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Architect Artist Astronaut Waste disposal services (Bin man) Builder Butcher Chef Childrens musical entertainer Demolition Man Doctor Dog Stylist Dog Walker Film Maker Furniture Designer Gardner Geography Teacher Homeless Librarian 3D Model Making Professional scuba diver Scriptwriter / Screenplay writer Rally Driver Tattoo Artist


This project started off with me wondering what on earth I would be doing If I hadn’t chosen Graphic Design.. I came to the conclusion that I would be a tunnel expert. That’s right a tunnel expert. Then I decided that spending all day looking at tunnels wasn’t really that interesting. So after some more thought I decided I would love to be a nail artist working full time in a nail salon painting peoples nails. After all that I was also curious about what other designers would choose as their alternative career..



I would be a full time Artist. Artist JOE GILMORE QUBIK

If I wasn’t a graphic designer I would like to be an Astronaut. I’ve always been fascinated by space/sci-fi, and to go to another world would be mind-blowing. Astronaut MICHAEL C PLACE BUILD

If I’m honest I would quite like to be a bin man, I think it would great.. Seriously when I was younger I actually wanted to be a bin man. Waste disposal services (Bin man) PHIL MCDONALD

I would probably be a builder, or work with woodwork. Something that is tangible and lasts, so I can look back in ten years time and think ‘I made that’. Builder ANDY LODGE

That’s easy. I’d run a butcher’s shop. People would come in and ask for “half a pound of chipolatas for tonight’s tea”. And though I’d have run out; it’d be ok. As I’d have held back 4 pork chops and they’d go away more than happy. Butcher ALEX ATKINSON THE CONSULT

Always wanted to be an actor! Or a chef. Though had it not have been for my wife, I’d still be working for Motorworld, no doubt! Chef MARTIN FARRAR- SMITH MANIFEST COMMUNICATIONS

I’m musical (I play guitar, piano and sing a little) and often make up songs to amuse my kids, I also visit schools doing illustration workshops, so I may combine the two and be a children’s entertainer using music as my medium. Childrens musical entertainer MARK HOWE

I would work in building demolition. Demolition Man MR BINGO

Thats easy, I’d be a doctor. Or a surgeon. Doctor JOHN WATTERS

I think I would probably be a dog walker, or dog stylist.. something to do with dogs no doubt. Dog Stylist AMBER SMITH

Ha. A nice job actually. I’d work with animals. Dog walker. Not very adventurous but could be extended to Lion tamer or dolphin trainer. Dog Walker MATT TOMLIN WORK DESIGN

If I would not have become a graphic designer, I’d say I’d be either a film maker developing documentary films, or a full time father taking care of two babies. But I’m rather happy that I chose graphic design. Film Maker STEFAN SAGMEISTER SAGMEISTER & WALSH

Hmmm tough question, I’d probably still be working within a creative industry, possibly as a furniture designer. Furniture Designer JONATHAN RAGG STOCKS TAYLOR BENSON

When I get grumpy about design I fantasise about being a gardener. Gardner LEE GOATER

In an alternative universe I am now happily employed as a Geography teacher in a comprehensive school somewhere in the North of England. I’ve still got an interest in Geography, whenever I travel I’m always on the look out for a U shaped valley or evidence of glacial erosion. Geography Teacher ANTHONY BURRILL

If I weren’t a Graphic Designer I would be homeless. I don’t really know how to do anything else, and I wouldn’t much want to. Homeless CRAIG OLDHAM MUSIC

I think i’d probably be a librarian or work in a museum! Librarian ROBBIE PORTER

I always wanted to work in special effects for films... model making - stuff like that. Came from watching a Star Wars documentary when I was about 13. 3D Model Making MARK DIGGINS KENT LYONS

Does it have to be a real job? Because I would probably be on a boat fishing. Actually.. I would be a professional scuba diver. I do have a life outside of graphic design. Professional scuba diver FRED BATES

My massively boring (but genuine) answer is I’d probably be a product designer or an architect. Although, if you are still counting those as ‘designer’ and essentially the question is ‘what if I wasn’t a designer’ then, probably... Scriptwriter / Screenplay writer. Scriptwriter / Screenplay writer STEPHEN WOOWAT ELMWOOD

Rally Driver. Rally Driver EUAN WEBSTER WORK DESIGN

I’d like to think I’d be a tattoo artist doing unique and bespoke pieces not like the generic stuff that every other tattooist on the planet seems to churn out! Customer: ‘Can I have a tribal band and a rose please?’ Myself: ‘You can have a big fuck off if you like - how does that sound?!’ Tattoo Artist SI SCOTT


Architect Artist Astronaut Waste disposal services (Bin man) Builder Butcher Chef Childrens musical entertainer Demolition Man Doctor Dog Stylist Dog Walker Film Maker Furniture Designer Gardner Geography Teacher Homeless Librarian 3D Model Making Professional scuba diver Scriptwriter / Screenplay writer Rally Driver Tattoo Artist

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