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Front Lines
FRONTLINES EPICentre Launches Program To Help Those Affected By COVID-19
The University of Windsor EPICentre in collaboration with WEtech Alliance and the WindsorEssex Small Business Centre, officially launched the EPIC “Nimble Program” in late May.
Funded by FedDev Ontario under the “Community Economic Development and Diversification” stream program and also funded by the Lucas Imagine Fund, the EPIC Nimble Program is open to any existing for-profit business in the Windsor Essex Region currently facing challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The program supports businesses looking to adopt technology to either create new revenue streams or to pivot to a new business model in order to achieve sustainability and stay competitive in the fast-changing marketplace.
“We were overwhelmed with the response to this program,” states Wen Teoh, EPICentre Director. “We received over 50 applications from local, small businesses looking to pivot their business model in these uncertain times. We had the incredibly difficult task of narrowing it down to sevenapplicants who will move on to complete this program.”
The EPIC Nimble Program invited founders of small businesses, in
Sue Brunet, Canadian Certified Professional Ergonomist and owner of Ergonow Inc., is photographed in her new showroom, which opened in mid-June at 3033 Marentette Avenue in Windsor. The company has been operating for the past six years and is one of seven businesses benefiting from the EPICentre program. Photo courtesy of Ergonow Inc. operation for a minimum of two years, to propose an innovative idea to help their businesses achieve sustainability or to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace by adopting new technology.
In turn, successful applicants receive program benefits valued at over $6,000 and guidance from community partners.
“RISE Windsor-Essex is excited to provide support to the EPIC Nimble program as it directly relates to our mission of helping to increase the number of female-led businesses in our region,” says Nicole Anderson, Program Director for the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy at the WindsorEssex Small Business Centre “With barriers created due to COVID-19, this program is perfect to ensure that local entrepreneurs pivot using technology to remain sustainable during and after the pandemic. We are excited to work directly with the program’s female entrepreneurs and provide them access to our regional resources through our network.”
In addition to access to programs and services through community partners, successful participants of the EPIC Nimble Program will receive up to $4,000 in grant funding that must be used towards the proposed project including tech development, marketing, and legal costs.
“WEtech Alliance is looking forward to working alongside these local businesses to support them along their digital transformation journey,” comments Yvonne Pilon, President, and CEO of WEtech Alliance. “As we enter the COVID-19 recovery phase, digital transformation will be key to helping businesses survive and emerge in a better, stronger position.”
Paul Brereton, EPICentre Program Lead, heading up the Nimble Program adds, “The response to this program has been absolutely phenomenal. We received applications from 18 different industries, geographically covering every corner of Windsor Essex. The project proposals totaled over $166,000, showing a very real need for these innovative pivots. We have the opportunity to make a lasting difference in how businesses in our community not only survive, but strive.”
Seven applicants from the Windsor Essex region have been selected to join the program and have until November 30, 2020 to complete their proposed project.
Another Nimble Program participant, Riverside Pie Café, is a made from scratch micro-bakery focusing on both sweet/savoury pies and pastries, including tarts, cookies, scones and squares. They also offer a light takeout lunch menu and for the summer months, they craft paleta style ice pops (made from fresh fruit and organic cane sugar such as the raspberry hibiscus pictured), cookie ice cream sandwiches and scoop Kawartha Dairy ice cream. The Café is set to re-open early July. Photo courtesy of Olivia Ryan.

The first EPIC Nimble Cohort includes . . . • GreenerBins Composting Co., Dane Fader, GreenerBinsCompost.com • The Grove Hotel, Jennifer Flynn, 12 Main Street East, Kingsville, MyGroveHotel.com • Efficient Operations Inc., Chris Courey, 12237 Riverside Drive East, Windsor, DansNauticalShop.com • Riverside Pie Café, Olivia Ryan, 5560 Wyandotte Street East, Windsor, RiversidePieCafe.com • ErgonowInc., Sue Brunet, 3033 Marentette Avenue, Windsor, Ergonow.com • Yoga with Lora, Lora Colautti, 4165 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor, YogaWithLora.ca • Windsor Creative, Devon Pastorius, Aomktg.com
For more information on the EPIC Nimble program, please go online to the page: EpicentreUwindsor.ca/epicnimble-program.
Detroit Mobility Lab & WE EDC Team Up To Support Mobility Companies Expanding To Windsor Essex And Detroit
It is hoped the Windsor-Detroit region will soon become a two-nation destination for existing and fledgling mobility companies as the result of a partnership between economic development departments of the two crossborder cities.
The partnership, announced in midMay, is expected to encourage tax benefits, bi-national grants and tap into the talent pool of technology graduates from universities on both sides of the border.
The Detroit Mobility Lab, one of the key players, is a partnership bringing together mobility entrepreneurs, academic leaders, service providers, industry suppliers and auto industry executives.
“It’s a very big deal and something we are excited about joining,” says Matthew Johnson, Director of Investment Attraction with the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation (WE EDC). “It’s the first ever bi-national mobility partnership and its goal is to build a pipeline flowing in both directions that will allow companies on both sides of the border to tap into our joint economic ecosystem.”
With a target of working with more than 50 companies, the partnership’s mandate is to assist mobility-focused start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises within the Windsor Essex/Detroit region.
Through a unique working relationship on both sides of the border, members of the partnership receive resources, support and information on how to scale and grow within Canada and the U.S.
Chris Thomas, Co-founder and President of the Detroit Mobility Lab, believes the region has the potential to become the most valuable centre for mobility in North America.
“This announcement with the WE EDC brings yet another key partner into the fold, which will allow us to provide an unparalleled mobility ecosystem to any legacy automotive company or mobility start-up in the world,” adds Thomas.
Johnson also mentions that while Detroit is a global player in mobility systems, Windsor brings a progressive immigration system, a strong automotive tech sector and hundreds of tech graduates from the University of Windsor and St. Clair College to the table.
“While it wasn’t successful, the joint bid between Windsor and Detroit to host Amazon’s second headquarters opened a lot of eyes on both sides of the border to the potential this region has in becoming a global mobility player,” says Johnson.
On this side of the border, there are also tax credits available to companies through the federal government’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development program.
Johnson explains that once those tax credits and other available grants are in hand, companies can leverage those advantages with venture capital opportunities on both sides of the border.
For info, visit: ChooseWindsorEssex.com or DetroitMobilityLab.com.
Career-Ready with CTMA
Career-Ready will provide up to 240 Experiential Work Placements for co-op students and recent graduates from Ontario's publicly-assisted post-secondary institutions, as well as potential new apprentices.
Manufacturers that contribute to the automotive supply chain can receive $3,000 to $15,000, per candidate hired for skilled manufacturing roles. Multiple, consecutive placements are permitted. Employers can receive funding for up to 12 candidates.
Gain practical workplace skills and experience that will help launch your future career. Upon successful completion, you may be oered permanent employment by your host employer.
Join the CTMA today, and get access to all the member-only benefits.

Help train the next generation of workers.
For more information, visit ctma.com, or contact rcattle@ctma.com, or info@ctma.com.
Photo credit: Shutterstock.com

Windsor Tech Company Brings Digital Signage Inside YQG Hair Salons And Day Spas
Joel Paterson, Co-founder of Rivereto is pictured by a TV screen he transformed into a sample digital signage ad with the Biz X magazine logo. Photo courtesy of Rivereto.

Amid challenging times, a Windsor based technology company is helping hair salons, barber shops and day spas improve the client experience.
Co-founded by Windsor native, and local marketing company owner Joel Paterson (Primary Target Media, 2002), Rivereto transforms existing TV screens into eyecatching, always up-to-date digital signage.
Compatible with virtually any TV screen, Rivereto (pronounced “River-eto”) helps these businesses further engage clients during their visit, through the use of hair and skin tips, retail promotions, new product announcements and more. The screen(s) can also serve as an information delivery tool, to help inform clients of ongoing COVID-19 measures/protocols happening inside their establishment.
“I truly believe that resilience is born in times of uncertainty,” Paterson stresses. “One of those times is now (with the shutdown of salons due to the coronavirus crisis), and many companies, including salons/spas are starting to embrace a slightly-pivoted approach to running their businesses. Technology is playing a key role in this shift, and it’s exciting to see.”
As a confessed ‘numbers nerd’, Paterson uses statistics/consumer behaviour to further his point, stating “Research shows that digital signage inside hair salons/day spas captures significantly more views than traditional signage and counter-top displays, resulting in nearly 33% more retail sales.”
He also claims, “One in five in people make an unplanned purchase after seeing a product featured on digital signage, and studies have shown it also positively impacts wait-time dissatisfaction.”
In addition to having no monthly fees, Rivereto has waived the one-time set up fee ($498+hst) for hair salons, barber shops and day spas, to help make digital signage an integral part of boosting the client experience, moving forward.
“Rivereto has been the perfect solution for us,” expresses Sandra Crevier, owner at The Barber’s Chair in Devonshire Mall. “We wanted to find a better way to keep customers in the loop about latest promotions and new products we’re carrying, but we dismissed digital signage in the past, because it seemed like kind of a hassle. Thankfully, Rivereto designs and updates the TV every month, so it’s always fresh!”
As mentioned by Crevier, the software allows the Rivereto team to update the screen remotely to change the content when needed.
The company also has introduced an advertising partnership model giving local companies the ability to advertise on TV screens inside these participating salons/spas throughout the region.
Mutually beneficial, one company is able to deploy digital signage in their business without a large out-of-pocket expense, while the hand-picked advertiser is able to reach their desired demographic with targeted advertising.
For more information regarding these new services please see: GetRivereto.ca.