Issuu Market Opportunity

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Issuu The Power of Digital Documents

Be creative Be productive Be accountable

The Power of Issuu

Digital Publishing Revolution

Digital documents give power to new ways to publish thoughts, share ideas and shape

how we live and do business. No longer are documents confined by restrictive legacy enterprise environments but are transformed by technology and the open platform of the Internet. Issuu delivers on the vision of a digital world where freedom of expression knows no boundaries.

Digital Documents Market Issuu is a clear pioneer of the digital document and publishing arena. Through the early adoption cycle, Issuu has secured funding, built a community of advocates, showcased viability and delivered a proven digital publishing solution. Since 2007 Issuu has been part of a growing market category of industry players delivering solutions, growing communities and building marketplaces. Venture capitalists have fueled multiple rounds of funding with a pack of digital go‐getters and continue to prioritize digital documents as a solid investment arena. The future of this evolving set of digital start‐ups will be defined by the second wave of adoption by consumers and business organizations. Success will illustrate demand, position and viability amongst both legacy technology offerings and unknown start‐ups yet to be introduced to the market.

Power Play Issuu made a great first impression on the market when introducing both a digital publishing platform and a marketplace for designers, publishers, consumers and businesses. Influenced by the impact of social media and the need to transform the use of documents in our daily life, early adopters have become fast advocates showcasing unrestricted expression in form and function with digital documents. However, Issuu is no longer the latest and greatest but one of several players competing for market share.

The digital documents and publishing market has evolved with the changing landscape of both enterprise and consumer technologies. Legacy document creation applications packaged as office suites have structured and restructured the way businesses and consumers create, use and manage information in everyday life. The Internet and Mobile computing transformed system requirements and established a new open platform to expand on the freedom to express ideas, enhance processes and discover improved ways to be creative, productive and accountable. How will legacy Office Suites sustain market share and expand to compete with new offerings?

The struggle to remain viable is a balancing act between increasing visibility and engaging new advocates. While some players don’t resemble direct competition now, the reality is in the next wave of adoption sales and marketing efforts will refine target markets and get more creative at driving market share.

What differentiates communities and marketplaces as channels to create, buy and explore information?

BizSight Partners welcomes the opportunity to align with Issuu and make a power play to drive greater visibility and engage with the market. Over the next four months, BizSight Partners proposes the following:

Who are pure play technology companies or hybrids betting on a business or consumer value proposition?

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Increase market visibility and engage in industry dialogue through a more formalized Public Relations program Drive adoption supporting targeted sales and marketing campaigns directed at select business or consumer audiences

Issuu cannot afford to be lost in the noise of an expanding market that is becoming a driving force in the revolution of digital dominance through documents, communities and marketplaces.

Focus: Issuu Public Relations Phase 1: Ready

Issuu public relations efforts require a recalibration of the current tool set and infrastructure to better engage with the industry and maximize business results. In phase one BizSight Partners will benchmark current communications assets and resources to formalize a refined PR strategy.      

Industry Research: news & tracking system Corporate spokespeople: role & process Pundits / Media: database & engagements Press Releases: format & distribution Industry Events Calendar: targets & resources Communication Channels: print & online

Goal: Establish an understanding of what is needed to support an effective PR program and how these communications assets and resources can be integrated to support every part of the business (sales, marketing, product development, customers, partners, etc.).

Phase 2: Set Public relations is not just about making noise in the market. PR is a strategy to build industry relationships and define leadership by showcasing a brand with a value proposition. Issuu has earned positive recognition during the early adoption cycle of a first to market company. However, ongoing success requires a clear communications strategy that competes with a quickly crowded category. In phase two BizSight Partners will define a positioning blueprint and communications roadmap in line with Issuu’s overall business strategy and initiatives.      

Corporate Positioning: industry & competition Corporate Storyboard: goals & milestones News Cycle: proactive & reactive Sales Cycle: events & campaigns Internal Communications: approach & process External Communications: approach & process

Goal: Formalize a communications strategy that can be integrated into every part of the business efficiently and effectively.

Phase 3: Go Business requires creativity, productivity and accountability. In phase three BizSight Partners will execute the communications strategy in pursuit of targeted results that positively impact Issuu’s success.      

Market Watch: tracking & reporting Pundits & Media: tracking & targeting News & Commentary: pitching & scheduling Press Releases: writing & distributing Industry Events: tracking & reporting Internal/External Communications: writing & reporting

Goal: Execute the public relations strategy established to best support and navigate Issuu’s positioning in the market.

Positioning Issuu in the Market Current website copy: Issuu is the leading digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, books, catalogs, reports, and more. In just a few seconds users can create beautiful digital editions simply by uploading their publications. It's our mission to empower individuals, companies, and institutions to publish their documents across all digital platforms. Issuu is also a popular destination site visited by millions every month. It's a dynamic library where people are drawn to and engaged by great publications and where publishers find and build targeted audiences. Issuu is free to use though professional publishers opt for our Issuu Pro solution with enhanced customization. How does this compare to the competition? Do the media, partners, customers, employees describe you the same way? Does this positioning align and illustrate your value proposition? How does your positioning support revenue? What proof points need communicated to reinforce Issuu’s market positioning? Communications strategies are a core part of driving and managing market perception, sales and industry leadership. Start-ups and growing organizations often require the help of outside resources to balance passionate and objective views of challenges, solutions and opportunities.

Digital Influence

Focus: Issuu Public Relations Timetable & Deliverables

Power of PR

Phase 1

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Phase 2

• Timeframe: two weeks • Approach: Kick‐off mtg followed by interviews & research • Deliverable: Communications Assessment & Issuu Benchmark • Deliverable: Corporate Communications Blueprint

Timeframe: two weeks Approach: Kick‐off mtg followed by interviews & research Deliverable: Communications Inventory & Issuu Benchmark Deliverable: Public Relations Blueprint

Phase 3

Public relations is a strategy to influence targeted audiences through communications. There are various channels to navigate pending on who a company is trying to reach and if there is a call to action.

•Timeframe: three months • Approach: Design PR strategy / campaigns and execute • Deliverable: PR Strategy /campaigns & Execution Elements • Deliverable: Industry & Corporate PR Benchmark

BizSight Partners proposes a four month sales & marketing project incorporating target audience and technology competitive benchmarks and the design of 2-3 targeted sales campaigns based on priorities and resources. At the beginning of each phase, BizSight Partners will work with Issuu to outline each deliverable and the process necessary to efficiently and effectively reach the targeted goals established from the start. Collectively with Issuu, based on each phase, it will be evaluated and determined how to best make use or gain access to the necessary resources for the project.

Public Relations Budget The four month public relations project entails varied hours per phase determined by the agreed upon goals and approach defined. The overall recommended budget is based on service hours and not the actual expenses of collateral, materials, technology, phone costs, etc. which are dependent on a collective determination of demand or needs. Estimated Budget & Hours: US PR program  Service Fees: $20,000 / $5,000 per month  Service Hours: 400 - 450 UK PR program (leverages infrastructure of US PR program)  Service Fees: $10,000 / $2,500 per month  Service Hours: 200 – 250 BizSight Partners is ready to team up with Issuu and provide expertise and added resources necessary to establish a clear and effective communications strategy.

The digital documents and publishing industry is only one of many categorise to watch in the overall market. Gaining priority or recognition as a player involves building relationships, being creative and most of all defining relevancy. What is Issuu’s industry agenda and how will it be heard? Does Issuu’s press releases calendar tell the story of the company and showcase milestones? Who is the media spokesperson that is known by analysts and journalists? How does Issuu’s press coverage compare to other competitors or digital publishing platform providers? What is the PR strategy for targeting the next wave Issuu of advocates who will adopt the industry proven platform?

Focus: Issuu Sales & Marketing Phase 1: Refocus

Issuu empowered a community of advocates to create a marketplace where people can express ideas and share inspiration. Through the power of a digital publishing platform, early adopters have showcased how dynamic content can revolutionize how consumers and businesses share information. In phase one, BizSight Partners will assess the first wave of adoption to develop spheres of influence on the next wave of advocates to embrace the power of Issuu.     

Digital Documents: formats & function Target Audiences: consumer & business Distribution Channels: communities & resellers Decision Makers: individuals & organizations Competitive Market share: competing budget solutions & install base

Goal: Identify and prioritize target customer segments and potential distribution channels in contrast to both direct and indirect competitors in the market.

Phase 2: Refine

Next Wave of Digital Adoption Industry Observations: Digital Documents / Digital Publishing markets continue “early adoption” cycle with undefined business model incorporating Saas, marketplaces and ad sales. Much of the competition is pushing for series B & C funding rounds respectively. Legacy systems and applications are seeking bridge to digital world and social media. ___________________________ Key audiences already in the mix of targeted sales: 

The Issuu digital publishing platform knows no boundaries in terms of use and application. Digital documents represent efficiency and effectiveness for consumers and professional organizations. In phase two, BizSight Partners will review the digital publishing technology roadmap and examine key functionality that appeals and /or inspires users to adopt the Issuu digital documents solution.     

Technology Roadmap: industry & product Features & Functionality: standard & new Usability: intuitive & flexible Proprietary & Open Source: systems & technology Competitive Benchmark: direct & indirect

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_________________________ Trends or industry agenda’s influencing adoption: 

Goal: Establish a technology benchmark for advocates to understand the impact of digital publishing and identify Issuu as the digital advantage.

Phase 3: Refresh

Issuu has established momentum and mindshare that provides a reference point for developing new targeted sales & marketing strategies. In the next wave of adoption digital publishing platform providers will become much more creative to educate, influence and sell their value proposition. In phase 3, BizSight Partners will team up with Issuu to evaluate, create and execute targeted sales campaigns.      

Sales Cycle: outline & infrastructure Sales Tools: collateral & communications Sales Channels: direct & online Prospects: identify & tracking Competitive Benchmark: strategies & tactics Measurement: goals & tracking

Sales & marketing departments Advertising and creative services firms Self-publishers Print & online magazine publishers

Digital publishing platforms represent a new form of green technology New community advertising networks and format Digital freedom empowers people to create, publish and share information more freely Digital document paradigm sparks new data information debate

Goal: Execute 2-3 targeted sales campaigns with defined goals and metrics to increase awareness, influence adoption, expand users and drive revenue.

Focus: Issuu Sales & Marketing

Digital Economy Sales & Marketing ROI

Timetable & Deliverables

Phase 1

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Phase 2

• Timeframe: two weeks • Approach: Kick‐off mtg followed by interviews & research • Deliverable: Technology Report & Issuu Benchmark • Deliverable: Competitive Solution Roadmap

In business, the rebound market mentality is not only about how to do more with less but also reengineering processes to be more efficient and effective. Digital documents and publishing provides organizations a solution for both.

Timeframe: two weeks Approach: Kick‐off mtg followed by interviews & research Deliverable: Market Report & Issuu Benchmark Deliverable: Competitive Target Audience Analysis

While Social Networks have influenced how some digital publishing platforms have positioned themselves around marketplaces and consumers, there is still a huge demand both in small / medium size businesses and enterprise environments to be more digitally creative.

•Timeframe: three months • Approach: Design 2‐3 targeted campaigns and execute • Deliverable: Campaign Strategies & Execution Elements • Deliverable: Campaign Benchmark

Phase 3

BizSight Partners proposes a four month sales & marketing project incorporating target audience and technology competitive benchmarks and the design of 2-3 targeted sales campaigns based on priorities and resources. At the beginning of each phase, BizSight Partners will work with Issuu to outline each deliverable and the process necessary to efficiently and effectively reach the targeted goals established from the start. Collectively with Issuu, based on each phase, it will be evaluated and determined how to best make use or gain access to the necessary resources for the project.

Sales & Marketing Budget The four month sales & marketing project is entails varied hours per phase determined by the agreed upon goals and approach defined. The overall recommended budget is based on service hours and not the actual expenses of collateral, materials, technology, phone costs, etc. which are dependent on a collective determination of demand or needs. Estimated Budget & Hours:  

Service Fees: $20,000 / $5,000 per month Service Hours: 400 – 450

The digital documents and publishing market is evolving to become primed for a second wave adoption fueled by continued financing by venture capitalists and focused entrepreneurs evolving start-up strategies with a more mature and creative approach to building market share. BizSight Partners is ready to team up with Issuu and provide expertise and added resources necessary to fuel growth in a competitive market.

In addition, custom business social media channels have been established with a mix of customers and advocates where not only does digital documents provide a tool for freedom of expression but an audience primed for unique online ad digital formats. How does Issuu define their target business advocate? What is Issuu’s business value proposition for small / medium size companies or enterprise organizations? Are there advantages to securing business customers who will not only gain ROI but represent a primed set of users who will click an ad created by Issuu? How does Issuu respond to competitors establishing greater market share in the business sector?

BizSight Partners

Who We Are

BizSight Partners is an integrated business development and marketing services company. We are creative, organized and passionate about making a difference. We aspire to full-fill a project, design a strategy and help meet the day to day challenges a part of any business. Our experience diversely lies across markets and cultures with an emphasis on growing ideas, people and success. Start-ups, defined brands and expanding enterprises all require the right mix of creativity, productivity and accountability. Some companies need fresh ideas to expand strategies while others need an outside resource to execute or track progress. BizSight partners provides clients with the right balance of outside perspective and internal collaboration.

Who We Help BizSight Partners has a core practice working with technology start-ups across multiple categories in both business and consumer industry sectors. Issuu represents an ideal client who has established momentum with a proven technology platform and is in an evolving competitive market. We define trends, establish brands, promote products & services, expand markets and build a business. Past career relationships include: Art Technology Group ► Astra Business Services ► Atex Media Solutions ► Bermuda e-Business ► Best / HR Software ► Bladelogic ► BMC Software ► Capital Thinking ► Harvard Business School ► Datawire ► EID Passport ► Entrust Technologies ► First-e/enba ► Gomez Inc. ► IBM/Lotus Development ► Ichat ► Information Builders ► InfoTrends ► IRE ► Juice Software ► Juno Online Services ► Kamoon ► KaVaDo ► Lumeta ► Managed Objects ► MCI Systemhouse ► MicroTouch ► NationStreet ► Nortel Dasa / Nortel Networks ► NTRU ► Object Design ► Paisley Consulting ► Patricia Seybold Group ► Product Development Consulting Inc. ► Roundarch ► Rockworks ► Tibco/Staffware ► Telcordia ► ToolbarToggle ► Ultimate Electronics ► Umpqua Bank ► Unisys

Partnership BizSight Partners aims to establish and build an integrated relationship with every client. We offer Issuu the flexibility to focus on what the business needs while managing growth. Every client engagement is defined by the need with an action plan developed to ensure a solution. We have outlined two projects of focus including public relations and sales & marketing where we believe Issuu could use our support. Our services are not limited to these ideas but represent a sense of our understanding about the digital documents and publishing market and where we can help make a difference for Issuu. Our services are competitive and customized. We welcome an ongoing discussion with Issuu to build the right relationship and define the best ways we can help through open dialogue, tasks, projects, campaigns and industry initiatives.

Partnerships Integrated Results Every start-up and growing organization must be creative, productive and accountable in every aspect of their business. Outside influence and integrated partnerships help balance the equation. Issuu is a maturing start-up expanding geographical reach as well as evolving products and services. The game of how to be in more places at once as well as keep the entrepreneurial focus on the core offering can be a challenge. BizSight Partners is a committed team of resources invested in the demands of growing a business. Our model is about understanding what needs to happen and getting it done. We offer every client our firm commitment to:         

Define business objectives Set business priorities Establish measurable results Clearly communicate progress Integrate resources Be creative Be productive Be accountable Grow the business

BizSight Partners welcomes the opportunity to help Issuu grow market share and evolve the business.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.