Lowcountry Dog Magazine Dec/Jan 2018

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Issue No. 14 • DEC/JAN 2018 • DIGITAL

Should I get a Puppy for Christmas?


Rescue Spotlight: Eunoia Rescue

Meet the Pack PUBLISHER Brian Foster brian@lowcountrydog.com CHIEF CANINE OFFICER Peanut EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Alicia Williams alicia@lowcountrydog.com SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANT Izzy Selert STAFF WRITERS Julie Murray Kelly Glasson Jessica Harrell COPY EDITOR Chelsea Bradford PHOTOGRAPHER Southern Vintage Design and Photography

We believe that our dogs are our best friends, and that’s why we need a reliable source to turn to for information on all things “dog” in our community. Our mission is to be the number one Charleston area resource for dog owners regarding regional dog-centric and dogwelcoming events, health & wellness information, dog training, trends, and local news. We also strive to be a mouthpiece to the public for various Lowcountry-based pet nonprofits, and we promote pet adoption and other responsible pet care practices. Founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 2005 as a print magazine, we re-launched in 2015 as an online publication. In 2016 we updated our website to continue our mission to be the best dog friendly resource in the Lowcountry.


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Home Cooked Holiday Meal for Your Dog!

's t u n Pea s Tip

Us dogs like home cooked meals as much as you do, so why not make us a special treat this Holiday Season!

WHAT YOU WILL NEED 2 lbs of ground turkey or leftover turkey (no skins or bones) 1 cup of carrots, chopped 2 sweet potatoes, chopped with skins left on 1 can of garbanzo beans or kidney beans 1/2 cup of blueberries 1 cup of water In a slow cooker add blueberries and beans to the bottom, them add your turkey followed by the other veggies. Add water and slow cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. hours. Use a potato masher to mix up after cooked. Allow to cool completely and store in serving size ziploc bags in the refridgerator until use.

*Peanut is not a nutritionist, consult your vet before changing your pets diet.

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Sit, Stay...Behave!


Separation anxiety is a common problem in dogs throughout the country today. In order to understand why separation anxiety is such a prominent issue with our dogs, we first need to have a basic understanding of how our dog’s mind works. Dogs are pack animals, social animals, and thrive off of social interaction. They live and flourish in groups of individuals who are each independent, but who work as a unit for a common good.

-They hunt together. -They relish companionship. -They enjoy body contact. -They hold social activity important. -They respond to leadership from an "alpha" whom they look to for decision making. -They use an array of body language to communicate. -They are caring toward others. -They possess a will to please members of the pack. -They show the presence of love in the pack.

In the natural dog world, the pack does everything together. The more the pack does together, the stronger it becomes. There is minimal separation between pack members. With this very basic understanding of the natural dog pack, we can easily see that in a domestic dog pack (i.e. our family) separation anxiety can be an increasing problem because we have to go to work, school, grocery shopping, etc. and our dogs don’t understand why we leave right after we “say goodbye” to them.

In the human mind, when we depart our family we make sure to “say goodbye” to all family members. As humans, we can understand that our separation is limited and that we will be back together. However in the dog’s mind, this reasoning does not exist. Dogs live in the moment, they live for the “here and now”. When we depart our home and “say goodbye” to our dog, they are thinking “YAY! We’re having so much fun together! This is great!” and then we step out the door and close it in their face, expecting them to understand our human emotion.

In reality, the dog is left thinking “What happened? We were having a good time then you just left!? Where are you!?” and this is exactly how separation anxiety is built resulting in unwanted, and often destructive, behavior while we are away. The best way to reduce and stop separation anxiety in our dogs, is to “speak” to them instinctively, “say goodbye” with dog language instead of human emotion. We can do this by resisting talking and touching our dog as we walk out the door and when we return home for a short period of time, ten minutes or so for example. With this method, our dogs come to understand that human pack leaders leave the pack and return to the pack periodically and that it is nothing out of the ordinary.

We do this because talking and touching our dog is actually rewarding the anxiety that is experienced at separation (or any other time). Anxiety is not healthy for our dogs, or us. It can lead to our dogs scratching themselves until blood is drawn, chewing fur and skin, constant pacing around the home, barking, digging, jumping, constant heavy breathing, accelerated heart rates, and more. Anxiety can be reduced and corrected by fulfilling the instinctual needs of our dogs and providing the pack leadership that our dogs desire and deserve from us. One of the best ways to fulfill an instinctual need in our dogs is to walk them daily in order to bond with them and to balance their energy levels. A tired dog is less-likely to experience anxiety than a dog full of energy. Learning to “speak” to our dog’s instinctual side will pay huge dividends in our relationship becoming stress-free, relaxed, and balanced. If you still experience issues of anxiety with your furry loved one, reach out to a dog training professional near you for expert assistance. Work hard, play hard, and have fun with your dogs!



PARVO: The 411 on this deadly disease Written by Jessica Harrell

Absolutely no one wants to hear that his or her puppy is sick, especially with a life-threatening disease. Parvo is an unfortunately common virus in puppies with fatal consequences, which is why every puppy owner should be aware of its symptoms, treatment plans, and modes of prevention. The canine parvovirus (CPV) infection, or parvo, is a highly contagious viral illness that affects dogs, especially puppies between six weeks and six months old. This virus is spread through direct contact with an infected dog or by indirect contact with an object contaminated with infected feces.

In untreated cases, mortality rates can reach up to 92 percent; however, with proper vaccination, this life-threatening virus can be prevented. Parvo occurs in young puppies aged six weeks to six months for two reasons. First, Puppies younger than six weeks old still retain some of their mothers’ antibodies (assuming the mother was vaccinated); therefore, the puppies are less susceptible to the virus. Second, by the time the puppy is six months old, they are most likely to have been vaccinated, and if not, they are likely to be surrounded by other dogs that have been vaccinated, lowcountry dog 10

which decreases their risk of contracting the disease. There are two forms of this parvo. The first and more common is the intestinal form, where symptoms may include vomiting, bloody diarrhea, fever, hypothermia, irregular heart beat, lethargy, anorexia, and/or extreme weight loss. Parvo affects a dog’s body's ability to absorb nutrients. Because of this, a dog with parvo will quickly become dehydrated and weak from lack fluids and protein. Most deaths from parvo occur within 48 to 72 hours after

the onset of clinical signs. Therefore, if a puppy shows any of these signs, a vet should be contacted immediately. The second and less common form of parvo is the cardiac form, which attacks the heart muscles of puppies. Additionally, certain breeds are more susceptible to parvo, such as Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, American Staffordshire Terriers, English Springer Spaniels, German Shepherds, and Labrador Retrievers.A vet will diagnose a puppy with parvo through a

physical examination and blood test andperform further testing, such as biochemical tests, urine analysis, abdominal radiographs, and abdominal ultrasounds, if necessary. Because parvo is a viral infection, there is no definite cure. Treatment is focused on curing symptoms and preventing further infection, including intensive intravenous fluid and nutrition therapy. Luckily, the survival rate of dogs treated by a veterinarian is 68 to 92 percent and most puppies that survive the first three days of treatment make a full recovery in as soon as a week.However, even after a puppy has recovered from parvo, it will still have a weakened immune system and will be more likely to contract other illnesses. Therefore, the owner should discuss ways in which a puppy’s immune system can be boosted with his or her vet, hopefully preventing the puppy from any more life-threatening diseases. Additionally, a puppy may still be contagious for up to two months after recovery from parvo. Precautions should be taken to ensure that other dogs do not fall ill, such as keeping the previously ill puppy isolated, washing all objects the puppy has used, and warning

neighbors with dogs that they may want to get their dogs tested if they were not previously vaccinated. Parvo is a preventable virus and the best prevention anyone can take against this disease is to follow the correct protocol for vaccinations. Puppies should be vaccinated at six, nine, and twelve weeks and should not be socialized with other dogs until two weeks after their last vaccination. Some experts suggest that puppies should receive an additional vaccine between fourteen and sixteen weeks of age in order to develop adequate protection. Additionally, high-risk breeds may require longer initial vaccination periods of up to twenty-two weeks. A vet should be consulted about what vaccination path is right for each specific dog breed. Parvo is a very serious virus and therefore understanding the disease and its contagious nature, symptoms, treatment options and modes of prevention will help keep both future and current puppies safe and healthy.


No Reservations “Can you hold on to this puppy for me until Christmas?” “Can we adopt after vacation?” If you’re asking me personally either of these questions, the answer is a very harsh “NO.” On the potential adopters end the answer is probably frustrating; but on a rescuer’s end we can’t believe that you would have the audacity to even ask. “Holding” and/or “waiting” to adopt means you’re not taking responsibility for “your” dog that you say you “want so badly.” Meanwhile, the rescue is denying “your” dog wonderful homes that can step up to the plate now. Meanwhile, the rescue is spending money that could help new animals on “your” dog for food, boarding, and other basic supplies. lowcountry dog 14

Meanwhile, “your” dog is starting to get anxiety because a routine can’t be put into place. We are rescues NOT a boarding facility. Eunoia Rescue (and I’m sure many other rescues) have tried the whole “holding” thing before – and we get burned almost every single time. For Eunoia Rescue, it has been every time. I’ll call or text the “adopter” on “adoption day”: “Hey, [insert dog’s name here] is ready for pick up!” The reply: “Oh we’ve changed our minds” or (my personal favorite) they just won’t answer their phone. To you it may be no big deal, but to us it is devastating. We work to find people that won’t give up on our dogs, and then when they are given up on right in front of us – it’s the ultimate blow.

I’ll never forget the time a random woman volunteered to foster one of our pups over the Thanksgiving holiday. I texted to check in and see how everything was going. Her reply was: “Yeah, this dog isn’t leaving us. We’re going out of town soon, but I’ve already made boarding reservations for her. I’m about to send you the adoption fee now with an extra donation.” YAAASSSSSSSSS. Ladies and gentleman, THAT is how it’s done! It was an inconvenience for her to pay for boarding and adoption fee when she wasn’t expecting to do so in the first place, but she did it nevertheless because the dog was her dog now. (This anecdote sounds like a fairy tale, but I promise it’s true.) So, with all of this being said, here is your public service announcement: think twice before asking a rescue to do you any favors when it comes to reserving a dog. It isn’t fair to us and it certainly isn’t fair to the animal. Besides, why would you want to wait when it comes to adopting your new best friend anyways?

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EAT, DRINK & RESCUE Sat, Jan 13th 1 to 4 pm


1234 Camp Rd, James Island

Benefiting these local rescue groups

About the Cover "Should I get a Puppy for Christmas?" On the night of the eclipse this past August, a rescued pregnant dog named Iggy gave birth to 11 little puppies. Iggy and her new litter were under the care of Eunoia Rescue and one of their dedicated fosters, Sara. When we came up with the idea of doing a story on Puppies as Christmas Gifts, we decided these 11 pups would be ideal models. Shooting 11- 8 week olds sounds about as fun as you think it is... Just ask our photographers!

Should I get a Puppy for Christmas? Written by Kelly Glasson

Photography by Southern Vintage Design & Photography

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Every year videos go viral of happy families on Christmas morning opening up a box with an adorable little puppy inside. Tears are shed, the puppy is hugged and we get all of the feels. However, what happens after the video ends and the Christmas spirit fades away? Is getting or giving a puppy for Christmas really a good idea? Let’s start with the pros. Christmas is a time for cheer and joy‌ and what spreads more joy than an adorable little puppy? Dog lovers everywhere can argue that receiving a puppy will be the greatest gift that has ever been sitting under your tree. Vice versa the experience of giving someone the joy of a puppy and all the love that they will bring is an unforgettable experience. Christmas is a great time for happy families who are ready for the commitment of getting a puppy to give them a loving home! It is also a perfect time for kids who have been good all year to be rewarded by Santa with their new furry best friend. If there is a puppy sitting under the tree with a bow on their head from a boyfriend or girlfriend then that is definitely a good sign that they are in it for the long haul. Nothing says commitment like agreeing to raise a dog together. And on the other hand giving a puppy shows a significant other that one is seriously invested in the relationship to want to take on such a big responsibility together.

While there are many pros to a Christmas puppy, there are also cons to consider before making the decision. If it is not clearly communicated with someone that they are ready to take on the responsibilities of a puppy, this present can be disastrous. While the gift giver may be thinking that this is a great idea, they may be setting the puppy up to be returned. Not only are puppies a huge time commitment but they are also a financial commitment. If it has not been clarified if someone is ready to take that on that responsibility then getting them a puppy is not a very smart or practical gift. Returning a puppy is not like returning

any other gift because this gift is a living, breathing creature. Bringing a puppy into a new home with entirely new people screaming and crying with excitement is a very stressful experience for them. What is even more stressful for a puppy is to be put into a loving home where they begin to form bonds with their family only to be returned because their owners weren’t ready. Not only will that but stressful but they will have to acclimate to a new environment again. No one wants to put that kind of stress on an innocent puppy just because there has been a lack of communication or understanding about the responsibilities that come along with raising a pup.

a benefit for Saturday, December 9th 10:00 am to 3:00pm Greystar Daniel Island Village Clubhouse 455 Seven Farms Drive, Daniel Is, SC

Pets, naughty or nice, can take a picture with Santa Claus in front of a beautiful holiday tree all for a worthy cause.

Picking out a puppy is a decision that most want to make themselves. The bond between a puppy and a person is very strong and most of the time an experience that the owner would prefer to have. Dog owners often tell stories about picking out their dog and what made them stand out and how they instantly felt a connection. This would not allow for them to have that special bonding moment. It is also not a good idea to get a puppy anticipating the children in the family will take care of it. No matter how many times they promise they will feed the puppy, walk the puppy, play with the puppy, etc. kids change their minds constantly. One thing that is constant is that the puppy needs to be taken care of and often times the parents end up taking on the responsibility. Relying on children taking care of the puppy is a fast track to returning them. Many puppies are returned after the newness has worn off or the puppy grows up. The holidays are a happy time to be enjoyed by all. If this includes a puppy sitting under your tree that is great! If you aren’t ready for a puppy that is okay too. If you are in the holiday spirit and would like to help puppies a great way to spread holiday cheer is to make a donation to a local animal shelter or animal rescue.

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Welcome to our Annual Gift Guide. We have put together some great items from the web as well as our favorite local stores. Click any item to learn more!

1. Holiday Collars 2. Candy Cane Chew

3. Pet Odor Candles 4. Holiday Plush Toys

Loofa Dog Toys

Bully Braids

Designer Dog Bowls

Quiet Moments

Wet Noses Treats

Soda Can Fillable Toy

Tall Tails Fetch Stick

Laser Pet Toy


Written by Jami Bunton The animal shelter in Summerville has a new name on the sign by Highway 78. Formerly known as Frances R. Willis SPCA, the shelter opened as Dorchester Paws on October 1. “For years the shelter has been known by a variety of names like Summerville SPCA, Dorchester SPCA and there has been a lot of confusion about who and where we are and most importantly, what we do,” said Kim Almstedt, Executive Director. After signing the No Kill South Carolina Coalition in November 2016, shelter management and the board of directors felt it was time for a fresh start. Dorchester Paws partnered with the Leadership Dorchester Class of 2017 through the Summerville Chamber of Commerce for the rebrand, a project that the shelter dubbed “Revitalize and Renew Frances R. Willis SPCA.” The project included an extensive renovation to the facilities, which had seen no major updates since it was established in 1972.

The renovations included gutting the front adoption and admissions offices to create more open spaces for adoptions, installing new flooring, upgrading the water line to accommodate a new industrial washer and dryer, painting the entire campus, putting in new kennel doors and building outdoor runs in the back play yard. Although the renovations were initially planned for September 13-17, Hurricane Irma moved the timeline up. The shelter closed prior to the hurricane to evacuate the animals. Renovations began in full force September 12 and the shelter fully reopened to the public September 19. Over 700 volunteer hours were logged during this week! The shelter kept the new name under wraps for a few weeks after the renovations finished. “The name change clears any confusion about where we’re located and lets the public know that we not only exist, but

need more help and support to ensure Dorchester County is a no-kill community,” Almstedt said. The evening of October 1, the shelter held a ribbon cutting ceremony attended by the board of directors, shelter staff, Leadership Dorchester, members of the Summerville Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Wiley of Summerville and other members of the public. Dorchester Paws is the only openadmission shelter in Dorchester County, meaning it takes in any animal that is brought to the shelter by Dorchester County Animal Control and private citizens through public stray drop-offs and owner surrenders. As the sole shelter serving Dorchester County, Dorchester Paws has a unique responsibility and needs. Approximately 3,500 animals come through the shelter doors each year. Dorchester Paws relies on its network of fosters and volunteers for extra help caring for the dogs and cats. Volunteers help with cleaning, exercising and socializing the animals among other activities. Dorchester Paws’ “Foster Heroes” are a vital part of the team. Dorchester Paws frequently sees litters of kittens and puppies brought in – sometimes with mothers – or animals with medical and behavioral needs that are better addressed in a home setting. When you volunteer or foster for Dorchester Paws, you help save an animal’s life and truly become30 a hero! lowcountrydog

Dorchester Paws is committed to ending unnecessary euthanasia in Dorchester County and giving every animal a second chance to go from victim to victory. This goal requires the support of the community to achieve – through education, active participation in the shelter and donations. To find out more about Dorchester Paws’ mission and programs, visit their website dorchesterpaws.org. Keep up to date on news and events by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. As always, come visit Dorchester Paws, Your Community Animal Shelter at 136 Four Paws Lane in Summerville to see all of the dogs and cats waiting for their forever homes! To find out more about Dorchester Paws’ mission and programs, visit their website dorchesterpaws.org. Keep up to date on news and events by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. As always, come visit Dorchester Paws, Your Community Animal Shelter at 136 Four Paws Lane in Summerville to see all of the dogs and cats waiting for their forever homes!

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Eunoia Rescue was an idea born out of a lifetime love for animals combined with that quarter-life question of “What now?” I spoke with Alicia about how she decided to start this venture. “I always said I was

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Lowcountry Dog Magazine

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This month, our Rescue Spotlight is highlighting Eunoia Rescue, an organization founded by a member of the Lowcountry Dog Magazine pack –Editorial Columnist, Alicia Williams. This generation of millennials sometimes gets a bad rap, being called “entitled” and often portrayed as spoiled and vacuous in the media. Alicia breaks all those stereotypes with her hard work, passion for saving animals and her drive to do all she can for the rescue community.

going to start an animal rescue ‘once I won the lottery’, but when I found myself unemployed in 2015 with no other plans for the future, I figured the time was now. The first step was being fully committed to this new, somewhat impulsive venture. I talked myself out of it at least ten times before sitting down and filling out the paperwork for a nonprofit. Thank goodness I didn’t wait to win the lottery, because Eunoia Rescue has been my jackpot.” As for the dogs that find their way into Alicia’s path, they feel like they HAVE won the lottery. Eunoia finds animals that are at risk for euthanasia at shelters all over the state and then places them in loving foster homes. Alicia said, “We tend to pull the animals that have been looked over by other rescuers and/or adopters. Generally speaking, we save the dogs that are “plain” in appearance, emotionally scarred, mixed with a bully breed, and/or past their prime age.” Occasionally they will accept owner surrenders but this is not an ideal situation because one of the key parts of Eunoia’s mission is to teach accountability – caring for a pet even when the going gets tough. They know that at times, situations arise where people have to give up an animal

but it is necessary to distinguish between those times and just giving up on a member of the family. “There is nothing wrong with responsibly rehoming your pet. However, there is a problem with dumping an animal on a rescue or shelter. Animal welfare workers have enough on their plate; the last thing we need is more work.” So before you decide that your cat has scratched up too many chairs or your dog just can’t “get” housetraining, think of the animal that won’t be rescued from the overcrowded shelter and will

likely be euthanized because you felt inconvenienced by your pet’s actions. Alicia believes that this type of behavior contributes to the overall problem she is trying to address. She told me “I think there would be [fewer] homeless animals if people weren’t so selfabsorbed. Dogs are creatures with souls. They don’t ask to be here and have no say over their life. It takes little to no effort to respect an animal – or at least cause it no harm.” Alicia says she sees many people take a “not my problem” approach when it comes to animal overpopulation and not enough who genuinely care. Even though each and every rescue is important to Eunoia, there are a few dogs that stand out and create a special place in the journey. I asked Alicia about her most memorable story and she told me about Sunshine. “Eunoia’s first rescue consisted of Sunshine and two of her puppies; all of which were owner surrendered to a kill shelter in Columbia, SC.

At first, we were only supposed to pull the two puppies and not Sunshine.” Being a brand new venture, she was worried about taking on too much at one time but true to the spirit of the organization, they knew they couldn’t leave Sunshine behind. “[She] came to us with heartworms and a broken soul. She didn’t trust humans and was unsure of how to act around other animals. I was fostering Sunshine myself and it took a solid eight months before someone showed a slight interest in her.” But when Alicia was faced with the possibility of sending Sunshine on her way to a new family, she knew that she just couldn’t break the amazing bond that had formed between them. “I knew I could never let her go. I love this dog so much. She shows me gratitude every day. She’s never disappointed in me and she loves me even on my darkest days.” Sunshine is now thriving and sleeps in a cozy bed next to her mama every night. In my mind, she dreams of squirrels and swimming pools full of tennis balls.


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2 Locations to serve you! 9500 Dorchester Rd, Summerville & 208 St. James Ave, Goose Creek

If you are interested in helping Eunoia Rescue further their mission, there are several things you can do. Alicia said that their greatest needs right now are foster homes and funding. “If we don’t have either of those things, we are not able to help more animals.” So for each dog you welcome into your home as a foster or each time you decide to donate your money instead of getting a Starbucks latte, you are saving a life that might otherwise be lost. Another way to help is to spread the word about animal rescue. Reposting messages from Eunoia, telling your friends about available dogs and participating in discussions about the homeless animal epidemic are all great ways to help. Alicia says that her hope is “that if more people are aware, then maybe they will want to be part of the solution.” I concluded my interview with Alicia by asking her if she had anything else she wanted me to include in the article. She told me: “With the help of so many others, Eunoia Rescue has managed to save over 100 animal lives. However, it started with zero plans/budgets/format. Even though this isn’t the most ideal way to start a business (specifically a non-profit), we’re somehow still making it work. So I guess the moral of the story is: always go for it – especially if going for it includes making the world a slightly better place.” The word eunoia means “beautiful thinking” and Aristotle used it to refer to that undefinable feeling of goodwill and kindness that emanates from certain people. After hearing her parting thoughts, I believe Alicia lives up to the name of her beloved rescue.

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Watch our Spotlight Video Here







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event calendar Sniff out all events here 12/2 SANTA PAWS, Magnolia Plantation, 11 to 3 pm 12/2 Dog Park Day! Sinbad Sadie, Wescott Park, 9 to 11 am 12/2 Crafty Bastards: Arts & Crafts Fair, Joe Riley Stadium, 10 to 4 pm 12/3 Charleston Christmas Parade, Downtown. 3 pm 12/9 SANTA PAWS benefiting Valiant Animal Rescue, Greystar Daniel Island. 10 am to 3 pm 12/10 Summerville Christmas Parade, 2 pm 1/13 Lowcountry Dog Magazine EAT, DRINK & RESCUE, Smoky Oak Taproom, 1 to 4 pm

ADOPTION EVENTS EVERY SATURDAY at both Pet Supplies Plus locations!

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