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Contents Introduction History Cultural Values Demonstration of values Translation of values Situational Analysis Cultural Values Conclusion

History Australia has never hosted a World Cup before.

France 1998. Hosted one of the most successful

these people posed any threat. Similar problems

is near impossible. Four different time zones

In fact, before 2004, Australia didn’t even have

World Cups to date. Being central in Europe

face Spain, Chile and Italy. All popular

created a logistical nightmare for players and

a national league. The closest Australia have

meant most countries didn’t have to travel

countries that have hosted the cup before.

fans making it even more difficult to organise.

ever come to hosting a World Cup was in 2010,

far, meaning the players were relatively fresh

In 1994, The US hosted their first ever world

Australia has enough physical space to host a

when Australia bid for the 2022 World Cup

(Lister). However, the tournament did not go

cup. The largest country to ever do so (Cart

World Cup. It has the infrustruce in place to

(Cannane 2018). The bid was unsuccessful

without its problems. Being such a popular

1994). There was plenty of space for visitors

host it tomorrow if needed (Greco 2015). Since

managing just a solitary vote. It’s not easy being

destination already, along with being in central

and almost all the infrastructure was already in

the introduction of the A-League in 2004, it

Australian in the world of football. While the

Europe meant the countries (that could fit

place. The tournament was an overall success.

is the most played sport in the country. Laws

land is vast and infrastructure a plenty, they

into Australia over 14 times) resources were

However, it didn’t go without its problems.

and regulations are friendly for all countries.

are on the other side of the world. Smaller

stretched thin. There is only so much space.

Having the Cup in such a large country delivers

However, perhaps the land mass works against

European/South American countries such as

Security posed a massive threat as well. Fans

transporting problems. With players having

itself. Three time zones, like the US, makes it an

Spain, France, Chile and Italy (all past World

travelled across Europe by train, bus, car and on

to travel almost six hours from the East coast

organisational nightmare and teams would have

Cup hosts) seem to be far more equipped… Or

foot, as well as international visitors by plane.

to West coast, it took its toll. Players were

to travel far and wide. Neither the pros and

are they?

It was significantly difficult to know how many

sluggish, plane tickets were expensive and

cons outweigh each other. However, all must be

people were entering the country, and if any of

driving across the country (unlike Europe)

considered when making the judgment.




Cultural Values People all around the world are drawn to

2018). Australia has a good reputation for being

Australia’s diverse and welcoming culture.

equal and welcoming of many different cultures.

While the population of the country is

Australia’s host to over 200 different languages

relatively small, the wide variety of cultures

with a large a portion of those being indigenous

makes it easy for anyone to feel welcome.

languages. The aboriginals were the first

The Australian culture is more than just the

inhabitants of the land, and they were taken

stereotypical “bogan” that some people might

over when the English landed in Australia.

think. Australians are very passionate, loyal

Every year since 1998 Australia has officially

individuals. They love their country and are

said sorry to the aboriginals for invading their

very proud to be called Australian (Riddell, A

ancestors many years ago. (


What This Demonstrates Looking at Australia’s Value statements

up a united, caring country which is passionate

according to Riddell, A 2018, it is evident that

about their culture, and accepting of others

Australians believe in equality of men and

culture. (Riddell, A 2018)

women, equality in opportunity, a freedom of

The ‘sorry’ is an example of these cultural values

speech, a freedom of religion and compassion

described above. Saying sorry to the aboriginals

for those in need. While these values are not

each year is the Australian’s attempt to become

exclusive to Australia, they are values that make

a united, caring nation.

Translation of Values

Translation of Advertisments

Hofstede’s six dimensions of culture has

States will find it easy to adapt to Australian

Australia has some of the most gruesome

While Australia’s advertising can be horrifying

been used to compare Australia to two

culture because they are have similar values.

public advertising in the world. Advertisers in

in some situations, it can also being effective.

countries which have similar values, and two

Australia will seem desirable to travel to for

Australia are not scared to use the fear tactic

For example Australia has one of the lowest

countries which have different values. These

these countries because it is comfortable and

in their campaigns and compared to other’

smoking rates in the world being around 16%

countries have been used as examples of how

easy for these people as they don’t have to adapt

countries Australia’s is some of the most hard

(Mahdawi, A 2013). So while the gruesome

the travelling people of these countries will

very much to fit in. Whereas a county such as

hitting campaigns. For example the workplace

advertising Australia produces can be effective,

experience Australia. These countries have

Chile and Denmark for example, don’t have

advertisements which shows severed limbs is

tourists from countries who are not used to

been chosen for their large amount of people

similar cultures, and will experience something

something that many other countries would not

it may be shocked when they see this kind of

who will be travelling here, or their passion

completely different from what they’re used

go near (Mahdawi, A 2013).


for football and the game. Some countries

to, which is something Australia can use to

such as the United Kingdom and The United


Situational Analysis As already discussed, Melbourne is known for

needs to be host training venues which are

its multiculturalism and diversity. Although it

easily accessible from the team accommodation.

does not provide blanketed acceptance across

Potential locations are represented in figure 1.2.

the country with many holes within the culture, it still provides a safe space for individuals of different race and beliefs. There is a wide range of infrastructure that would deem acceptable to hold the World Cup, with the AAMI park stadium having the ability to host 25,000 people if modifications are made. With 32 teams, there

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