piotr enjoys cycling, open-roof driving, photography, painting, having good times with friends, and travelling to see how beautiful the world can be over the hill or just around the next corner. n
Number of Employees: 1200 Services provided: Contact center Management in Poland:
Bertelsman-rvato Services
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 1200 Services provided: Call center Management in Poland: Janusz Jankowiak - Managing Director
HQ of parent company: Denmark Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: Financial and accounting Management in Poland: Jacek Michalak - Director
Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland
Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: Full time in Poland: 488; parttime/contract: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board
HQ of parent company: France Number of Employees: 70 Services provided: Financial and accounting Management in Poland: Jerzy Woźniak - President
HQ of parent company: Sweden Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: Financial and accounting Management in Poland: Krister Gullstrom - European Finance Manager
External Services
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 37 Services provided: Payroll processing Management in Poland: Grzegorz Gołba - President
External Services
HQ of parent company: Poland Cont’d on page
Płock Industrial and – a destination The Płock Industrial and Technological Park (PPPT) is an investment area set up on the initiative of the Płock Municipality and PKN ORLEN SA for the creation of attractive conditions for business development. PPPT is located in the center of Poland, within administrative borders of the City of Płock, in the northwestern part of the Mazovia Province, approximately 100 km away from Warsaw, Toruń and Łódź. Taking advantage of the possibilities afforded by Poland as a member of the European Union, in 2004 the Municipality of Płock and PKN ORLEN SA established a managing company to apply for a grants under the European Regional Development Fund. The company obtained the first grant of more than € 9.5 million for developing the industrial component of the park. Thanks to EU financial support amounting to over € 14 million approximately 130 hectares of investment grounds have been equipped with all the supply, utility, media and facility infrastructure necessary for doing business along with building the Administration and Conference Center of the usable area of nearly 5,000 sqm. According to the strategy development of the industrial component was the first stage of the Park creation. In 2006 PPPT worked out a complex development program for 2007-2013 named „Building and development of the technological and R&D component of PPPT for the over-regional innovative activity”, which was later put on the list of key investment projects for realization under the Regional Operational Program of the Mazovia Province co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund. The main directions of development program has been indicated in relation to create most favorable conditions for investors representing business
Investment zones of PPPT
Visualization of Corporate Services Center
process outsourcing (BPO) and shared services (SSC) sector as well as R&D area. By the end of 2012 PPPT is planning to build new facilities operating in a synergy effect as a Business Services Center, in which investors and partners of BPO/SSC sector will offer a full range of services and products in the process of outsourcing and ICT research and implementation services.
Corporate Services Center is planned as a modern office building of maximum area of approximately 9,000 sqm intended for investors operating in a BPO/SSC sector, including financial, accountancy, bookkeeping, archive, logistic and IT services. Data Center is going to be a modern IT facility with R&D complex for BPO/SSC companies of maximum area of approximately 4,000 sqm serving as a data processing center.
Technological Park for BPO sector Human Resources in PĹ&#x201A;ock n Warsaw University of Technology â&#x20AC;&#x201C; affiliate division in PĹ&#x201A;ock n Higher Vocational State School n Warsaw University Departments n PaweĹ&#x201A; WĹ&#x201A;odkowic College Economics | Accountancy | IT | Foreign Languages Investment Realization Dedicated to the Needs of Investor Education Center â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a company belonging to PPPT Group
Human Resources in PĹ&#x201A;ock Number of students in academic year 2008/2009 (in thousands) 11 total number of students 1.3 students of economics and accountancy 0.5 students of IT 0.7 students of foreign languages
Data Center as an autonomous ICT and Research complex will operate as an â&#x20AC;&#x153;information technology hubâ&#x20AC;? offering cutting-edge IT services. Investment value of building Business Services Center will amount up to â&#x201A;Ź 32,5 million within the period 2010â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2012. Offer for BPO and SSC companies willing to invest in PPPT is based on a complex investment, HR and business support packages. PĹ&#x201A;ock Industrial and Technological Park has established a close cooperation with the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ). PPPT, as the first park in the country, signed a partnership agreement with PAIiIZ on joint marketing and promotional activi-
ties, which will strengthen the processes of attracting foreign investors. This cooperation concerns various actions related to the promotion of the Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offer to investors representing BPO/SSC sector along with creation of the chemical cluster in PĹ&#x201A;ock, which is a natural consequence of the PPPTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business profile. The Park was awarded 1st prize in the Mazovia Province initiative in the 2nd National Contest â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Golden Sitesâ&#x20AC;? organized by PAIiIZ. At present, investment offer of PPPT makes up almost 130 hectares of investment grounds, fully equipped with internal network of bitumen roads and all the media utilities. They are ready to invest and run business activity. Business partnership with ORLEN Group along with its product and raw material base perfectly stimulates the economic growth of companies operating in various industries. The direct neighborhood and prospects of cooperation with sector leaders offers current and future investors a special synergy much better than anywhere else in Poland. The attractiveness of the Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s investment offer is strengthened by a very attractive real estate tax exemptions program for investors. Exemption can be received for 10 or 15 years, depending on the investment value (less than or more than PLN 10 million). In June 2010 PPPT signed a letter of intent with Shanghai Chemical Industry Park, which is mostly interested in chemical operations and perfectly fits to the Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s profile defined by basic activity of such businesses like PKN ORLEN, Basell Orlen Polyolefins or PCC Rokita, and at the same time becomes an important part of idea of creation of chemical cluster in PĹ&#x201A;ock.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Our goal is to create a unique place for investorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; says Iwona Lewandowska, the President of PPPT. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Because our development plans are strictly connected with widely understood BPO and SSC sector we strongly believe that PĹ&#x201A;ock Industrial and Technological Park will become in the future a leading centre of outsourcing services in Poland.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; n
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
BPO, Outsourcing, and SSC companies in Poland Management in Poland: Krzysztof Bronisz
Katarzyna Jeziorska
HQ of parent company: UK Number of Employees: 120 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Andrea Johannes - Site Director GGlaxoSmithKline Services
➥ Katarzyna graduated from Warsaw University in 2008 with a degree in Hungarian language and culture. After her first year of studying Hungarian Philology she took part in two scholarships in Budapest to gain practical knowledge of the Hungarian language. During her studies she did several student jobs like translating one of the most popular HR portals into Hungarian language, and a summer job offered by Work & Travel programme in USA. ➥ Kasia, 28 years old, started her career in Avon EMEA Finance Service Center in 2009 as a Junior Accounting Specialist, dedicated to the project of Avon Hungary's migration into FSSC.
➥ While working in the Accounts Payable Department, she also preformed the role of Single Point of Contact for Hungary. Now she works in a newly-designed team - Customer Relation Center - where she identifies the FSSC customer service scope and coordinates the communication process across all 12 Avon entities served by the central Avon FSSC in Warsaw.
HQ of parent company: UK Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: R&D Management in Poland:
Holicon Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 1200 Services provided: BPO, call center Management in Poland: Marcin Pankau - Managing Director
Telcordia Technologies
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: R&D Management in Poland: Michał Wodczak
Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: Finance and Accounting Management in Poland: Allan Kjer
HQ of parent company: Denmark Number of Employees: 120 Services provided: Captive Centre, Finance Management in Poland: Arne Sørensen - Director
Bank BPH/GE Capital
HQ of parent company: International Number of Employees: 70 Services provided: R&D Management in Poland: Anthony Natt
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 20 Services provided: R&D Management in Poland: Jacek Walkowiak
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 20 Services provided: Call center Management in Poland:
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 30 Services provided: Financial and accounting Management in Poland: Jens Emrich - President HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 230 Services provided: Financial and accounting Management in Poland: Wojciech Skrudlik - Board Member HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 20 Services provided: R&D Management in Poland: Grzegorz Mrugalski
➥ Having an excellent command of English and Hungarian she decided to improve her German language skills at the same time.
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 20 Services provided: R&D Management in Poland: Emil Podlaszewski - Board Member
➥ After work, Kasia enjoys bicycle-riding in Kampinos National Park and mountain hiking. She likes sharing travel experiences with other people, and she leads groups as a Tour Guide in the Beskidy mountains. n
Open Text
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 20 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: HQ of parent company: Canada Number of Employees: 20 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Zbigniew Cieluba - Director
External Services
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: Finance & Accounting Administration Management in Poland:
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: EU funds Management in Poland:
Rawa Mazowiecka Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: fulltime employees: 488, parttime employees: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board
Rzeszów Contact Center
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: fulltime employees: 488, parttime employees: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board
HQ of parent company: Switzerland Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Marek Marszałek - Director of Poznan office
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: fulltime employees: 488, parttime employees: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: Center specializes in financial services for investment management
Sagra Technology
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 35 Services provided: Call center Management in Poland: Marek Zefirian - President
Compuware Inc
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 250 Services provided: BPO, IT Management in Poland: Mariusz Ormiński - CEO
Softvig HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 280 Services provided: Call center Management in Poland: Martin Seidel - General Operations Manager Germany/Poland, Enrico Kautz, Site Director, Szczecin, Poland
HQ of parent company: Finland Number of Employees: 381 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Wojciech Zaremba - Country Manager
Unicredit Business Partner
HQ of parent company: Italy Number of Employees: 264 Services provided: Back office for banking services Management in Poland: Hans-Jürgen Sachs
Unizeto Technologies Vobis
Tarnowskie Góry Sitel
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 11 Services provided: BPO Call Centre Management in Poland: Danuta Paruzel - President
Trójmiasto Szczecin ATS-SI BLStream Sp.z.o.o
Franklin Templeton Investments
Prokom Software
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 2700 Services provided: Finance, IT, call center Management in Poland: Krzysztof Nowaczewski Vice-chairman
Contact Center
Services provided: HR Administration Management in Poland: Piotr Rogala - Board Member
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 25 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Artur Kornobis - President
Stream Global Services
External Services
Object Connect
Mentor Graphics
➥ She continues to develop her professional knowledge of accounting and finance through post-graduate studies.
Cont’d from page
Number of Employees: 85 Services provided: IT
Number of Employees: 147 Services provided: IT
Coloplast Shared Services HQ of parent company: Denmark
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: BPO, Finance, IT Management in Poland: Michał Lisiecki - Director
Arla Foods Global Financial Service Centre (Gdańsk)
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Ireland Number of Employees: 5060 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Eoghan Jordan
First Data
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 130 Services provided: Captive Centre, BPO, Finance Management in Poland: Krzysztof Luty - Shared Services Center Director, Leszek Izydorczyk - Human Resources Director
IBM - Regional Competence and Implementation Centre in Gdansk
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 3050 Services provided: BPO, IT Management in Poland: Marcin Matacz - Leader Regional Centre of Competencies Poland
Intel Technology Poland
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 500 Services provided: R&D, IT Management in Poland: Leszek Pankiewicz - CEO
Jeppesen by Boeing (Cmap)
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 120 Services provided: BPO, IT Management in Poland: Rafał Andrzej Stepnowski - CEO
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Ireland Number of Employees: 30 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Szczepan Sakowicz - Head of Gdansk Operations
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory
BPO, Outsourcing, and SSC companies in Poland Lufthansa Systems Poland
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 250 Services provided: BPO, IT Management in Poland: Adam R. Wojewodka - Managing Director, Jacek Samujło - Director IT Services
Masterlease (Futura Leasing, Prime Car Management SA)
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 150 Services provided: Finance Management in Poland: Jerzy Kobyliński - CEO
Meritum Bank
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: Over the next 3 years - 2000 Services provided: Finance Management in Poland: Joanna Krzyżanowska - Vicepresident
Nordea Bank Poland SA (Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: Finance, IT, call centre Management in Poland: Włodzimierz Kiciński - President, Sławomir Żygowski Vice-president
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Allain Pierre Thierry - CEO
(Gdynia) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 1000 Services provided: BPO, IT Management in Poland: Adam Góral - CEO
Services provided: F&A, operations
ABN Amro
HQ of parent company: Holland Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: Financial advisory
(Gdynia) HQ of parent company: Spain Number of Employees: 400 Services provided: BPO, Finance Management in Poland: Raimo Kesti - Managing Director, Radosław Krasowski HR Manager
Nordea Bank Poland
HQ of parent company: UK Number of Employees: 40 Services provided: R&D
( Gdynia) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: Finance, IT, call centre Management in Poland: Włodzimierz Kiciński - President, Sławomir Żygowski Vice-president
Sony Pictures
(Gdynia) HQ of parent company: US Number of Employees: up to 150 (Recruitment is ongoing) Services provided: Finance SSC Management in Poland: Michał Gryglewski - Director, Jarosław Zboralski - HR Director
HQ of parent company: Holland Number of Employees: 0 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
AstraZeneca Pharma Poland
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: Sweden Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: Call center Management in Poland: Karolina Zygmunt - Country Human Resources Manager (Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: India Number of Employees: 20 Services provided: BPO, IT Management in Poland: Rafał Grabowski - Delivery Manager Poland Centre
HQ of parent company: UK Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
Liberty Mutual
Computer Associates
Commercial Union Call center
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 160 Services provided: Business support, BI
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
CTM Teleperformance DHL Express
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: CC
Autodesk SA
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Sweden Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: F&A
Thomson Reuters
(Gdynia) HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 750 Services provided: Finance, call centre Management in Poland: Jarosław Czarzasty - Director of Gdynia office, and from 1 July: Adam Sikorski, Agata Witczak - Head of HR, Poland Operational Centre
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 180 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
(Sopot) HQ of parent company: Holland Number of Employees: 40 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Peter Horsten - CEO
Betacom SA
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
Bonair SA
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: CC, telemarketing, operations
Direct Communication HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
M2 Net SA
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 90 Services provided: Application development
(Tczew ) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: Etaty w Polsce: 488/ współpracownicy: 3352 Services provided: Call Center Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board
Warsaw HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
ABN Amro
HQ of parent company: Holland Number of Employees: 150
Number of Employees: 30 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 17 Services provided: SOA advisory
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 70 Services provided: Data mgmt outsourcing
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: Operations back-up center
Euronet Worldwide
iehl Controls
HQ of parent company: Germany Services provided: F&A
Citibank Europe Plc Oddział w Polsce
HQ of parent company: Ireland Number of Employees: 155 Services provided: Finance Management in Poland: Ewa Szpak
HQ of parent company: Holland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Sweden Number of Employees: 93 Services provided: IT support, software development
First Data (PolCard)
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 180 Services provided: Card transactions HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 35 Services provided: Insurance software development
General Electric
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 300 Services provided: R&D, design
HQ of parent company: UK Number of Employees: 18 Services provided: IT, CRM systems
HQ of parent company: UK Number of Employees: 879 Services provided: Finance Management in Poland: Beata Skawińska
Matrix.pl SA
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
MCX Systems
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 35 Services provided: CC, elearning
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
Oracle Poland Sp.z o.o. IFS Industrial and Financial Syastems HQ of parent company: Sweden Services provided: IT
IMPAQ Sp. zo.o.
HQ of parent company: Germany Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
P4 PlayMobile
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 54 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
Pharmaceutical Research Associates
Inter Partner Assistance
HQ of parent company: Sweden Services provided: IT
Number of Employees: 30 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 22 Services provided: Clinical research HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: CC
Intergraph Europe Gtech (Lottomatica)
Citibank International Plc Oddział w Polsce
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
IFS Exact Software Poland
C-Land Sp.z o.o.
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
Macrologic SA
Gemius Contact Center
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 120 Services provided: ATM service
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 70 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 340 Services provided: Complex services for business clients
Epicor Software
HQ of parent company: UK Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: Testing, location, software development
Axel Springer
ABG SA Zensar Technologies
Lawson Software
(Gdańsk) HQ of parent company: France Number of Employees: 80 Services provided: IT Management in Poland: Michael Desmurs- Regional Manager North Poland, Przemysław Włoczkowski Account Manager
Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: ICT management
City Group
HQ of parent company: Italy Number of Employees: 94 Services provided: ICT software development
HQ of parent company: Canada
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
Itella Information (d. BusinessPoint)
HQ of parent company: Finland Number of Employees: 210 Services provided: Operations
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: IT
Cont’d on page
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
BPO, Outsourcing, and SSC companies in Poland profile_
PTK Centertel
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 13 Services provided: IT tech support
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 65 Services provided: R&D (Whitegoods)
Qumak-Sekom SA
Fagor Mastercook
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 1750 Services provided: CC
Anna Nizio
Number of Employees: Number of Employees:
HQ of parent company: Spain Services provided: R&D (Whitegoods)
GE Money / Genpact
Update CRM
TNT Express
➥ Anna graduated from Warsaw University of Technology in 2006 with a degree in administration and social sciences. During her studies she gained her first business experience working in European Funds consulting. She also represented her University in basketball team, winning Warsaw Academic League and achieving the 3rd place in Academic Championship of Poland. After graduation Anna joined an audit consultancy as an assistant. Her next professional experience was implementing ERP system in one of the biggest corporations in the construction sector. ➥ Three years ago Anna joined Avon EMEA Finance Service Centre in Warsaw. She started in Accounts Payables Department as an Accounting Specialist providing her services for Avon Germany and later for Avon Spain. In this position she could utilize her language skills dealing with English and Spanish speaking vendors. ➥ In the meantime Anna was continuing to develop her professional skills obtaining CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting. ➥ Currently Anna works in non-operational area of Avon EMEA FSC as a Quality Assurance Specialist. In her day-to-day job she participates in all improvement projects which take place in the Organization as the professional advisory body and process' knowledge provider. She also deals with SLAs and KPIs metrics and performs other ad-hoc analysis. ➥ In her free time Anna enjoys practicing sports, particularly basketball and football, and travelling. n
HQ of parent company: France Number of Employees: 28 Services provided: Training, consulting
HQ of parent company: Switzerland Number of Employees: 220 Services provided: Software development
Rodan Systems SA
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Austria Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Austria Services provided: IT
Samsung Electronics Poland
HQ of parent company: S. Korea Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: Software development for ICT& TV SAT
HQ of parent company: Germany Services provided: IT
SAS Institute
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 30 Services provided: BI
Signity SA
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: Operation/innovation center
Warsaw software Group
Hewlett Packard
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: Document processing
Contact Center
(Warszawa, Poznań, Gdańsk, Katowice, Ciechanów, Tczew, Rawa Mazowiecka, Kielce, Sosnowiec, Rzeszów) HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: fulltime employees: 488, parttime employees: 3352 Services provided: Contact center: telesales, sales support, databases, call centre, debt recovery, etc. Management in Poland: Zbigniew Biały - President of the Management Board, Marek Słowiński - Board Member
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
Progress Software
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IT
Sun Provident Poland
HQ of parent company: UK Number of Employees: 420 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
Sygnity PTC
Prokom Software SA HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 18 Services provided: Planning, design
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 1650 Services provided: CC
HQ of parent company: Poland Number of Employees: 40 Services provided: Management process support
HQ of parent company: Spain Number of Employees: 300 (planned) Services provided: BPO
Siemens AG
HQ of parent company: Germany Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: R&D IT(Software)
HQ of parent company: Norway Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: R&D IT(Software)
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: IDC Center
HQ of parent company: India Number of Employees: 100 (planned) Services provided: KPO Center (Mathematics)
KPIT Cummins
HQ of parent company: India Number of Employees: 40 Services provided: Accounting Center
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 100 (planned) Services provided: KPO
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 60 Services provided: R&D
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 316 Services provided: Accounting
HQ of parent company: Sweden Number of Employees: 500 (100 in IT) Services provided: Accounting, administration, IT
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 40 Services provided: R&D (Automotive)
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 100 Services provided: R&D (Whitegoods)
Simple SA
Softlab Trade
Santander Consumer Bank
CAN CapGemini
HQ of parent company: France Number of Employees: 120 Services provided: IT service center
Central Europe BPO
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 1200 Services provided: Accounting, marketing, business development and operation center
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 450 Services provided: CC, telemarketing
HQ of parent company: Finland Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: BPO
HQ of parent company: UK Services provided: IT
Services provided: Operation Center
S&T Services Poland
HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT Cont’d from page
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: R&D (Automotive)
Ruukki HQ of parent company: Poland Services provided: IT
Remy International
HQ of parent company: USA Services provided: Operation center
Credit Suisse
HQ of parent company: Switzerland Number of Employees: 150 Services provided: Excellence Center
Diehl Controls
HQ of parent company: India Services provided: HR, Accounting
HQ of parent company: India Number of Employees: 150 Services provided: HR Service Center
Nokia Siemens Networks
HQ of parent company: Finland Number of Employees: 900 Services provided: IT R&D
Opera Software
HQ of parent company: Norway Number of Employees: 150 Services provided: IT R&D
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 200 Services provided: BPO (Finance)
HQ of parent company: USA Number of Employees: 50 Services provided: IT service center
Zielona Góra ABD
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory
Top Office Buildings in Poland (A selection of the largest and newest Class A offices) building adddress
year completed (cat.) total office space (sqm)
Rondo Business Park
Katowice Pascal Katowice tel. 22 606 07 00
Reinhold Center Al. Korfantego 138, Katowice
Brynów Center ul. Gawronów, 40-533 Katowice 32 731 59 20, Katowice tel. 32 731 59 20
Park Przemysłowy “Euro-Centrum” Biurowiec 6.4 ul. Ligocka 103, 40-568 Katowice 32 201 34 75, Katowice tel. 32 201 34 75
Centrum Biurowe Francuska ul. Francuska 34, 40-027 Katowice 22 606 07 00, Katowice tel. 22 606 07 00
Silesia Towers ul. Chorzowska 109a, 40-101 Katowice, Katowice
Katowice Business Point ul. Chorzowska / ul. Ściegiennego, Katowice
2009/A bd 2010/A bd 2010/A 7290 2007/A 6100
Kraków tel. 22 606 07 00
Wieżowiec TreiMorfa ul. Lubomirskiego, Kraków
Centrum Biurowe Lubicz II ul. Lubicz, 31-503 Kraków tel. 12 629 61 01
Sequoja ul. Kapelanka / ul. Lipińskiego, 31-511 Kraków tel. 12 619 40 00
Bydynek Biurowy ONYX al. Powstańców Śląskich 26, 30 -570 Kraków tel. 12 295 08 08
Budynek Biurowy Opolska / 29 Listopada ul. Opolska / 29 Listopada, Kraków tel. 41 333 33 33
M 65 Meduza ul. Mogilska 65, Kraków tel. 12 619 40 00
Centrum Biznesu Brama Bronowicka ul. Krakowska, 32-080 Zabierzów tel. 22 222 30 00
Centrum Biurowe GTC ul. Armii Krajowej 18, 30-149 Kraków tel. 22 606 07 00
Centrum Biurowe Kazimierz ul. Podgórska, Kraków tel. 22 606 07 00
Vinci Office Building ul. Opolska, Kraków tel. 22 222 30 00
Diamante Plaza ul. Dekerta 24, 30-703 Kraków tel. 12 421 09 53
Diamante Plaza ul. Dekerta 24, 30-703 Kraków tel. 12 421 09 53
B4B - Bonarka for Business ul. Puszkarska, 30-644 Kraków tel. 12 257 89 78
Bonarka for Business ul. Puszkarska, 30-644 Kraków tel. 12 257 89 78
ul. Lublańska 38, 31-476 Kraków tel. 12 295 08 08
Edison Reinhold
ul. Armii Krajowej 18, 30-150 Kraków tel. 22 606 07 00
Edison Holdimex
ul. Armii Krajowej 18, 30-150 Kraków tel. 22 606 07 00
Newton ul. Armii Krajowej 18, 30-150 Kraków tel. 22 606 07 00
Kraków Business Park - 1000 ul. Krakowska, 32-080 Zabierzów tel. 22 222 30 00
2010/A 36 800
2011/A 25 000
2010/A 17 200
2009/A bd
I Etap 2013/A 75 000
GD&K Group
Kraków Business Park - 200 ul. Krakowska, 32-080 Zabierzów tel. 22 222 30 00
Kraków Business Park - 400 ul. Krakowska, 32-080 Zabierzów tel. 22 222 30 00
2009/A 7300
2009/A 6762
GD & K Group
2008/A 6025
Kraków Business Park - 900 ul. Krakowska, 32-080 Zabierzów tel. 22 222 30 00
Kraków Pascal
building adddress
ONYX Office
ul. Lea 210, Kraków tel. 41 33 33 310
Pawia Trade Center ul. Pawia / ul. Ogrodowa,
Quattro Business Park al. Bora-Komorowskiego, Kraków
Al. Piłsudskiego 86, Łódź tel. 41 333 33 10 ul. Żeligowskiego 3/5, 90-752 Łódź tel. 42 632 11 88
2010/A 60 000
Echo Investment
2008/A 5400
GD & K Group
2007/A 5200
Manhattan Higher
2008/A 51 000
Cross Point Łódź
2009/A 27 800
Business House ul. Żeligowskiego 8/10, 90-753 Łódź tel. 42 256 06 66
University Business Park ul. Wólczańska 178, 90-515 Łódź tel. 22 606 07 00 ul. Piotrkowska 170, 90-368 Łódź tel. 42 654 65 69 al. Marszałka Edwarda Śmigłego - Rydza 20, 93-281 Łódź tel. 42 251 81 02
Sterlinga Business Center ul. Sterlinga 8A Łódź,
Centrum Biurowe Vinci
2009/A 19 785
Aldesa Polska
2009/A 19 785
Aldesa Polska
2011/A 17 889
TriGranit / IPR
2011/A 17 889
TriGranit / IPR
2007/A 17 550
Rondo Development
2008/A 16 700
2008/A 16 700
2007/A 16 700
2009/A 16 300
Kraków Business Park
2009/A 16 300
Kraków Business Park
2007/A 16 000
Kraków Business Park
2007/A 15 000
Kraków Business Park
2010/A 12 000
Echo Investment
2010/bd 6700
2012/A 50 834
Grupa Buma
-/A bd
Echo Investment
-/bd bd
-/A 8514
PTP Tomasz Wesołowski, Paweł Michał Szulc
-/A 67 650
-/A 20 000
-/A 14 000
Mermaid Properties sp. z o.o.
-/A 13200
Budimex Dromex
-/A 12 000
Virako Sp. z o.o.
-/A 11 505
St. Paul’s Developments Polska
2007/A bd
Von Der Heyden Group
2011/A 7000
Centrum Development and Investments Polska
Łódź Aurus
Przędzalnia Braci Muehle
2009/A 24 958
year completed (cat.) total office space (sqm)
Forum 76 Business Centre al. Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego 76, 90-330 Łódź tel. 42 256 78 91
Textorial Park ul. Fabryczna 17, Łódź tel. 42 677 55 00
Poznań Budynek Andersia Tower Plac Andersa 3, 61-894 Poznań
Okrąglak ul. Mielżyńskiego 14, 61-725 Poznań tel. 61 852 62 19
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
Top Office Buildings in Poland (A selection of the largest and newest Class A offices) building adddress
Nickel Technology Park Poznań ul. Krzemowa 1, Złotniki, 62-002 Suchy Las tel. 61 658 54 99
Malta Office Park ul. Baraniaka, Poznań
Andersia Business Centre ul. Królowej Jadwigi, 61-873 Poznań
Skalar Office Center ul. Górecka / ul. Hetmańska, tel. 61 850 52 25
Biurowiec na Szyperskiej ul. Rolna 43, 61-487 Poznań tel. 61 866 30 14
Nowe Garbary ul. Garbary / ul. Małe Garbary 9, Poznań tel. 61 658 55 00
Omega ul. Jana Henryka Dąbrowskiego 79 A, Poznań tel. 61 859 40 01
year completed (cat.) total office space (sqm)
2008/bd 6169
Nickel Technology Park Poznań
2010/A 28 100
Echo Investment
2011/A 25 090
Von Der Heyden Group
2010/A 23 000
Inwestor - Górecka Projekt
al. Niepodległości 60 / ul. Kaszubska / ul. Partyzantów / pl. Brama Portowa ,
Posejdon Al. Niepodległości 60, 70-704 Szczecin tel. 22 351 01 53
Nowa Dana al. Wyzwolenia / pl. Witosa / ul. Odzieżowa, tel. 509 052 989
Szczeciński Park Naukowo-Technologiczny Pomerania ul. Niemierzyńska, 71-436 Szczecin tel. 91 489 20 50
Oxygen ul. Malczewskiego, 70-554 Szczecin tel. 664 900 314
Biurowiec przy ul. Zbożowej ul. Zbożowa / Celna, 70-653 Szczecin tel. 22 630 67 00, 661 918 781
Al. Grunwaldzka / ul. Szymanowskiego, 80-266 Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz tel. 58 785 10 01
Tryton ul. Jana z Kolna 12, Gdańsk tel. 41 333 33 12
Łużycka Office Park ul. Łużycka 6, 81-537 Gdynia tel. 58 660 19 90
Arkońska Business Park ul. Arkońska 6, 80-387 Gdańsk tel. 58 764 60 00
Olivia Business Centre ul. Grunwaldzka 472, 80-309 Gdańsk tel. 605 292 874
BCB Business Park ul. Azymutalna 9, Gdańsk tel. 58 352 17 26
Allcon @ park 3 ul. Słowackiego 173, 80-298 Gdańsk tel. 58 660 19 90
ul. 17 Stycznia 45, 02-146 Warszawa
ul. Flisa 2, 02-247 Warszawa tel. 22 571 44 44 Al. Jerozolimskie 212 A, 02-486 Warszawa tel. 22 571 44 44
EuroPark ul. Mangalia 4, 02-758 Warszawa tel. 22 630 64 50
Horizon Plaza bd/A 20 751
Domaniewska 39 A, 02-672 Warszawa tel. 606 281 781
Lipowy Office Park 2008/A 16 400
Nickel Development
ul. Żwirki i Wigury 31, 02-091 Warszawa tel. 22 335 77 77
Platinium Business Park 2008/A 14 000
ul. Wołoska 9, 02-583 Warszawa tel. 22 606 07 00
Luminar ul. Cybernetyki 7, Warszawa tel. 22 544 81 00
2013/A 7313
Centrum Development and Investments
2011/A 48 000
Centrum Development and Investments Polska
Tower Terraces
2012/A 25 324
J.W. Construction
Mokotów Nova
planowany/A 15 750
Szczeciński Park Naukowo Technologiczny
ul. Cicha 8, Warszawa tel. 12 619 40 00 ul. Domaniewska 46, 02-672 Warszawa tel. 22 222 32 22 ul. Wołoska, 02-651 Warszawa
Warsaw Trade Tower ul. Chłodna 51, 00-867 Warszawa tel. 22 455 17 70
Domaniewska Business Center 2010/A 14 000 2011/A 13 500
Echo Investment
ul. Domaniewska / Puławska, Warszawa tel. 22 822 98 30
Plac Unii ul. Puławska 2 (przy Pl. Unii Lubelskiej), 02-566 Warszawa tel. 22 571 44 44
SGI Baltis Kopernik Office Building A, B, C, D i E Al. Jerozolimskie 180, 02-486 Warszawa
Rainbow One
2011/A ok. 11 800
Grupa Inwestycyjna Hossa
2010/A bd
Echo Investment
2010/A 33 000
ALLCON Investment
ul. Bokserska 62 A, 02-690 Warszawa tel. 666 311 526
Park Postępu ul. Postępu, 00-976 Warszawa
Nowy Dom Jabłkowskich ul. Chmielna 19, Warszawa
Equator I 2010/A 18 648
2011/A 18 217
TPS Otwarta Przestrzeń
Al. Jerozolimskie 128, Warszawa tel. 22 583 72 00
Trinity Park III ul. Domaniewska 49, 02-672 Warszawa
Wolf Marszałkowska 2011/A 18 000 2011/A 11 900
Bałtyckie Centrum Biznesu
ul. Marszałkowska 89, 00-693 Warszawa tel. 22 436 37 16
Centrum Biurowe Francuska ALLCON Investment
ul. Wołoska 5, Warszawa tel. 22 606 07 00
Postępu 22 ul. Postępu 22, 02-676 Warszawa tel. 22 222 32 22
Warszawa Okęcie Business Park - Nothus i Zephirus
ul. Taśmowa 7, 02-677 Warszawa
Batory Office Buildings II
Trójmiasto Garnizon Business Space - Twin Wave
Marynarska Business Park Flanders Business Park - Building A
Szczecin Rozbudowa CDI Posejdon
building adddress
bd/A Nothus: ok. 9000, Zephirus: ok. 9000
North Gate ul. Bonifraterska 17, Warszawa tel. 22 501 46 00
year completed (cat.) total office space (sqm)
2008/A bd
Ghelamco Poland Sp. z o.o.
2009/A 8942
Liebrecht & wooD Poland
2009/A 7808
Liebrecht & wooD Poland
2012/A 700 000
2009/A 65 000
Curtis Development/ IVG Curtis Plaza II
2008/A 63 929
Hochtief Polska
2010/A 59 000
2008/A 5520
Celtic Asset Management
2009/A 5418
2010/A 51 400
Sjaelso Poland Sp. z o.o.
2011/A 45 000
Ghelamco Poland Sp. z o.o.
bd/A 44 400
2009/A 42 361
2010/A+ 40 983
Liebrecht & wooD Poland and BBI Development
W zależności od budynku/A 40 640
2010/A 3945
2009/A 37 900
Echo Investment
2011/A 3550
Leoprim Sp. z o.o.
2008/A 33 311
2009/A 33 000
Ghelamco Poland Sp. z o.o.
2010/A+ 31 707
Wolf Immobilien Polen SA
2009/A 31 560
2010/A 31 200
Sjaelso Poland Sp. z o.o.
2008/A 30 156
Premiumred Polska
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
Top Office Buildings in Poland (A selection of the largest and newest Class A offices) building adddress
Marynarska Point ul. Postępu 15 B i C, 02-676 Warszawa tel. 22 899 00 05
Zepter Business Centre ul. Domaniewska 37, 02-672 Warszawa tel. 22 565 80 85
Wiśniowy Business Park Budynek F ul. Iłżecka 26, 02-135 Warszawa tel. 22 520 60 00
Catalina Office Center Al. Wyścigowa 6, Warszawa tel. 22 854 08 72
Poleczki Business Park Poleczki/ Hołubcowa 124, Warszawa tel. 663 741 988
Equator II Al. Jerozolimskie, Warszawa
Nefryt ul. Domaniewska, 02-675 Warszawa tel. 22 606 07 80
Tulipan House ul. Domaniewska 50 A, Warszawa
Zebra Tower Rondo Jazdy Polskiej, 00-635 Warszawa tel. 22 310 05 80
K.B.P. - Karolkowa Business Park ul. Karolkowa 30, 01-207 Warszawa tel. 22 827 77 72
Crown Square ul. Przyokopowa 31, 01-208 Warszawa
Vega ul. Wołoska , 02-675 Warszawa tel. 22 351 24 00
Gdański Business Court ul. Inflancka 3, 00-195 Warszawa tel. 22 540 71 60
Libra Business Centre B Al. Jerozolimskie / ul. Daimlera,
Adgar Plaza A ul. Postępu 17a, 02-676 Warszawa tel. 22 323 81 00
Mokotów Plaza ul. Postępu 6, 02-676 Warszawa tel. 22 544 81 00
Wilanów Office Park Warszawa tel. 58 628 89 50-51
Blue Office II Al Jerozolimskie 179 , 02-222 Warszawa tel. 22 311 70 22
BTD Office Centre ul. Niepodległości / Domaniewska, 02-626 Warszawa tel. 22 322 71 00
Feniks ul. Żelazna 32, 00-832 Warszawa tel. 22 630 6 50
Adgar Plaza B ul. Postępu 17b, 02-676 Warszawa tel. 22 323 81 00
Prosta Tower ul. Prosta, Warszawa tel. 22 536 50 50
Libra Business Centre A Al. Jerozolimskie / ul. Daimlera,
Mokotowska Square ul. Mokotowska 49, Warszawa
year completed (cat.) total office space (sqm)
2008/A 26 600
2011/A 24 165
building adddress
Platinium Business Park budynek Platinium II ul. Domaniewska 42/44, 02-675 Warszawa tel. 22 606 07 80
bd/A 23 250
Quinlan Private Golub / Avestus Real Estate
2010/A 22 600
Catalina Investment Sp. z o. o.
2017/A 210 000
UBM Ralitaetenentwicklung oraz CA Immo International
bd/A 21 302
2008/A 17 960
2008/A 17 800
2010/A 17 800
S+B Gruppe
2010/A 17 780
Ablon Group
2010/A 17 000
Ghelamco Poland Sp. z o.o.
2010/A 17 000
Hines Polska
2010/A 16 679
Lubasa Polska
2011/A 15 800
Mermaid Properties
2008/A 15 261
2008/A 15 006
Celtic Asset Management
2012/A 140 000
2008/A 14 000
2010/A+ 14 000
Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne BTA
2010/A 13 685
bd/A 11 750
2011/A 10 557
Marvipol S.A.
2011/A 10 400
Mermaid Properties
2011/A 10 000
Yareal Polska Sp. z o.o.
year completed (cat.) total office space (sqm)
2008/A –
2008/A 7600
Kinnarps Polska
2011/A 6860
ING Real Estate Development
2010/A 50 600
RE Office Center
2008/A 3620
Wrocław Development
2011/A 3357
Verity Development
2008/A 32 000
Ghelamco Poland
2010/A+ 270 000
LC Corp
2008/A 27 750
2008/A 26 307
Skanska Property Poland
2010/A 24 500
Vantage Development
2010/A 24 000
Wojdyła Budownictwo
2007/A 22 000
2007/A 21 300
Archicom Atrium
2008/A 14 650
2011/A 11 900
2012/A 100 000
2008/A 100 000
Strzegomska Nowa
2011/A 10 852
Verity Development
Wrocław Office Interriors ul. Karkonoska, Wrocław tel. 71 796 66 00
Thespian pl. Powstańców Śląskich 1, tel. 22 222 44 00
Brama Południowa ul. Szwedzka, 55-040 Bielany Wrocławskie tel. 71 719 89 04
New Point Offices ul. Białoskórnicza 1, 50-134 Wrocław tel. 71 343 88 31
Heritage Gates ul. Rzeźnicza 28-31, 50-073 Wrocław tel. 71 719 89 28
Bema Plaza pl. gen. Bema 2, 50- 265 Wrocław
Sky Tower al. Powstańców Śląskich 2-4, 53-332 Wrocław tel. 71 788 82 22
Globis Wrocław ul. Powstańców Śląskich / Swobodna, Wrocław tel. 71 346 76 46
Grunwaldzki Center pl. Grunwaldzki 7/ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie 34/ul. Norwida, Wrocław tel. 71 383 54 82
Gama Office ul. Fabryczna 6-8, Wrocław tel. 71 798 35 77
Wojdyła Business Park ul. Muchoborska 8, Wrocław tel. 71 790 27 10
Wrocławski Park Biznesu 2 ul. Wołowska 4-20, 51-116 Wrocław tel. 71 376 96 40
Silver Forum ul. Strzegomska 2-4, Wrocław tel. 71 346 76 46
Centrum Biurowe Globis ul. Powstańców Śląskich 7A / ul. Swobodna ,
Centrum Biurowe Karkonoska al. Karkonoska, 53-015 Wrocław tel. 71 346 76 46
West Forum ul. Strzegomska 140 A-146, Wrocław tel. 71 785 88 00
Zachodne Centrum Biznesu ul. Strzegomska 140-148, Wrocław tel. 71 785 88 00
Verity Business Centre Lubińska / Legnicka / Poznańska, 50-073 Wrocław tel. 71 719 87 41
Outsourcing in Poland
2010 Business Directory
Top 89 Polish Universities (as ranked by Rzeczpospolita and perspektywy.pl) rank
university’s name
rank 2009/ 2008/ 2007
rank factor
employers preference studies in foreign languages
Uniwersytet Warszawski
70.8 50.7
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Politechnika Warszawska
rank factor
employers preference studies in foreign languages
Wiejskiego 19/11/10 24 Szkoła GłównawGospodarstwa Warszawie
8.8 9.4
44.3 43.7
Politechnika Poznańska
25.3 9.0
31.1 100.0
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
21.4 7.8
100.0 56.1
Politechnika Gdańska
29.5 20.0
Politechnika Wrocławska
72.6 17.0
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
19.4 39.1
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
32.2 4.7
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
6.7 0.4
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
63.4 10.3
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki
34.3 0.0
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
49.5 12.0
31 Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu 38/31/39
1.4 0.7
Politechnika Łódzka
30.2 61.7
w Ol- 32/27/38 32 Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski sztynie
9.1 19.0
Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
0.2 62.5
4.6 0.6
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
12.1 4.7
Curie-Skłodowskiej w 34/28/30 34 Uniwersytet Marii Lublinie
6.8 0.0
Pomorska Akademia Medyczna w Szczecinie
0.1 29.0
Uniwersytet Techno- 39/42/44 35 Zachodniopomorski logiczny w Szczecinie
3.9 0.0
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
0.2 14.4
36 Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu 28/34/37
28.3 26.4
Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach
32.0 40.8
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
6.8 0.0
Uniwersytet Łódzki
18.2 22.0
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
0.3 0.0
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
1.8 32.9
39 Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłą- 41/33/42 taja w Krakowie
0.4 2.7
Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny
0.4 35.9
Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Karola Adamieckiego w Katowicach
25.0 15.7
im. Piastów Śląskich 13/24/27 18 Akademia Medyczna we Wrocławiu
0.6 19.7
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
15.7 11.3
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
20.0 0.4
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego w Warszawie
7.0 0.0
Uniwersytet Gdański
12.9 4.5
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
0.1 0.0
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
0.5 23.6
Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik 49/63/79 Komputerowych w Warszawie
5.3 7.3
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
1.0 24.1
Politechnika Lubelska
3.5 3.2
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
0.0 46.2
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
0.2 0.0
university’s name
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
rank 2009/ 2008/ 2007
Outsourcing in Poland
Business Directory 2010
Top 89 Polish Universities (as ranked by Rzeczpospolita and perspektywy.pl)
university’s name
rank 2009/ 2008/ 2007
rank factor
employers preference studies in foreign languages
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
3.3 0.0
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Politechnika Częstochowska
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Uniwersytet Opolski
rank factor
employers preference studies in foreign languages
Humanistyczna im. Aleksandra 64/71/85 70 AkademiaGieysztora w Pułtusku
6.7 0.0
5.7 0.0
Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorc- 73/77/83 71 Społeczna zości i Zarządzania w Łodzi
2.5 22.7
13.0 1.2
Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Prawa im. Ryszarda Łazarskiego w Warszawie
1.4 17.1
5.4 0.0
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego w Gdańsku
0.1 0.0
0.5 0.0
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej im. Bohaterów Westerplatte w Gdyni
0.2 0.0
Psychologii Społecznej w 44/69/74 52 Szkoła Wyższa Warszawie
6.8 14.3
Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii 83/79/81 75 Akademia Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie
0.2 0.0
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
3.6 2.5
Akademia Finansów w Warszawie
1.6 5.2
Politechnika Białostocka
13.0 0.0
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
0.1 0.0
Politechnika Opolska
5.1 0.0
Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa im. W. Korfantego w Katowicach
7.5 4.8
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrod- 66/68/58 56 niczy im. J. i J. Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy
3.2 0.0
Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
0.1 0.0
10.7 0.0
Akademia Morska w Gdyni
1.4 0.0
Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa 48/60/47 58 Akademia Piłsudskiego w Warszawie
2.5 0.0
Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w 76/74/65 Bielsku-Białej
0.7 0.0
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
2.9 6.2
Wyższa Szkoła Studiów Międzynarodowych w Łodzi
1.3 0.0
Collegium Civitas w Warszawie
0.5 5.5
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie
1.3 1.3
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza
14.2 0.0
Szkoła Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna 70/66/70 84 Wyższa “Ignatianum” w Krakowie
0.1 0.0
Narodowej w Warsza- 42/38/40 62 Akademia Obrony wie
0.1 0.0
0.0 0.0
Politechnika Koszalińska
8.0 0.0
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Mar86 ketingowego i Jęz. Obcych w Katowicach 87/91/89
0.4 0.0
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu
2.4 0.0
0.4 0.5
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie
0.8 0.0
im. A. Frycza Mod88 Krakowska Akademia rzewskiego
0.7 5.4
Wielkiego w By- 63/53/66 66 Uniwersytet Kazimierza dgoszczy
2.9 0.0
i Zarządzania w 89 Wyższa Szkoła Finansów Warszawie
0.9 0.0
Politechnika Świętokrzyska w Kielcach
Politechnika Radomska im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego
2.6 0.0
Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach
0.1 0.0
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
8.1 0.0
university’s name
Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej w Warszawie
Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa we Wrocławiu
rank 2009/ 2008/ 2007
Founding Members:
The next ABSL Conference will be held on the 15thâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;16th of September 2010 in Warsaw (www.absl.pl)