4 minute read
COACHING Susan Wehrley
Raise your level of consciousness
Elevate yourself to cope with these tumultuous times
WE CAN TELL what level mass consciousness is in during these tumultuous times of the COVID-19 pandemic, #BlackLivesMatter, unemployment and the elections by listening to our conversations.
Listening to people speak is a lot like watching soap operas and observing the dramas of “he said, she said.” Other times, we get thrown into the polarization of opinions, sparring on who is right and who is wrong politically or on other matters of importance. This can be exhausting and draining.
Unfortunately, what most of us have not learned how to do is elevate our experience during tumultuous times.
It’s as though a switch gets flipped in our brains and suddenly, we are in a fight or flight mode, trying to survive, and chattering in our conversations as much as we are in our minds. The census bureau reflects this mass consciousness with their recent report that indicates a third of Americans show signs of clinical depression and anxiety. These and other mental conditions are becoming amplified during the pandemic, while COVID-19 patients and their families are also at high risk to develop depression and anxiety.
Maurizio Fava, MD, psychiatrist-in-chief within the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, said this, “It’s quite understandable the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to cause significant stress and psychological distress for a large proportion of the population. We know the rates are progressively increasing.” The various factors that contribute to our anxiety and depression include: trauma from widespread disease, grief over loss of life, fear of getting sick, unprecedented

physical distancing, loss of community, financial and unemployment concerns, reduced access to caregivers, and political and economic uncertainty. When we elevate our consciousness, however, we can let go of our fears and detach from the mass consciousness around these events. To do so, we must first understand “The 5 Levels of Consciousness” from my new book called “Awaken.” When we realize how our thoughts are creating our experience, not the events themselves, we can change our thoughts and therefore elevate our experience.
The Five Levels of Consciousness » LEVEL ONE - UNCONSCIOUSNESS:
In this level of consciousness, you experience anxiety and depression. This is because you are focusing on what is happening, instead of what you can do about it. In this level of consciousness, practice getting away from the news and out into nature. Nature has a way of calming us and bringing us back to our center. » LEVEL TWO - SELF-DOUBT AND JUDGMENT:
In this level of consciousness, you are recognizing your chattering mind more and realizing how it is filled with anxious and judgmental thoughts. While this is not comfortable, at least you are becoming more conscious of how it is that your thoughts are creating your feelings of anxiety and depression. It is not the circumstances. By realizing it is your thoughts, you begin to take ownership of what you are thinking about and telling yourself about the situation. Pause and breathe more deeply to slow down your chattering mind and ease your anxiety and depression. » LEVEL THREE - SELF-AWARENESS:
At this level of consciousness, you are now fully aware of your self and how you want to go into a fight or flight reaction when you feel anxious and depressed. You begin to have a sense of wonder as you observe this tendency to operate from the belief that the sky is falling, and you are not enough to handle it. As you practice observing this tendency, and meditate at least 20 minutes a day, you will create a better gut-brain axis. This will help you to function out of the executive center of your brain instead of the emotional center called the amygdala. LEVEL FOUR - DETACHMENT: At this level of consciousness, you are beginning to break through your tendencies toward anxiety and depression. This is because you are now operating from the executive center of your brain and focusing on what you can do versus what might happen to you. By focusing on your vision, values and goals during these uncertain times, you increase your locus of control and feel more empowered. LEVEL FIVE - INTUITIVE ALIGNMENT: When we let go of our fear, create a plan, and surrender to something bigger than ourself, we become more clear, calm, and confident no matter what circumstances we are facing. At this level of consciousness, you are rising above your circumstances and surrendering your cares to your intuition with a “How might I…?” problem-solving question. By surrendering your cares and questions to your intuition, you know that no matter what happens, you will figure out what you need to do, even in the most tumultuous times. n
Susan K. Wehrley is an executive coach who has owned and operated her own business, BIZremedies.com, for 30 years. She has written several books to help people create the life and business they desire, including her newest book, “Awaken,” teaching readers about the 5 Levels of Consciousness. Get more information at: BIZremedies.com or contact Susan at: Susan@BIZremedies.com or 414-581-0449.