Lowcountry Dog Magazine- Dec/Jan 2019

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Issue No. 20 • DEC/JAN 2019 • DIGITAL



Reunion A year after being saved

Lost Dogs... Do you know what to do?


Meet the Pack PUBLISHER Brian Foster brian@lowcountrydog.com CHIEF CANINE OFFICER Peanut EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Alicia Williams AD SALES ASSISTANT Abbie Allen abbie@lowcountrydog.com SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANT Izzy Selert STAFF WRITERS Julie Murray Kelly Glasson COPY EDITOR Chelsea Bradford PHOTOGRAPHER Southern Vintage Photography

We believe that our dogs are our best friends, and that’s why we need a reliable source to turn to for information on all things “dog” in our community. Our mission is to be the number one Charleston area resource for dog owners regarding regional dog-centric and dogwelcoming events, health & wellness information, dog training, trends, and local news. We also strive to be a mouthpiece to the public for various Lowcountry-based pet non-profits, and we promote pet adoption and other responsible pet care practices. Founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 2005 as a print magazine, we re-launched in 2015 as an online publication. In 2016 we updated our website to continue our mission to be the best dog friendly resource in the Lowcountry.


Sniff Us out!





Lost Dogs... Page 28





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Holiday Dog Safety

's t u n Pea s Tip

December abounds with holiday celebrations, but nothing can spoil good cheer like an emergency trip to the veterinary clinic. These tips can help keep your winter holiday season from becoming not-so-happy – for your dog and for you. Keep people food away from pets. If you want to share holiday treats with your pets, make or buy treats formulated just for them. I KNOW WE BEG FOR IT BUT IT'S FOR THE BEST. Greenery, lights and Christmas trees can make the holidays festive, but they also pose risky temptations for us dogs as our Go Green slogan goes, "trees are for peeing". Visitors can upset us dogs, as can the noise and excitement of holiday parties. Even dogs that aren’t normally shy may become nervous in the hubbub that can accompany a holiday gathering. When You Leave the House: Unplug decorations while you're not around. Dogs and other pets are often tempted to chew electrical cords. Take out the trash to make sure your pets can’t get to it, especially if it contains any food or food scraps.

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Sit, Stay...Behave!

©2013 Nicole Wilde Author, Canine Behavior Specialist www.nicolewilde.com


Images by Pexels

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Dogs should be part of the family. Some of us bring home a new pup for our children to grow and play with while others rescue a deserving adult dog from a shelter or rescue group. Adopting a lovable, wriggling bundle of fur is an exciting experience for everyone. But somewhere in-between all that happy commotion, rules and boundaries should be set so children and dogs can continue to play safely and happily for years to come. Fido must learn not to jump up, nip or otherwise potentially injure any child or adult. A professional trainer can help in that respect. But your dog isn’t the only one who needs training! Children must be taught what’s appropriate and what’s not when interacting with dogs. In addition to teaching your own children, a quick briefing for visiting kids can help to prevent accidents. Above all, keep in mind that no matter how well behaved your children are around animals, no small child should ever be left alone with a dog. Teach your kids to be aware of canine body language. A sudden stiffness in the body, “hard eye,” curled lip, growling, snarling or raised hackles are a warning to stay away. Ears pinned back against the head or a tail tucked between the

legs indicate fear. A dog whose tail is held parallel to the floor and is wagging loosely is usually happy, but if a tail held low and wagging quickly could indicate anxiety and tail held high and waving in a tight arc could signal aggression. This lesson will serve your kids well not only with their own dog, but with unfamiliar dogs they may encounter. Human body language is important as well. Children should never stare intently into a dog’s eyes as a direct stare is a threat in the animal kingdom. Hovering over a dog or going to pet with a palmdown motion over the dog’s head may frighten the dog. Startling or cornering a dog is also potentially frightening and any dog that is sufficiently scared might bite. Instead, teach kids to approach slowly and gently, holding their hand in a fist below the dog’s nose level so it can sniff before petting the dog on the chest or the side of the face.

With a newly adopted adult dog, teach children not to approach while the dog is eating or when he has a bone or chew toy. Unfortunately, children are often the first to discover that a dog has resource guarding issues. With young puppies, preventive measures are in order. Assuming your young pup has never shown discomfort or aggression with someone approaching as he eats, have your child walk up as the pup is eating and drop bits of cheese, hot dog or other yummy special treats into the dish. This will teach the pup to equate the approach of kids while eating with good things, rather than triggering the need to guard. Also, on the “do not disturb” front, teach the wisdom of letting sleeping dogs lie. A dog that is startled out of a deep sleep might snap or bite. It might seem like a great idea to a fiveyear-old child to ride Murphy the Labrador like a pony or to pull Tiny the terrier’s tail. Teach kids to never hit, poke, pull on or try to “ride” a dog. Hugging is another common action that can lead to trouble. While many dogs tolerate hugging and some even enjoy it, many don’t. Unless you absolutely know your dog loves being hugged, teach kids not to do it and never to try it with unfamiliar dogs. Don’t let kids play too roughly with the dog, either. It’s one

thing for adults to play hard if they can monitor arousal levels and calm the dog down when he’s becoming overstimulated. Kids don’t have that knack and things can easily escalate, resulting in injury. Even a dog that doesn’t mean to can injure a child in rough play. Most puppies and some adult dogs nip. That’s normal puppy behavior, but the way kids react can influence the frequency and intensity of it. Teach kids not to flail their arms or run and scream when Murphy gets mouthy. This is a tough one! Most dogs have a strong “chase drive,” meaning if something is running, their instinct is to chase it. Teach kids instead to “be a tree” by folding their arms, tucking hands into their armpits and standing still without looking at the dog. Doing so signals to the dog that all the fun is over and often results in the dog wandering away to look for a more interesting playmate. Take the time to teach your kids these basic rules. Doing so will go a long way toward ensuring a loving, successful relationship for both twolegged and four-legged family members.



Written by Stacey Detlor

CBD and your DOG Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, has a wide array of health benefits not just for you but for your furry friend as well. Although the compound Cannabidiol itself has many health benefits, these therapeutic benefits can be enhanced even further with the addition of different terpenes. Terpenes are simple hydrocarbons that change and alter how the Cannabidiol compound interacts in the body.

Terpenes can mimic other cannabinoids giving you the same therapeutic benefits of a full spectrum oil without the need for THC-the active compound known to cause a “high or buzz.” This is also often times referred to as the “entourage effect.” By adding or subtracting different terpenes we can be much more specific in treating ailments. You would not want to take a Tylenol if you were feeling anxious lowcountry dog 10

or a Xanax if you were having joint pains. It is the same principle in treating specific conditions in pets. Often times people think that CBD will only help older pets but what we have seen through research is that it can actually be very beneficial to pets of all ages, beginning with birth. Pregnancy can take quite a toll on the body from widening hips, stomach issues, stress on joints and hips and CBD is known to help with these issues and more. We experienced this first hand when our rescue accidentally became pregnant. We gave her CBD throughout her pregnancy and during the birthing process to help with joint pain, inflammation, intestinal issues and to help build the endocrine system in her eleven healthy developing puppies. Furthermore, CBD has been known to help with pain and inflammation in teething to the anxiousness that comes along with crate training. As the pet gets older we have seen a therapeutic benefit from the CBD with separation anxieties, lightning and thunderstorms, fireworks, anxiousness with long car rides or

People think that CBD will only help older pets but what we have seen through research is that it can actually be very beneficial to pets of all ages, beginning with birth.

routine vet trips. It also helps pups that do not enjoy getting a bath, nails clipped, or other maintenance. In older dogs we see a huge benefit in hip and joint inflammation, often times allowing older dogs to use stairs or hop on the couch with ease. It also helps with gastrointestinal disorders, certain allergies, skin conditions and help reduce aggressive behaviors. With such an encompassing array of therapeutic benefits you can improve not only your quality of life, but also the quality of life of your four-legged companion!

TIME FOR THANKS Most of the time my articles are about how 99% of people on this Earth suck 99% of the time; (I still stand by this belief). At this time of year, the shelters are overcrowded. All rescues are begging for help. While all of this is still true, I would like to highlight that 1% of the time 1% of the human population can actually be really great. Over the past couple of weeks, I have seen a lot of rallying within the rescue community and it is simply beautiful. Fosters are stepping up, adopters are stepping forward, and these creatures are getting a second chance at life. Life for workers in the animal rescue world can be dull and depressing. It’s the little moments though that keeps us going. lowcountry dog 14

It’s a silly picture from a foster parent. It’s an update from an adopted dog. It’s a “job well done” from a volunteer. These are the things that keep us going and help us continue the fight. Over the weekend I had an absolutely wonderful meet and greet with a family and a pup. Before this meet and greet, I was feeling a solid “meh.” I really just wanted to curl up on the sofa and log out of life for the day/week/month/year. Once the family arrived and met the dog that seemed to truly be the “one,” my whole attitude changed. The dog loved every member of the family and the family fell head over heels for the dog. My mood immediately changed, and ever since the meeting I have felt recharged.

This time last year, I was part of a commercial breeding bust. My aunt adopted a poodle that was seized. This pup was completely matted, had tooth decay, and afraid of everything. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, we had dinner at my aunt’s new house and Prince (the rescued poodle) was there. He is now so handsome and brave. He no longer hides. He cuddles next to people and is friends with their other dog. The transformation is amazing. It was another refreshing moment to say the least. I’m going to leave this article short and sweet. Thank you everyone who takes the time to save an animal – and thank you for keeping us updated on your fur children. For a lot of us, it is motivation to help us continue what we do – helping animals. I now leave you with adorable pictures of dogs that are living their new life to the fullest.


benefiting EUNOIA RESCUE

Adoptable Dogs from 3 to 7pm S UPuppy N D AKissing Y , D Booth ECEMBER 16, 2018 Join us outside of Pictures with SANTIA Tin Roof from 3 to 7pm Local Vendors Adoptable Dogs Local Vendors Live Music Live Music

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 3pm to 12am

About the Cover Bella, our cover model, is a Valiant Animal Rescue Alum who was saved from a large scale commercial breeder a year ago. She had a severely broken jaw and other damage from years of breeding. She has had extensive surgeries and is still on the road to recovery but is living a much happier life now after being saved.

Saturday, Feb 9th, MAGNOLIA PARK 2-5pm



Reunion A year after being saved

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Photography by Southern Vintage Photography Styling by Ooh! Events & Hairy Winston

Who invited

the Pekingese?

Everyone remembers the story of the 133 dogs saved from commercial breeding facility in late November of 2017. Last Holiday Season, the Valiant Animal Response Team worked around the clock even on Christmas Day to care for these sweet dogs. By early January, all the dogs were placed with either foster homes or transferred to a partnering rescue group. During the first 30 days of care, several pregnant mothers gave birth to even more dogs. Over the next few months Valiant adopted out over 85 dogs from this case while the rest were adopted out by partnering rescues.

Who is carving

the Turkey?

You weren't

gonna eat that

were you?

Photos by J Michael Walker

We decided it would be a great story to catch up with some of the dogs from this case and see how they were doing and have a "family reunion" with them for a spectacular photo shoot. Thanks to Ooh! Events and Hairy Winston for styling a Holiday Dinner that any pup would love. Southern Vintage Photography did their magic and captured some great moments from the happy little family dinner. The Florence Case is still in the court system and the offender faces more than 30 felony charges of animal cruelty and neglect which is a first for South Carolina. The dogs from this case are living their best life in adoptive and foster homes all over the country. Dogs were adopted out to homes as far away as Colorado and as close as with their foster failure in Charleston. We hope you enjoy the photos and hope this story inspires you to support the rescue efforts of Valiant Animal Rescue.

Ellie (L) and Oscar (R) were born the week before Christmas in 2017. They welcomed 3 maltipoo pups into their litter and their mom, Gracie took care of all 5 rug rats until they were ready for adoption Bones (L) the handsome chocolate doxie has a goal of becoming an Instagram Celebrity as @bones.the.toothless.dox Fiona (R) is living the life of the fairytale princess she always knew she was. Maple (L) the Chug is living with other Valiant alum and is getting ready to start a new chapter in New Orleans. Bella (R) has had extensive surgeries to fix her jaw that was caused by years of neglect prior to her rescue. Shatzi (L) and Khaleesi (R) were a breeding pair of Pomeranians who produced countless litters in their lifetime. Their last litter was born the day they were rescued. Sadly, only 1 sweet pup survived. This old couple is taking retirement seriously .

Styling by

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Here are some "before" pics of these precious babies before adoption or right after adoption. They have come along way in the past year!

Animal Cruelty Happens Everyday

There is one

group who fights

for those who

SUPPORT have no voice...


LOST DOGS... Do you know what to do?

Written by Julie Murray

Images by Pexels

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Most people have had the experience of driving down the road and seeing a lone dog trotting along, or as I say “taking himself for a walk”. If you are reading this, I’m going to assume that you are an animal lover so I’m sure you immediately pull off the road and try to corral the dog into your car. Sometimes they have a collar with their name and the phone number and/or address of their family – easy! You call and hear someone on the other end of the line cry with relief and gratitude that their dog is safe! Mission accomplished. In other scenarios, you may not be able to catch the dog (“Oh look! Someone wants to play chase!”) or they have no identifying information to say where they belong. In cases like this, it’s tough to know what to do. We’re here to help!

First things first - a warning. You should be extremely cautious when approaching an unknown dog. They are most likely scared and disoriented and may react in a way that is not typical of their usual behavior. County Animal Control has officers that to respond to calls. They have the skills and training necessary to handle frightened and/or aggressive pets. In Charleston, the number to call to report is (843) 743-7200. A simple internet search will provide the phone number for your county. In some counties, Animal Control officers are only available during normal business hours and only respond to emergencies. Emergency situations include things that are an, “immediate threat” such as an animal hit by a car, a dog bite in progress or an animal in and out of traffic. In the event that you are clearly dealing with a lost domestic animal, and you can proceed SAFELY, here is what you should do. Slowly get the animal contained. You may want to try a leash lead, a towel or some other type of barrier. Drawing them in with high value treats may also work. If the animal cooperates, you can make a trail of food and lead them into your car, a crate, or other enclosure. In the event that you cannot secure the animal in your car with a barrier or a seatbelt (don’t laugh….I have one for each of my dogs!), you may want to consider calling Animal Control, as having a loose, unknown animal in your car is a bad idea. Then you can proceed to a local vets office or county shelter for further instruction .

In a perfect world, this would never happen in the first place. But no one is perfect! Gates are accidentally left unlatched, doors are sometimes not closed all the way - it happens. In the event that your dog suddenly turns up missing, it’s a good idea to make sure he or she is always wearing their collar and a tag with identifying information. You should also have your pet microchipped. Many people forego this because they are worried it will be expensive or that they are somehow being “tracked”. In reality, the microchip is extremely affordable and just provides a number that can be picked up by a scan. When the chip database is searched, the dog’s number will be associated with its owner and their contact information. Please make sure to keep your contact info updated with your respective microchip company. Vets offices and animal shelters will have a microchip reader and likely be willing to help you out if you find a lost or stray pet. Keep in mind, if you bring an animal to a shelter and it is found to be chipped, according to state law they are required to make a good faith effort to contact the identified owner.(14 days) If the animal is not chipped or has no sort of identification they place it on a mandatory 5 day hold. Afterwards, they can adopt the animal out or, sadly, euthanize it. The county animal shelter in the county where a lost dog is found is the only place required to take in lost dogs.

The county animal shelter in the county

where a lost dog is found is the only

place required to take in lost dogs.

Rescues do not take lost dogs.

If you decide to find the pet’s family on your own, there are plenty of things you can do. Lots of neighborhoods have their own social media groups, so you may want to check out the surrounding areas and post photos of the dog on the neighborhood’s page. Another great resource is the Facebook group “Lost and Found Charleston SC. (https://www.facebook.com/lostandfoundcharle stonsc/) This page is a place to post lost and found pets in and around Charleston. The group has been around since 2013 and has reunited countless pets with their people. There is certain information required in each post: where specifically the animal was lost/found and a picture of the animal. If you are posting about your lost pet, be sure to state whether the animal is microchipped and/or wearing a collar. They also encourage finders to take the animal to be scanned for a microchip or to call the appropriate Animal Control office and register a found pet report with the appropriate shelter. So the next time you see a dog “taking itself for a walk”, you know exactly what to do! Always play it safe and always have treats in your car and/or pocket. (My dog Zelda made me put in that last part.)

$10 Handmade Earrings $10 Naughty Dog Tags

BE LIKE MISSY is handmade jewelry and dog tags for any dog lover. A portion of all sales benefits dog rescue groups!

Calendar and shirt sales benefit local rescues

LCD Calendar & ShirtsÂ



One Chapter Photographed on Kiawah Island

Mini Warmer $20 Room Spray $8 Scent Bars $6

Scentsy Sales donated to

Boston Warmer $45

COFFEE TABLE BOOK $13.85 by Photographer Lara Jo Regan Sleigh Bell Warmer $35

Need treats, collars, toys or bath products for puppy stocking stuffers? Hairy Winston has you covered. Mt Pleasant Towne Centre hairywinston.comÂ

West Ashley & Mt Pleasant Locations

1. Hollywood Feed Soy Candle Outdoor In - $14.99 2. Hollywood Feed Fresh Bakery Apple and Bacon Biscuits - $10.99

3. Hollywood Feed Wine Glass Drink Wine and Rescue Dogs - $12.99 4.. Mississippi Made Donut Beds SM, MD, LG, XL - $84.99 - 149.99

Rescue Avengers Unite! Kym Wallace Adoption ManagerPet Helpers

Sinbad Sadie Second ChanceWritten joinsby Julie forces Murray with Pet Helpers Written by Julie Murray

This issue’s Animal Advocate is Kym Wallace with Sinbad Sadie Second Chance Rescue. If you have been a long-time reader, you might remember this organization from one of my earlier Rescue Spotlight articles. Kym’s passion and drive to save animals made an impression on me and Sinbad-Sadie has continued to do good work by rescuing animals in South Carolina’s overcrowded shelters from euthanasia. As you can imagine, running a volunteer-based rescue without a facility is exhausting. lowcountry dog dog 32 lowcountry


The constant search for fosters, dealing with the transportation of animals, ensuring they are all healthy and have everything they need…just typing that sentence made me tired! After four years of doing this on their own (four years!!), Kym and her Board members decided that in order to provide the best chance at a great life to their animals, becoming part of a “full-service” shelter would be a good move. Now they will have access to Pet Helpers’ spay/neuter clinic, their wonderful part and fulltime staff and other resources such as volunteers, donations and community connections.

According to Pet Helpers Executive Director Alan H. Berger, it was an easy choice for them to make. “We saw it as a great match for us since we were in the process of revamping our own foster program and wanted to increase our dog capacity. The quality reputation of Sinbad-Sadie made a merger look very positive for Pet Helpers.” Changes to look for: The non-profit corporation, Sinbad-Sadie, will be dissolved and folded into Pet Helpers, the foster program at Pet Helpers will be renamed “Sinbad-Sadie Foster Program” and Kym Wallace will now be the Adoptions Manager at Pet Helpers overseeing intake, foster and adoptions. All of this is estimated to take approximately two to six months but in the meantime, you can expect the same high standard of animal care and love to continue in both organizations.

Even though merging two organizations like this can be challenging, Pet Helpers and SinbadSadie are excited and look forward to the merger creating more adoptions, more spay/neuter surgeries and providing even better care for all of their animals. When I spoke to Kym in 2016, her goals were to increase the number of animals being placed into homes and to finally have a rescue facility. Two short years later she has achieved these goals for SinbadSadie! “Pet Helpers is a terrific fit for us and will provide the resources of a full-service shelter to our program,” said Kym. “The merger will enable us to save even more adoptable, at-risk animals.” As someone who has worked first-hand with this amazing organization, I am so happy they will be able to continue their mission of making a difference to homeless animals in the Lowcountry. Visit www.pethelpers.org now to read more about all of the available programs and services, and maybe even pick out a new member of the family. :)

The Lowcountry Lost Another Animal Hero We are saddened by the recent passing of Bob Linville on October 31, 2018. Bob was the beloved husband of Pet Helpers Founder and President, Carol Linville. While Carol was the "face" of Pet Helpers, Bob was very instrumental in its founding and he was Carol's greatest supporter as she pushed forward the no-kill movement in the Lowcountry. Bob was a dedicated community leader, public servant and devoted husband to Carol for 42 years. As mayor of Folly Beach for 9 years, and councilman for 4, Bob was committed to our community and was responsible for many city improvement projects and initiatives. He was truly loved by all who knew him. As an animal lover, Bob believed that every animal deserved a home, a second chance, and was by Carol's side every step of the way as she made great strides in the animal welfare movement in our wonderful Charleston community. He will be truly missed. lowcountry dog 40




Tommy Lee

Water Edge Great Dane sponsored by:

Mary Poppins

Mary Kate



Valiant Rescue sponsored by:





Eunoia Rescue sponsored by lowcountry dog 42






Carolina Connhound sponsored by: Bullies 2 the Rescue sponsored by:


Dolly Slim HF Help sponsored by: TAG Gas Works





event calendar Sniff out all events here

12/1 Crafty Bastards Arts & Crafts Fair Charleston, Joe Riley Stadium, 10 to 4pm 12/2 Winter AdoptionLand at Pet Helpers, 12 to 4 pm 12/2 City of Charleston Christmas Parade

Jan 19 1 to 4 pm

12/8 Folly Beach Christmas Parade 12/9 Pet Photos with Santa at Ziggy's Dog Parlor, 12 to 3pm 12/14 Movie Night at Hampton Park, 4:30 to 7:30 pm 12/15 HOLLY JOLLY BULLIE DAYS, Cooper River Brewery, 2:30 to 5:30

Hampton Park Mar 23 10 to 4 pm

12/16 JINGLE BANG at Tin Roof for Eunoia Rescue, 3 to 12am 1/19 Eat, Drink & Rescue at Smoky Oak Taproom, 1 to 4 pm 02/02 Paws and Pearls Oyster Roast for Dorchester Paws, Summerville Country Club, 6 to 10 pm 02/09 PUPPY LOVE, Magnolia Park, 2 to 5 pm

Deepwater Vineyard May 18 10 to 5 pm

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