We remember the lives lost in Orlando
B & P June 2016 Newsletter
Name and age of those killed in the Orlando shooting, in alphabetical order: Stanley Almodovar III, 23 | Amanda Alvear, 25 | Oscar A Aracena-Montero, 26 | Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33 | Antonio Davon Brown, 29 | Darryl Roman Burt II, 29 | Angel L. Candelario-Padro, 28 | Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25 | Luis Daniel Conde, 39 | Cory James Connell, 21 | Tevin Eugene Crosby, 25 | Deonka Deidra Drayton, 32 | Simon Adrian Carrillo Fernandez, 31 | Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25 | Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26 | Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22 | Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22 | Paul Terrell Henry, 41 | Frank Hernandez, 27 | Miguel Angel Honorato, 30 | Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40 | Jason Benjamin Josaphat, 19 | Eddie Jamoldroy Justice, 30 | Anthony Luis Laureanodisla, 25 | Christopher Andrew Leinonen, 32 | Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21 | Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, 49 | Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25 | Kimberly Morris, 37 | Akyra Monet Murray, 18 | Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20 | Geraldo A. OrtizJimenez, 25 | Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36 | Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32 | Jean Carlos Mendez Perez, 35 | Enrique L. Rios, Jr., 25 | Jean C. Nives Rodriguez, 27 | Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35 | Christopher Joseph Sanfeliz, 24 | Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24 | Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34 | Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33 | Martin Benitez Torres, 33 | Jonathan Antonio Camuy Vega, 24 | Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37 | Luis S. Vielma, 22 | Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez, 50 | Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37 | Jerald Arthur Wright, 31
A Message from Jason
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Dear friends, I hope this note finds you as well as possible. As I write this letter LGBTQ people around the country are grieving after the brutal attack on the club Pulse’s Latinx* night in Orlando, Florida. Those of us on the outside have been able to go to public vigils and have been allowed to grieve with our loved ones. I know that inside the prison walls gatherings of groups to mourn can be forbidden. Grieving in community is so important, please know that we on the outside are holding each of you in our hearts as we light candles in honor of those lives that were taken from us. Like many of us on the outside, maybe you are having moments of feeling hopeless and broken. Like many of us on the outside, maybe you can imagine what the scene must have looked like before the shooting happened, remembering a club you went to on the outside. Maybe you can remember the feeling of the music washing over you as you danced with friends or were getting sweaty with a cutie you met that night. Maybe you went to a club where you were able to be yourself for the first time, not afraid that your family would see you or that a co-worker would find out. Maybe you can feel the beat of the music in your heart as you think about the safe haven bars and clubs have been for so many LGBTQ people. As the names are made public maybe you recognize someone you knew, a friend, a family member, a lover. This loss of life touches so many of us. Looking at the faces of those who were killed, maybe you can see yourself in them. Maybe they look like you, like your family, like the people you have been in love with. As you read their names, and notice that half of them are Puerto Rican, maybe you can feel your heart ache for your own community, a community targeted by racism and colonization and yet a community of vibrant resistance and survival. Have you noticed how young some of the victims were? I had a rush of sadness fill my body when I learned it was an 18+ club. I was imagining those who were out at the club for the first time, who built up the courage to go out, maybe spent hours picking out the right outfit to try to impress someone, and then I imagine the fear that must have taken over when the first shots were fired. I am also feeling angry. I am angry that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was able to get ahold of such a dangerous weapon. I am angry that he worked for the world’s largest security company, G4S, and was a prison guard for adults and youth. I am angry that no one stopped him from getting so violent. I am angry that no one got him help when he started acting violently to his ex-wife. I am angry that we live in a culture that told him it is okay to devalue the lives of LGBTQ people. I am angry that his father taught him that being LGBTQ was wrong. I am angry that he might have been gay and too afraid to confront his own sexuality. I am angry that our LGBTQ communities are not better at welcoming people in and providing care that affirms people and all their different identities. When I’m not feeling angry at Omar Mateen, I am feeling angry at the way politicians are reacting to this horrible moment. The two primary presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are using this moment to build up support to increase the power of the FBI and the NSA. They are also using Omar Mateen’s religion to target all Muslim people and strengthen the already powerful Islamophobia that exists across the country. I am angry that they are trying to turn the suffering and death of our people into more violence against people of color, particularly Arab and South Asian people, around the world. It is unacceptable for them to take advantage of this moment to create more racism, more Islamophobia, and more suffering. We must know that as we grieve, we will not allow the government to use our grief to support their racist and Islamophobic efforts. We have the ability to transform our grief into something else. Let us turn our grief in to stronger solidarity. Let us turn our anger into deeper commitment to liberation. Let us turn our fear in to hope for a world free from violence and oppression. Let us do so as we keep building our movement knowing that once there were no prisons, that day will come again. In loving solidarity, Jason PS - In the middle of this issue, we wanted to share a series of techniques you and friends can use to help heal from feelings of trauma, depression, and anxiety. Taking care of ourselves and each other is important.
What’s Inside!
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• Letters to our Black & Pink family: 5,7, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 • Poetry from the heart: 6, 12, 22, 23 • News - After Orlando: Two, Three, Many Stonewalls: 8 & 9 • CAPACITAR Tools for Wellbeing: 14, 15, 16, 17 • Buscando contribuciones & Call for submissions: 19 • Black and Pink’s Adventure into Visionary Fiction!: 25, 26, 27, 28 • Black & Pink Address and Topics 27
Statement of Purpose Black & Pink is an open family of LGBTQ prisoners and “free world” allies who support each other. Our work toward the abolition of the prison industrial complex is rooted in the experience of currently and formerly incarcerated people. We are outraged by the specific violence of the prison industrial complex against LGBTQ people, and respond through advocacy, education, direct service, and organizing. Black & Pink is proudly a family of people of all races. About this Newsletter Since 2007, Black & Pink free world volunteers have pulled together a monthly newsletter primarily composed of material written by our family’s incarcerated members. In response to letters we receive, more prisoners receive the newspaper each issue! This newspaper is being sent to over 9,400 prisoners! Disclaimer: Please note that the ideas and opinions expressed in the Black & Pink Newspaper are solely those of the authors and artists and do not necessarily reflect the views of Black & Pink. Black & Pink makes no representations as to the accuracy of any statements made in the Newspaper, including but not limited to legal and medical information. Authors and artists bear sole responsibility for their work. Everything published in the Newspaper is also on the internet—it can be seen by anyone with a computer. By sending a letter to “Newspaper Submissions,” you are agreeing to have your piece in the Newspaper and on the internet. For this reason, we only publish First Names and State Location to respect people’s privacy. Pieces may be edited to fit our antioppression values and based on our Editing Guidelines.
Black & Pink Hotline The hotline phone number is 617.519.4387! The hotline will be available Sundays 1-5pm (Eastern Time) for certain. You can call at other times as well and we will do our best to answer your calls; they will be answered as often as possible. We are sorry that we can only accept prepaid calls at this time. The purposes of the hotline are: Supportive listening. Being in prison is lonely, as we all know. The hotline is here for supportive listening so you can just talk to someone about what is going on in your life. Organizing. If there are things going on at your prison in terms of lock downs, guard harassment, resistance, and anything else that should be shared with the public, let us know so we can spread the word. Restrictions: The hotline is not a number to call about getting on the pen pal list or to get the newspaper. The hotline is not a number to call for sexual or erotic chatting. The hotline is not a number for getting help with your current court case, we are not legal experts. We look forward to hearing from you! This is our first attempt at this so please be patient with us as we work it all out. We will not be able to answer every call, but we will do our best. We apologize to anyone who has been trying to get through to the hotline with no success. We are still working this system out. Thank you for being understanding.
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Letters to our family Hi there Black and Pink family!
Dear Black & Pink,
My most to all my LGBTQ world wide! This is coming from your native brother ma’ii from AZ, lock down. I have been getting the Black and Pink Newsletter since 2012-2013 and wanted to say and send my regards to all the family as feel for you all and continue the fight against all them haters for the hate what they can’t control nor understand! I am serving two natural life sentences and although I ain’t proud of my crime won’t deny it! All my bro’s acknowledge my ways and although don’t agree with me respect and accept for myself! I am 30 years old and bisexual as a father. The only family I really care for is the solid bros who know me as I kick it with and the whole LGBTQ community! I would also like to say for those going through hard times keep them heads up and stay strong and always keep in mind that you’re not alone and in my thoughts and heart! To the new transgender who came out stay strong sisters as to those who are not known and those that are as well! To our fallen brothers and sisters you are never forgotten and greatly missed!
Well first off I’m new 2 Blakk and Pink. But I seen this paper from June and said this is cool I’m gone sho up for the brothers and sistas of Blakk & Pink! First and foremost let me say who I am. My name is Brandon. Most kall me Kidd-G. I’m from Ohio and I am now in a max prison at 21 yrs young lol! I have been down 5 yrs I came down for an F1 at the age of 16... You know I want 2 shout out to the young brother HeartBeat cuzz bro if you readin this right now I want you 2 know I am the same way! I am a known gang banger once they found out I was who I was, they still sho me the same respect as they did before... I did not want my brothers to find out about what I was doin. But the love of my life had come running into my life and he told me if they can’t accept who I am then they are not a tru brother anyways... I have been with my partner since May he makes me happy. Brothers & Sisters please neva hide who you truly are remember this 1 thing! You have 2 keep it real with your self b4 you can keep it real with anybody else. Don’t let them clowns tell you otherwise.
Well, I am going to cut it short but for anyone who hates and disrespects any of my family and bro’s and sisters, you’ll never stop nor change us!
Plenty much love/loyalty/respect,
Yo all are the family that respects and love I can relate as understands me! Apollo O, Arizona
—▼— Dear family, My name is Peter, but prefer Alexia. I am a 26 year old male to female transgender. I thought I would write to show support for our amazing community. This is my first time writing; I love reading Black and Pink, it gives me inspiration I sometimes can’t find within the confines of this facility. Every day brings new feelings, challenges, and thoughts. I am glad to know that I am not alone in this journey. As of recent, my parents have disowned me, partly due to the inability to accept who I am, and soon to be. It is one of the hardest things, but I have been given much support from other members of the LGBT community in my unit. Thank you guys. Thank you Black and Pink and every person who stands for what we live for, live to be, and thrive for. We are strong. Love, Alexia (Lexi), Wyoming
—▼— Whats up Black & Pink? This ya boi Jit, I’m a 26 year old Lesbian. I was born a female but I live, look and act like a male...Im doing damn good if I do say so myself (lol). I just wanted to say...to all my brothers/sisters out there, keep your head up and only down in prayer. I’ve been a solid member of Black & Pink for 4 1/2 years now and its been hella good receiving this news letter. Im living in a world of its own (Prison) and im sure many of yall can understand. I just want to encourage my Black & Pink family to continue to encourage each other. Its hard being gay in prison cause the male officers envy ya cuz the way you chose to embrace your self. I’d had many many male officers tell me “Go put on a dress and stop acting like a boi” or “You a woman not a male” but I take it as they mad cuz if it wasn’t for these blues and time I got...they know as well as I know, I can take they women. (LOL) “Ya mad or not”, hahaha- Black & Pink I love yall man, fareal! Alwayz and forever... Littles AKA Jit
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A Mountain The sun rises, crawls and sets A dream becomes... My mouth is gagged, my arms are bound I try to speak but there is no sound A shadow beside me, who will not try A fear so deep I begin to cry T he sun rises, crawls and sets A dream becomes My bounds are broke, the gag is gone I look around but see no one All alone, my shadow and I I drop my head and again I cry The sun rises, crawls and sets A dream becomes I stand tall and holds my head high Forever I stand, no more fear inside The shadow is gone and all is light I am what I am, there are no shadows this night The sun rises and sets... And I look from the top of this mountain and see the stars And I have no regrets. Matthew, AZ
We Love At times we love a little Other times we love a lot But we love and we love No matter what the cost.... We love and we love At times the feelings of the heart Fade away and they are lost Once what was a warm heart, Now it’s cold and covered in frost... We love and we love These things here on Earth Even some things up in Heaven above But we never even stop. We keep going and going and going We love and we love.... The Lady in the Wood, PA
—▼— Ampersand B eautiful is what we are, a L ove that spreads in so many directions; A ll of us, and you C oming together as one all-K nowing & P recious force; a power only found I n a thousand rainbows N ever to fade this-K ingdom in black & pink array. Lee D. New York
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Letters to our family Recently I had a conversation with a heterosexual male who picked up a copy of Black and Pink and read an article I had written, if I’m not mistaken it was the last issue. In any case I found his comments interesting. I am more interested in what he said about the paper as a whole, as opposed to what he thought about my article. Let me say this first, I do not believe that he is entirely agreeable to the GLBTQ lifestyle. I do in fact feel that under different circumstances and in company I am not privy to, his conversations about the GLBTQ community are very different than they are when he has had discussions with or around me. In any case, his first comment was that he felt as though Black and Pink spent a lot of time publishing letters that are divisive and derogatory toward prison staff, in so much that the writings are always complaints about how badly staff treats members of the GLBTQ community. He also said that there should be some focus on the conduct of said members. So I thought I would address this as best I could on both plateau’s. First let me say this about Black and Pink. I, (for the most part) do very much enjoy the paper, but I do agree that some of the focus must be shifted. We do need to know what wrongs are being perpetrated against the members of our community nation wide. We should know these things because there is always someone out there that has gone through this and can provide a possible solution to that problem. But we must also shift to “problem solving”. There is only so much outrage that can be expressed before all we are doing is fueling the outrage, we must get beyond the complaints and not only provide solutions but help facilitate the implementing of those solutions to the betterment of the community at large. It’s wonderful to be a great Proselytizer, but when all that is over we still have to remember many of us are the progeny of this fight from way back when Christopher street exploded. As such we need to remember that our purpose in this fight is progress, and progress is never made by paying too much lip service to a problem but by getting your hands dirty, for that reason I am still encouraging everyone to contribute to Janetta Johnson’s call for contributors to the Transgender bill of rights. Now in regard to our “conduct” as it has been so succinctly put; I will agree that there are times when members of our community may act in a manner a bit less desirable by the heterosexual crowd, however; the old saying rings true now and always will, “you
cannot legislate morality” meaning that there are times when no matter what you say to people they just don’t get it, so we have to lead by example, which I also understand is not always easy to do. But I as a Transwoman have to be conscious of who I am and who I aspire to be, as well as what I aspire to achieve in this world. We must “all” be aware that many times your blessings can be blocked because the person on the outside of a situation looking in who may be capable of giving you that blessing, may view you very poorly because you are acting poorly. With that in mind, simply check yourself, know what your womanhood represents. And for those critics of us, you need to check yourselves as well, don’t think for a second that you are granted respect just because of who you are or think you are, no one is entitled to that in it’s entirety, respect is earned by giving it as well, so if you want to complain about how someone acts, take a look at yourself first and make sure you are above reproach. Fatima Speaks, WY
—▼— Dear Black and Pink Fam, Now I’ve heard some injustices in my life time hell I going through one now with the charge that I’m on. But when I read the May 2015 issue and read about Michael Johnson and he was facing life it compelled me to write something. Now I’m a trans woman and I’ve been HIV Positive for the last eight years. And I’ve heard of the HIV laws around, some of them people can live with, most are down right outragous. I hope for the sake of the US people living with the disease that some of these laws change. Instead of criminalizing the virus the states need to put money in to treat the virus. The states need to treat it for what it is and not treat it like it’s a crime. What the states don’t realize that if they put more HIV Positive people in prison the risk is greater for the virus to be passed on. That means it will come from outside to inside and from inside back outside. We need to come together and tell our government that these laws are not right. We need to tell them that yes HIV is still a problem but we need to focus more on testing and treatment versus locking people up and creating more of the problem. Kenisha, Louisiana
News After Orlando: Two, Three, Many Stonewalls By Tatiana Cozzarelli, Left Voice, June 14 2016 In the month of gay Pride, a homophobe named Omar Mateen walked into the Pulse Night Club in Orlando and committed the deadliest mass shooting in US history. It was an attack against overwhelmingly Black and Latino LGBT people, but the media and bourgeois politicians insist on painting this attack as one of “radical Islam” against the American people. “You know all our lives they’ve told us the way we are isn’t right. Well this (bar) is our home. We’re family… So tonight we’re going to celebrate the way we are. It’s not only OK, it’s beautiful” -Stone Butch Blues, Leslie Feinberg To understand the massacre at Pulse, the LGBT club in Orlando, we must first understand what clubs mean to the LGBT community. For those of us who do not find a home with our families due to homophobia and transphobia, those of us who cannot feel safe in the streets, the club is our home. A place to feel safe, to feel sexy, to feel free. The club was the birth of our movement; the place where we stood up to the homophobic and transphobic cops who incarcerated and raped us. The Stonewall riots, which began at the Stonewall bar, led by queer and trans people of color, marked the birth of the LGBT rights movement- a movement against police violence and against homophobia and transphobia. For LGBT Latinxs, finding a home is even harder in a society that is racist, homophobic and transphobic. How can one feel at home when the countries our families come from are dominated by the Catholic church? A church which convinces our families that we are sick and that loving us means rejecting who we are and who we love. How can we feel at home at gay clubs with white people who treat us as exotic rarities? How can we feel at home in an American society which deports our brothers and sisters, in which a Presidential candidate calls us rapists and
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criminals? How can we feel at home when LGBT Black and Latino people face so much employment discrimination with high rates of joblessness and precarious, low wage employment? Pulse was having a Latino night- a night that brought Latino queers out for a time to celebrate, to feel at home, to dance to the rhythms that we heard in our homes growing up in the company of other queers. That night of celebration was cut short in the most horrifying way; there are no words for the horror of the massacre in that club. There are no words for the attack on every LGBT person that day. The shooter’s name was Omar Mateen, a New Yorkborn 29-year old person of Afghan descent who worked as a security guard for the company G4S since 2007. According to FBI officers, Mateen called 911 and claimed allegiance to ISIS. Omar Mateen, who was openly homophobic and had a history of domestic violence, chose Pulse, a Gay Night Club to perpetuate the hate crime. There he shot to death [49] people, severely wounding 53 more. These are facts that point to a clear anti-LGBT motive behind the attack. The media has struggled to paint this as a terrorist act against American citizens, which will lead to policies and politics like those in the aftermath of 9-11. Trump has used this incident to reiterate his unacceptable Islamophobic policy of banning Muslim people from entering the United States. Aside from stirring up fear and racism in Americans, this proposal serves no purpose in curbing mass shootings, which are nearly always perpetrated by white men and not foreign born “terrorists.” The shooter was born and raised in the United States, a product of the United States’ own virulent militarism, patriarchy and homophobia. When a Muslim person does perpetrate an act of violence on US soil, the overwhelming majority of Muslims become the victims of violence - verbal attacks at best and physical violence at worst. From individual racists who beat up people who look like they might be Muslim to FBI investigations of Muslims, Islamophobia kills. This horrible act of hatred cannot become an excuse to further oppress Muslim and middle eastern people. It cannot be an excuse for further surveillance and detainment of Muslims, as we saw in the aftermath of 9-11. We can and we should respond with rage against this horrible act of violence. But that rage cannot be directed at another group continued on page 9......
News After Orlando: Two, Three, Many Stonewalls, cont. continued from page 8... that is oppressed by the same government and the same right wing oppressors of LGBT people. We must transform the rage into organization and fight against homophobia, transphobia, racism and the institutions that perpetuate these. We must fight against the lawmakers who voted against trans people using the restroom because of “public safety” concerns. We can have hate and we can have rage at this policy and the lawmakers who voted for it. We must hate those religious leaders who use their pulpit to preach bigotry, convincing followers that we are unnatural, that we are sick and going to hell. We must hate Trump and his racist rhetoric. We must hate the two-faced hypocrisy of the Democrats who deport our families and our friends, who bomb and murder abroad. We should also hate all those who stand in the way of refugees entering the country- often Muslim refugees fleeing violence created by ISIS. ISIS - a product of the brutal and unrelenting devastation unleashed by imperialism against the Middle East. We should hate those who leave refugees to drown in the ocean or rot in camps while waiting to find a home. These refugees are denied entry into the US by the same people who wish to deny LGBT people the right to marry, or even to pee in public bathrooms. The same people who deny entry to Latino immigrants. Our lives matter only in this moment- to fulfill a right wing political agenda to demonize Muslims. Queer lives don’t matter when we are deported or killed by the police. Our lives do not matter when LGBT people make up 40% of homeless youth youth due to the homophobia that pushes us out of our homes. Obama has called this a terrorist act against American citizens. It’s a cruel joke that when it is politically expedient, Latinos suddenly become political citizens. To the police, to the government, to random racists we will never be Americans, regardless of our citizenship status. Obama is careful not to say that Latinos are in the US for our jobs, lest the anger the Latino voting bloc who sees the Democrats as the “lesser evil.” Yet he has deported more immigrants than any other president in history- deporting many undocumented immigrants seeking refuge from violence in their home countries-violence that is the product of an imperialist foreign policy endorsed and implemented by Democrats and Republicans alike. The hypocrisy of Obama’s speeches on violence is
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clear when we examine his foreign policy and the overwhelming number of civilian casualties caused by the drone war. The Republicans and Democrats are united behind this foreign policy of mass killings in the Middle East. They stand on their moral pulpit from atop a mass grave dug by decades of imperialist devastation- from the drones of today to the sanctions of the 90’s, to the proxy wars and coups of the Cold War. While Obama speaks out in favor of LGBT people on US soil, he hands out millions of dollars in aid to countries such as Saudi Arabia where the punishment for being LGBT is death. At home, LGBT people have limited recognition and protection if they are citizens. Abroad, their dreams, their bodies, their lives are sacrificed on the mangled alter of US strategic interests. Even in the US, the state maintains homophobic policies like the FDA policy ban on men who have sex with men from donating blood. There are 53 LGBT people in the hospital in need of blood while LGBT men are banned from donating due to this explicitly homophobic policy. In a wrenching moment of brutal violence against LGBT people, the state which claims to protect us bans even such a basic act of solidarity as giving blood. 2015 was the deadliest year for trans women in the US, and 2016 began with several killings of trans women in one month- overwhelmingly Black trans women. Yet there were no actions taken to address or curb this wave of violence. LGBT people are dying, and our deaths are not reported in the news; they are not mourned or even noticed by politicians. To the government, the lives of LGBT people, especially LGBT people of color, have never mattered. In the face of this tragedy, some will call for prayers. Some will call for love. Some will call for peace. I call for us to organize with the spirit of Stonewall- demanding that not one more of us be killed and recognizing that our problems are not individual, but rather perpetuated by the US government- Republicans and Democrats. I will call for us to organize using our rage to destroy a system that does not care whether we live or die, whether we live free or in prison.
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Letters to our family Hello! My brothers & sisters of the LGBTQ family & Black & Pink community, My name is Hazle. I’m 23 years old & I am a beautiful black woman in Illinois Department of Correction. I’m excited because this is my first letter to my family & I’m so proud an honored to be part of this family & community of the LGBTQ. But anyways i want to let you all know that your letters inspire me to continue to be who I am & to be a light to others like myself. Since getting the newspaper it has had such a tremendous impact on my life. All my life, well what I can remember as a young child through adolescent years I’ve related as being a woman trapped in a male body! I’ve always identified and been fascinated by the woman’s physique and mind. Early on my sister noticed differences with me, she always told me I had feminine ways about myself. There has been times I vividly remember growing up, where my sister walked in and caught me wearing her clothing also playing with her dolls. My sister and I remain very close to this day due to her better understanding my views and differences on life! She never judged me nor laughed at my perception of being identified as a woman, she would give me the moral and emotional support needed to adjust to being different. There’s been numerous times I’ve discussed my change in gender with my birth mother and sister who both informed me in their words, “Baby we only live once and we will support you 100%.” So from that moment on I’ve been who I am and proud to be who I am becoming a transgender woman and I’m so happy to have already found my soulmate who supports me and understands my transition. He’s not incarcerated but that’s one less obstacle to overcome, but knowing my soulmate who supports & is there morally and emotionally is God sent. I’m proud to be accepted by my family and my better half. I’m enjoying being who I always identified myself as being Hazel. Growing up within the system of “Department of Children and Family Services” I knew something within me was different so I discussed my feelings and way of life to the available individuals. I was neglected by the very system who swore to protect and accept me by denying me my very soul and identity. I acted out, tried suicidal attempts, displayed abnormal sexual behaviors like sticking pencils within my urethra, selfmutilation wae a common way for me to vent my frustration and anger at not being paid awareness too. DCFS disregard and blatant denial to allow me to proceed in hormonal therapy; I couldn’t be around my kind (LGBTQ) which I support 100%, people of my nature Laverne Cox, Cait Jenner, Janet Mock. These
historic individuals are pioneers to the awareness of Transgenders here in America; I look up to these icons as role-models. I am to be released from prison 2021I will under the necessary surgical procedures ASAP as this is my life. I want to live happily as a woman this is who I am. Thanks to my mental health doctor in my prison I will soon be taking hormones. I love you all stay true to yourself even when you’re fighting for your rights. Love, Hazel, IL
—▼— To My Family, My name is Robert and I am a 38 year old gay male from the great state of Texas. I have been getting B & P for a few months now but this is the first time I have written. One thing I would like to address is Matt and Toy, I would like to apologize to you both. I am one of the people who used to look down on Sex-Offenders and treat them as if they were less than human. It took a long time and several friendships before I truly came to know that everyone has a story, not all are the same. I think on the persecution that we all go through (as LGBTQ people) and go back to the persecution that I use to put others through. It fills me with shame. I have come to realize that I have made so many mistakes and done so many bad things in my life that I have no standing, right, nor desire to try to judge another person. For all of those who I have judged, mistreated, or wronged I am sorry. For all of my Brothers & Sisters, I urge you, keep your heads up, your hearts strong, and your eyes straight ahead. We have worth!!! No matter what other inmates, guards, or family members say... You are awesome!!! You are beautiful!!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! We have to present a unified front. If you know someone who is being targeted, by either staff or other inmates, help them. We are so much stronger together than we could ever be apart. I close with this, Max Ehrmann said: “You are a child of the universe, no less than the moon and the stars. You have a right to be here.” You might not know it, but, you are loved, cared for, and thought of. Never lose faith in yourself and your worth. For those of you who feel as if you are alone... YOU ARE NOT!!! In love & unity, Robert S., Texas
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Letters to our family Hello to everyone at Black and Pink, This story is for anyone who has never been bullied and for those who do the bullying. Why do you bully me. Is it because I’m smart, funny or because I have red hair. Is it because I love everyone and you are filled with hate. Why do I love everyone and you are filled with hate. Why do you bully me? Maybe because I’m transgender. It didn’t give you the right to physically, mentally and sexually assault me. You think you won. But you didn’t. What you did to me made me try harder each day to not be the victim, but to be strong and structured. By you being a bully, the times you laughed, whispered, pointed at me and called me hurtful names, made me see that you were a lost person. What you’ve done hasn’t made me angry at the world. You helped me to be the most wonderful, kind, respectful. Woman that I need to be. so while you bullied me and some still may do. You are the very reason I will never be you. You are very sad and alone in you life. So for anyone that has ever been bullied and for the 21 transgenders murdered last year and the 18 reported transgender suicides in the U.S. This is for you. I will live and die. Knowing that the bully never wins. You will live your life filled with hate and never know that the lives you’ve taken from this earth were precious. And I won’t be your victim. I never was. Because those who have been bullied and are not here, live and breathe inside of me. So the transgender who is smart funny and has red hair will always be a winner. Because you can’t bully me! I love you all. LISA, CA
—▼— Black and Pink, I am an African American 38-year-old transgender woman. I have been living as a female since the age of 18, and I have also been taking female hormone medication since the age of 19. I have lived a very troubled life, in and out of the state and federal prisons, but I have always been the true me. I have never hidden my true gender. I learned to fight at a very early age and stand up for my rights and myself. My family has several transgender women, so I have always had a very good support system. Bring in prison, I have been through some tough times but tough times don’t last, tough people do. In 2012, I entered Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, and they cut off my hormone treatment. They said that I did not meet the criteria for gender dysphoria. I sued the Ohio prison system. I filed a civil suit against the chief doctor, and I won! And I feel good. I am proud of myself.
My case was a door opening one for all transgender prisoners in the country. I know how it feels to be called Mr., sir, man, dude, fag, homo… I know it how it feels to have all of your feminine items taken, placed in the hole for nothing, lied on, singled out… but you must be strong. Never let anyone or anything keep you down. I keep moving. The Lord loves us. We are still human. I am a DIVA. Please keep the faith and fight back. Times are getting better and transgender people are starting to receive fairer treatment. But we still have a long way to go. I am going to keep fighting for other transgender prisoners. I was off my hormone medication for two and a half years and never gave up. I hope I can be an inspiration to others. I hope my plight can give you hope. I love you all, my sisters Whitney L, Ohio
—▼— Black and Pink Family: Greetings and salutations to my brothers and sisters. My name is Bobby Young (Lady Mystique). I’m 40 years old, white male, gay. I’ve been reading Black and Pink newspaper for about 9 years. I enjoy the stories in the newspaper because they uplifting. I’ve need the opinions of my brothers and sister on a problem. Since I’ve been incarcerated in Texas Department of Criminal Justice, I’ve been in 3 relationship. All of them have lasted for a year plus. Every time we hit the 11/2 year mark they see and get parole and they get to go home. Don’t get me wrong I’m very happy for them. What do I do to keep a relationship going? I don’t like to be left in the blind. I asked them how much time they have. They did not tell me. The last guy I was with wants a relationship on the outside when we both are out there. I was and still am so in love with this guy. Do you think I should go forward with this relationship or leave my door(s) open to a new love? I got a letter from the 2nd guy that I was with. He wants to be with me also out there in the free world. I have love for him but I’m not in love with him any more. I told him after he left 2 years ago I found a new love. Because I didn’t hear from you after you got out. I told him of for now. But if time and this relationship does not last I’ll leave this door open. But I told him that I’m not making him a promise or guarantee him that we’ll get back together. What should I do in a situation such as this. Your opinions are very welcomed. I’m sending my love to the LGBT in and out of these walls. Remember you are not alone. Keep your heads and chins up. Love and Solidarity,
Lady Mystique, TX
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Poetry from the heart PRIDE I’m proud of who I am of what I am, what I like With pride I take a stand all who oppose take a hike I don’t feel bad at all because they don’t agree From weakness I won’t fall nor tremble at the knee In numbers there is strength those like me are many who’ll go the extra length LGBTQ aplenty they think I’m all alone Look again, we are one my pride will keep me strong I won’t quit until we’re done! Prince O, Florida
—▼— Once-In-A-While Once-In-A-While... Love deals us a lone wild card At one point in our lives We despairingly discard. Once-In-A-While... Love deals us a part-time Love to share. But, only for a season Their love we can merrily bear. Once-In-A-While... Love deals us a tainted love we regret. This loveWe wished we’d never met. But, Once-In-A-While... Love deals us a New Love to eagerly behold. In our heart They’re treasured more than fine gold. T his new love in our life is REAL. Rays of solace we assuredly feel. For at the infinite core of our being. Their radiant face of affection We keep seeing. Not desiring to close our eyes to this love.
Cause its a love That fits in our soul like a snug-fitted glove It’s a Once-In-A-While Love that has finally come And to it We enthusiastically succumb. This love is innocent and pure. The sadness and heart aches from loneliness It does magically cure. Infusing hope into our every waking day. Cause this once-in-a-while love Came wistfully our way. It’s a once-in-a-while love I see in you... A lot that is undeniably true, And it cause my frowns to be few. So don’t close your weary eyes. For the new love of your life Has heard your sobbing cries. And promises to stand with youIn life’s lows and highs. Just permit my love to flood your soul. While my bursting heart of compassionLifts your gentle-spirit to hold. And I-the-once-in-a-while love of your life, Will slice the deep-rooted scars of loneliness away Like a sharp piercing knife. Severing the sadness and dismay from you day. As in one another arms of affection We blissfully lay. Never allowing this once-in-a-while love to go, But through trust, patience, dedication and commitment. Causing it to extraordinarily grow. -Larry R. Texas
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Letters to our family First off I want to say hello to all my family out there. This is my first time writing so please bear with me. My boyfriend and I are having a real hard battle with ADOC over this PREA law. I messed up and put on a protective segregation packet “we got caught messing around with.” In this state they deemed that a PREA violation but we never messed around or see the investigation unit. I am stuck on suicide watch until this PREA violation, that don’t exist, comes off. People want to get me because I’m a S.O. and so is my man but we have different crimes so he’s safe and I’m not. He comes and goes off watch. We’re fighting his all he way so he can protect me. In this watch pod I was high along with my man. They busted me and turned me against him knowing I wasn’t thinking right. During the process of trying to bust him I got stabbed with a shank while on suicide watch for my safety. The SGT and COs covered all this up and medical came to see me one time for a hole in my stomach. Are you all ready for this, in my medical file it says “self inflicted stab wound.” When I was never put on a continues watch which if it was i would have had a CO on me at all times. On camera it shows I was stabbed. I tried to report this to CIU (Criminal Investigation Unit) and a CPT put me on report for lying to staff. I wrote the ACLU but if anyone has any advice me and my man need help this is out of hand. God bless you ALL, your brother in Christ. Backwards, AZ
—▼— Dear Black And Pink Family, Greetings to all of my LGBTQ brothers and sisters out there. I hope and pray that this finds each and every one of you in the best of health and keeping true to who and what you are. My name is David. I’m bisexual, doing a twenty piece in the lock’em up indefinitely state of Texas. I’m a long time reader of Black and Pink but this is my first time writing. I would like to relate a story – sad but true – that happened to me and then comment on what my sister Ms. Nicki said in the April 2015 issue. I’ve never hid my sexual preferences. I’ve been out of the closet since I was around maybe eleven or twelve and my family was okay with me – they didn’t agree but they accepted me as I am. Mom didn’t really give a damn and, as moms do, she loved me unconditionally. I was a crazy stupid kid who didn’t give a damn, so I ended up coming back twice. First, I was in State School for five years then came back
to prison when I was eighteen. You can believe the creeps came put and took advantage of my size and age. But boy did I give the bastards total hell. Anyways, I don’t hide my sexuality. I do love to play around but not with everyone though. I end up in administrative segregation for numerous violations of the rules, but I put myself here trying to pull a stunt that backfired on me. One of the cops who was homophobic went out of his way to harass me and was making my life miserable. He wasn’t feeding me, jacked me for my shower and recreation, threatened me with bodily injury, used excessive force, and falsified documents – the works. So what do I do? I put that paper in his life. Anything he did to me, the paper would be in his life. I was writing outside agencies, senators, state representatives, direction of the prison, etc. When I stopped writing is when I went to sleep. I was putting pen to paper so often they were talking about beating me up while I was handcuffed and shackled – the cowards. They did some messed up shit: leaving my personal property up, jacking me for my doctor’s visits, shit like that. Because I refused to stop writing, they beat my ass while I was handcuffed. There was five of them, rank knew but did nothing, they’re the ones who set it up. They got down. They did that. My sister Nicki has two valid points so first the C.O.’s put “us” in situations that put “us” at risk. They done proved they don’t give a damn. Second, don’t be afraid to put the paper in their lives and don’t listen when someone says it doesn’t work – because it does – then take their ass to court. Study law along the way, every little bit helps. Stay strong my brothers and sisters, we can ge through this struggle. If you’re reading this Ms. Nicki, you’ve got the right attitude. You go girl. David B. Texas
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CAPACITAR Emergency Response Tool Kit Tools for Wellbeing
Patricia Mathes Cane, Ph.D., Capacitar Founder/Director
The health of body, mind and emotions is continuously affected by trauma, violence, weather, diet, environment, daily news, and the challenges of life. The use of simple ancient healing skills can empower us to live with peace and wellbeing no matter what is happening around us. The following Capacitar exercises are offered to be used at times when we feel drained, scattered or depressed. These tools are for all of us, whether we are survivors of trauma, caregivers working with others or persons overwhelmed and stressed by daily life. The challenge is to build these practices into our lives and lifestyle, so they become second nature and can be called upon whenever we are aware of stress, energy drain, depressed feelings or loss of center. Please copy, distribute and use these yourself and with others. More practices and theory can be found in our manuals and website www.capacitar.org. BREATHWORK Breath is the source of life, bringing fresh energy into the tissues and cells to nourish body, mind and the whole person. When we breathe out, accumulated stress and toxins are released. Breathing through a stressful time is an effective way to let go of the tension that accumulates in the body. A few long deep breaths at a difficult moment can completely change the way we handle a situation. Breathwork combined with images of light or nature can promote feelings of peace, calm and focus. • Abdominal Breathing Sit comfortably supported and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and center yourself, letting go of all worries and thoughts. Place your hands on your abdomen, breathe in deeply through your nose and imagine the air moving down through the body into your center within your abdomen. Imagine that your abdomen fills with air as if it were a balloon. Hold your breath for a few moments and then exhale slowly through your mouth, contracting the muscles of your abdomen, letting go of all the tension in your body. Continue abdominal breathing for several minutes. If thoughts come into your mind, gently release them, returning to the image of the air moving in and out of your body. • Breathing in Nature Nature is a great resource for healing and grounding. With feet on the ground, breathe in deeply imagining that your feet are long roots running into the earth. Breathe in earth energy, breathe out stress, tension and pain. TAI CHI ENERGY EXERCISES Rocking Movement Stand with feet separated, shoulder-width apart, hands at sides. Raise your heels and with palms facing upwards raise your hands to the level of your chest. Turn your palms downward and move your hands downward while you lower your heels and raise your toes in a rocking movement. Continue slowly rocking back and forth, breathing deeply. With each move relax your shoulders, arms and fingers. Do the exercise smoothly and slowly. Breathe deeply and imagine that your feet are planted securely on the earth. As you raise your hands imagine that you are able to bring down into body and mind healing energy to cleanse and fill you. This is a very beneficial movement for trauma and depression. Shower of Light With left foot forward, raise your hands up over your head, then move them downward as if showering yourself with light. Feel the energy cleansing and filling your being. Repeat on the right side, with right foot forward. Breathe in the shower of light, and then exhale and let go of any negativity within you. Feel the light cleansing and renewing you. This is an excellent for persons who are depressed or dealing with past wounds of trauma. Let Go of the Past and Open to Receive With left foot forward, palms curved softly downward, push your hands outward in a gentle arc, letting go of all tension, negativity and violence within you. Turn palms upward and draw them back towards the chest, breathing in peace and healing. Repeat with right foot forward. Breathe out pain and violence. Breathe in peace and healing. Fly through the Air With your left foot forward, your left hand upward, swim or fly through the air. The motion should be free and light with arms and shoulders relaxed. Repeat the movement on the right side starting with your right hand upward. Fly freely through the air letting go of all that weighs you down, feeling light, alive and free. Open your heart to all the possibilities for your life and healing. This is good to release pain in back, shoulders and head. CAPACITAR: Healing Trauma, Empowering Wellness A Multicultural Popular Education Approach to Transforming Trauma
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FINGERHOLDS TO MANAGE EMOTIONS The following practice is a simple way to work with emotions by holding each finger. Emotions and feelings are like waves of energy moving through the body and mind. Through each finger runs a channel or meridian of energy connected with an organ system and related emotions. With strong or overwhelming feelings, energy can become blocked or repressed, resulting in pain or congestion in the body. Holding each finger while breathing deeply can bring emotional and physical release and healing. The fingerholds are a very helpful tool to use in daily life. In difficult or challenging situations when tears, anger or anxiety arise, the fingers may be held to bring peace, focus and calm so that the appropriate response or action may be taken. The practice may also be done for relaxation with music, or used before going to sleep to release the problems of the day and to bring deep peace to body and mind. The practice may be done on oneself or on another person.
Middle Finger Hold each finger with the opposite hand 2-5 minutes. You can Anger, Rage, Resentment work with either hand. Breathe in deeply; recognize and acknowledge Ring Finger Index Finger the strong or disturbing feelings or emotions you hold inside yourself. Worry, Anxiety Fear, Panic, Terror Breathe out slowly and let go. Imagine the feelings draining out your Thumb Small Finger finger into the earth. Breathe in a sense of harmony, strength and healGrief, Tears, Lack of Self Esteem ing. Then breathe out slowly, releasing past feelings and problems. Emotional Pain Often, as you hold each finger, you can feel a pulsing sensation as the energy and feelings move and become balanced. You can hold the fingers of someone else who is angry or upset. The fingerholds are very helpful for young children who are crying or having a tantrum, or they can be used with people who are very fearful, anxious, sick or dying.
For Protection and To Center Oneself: Hold fingertips together and cross ankles (left over right). Breathe deeply and imagine that you are resting in a safe place deep within yourself.
CAPACITAR: Healing Trauma, Empowering Wellness A Multicultural Popular Education Approach to Transforming Trauma
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EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE—EFT The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) developed by Gary Craig, Ph.D., is very useful for unblocking and healing strong emotions, fears, anxiety, emotional pain, anger, traumatic memories, phobias and addictions, as well as for alleviating body symptoms and pain, such as headaches and overall body pain. The technique is based on the theory of the energy field of body, mind and emotions, along with meridian theory of Eastern medicine. Problems, traumas, anxiety and pain can cause a block in the energy flow of the body. Tapping or pressing acupressure points connected with channels or meridians of energy can help move blocked energy in congested areas and promote the healthy flow of energy in the body and in mental and emotional fields. (Adapted with permission from the EFT materials of Gary Flint, Ph.D. Emotional Freedom Technique.)
EFT Practice:
1.Think of an issue to work with and measure your anxiety level: Choose to work with a problem, worry, phobia, anxiety, traumatic memory or negative self-concept. Using a scale of 0—10, measure the level of anxiety that you feel when thinking about the issue. (0 means no anxiety, 10 means extremely high level of anxiety). If it is difficult to quantify or measure with a number, use a simple scale such as: (none, small, medium, large) or (little to big) or (short to tall). 2. Tap the sequence of Acupressure Points 9-12 times: Breathe deeply and tap 9 to 12 times with index & middle fingers : • Points above where the eyebrows begin 1 • Points at the side of the eyebrows 2 • Points below the pupils of eyes on bone 3 • Point below the nose 4 • Point below the lips on the chin 5 • Points below armpits (about 4 inches down) 6 • Points below clavicles on sides of sternum 7 3. Tap point A at side of hand and say: Tap the Polarity Reversal Point A at the side of the hand while saying 3 times: “In spite of the fact I have this problem, I’m OK, I accept myself.” (Wording may be adapted for culture or age of person.) 4. Repeat the sequence in #2 & #3 Repeat sequence until anxiety level is down to 0-2.
5. Rub the Sore Spot B: Rub or press the Sore Spot located on the left side of the chest about 3 inches below the left collar bone and 2-3 inches to the side of the sternum. CAPACITAR: Healing Trauma, Empowering Wellness A Multicultural Popular Education Approach to Transforming Trauma
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These acupressure points are for depression and emotional heaviness to bring a sense of peace and wellbeing. Crown of head Hold lightly the top of the head. There are three acupressure points in a line in this area. Forehead between the Eyebrows With the fingertips of one hand hold the sensitive area between the eyebrows where the nose connects with the forehead. Base of Skull at the Sides of the Head Interlace fingers, place your hands behind your head, and with the thumbs press the two points at left and right sides of the base of the skull in the indentation between the muscles and bones. Head Hold Place one palm on the forehead connecting with the cognitive brain, and the other palm at the base of the skull, connecting with the emotional brain. Hold position for several minutes to calm the emotions, alleviate headaches and relax the mind.
Anxiety, Crisis & Overwhelm Point in the Outer Wrist Press point in the indentation on the outside of the crease of the wrist, down from the small finger. Point on Top of the Shoulders With the fingertips of both hand hold the points on top of the shoulders. The arms may be crossed if this position is more comfortable. Sore Spot Locate a spore spot in the left side of the chest about 2-3 inches down from the collar bone and about 2 inches to the side of the sternum.
Fainting, Crisis & High Blood Pressure This point can be used on oneself or another if a person is fainting or in crisis. Point Beneath the Nose With index fingertip or knuckle of the finger, press into the point directly below the nose on the upper lip.
Insomnia Point in Forehead with Point in Center of Chest Hold at the same time the point in the middle of the forehead and the point in the middle of the chest.
CAPACITAR: Healing Trauma, Empowering Wellness A Multicultural Popular Education Approach to Transforming Trauma
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Letters to our family Dear Black and Pink, Born Benjamin, Angelica Mercy now. I am a twenty-nine year old Transfemale (pre-op) being held in the State of Georgia for a term of fifteen years. I came to a milestone last year when I got my first Medical issued Bra and was placed on Hormone therapy. I was overjoyed of my Dear friends successful lawsuit against the state of Georgia. I did time with the famous Ashley Diamond. She is my She-ro personally because how She came and saw and Conned the Hell out of this place. Every day we are treated badly still given unethical reasons for why it is allowed. Thankfully we have the support of our cis-gender brothers and sisters whom have moved mountains to insure our rights are protected while the States Codes are slowly changing. When I was first with the system being myself was not an option. The system has begun the slow process of changing and we do see it. Its a sunny day behind fenced in yards and razor wire. Here, theres still a lot of work to be done. Please continue your work so that our lives may not be wasted out into the great nothing that these worlds of worthless systems may have a honest future that would pave the road and make way for a brighter future for all people.
inmates without cause or reason. Both Gender Dysphoria and or Homosexuality was considered criminal and unhealthy half a century ago. USA Doctors all agree that that is not so now. I personally feel that the Warden has publicly attempted to hinder my rights and influence others within his administration to do the same. I know that the only way Ashley Diamond won her case was due to the Internets influence on todays day and age. I don’t have the resources Ashley had at her disposal. I plan to sue as she has under just causes. Due Lawsuit just wasn’t enough to have the good old boys admit they were wrong. My dear brother whom is gay has honestly helped me throughout my 9 years of a 15 year bid. Although I come out in 6 more years, I will sue as soon as possible out of fear that negligence on the state’s part may actually end my life one day. I have read the Autobiography of Mike Jones. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I’m personal with my mistreatment. But I know you need stories and we need people to tell them. Be safe and God bless you for reading these letters. Love Always, Betty Boop, GA
Putting people on the spot at a special time that politics is swinging toward a favorable day and age.
Dear B&P,
There are 10 trans women at my camp that have been harassed regarding Valdosta State Prisons new hormonal therapies that are now optional thanks to Ashley Diamond whom sued the state of Georgia for not adhering to the Harry Benjamin Standard. We are subjected to male shake downs without any knowledgable female officers to oversee the shake down of transfemale who’s already developed. Shake downs in this manner isn’t correct and is the reason so many transfemales are raped harassed and or forced to strip in front of strangers whom may be sexual offenders.
Once again it’s Isabella here in Washington State Pen. Wonderful place! SMH. The fight is officially on with this prison. I sent out two grievances citing the blanket prohibition on male inmates not being able to receive female canteen items and clothing as well. As noted in: Soneeya 851 F.supp.2D at 250 [blanket prohibition on female canteen items and clothing violates the eighth amendment]. Also in: Kanitzer v. Frank, 711 F.supp.2D 874, 901-11 [E.D. Wis. 2010] Prison officials denial of plaintiff’s requests for makeup, women’s undergarments, and facial hair remover might give rise to an eighth amendment violation.
As a trans woman it is truly important as Ms. Jazzie says, to stay in those law books, for real. You never know when it will save you. I am very aware of the hardships our sisters are going through, as well as our brothers. But we must remain vigilant. Like Professor Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter says: “CONSTANT vigilance.” Prolly spelled that wrong, but you get it. Be strong! However, be aware that strength doesn’t necessarily equate to violence. Ever heard of silent strength? Only those who are insecure feel the need to be violent. You see, you all must remember how long this road has been continued...
The Enemy at Georgia’s Valdosta State Prison
On February 2016 the Warden went out his way to show how much he dislikes me as a Transsexual. He stated to me that he was not a supporter of the Transgender movement and if I didn’t stop my foolish attempt to arch my eyebrows he’d shave them off and send me to the hole which means segregation. Punished still for being myself within the State of Georgias Correctional system. Two trans women here are now undergoing Hormone therapy at Valdosta State Prison with the full support of medical staff yet the Warden’s staff continue to fire Gay and or Transgender
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Letters to our family continued... to get to where we are today. Laverne, Caitlyn, Janet, Carmen, and CeCe are our Marsha P Johnson’s & Sylvia Rivera’s. We must not take this for granted, though undoubtedly some will. We must educate those who don’t understand as well as those who do. Because, the beauty of knowledge is this: you can always learn more. So stay on D.O.C. always. One thing I don’t agree with is the constant arguing and b.s. that goes on between the family. Turning your back on someone because of their sex, gender, age, crime, or any other reason for that matter. In my eyes, is cowardice. We are judged enough by those who won’t or do not wish to understand us. Why do it to your family? Blood makes you related but, loyalty makes you family, as Skittlez in Illinois pointed out. And that is the attitude that must be taken by all. Whether you be, straight or LGBTQIA, this should be common knowledge by now. Though I’m only 21, I’m in charge of the LGBTQIA car in my custody level of the pen. Though there aren’t many, we’re here. And best believe I let them know on a daily that we DON’T judge our bro’s or sisters. We welcome them and make sure they get or have what they need. It isn’t easy but it’s worth it. Ya’ll know how it feels to know you’re not alone. N ow, Ms. Priss. I disagree with your statement that we shouldn’t help those who dislike us. Though I understand your anger and frustration towards those who’re like that. However, what does it fix if you don’t communicate with them? Because, I saw last year how the president worked with trans women of color through communication. And I saw how gays & lesbians achieved so much through vocalization, rather than hatred. There are many views through a prism that must be observed, for without that we will never understand human nature. You are absolutely right that we must help our family. But jealousy, anger, and malice only begets themselves, hon. However, I still love you sis. To Lil Kool in (TDCJ) TX. Hey this is Isabella here in WA. I’m so proud of you and your decision to be yourself. That can be hard sometimes, and some rarely go through with it. What you did takes enormous courage and strength. And for that, I applaud you! Keep it up and remain humble, hon. Alissa in CA. I started smiling and dapping for you, girl. Yay, I’m so happy for you right now. Always, and never forget that no matter what, you are loved by all of us here at B&P. We’d hate to lose you because you felt inadequate. You’re my sister and I will always love
and admire your pluck to take the road less traveled. Having life can be a downer, but just know that for life you will have us. Kay? And lastly, I second Robin in Nevada-Vegas’ words that haters are gonna hate. Let em, but don’t hate back. Like it’s been mentioned before, haters that do so. They most likely want some anyways. So anyways, enough advice for now, I ain’t Doctor Phil. I love ya’ll so much & keep up the fight! In sisterhood, Isabella <3 #LEOPRIDE
Buscando contribuciones
¡Hola hermosa familia hispano-parlante de Black & Pink! Estamos buscando contribuciones en español para nuestras secciones de Cartas A Nuestra Familia y Poesía Del Corazón. Por favor envía tu contribución escrita en forma legible y de no más de tres páginas a: Black & Pink – ESPAÑOL 614 Columbia Road Dorchester MA 02125 Damos la bienvenida a cualquier escrito de tu creación, pero dado el espacio y la variedad, no todas las contribuciones pueden ser aceptadas. Al enviar tu contribución, das permiso a Black & Pink para publicar tus escritos en forma impresa y en Internet.
Call for submissions
Seeking erotic short stories, poems, AND ART by Black & Pink incarcerated and free-world family members for a new ‘zine. To be mailed, art cannot include full nudity. Please send submissions (and shout outs to the authors from the first issue mailed in January!) addressed to Black & Pink - HOT PINK. This is a voluntary project, and no money will be offered for submissions, but you might get the chance to share your spicy story with many others! The zine will be sent 1-2 times per year. To subscribe to receive a copy of HOT PINK twice a year, write to our address, Black & Pink - GENERAL.
Letters to our family Dear B+P, My name is Mark G. AKA Karma. I’m a 30 year old Bi white male and have been down since 2006. My disclosure came about the same time as my diagnosis w/ HIV in 2012. I was tested pending release for parole as is custom in GA. Then told I was HIV positive. At the time my CD4 (cell count) was 234 and my viral load (amount of virus) was in the 100,000s. But I felt healthy and couldn’t tell. When asked how I may have contracted it I lied and said tattoos. Most stories I’ve heard of others, their first reaction was anger, despair etc. When I was asked how I would take it I laughed and said “well I couldn’t be more positive!” :) Unfortunately that soon proved to be metaphorically. I was in a relationship with a woman who said it was “us forever!” A month later she was gone. I was placed in classes which were prerequisites for my parole, but due to being transferred back and forth to the medical prison I was subsequently denied parole stating I haven’t completed my parole requirements. My family (mother, father, brother) seemed eager to fill the void and came to see my regularly until the institution deleted my father and brother for prior felonies even after they disclosed this initially, and left my mother w/out transportation. I lived 30 minutes away for 3 years and rarely received a visit. They soon faded even farther out of my life by not writing and visiting. I was placed on Atripla which has a lot of physical and psychological side effects and was made to function while in classes throughout the day. After requesting counseling and education pertaining to HIV and the treatment (as is policy). To keep it short... I didn’t get it. What I did receive is a plethora of disciplinary write-ups and sanctions. And while I waited pill call from 2-7pm (normal time 3pm) at times I would continuously go to the control booth to make sure I didn’t miss it, just to be told “Did I call it?” “I’ll let you know” “Don’t come back up here” or “We called it 30 minutes ago! Where have you been?” After getting chumped off enough I decided to throw the towel in and make them call me (which I got in trouble for at times) but I’d be aware and listening and when they did call me the officer would click my door redundantly to piss me off and mock me. I’ve dubbed this “Beggin’ to live!” I went to about 3 mental health evaluations and was told (1) they didn’t have the means to help me, (2) pray about it, and (3) “Oh! You’re just going through the stages of grief, here is a little pamphlet to read and hope it helps” (it had nothing to do with HIV or me). It didn’t! What I needed was someone to talk to, someone who had HIV and understood what it felt like and would help me fight
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the complacency of the system. I needed education to better understand what my body was doing and learn to cope psychologically. I became even more so religious and after hearing about all the people in the Bible that were healed by faith, I wanted that, and believed it was me! I resolved (through much agony) that Faith was to be furthered by action and if I truly had “Faith” then to go to pill call was to say “Well God I know you can Heal me... but, uh, just in case you don’t, won’t, or whatever, I’m gonna take this pill.” But on the other hand if I didn’t then it was suicide! TO TAKE THE PILL, or NOT TO TAKE THE PILL, was a play I wrote about this dialogue of me myself and others battling to make sense of the decisions either way. Eventually I decided I had “FAITH!” I quit my medicine in 2013 and my doctor asked Why and my reply was of course “I’m Healed.” I laugh now at how naive I was then but my naivete became my sickness. My healthy plummeted and my lymph nodes started swelling up on my neck, underarms, pelvis, nipples, and my stomach and digestive system became, well, we will say “Turmoil.” But I stayed on course and wouldn’t look in the water! I told myself that was just withdrawals from the medicine and I was Healed! But inevitably my skin soon started breaking out all over my body and itching so, so bad. I’d lay awake and want to sleep but couldn’t stop scratching and crying and scratching and dying. My doctor made a referral to Mental Health saying (I love this one) “Due to mr Goodwine’s super-religiousity I feel his MENTAL CAPACITY IS DIMINISHING!” So now I’m crazy?? Well so they say, but I say, “I’m Healed” in the midst of all my atrocity. Then I started realizing the truth… I was killing myself, daily! I got back on the meds but different ones this time: Truvada, Prezista, and Norvir. I bounced back! All my physical symptoms subsided. I devoted myself to obtaining exactly what I was entitled to: education, meds, counseling, all rights entitled as an inmate, food, sanitation - you name it, I was fighting for it. I took up the name Karma and started giving the state a dose of their own, physically, emotionally, legally, etc. I got back to mental health a 4th time and when they asked me the problem, I told them as calm as possible to read my file and come ask me that again. They did and I told the doctor “now you know, so don’t ask me.” I explained what she read and told her I needed help. She diagnosed me MH#2 for bipolar, and PTSD. I was kept there for 30 days pending transfer, was denied my medicine for 10 days, neglected all property, hygiene, shower shoes, etc, and food was
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Letter to our family being stolen off trays by orderlies or not being passed out by officers. The list goes on and on there. Well before I went to that evaluation, I wrote out a lot of the infractions done by the state and listed solutions, quotes, statistics, etc. I dubbed this my post diagnosis biography and had a “so called” friend who vowed to help me see my plan through. I asked her to type it, then print it out about 15 times to distribute everywhere in the state, from DOC to to the Sojourner, CDC, house of reps, senators, you name it. Well after I explained the game plan and got transferred, “Nothing!” She didn’t type it, she didn’t write, she didn’t call at all. I wrote everyday. I kept a log of everything and this broke my morale. After being transferred again after writing grievances about the malfeasance I endured there. I once again was denied my medicine for 7 days, then received the wrong amounts, then denied diet snacks prescribed by the doctor. Officers destroyed my property, threatened me, pepper-sprayed me, beat me up, pepper-sprayed me again, put me on strip cell, lost all my property twice, put me on the Tier II program (created to deny a person everything except trays and some incoming mail), no Medical at times, no contact with family (which, they don’t respond), and I fought fought fought! Sometimes legally, sometimes physically. I was alone and succumbed to the worst treatment. My trays were being tampered with, I couldn’t trust anyone, and was suicidal. Every organization I ended up writing just wouldn’t help or respond or would would say the “only do class actions” or expect money up-front. I was left in a cell with blood and feces all over the walls and tray for a month, naked. I can keep going but I’ll spare us both. The point remains that there is no shortage of INJUSTICE FOR ALL. HIV didn’t cause my problems. It was the means to justify the ends. The problem is and was the ignorance as to the science and psychology of HIV correlated with the indifference of others, created a toxic hate, which made me want to make my problems others’ problems. What is an ailment to He who is Healthy? To one who says “I DON’T CARE!” Unless it directly pertains to that person or one that person loves, they will NEVER care. Furthermore, the prison system is about money, and is politically motivated, not about reforming one’s behaviors. Quite contrary! It teaches one to act out to receive results desired. Albeit there are programs, classes, OJT, and others, but some don’t make it due to classification, placement, etc., and this prevents their progress. The only thing that has motivated me is “the hope for what is to come.” But, paradoxically, the “fear of what is to come, yet not known” is what held me
back. Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900 said “He who has a want to live can bear with almost anyhow.” I have lost so many wants to the lack of wanting life. My only hope is of what can be made of my release in Dec 2015. I’ve given up on family, friends, and relationships, and am starting New. But the fear of having no one, nowhere, and nothing, scares me. I fear defeat, I fear failure, and repudiate it. I am a fighter, I fight for myself, I fight for others who are HIV positive or LGBTQ, and for those who can’t fight for themselves. My only want is to win, but I fight alone. I’ve been reading B+P for a little while and see a lot of things in common. Most of all, is that you are ALL fighters too! I challenge each and every one of you, my brothers, sisters, and those undecided or indifferent either way, to fight along my side as I fight along yours. When you experience defeat, push on harder. When you feel weak or in despair, just know I have too. But continue and YOU WILL WIN! Wars are won through many battles, and a battle lost is not the war! You must be stronger than the opposition!
With love, patience, and perseverance,
Xx Karma, Georgia Editor’s note: Karma was released on New Year’s Day
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Poetry from the heart Freedom’s Bliss Summer’s Day, what a blessing it is to have, In many a way, it does share freely to all. T The bright azure sky, the lush green carpet below, I see all playing in everything but snow. Such warmth the sun do share And in all just ways it’s light shines and illuminates the bare. Now in such a time, Nature does run free And if we allow it so can we. For even though the world binds us in gloom, It can never shackle our minds in darkness Catarina B, CA
Mail Call Darkness and loneliness can fill my cell, with pain & fear of my past to great to yell. I wait for the main to deliver or even call my name. As I wipe away tears that no one will see. I drop my head and say soon, soon I will get a letter from someone I love I long to gaze upon pages so dear With riches to bring my loved ones near Words of diamonds on the pages of gold. A message from heavens as their story is told. “We have missed you, hoping for you to be free.” A treasured filled envelope Just for me. Please bring me memories of joys I once knew of family, friends, and many other things I would do The darkness and pain of my cell will prevail As my name once again was not called for Mail Call Huwa, WA
—▼— Recipe of Myself Start with: 1 pound of Hatred 1 oz. of Depression 3 Tablespoons of Ignorance Next add: 2 gallon of Rage 1 cup of Revenge 3 Tons of Heartbreak - Boil at 420 until it screams Finally Add: 1 Cup of Addiction 1/2 Cup of Paranoia 1 Ton of Suicidal Urges 1 Pinch of Hope for Frustration - let it sit in a cell until Insane... - Then serve lightly to the Community! Joseph C, MI
Escape Yourself Turn away from all the sanity tactics you ever thought you learned. Focus instead on how many bridges your sins have really burned. Dwell yourself on how you live maybe different from how you were raised. Succumb for a brief vacation to the strongest powder haze. A fair exchange leaves behind your agonizing sobriety. But with it, goes your full sense of kindness and propriety. Search all you will, but there’s just no actual cause to subject everyone else to the results of our own personal flaws. The things I’ve done, all the trouble I’ve ever started is a leading reason I feel so broken-hearted. I wish to all I could ever wish to that I could just make it all alright. Sell my soul in a tick and tack to erase every past painful night. What have I done? I don’t even know if I had been the one who was hurt first. Instead I let the unknown fester and hurt everyone I loved so much worse than before. Life has so many bumps and jolts, scrapes, breaks, and pains. But will I ever be truly free from guilt’s ball and chains??? Speedy, Florida
Poetry from the heart
(* A Prayer For Better Day’Z*) (I’m Hurting) 35 years old, with 14 years spent in jails and prisons, I pray for better dayz, from this form of hell that i’m living.. I glance out to the world, from my prison window, Simultaneously reflecting on what I’m actually in here for...(SELAH) Pause & think on I like drinking and druggin, sometimes a little bit too much , and all i can handle, i fear God has given me too much,
Dear Black and Pink Folks,
(I’m Overwhelmed) So I pause and again I pray for better dayz and included with my prayer, is an expression of a better praise, so I remain hopeful, faithful, optimistic, and all, conflict that when i cry out to God, that He listens when I call... yet the pain is perpetual, and the world seems to be passing me by, does anyone even care, about the heaviness of my heart or at times tears in my eyes? (SELAH) (I’m Broken) So I pray for better dayz, for myself and the world as a whole yet all i see is an unchanging scenery, from this dark, cold, hole My surroundings, violence and hatred, begetting hatred and violence, and i wait daily, in for the manifestation of better dayz, while i remain silent The paper is my plane, i holding the pen, equals me as the pilot praying for Better dayz, wit’ a hope that remains Vibrant! (SELAH) (I’m Desperate)
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I recently read an article from the good, activist people in New Mexico, the Coalition for Prisoner’s Rights. The article speaks of what I have been talking about / preaching for the last year; that through unification of all the screwed over people on the outside (of prison) a voting / power block could be created. This block; if properly organized / directed, could completely overthrow the prison industrial complex. It could even control every election from the President of the U$ to the city dog catcher. Freedom from oppression! Another recent article I read in a radical publication told of an organization that is dealing with the problems that people on the street with prison / jail records face. The estimated number of bodies was…. get ready for this… 70 million!! Now if you organized only 10% of these victims of the system, along with their friends and family members, you would be talking probably 15 million or more. What could be done if these people for reform candidates? Or, even better, ran their own candidates. I suggest a first step would be to encourage the receivers of B+P Magazine to contact their friends and family on the outside. Encourage them to join the fight. And a fight it is. The system will not willingly give up power. A talking point would be: “Are you unhappy, or even pissed-off because your son, father, mother, brother, etc. is languishing in prison / jail? Want to do something about it? Want to fight back? Then here is what you can do…” My second suggested step would be for you, the creators of B+P, to contact every other activist / abolitionist organization and offer to form an alliance with them. Unity! Black and white, gay or straight, Marxist or capitalist; all should put aside philosophical differences and personal egos; come together to achieve a common goal, liberation.
Why so? look at the world, diseases, addiction, homelessness and evil ways, I long for sleep, because dreams, one my only chance of having Better dayz, That being said, I drift away to a rest, in the late, (AM) for behold, I’m still waiting for Better dayz, once i awake...
Lastly, as a part of unification (or a result of it) we would need to give up the “poor-me” notion of being in the minority. If the majority of American System individuals who have been fucked by the same (jailed, marginalized, denied civil or human rights), along with their friends and family members, coalesced into a voting / power block, we / they would be the majority. Think at least 150 million people, perhaps more!
(SoLo / Illinios)
Sincerely, John T. CO
Black and Pink’s Adventure into Visionary Fiction!
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“...when we talk about a world without prisons, a world without police violence, a world where everyone has food, clothing, shelter, quality education, a world free of white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, heterosexism – we are talking about a world that doesn’t currently exist. But being able to envision these worlds equips us with tools to begin making these dreams reality. adrienne maree brown calls science fiction ‘an exploring ground,’ saying it offers a perfect medium for organizers to explore different outcomes and strategies in theory, before we have to deal with the real world costs. She asks, ‘How do we handle the worst of our own behavior? How do we stop perpetuating our fears and assumptions? What are the long-term outcomes of applying models like truth and reconciliation, and transformative justice? This is one of the most exciting and far-reaching topics in science fiction.’” We begin this introduction to our own adventure with this excerpt from Walidah Imarisha. You may have noticed in our paper two months ago that we had a bunch of pieces about Visionary Fiction and the power of imagination. We printed articles by Walidah, and others, to begin to get our brains thinking differently. So much of the newspaper is filled with stories of violence experienced by our family and moments of survival or triumph over prison administrators. We wanted to also tap into everyone’s creative brains, your imagination. We know that many of you write poetry and create art, we’ve printed amazing examples of both. We know that prisons try to crush creativity by locking you in concrete and steel cages, but we know that we can get that creativity free! We want to tell some stories together. In order to do that we came up with some guidelines to help us. On Page 26, you will see “encyclopedia” entries about three different planets. These three planets exist in a galaxy far, far away (appreciate the Star Wars reference???). Each planet is part of its own solar system, temporarily named X, Y, and Z (you can change that). The planets in solar system X have prisons; the planets in solar system Y have begun reform efforts, but are not completely free from the prison industrial complex; and the planets in solar system Z have never, ever, had prisons. Each solar system is made up of an unknown number of planets (you get to decide) and each planet within the solar system can be made up of different kinds of beings. The one rule is that planets in each solar system must follow the same practices around having prisons, reforming prisons, or never having had prisons. You can create any kind of planet you would like, but there are some rules about communication, resources, and transportation that you will see below. We created these rules to help us all create better stories together. “How do I contribute to the story?”, you may be asking. There are lots of ways. You can create a character, or multiple characters, that live on any of the planets we have already given an example of and you can write about them interacting with each other. You can write about conflicts they’re having, love they are feeling, political issues that are coming up, or anything else you can think of. If you don’t want to write a story, you can write poetry as if you were a being (like a human or some type of non-human being) coming from one of the solar systems. You can draw an image of what you think the whole galaxy looks like, or one of the solar systems, or one of the planets in the solar system. You can write a news article about something that happened on one of the planets, or about tension rising between the galaxies, or about how the transformative justice model was used in a situation in solar system Z. There are lots and lots of ways that you can contribute. Each month, moving forward, we will print 3 things that you all create, one from each solar system. One might be a picture, one might be a poem, one might be a story, or any combination of things that we receive from you all. Each following month readers can continue the story of characters that someone else created or start new stories. We encourage people to try out continuing someone else’s story. Lets see what we can build with one another. Have you ever read a “choose your own adventure” book? In some ways we are creating a project like that. Unfortunately we will not be able to print everything that is sent to us, but we do promise to collect the things that we do not print and put them online and one day collect it all into one big book. We think that this project can help us envision what our own world might look like free from prisons. When we practice this in other worlds, it make it easier for us to imagine how to do that here. We might not be able to transform into winged animals here and we might not be cyborgs, but there are things we can write about and learn from by using these fictional beings and make believe worlds to make something possible. Another couple of things to keep in mind, visionary fiction is NOT utopian fiction. We do not want the worlds we are creating to be free from conflict. We do not want to pretend that there are no issues continued on page 25...
Black and Pinkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Adventure into Visionary Fiction!
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continued... around race, gender, sexuality, resource distribution, environment, etc. Rather than pretend everything is just great, visionary fiction encourages us to dive into the hard things and explain how injustice exists or how liberation is achieved. It is also important that our characters reflect marginalized communities. We know that the US prison system targets Black and Brown people, poor people, LGBTQ people, HIV+ people, people with disabilities, and we want to ensure that our stories of these new worlds center those who are marginalized. It is important that we can see ourselves in fiction, so keep that in mind when you are writing or drawing. Just as with all things that come in as submissions for the newspaper, we do have to do some editing. We do not generally edit content or grammar, but we do pay attention to things that are oppressive. While we encourage you to depict the oppression that exists in the worlds, and the ways characters resist it, we will not print things that are themselves oppressive to marginalized people in our real world. Also, everything that is sent to us, just like all other submissions, can be used by Black and Pink for any purpose, and we will certainly credit the authors with first name, last initial, and state. We have this as a uniform practice, even if some authors feel safe sharing their full name, because we want to reduce the risk of retaliation or prison guard focus on individual authors. Hopefully you feel excited about this project. Hopefully writing fiction, illustrating our worlds, or creating imaginative poetry will be a good distraction for you. So much writing from inside prison walls relies on imagination. It relies on imagining the world beyond the cages that warehouse our people. It relies on remembering the world you left behind, a memory that is imperfect. We are excited that we are creating this together and cannot wait to read and look at what you create! Please send these submissions to our address at: Black and Pink â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Visionary Stories Solar System Temporary Name
Solar System X
Solar System Y
Solar System Z
Level of Prison Industrial Complex
Currently has prisons
Is working towards abolition Never had prisons, utilizes (utilizing reformist practices transformative justice but potential for abolition) practices
Resources the Planets Need
Electricity (primarily rural, Raw materials (minerals Entertainment much of the urban area has and metals for factory limited access to electricity) production), food, electricity
Resources the Planets Trade
Water, food crops
Information & intelligence services
Energy for electricity
Political system between the planets within the solar system
Beasts on each planet communicate with each other to plan how they can continue to devour and grow
Large federation of planets, modeled after the smaller "spokescouncil" described in example planet
Communication between the planets within the solar system
People from a planet send birds to other planets. The birds from all planets communicate telepathically
Transportation and migration between the planets within the solar system
Transportation between planets is very limited. Because of hierarchical social structure, most people with resources for a spaceship are rich. Some people steal spaceships in order to travel.
Each planet is a nation and they all report into a neoliberal organization like a UN that purports to be democratic but hides unequal power relations Digitally networked information sharing (similar to the internet). Instantaneous communication! Very advanced technology (like drones) for transport, but it is not often used as there is instantaneous communication and residents don't usually need to be in physical proximity
Through spirit communication, like telepathy by communicating through the spirit rather than the brain They have the innate ability to teleport from a spiritual source within
Visionary Fiction: Descriptions of example planets
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Below are example planets that a group of “free world” volunteers made up. Please use these examples either as inspiration to create your own description of planets, or to create characters and scenes on these planets! You can submit new entries alone or after discussing ideas with a group of people. Solar System Temporary Name: System X, Example Planet Name: Incarcia Slogan / motto: “Stay in line or pay the price“ Types of beings: 1) Humans like on earth. 2) Giant Beasts are considered gods, and they devour people who have committed “crimes”. 3) Tiny birds that can fly through space and into the Beasts’ bodies, which is the only means for people who have been devoured to communicate with the outside. Climate and Landscape: The Giant Beasts emit toxic breath and waste that degrades the environment Population density: Largely rural/farmland, some developing cities but not like metropolises Religion / belief system / shared societal morals: Belief that some people are bad and need to be punished, but everyone has the potential to be bad, and the only way to protect the population as a whole is to separate or kill those who have committed crimes. People are fed to the Beasts in order to keep the Beasts alive and growing, because people don’t know how they would address harm or create safety without them. This creates an incentive to feed the beasts even with people who are innocent, or to criminalize more things so the beasts can eat even more. Political system / who is in power & how do they stay there: The Beasts have high caretakers who help collect criminals, designate things as crimes, and protect the beasts from the occasional rebellion, in exchange for greater wealth and protection. They function much like police, except they also design laws, in accordance with the wishes of the beasts Social structure / hierarchy & economic system: Basically feudalism (like in medieval Europe); most people are peasants with no power, and a system of high caretakers who serve the Beasts, but the Beasts are the highest authority Economic system: Basically feudalism (like in medieval Europe); most people make their living as farmers, but lots of their crops are exported, and most of the profit goes to the high caretakers and the beasts Specific export: Food and water are exported; much of the land here is rural/farmland and thus crops are plentiful although environmental destruction is limiting this over time How is harm addressed: Giant beasts swallow and slowly consume people convicted of harm, the beasts are worshipped by people on some planets within this solar system as gods, because they are seen as the only thing to keep people safe from harm, and people continue to accept feeding their community members to these beasts to keep them alive, out of fear that they will be swallowed next What is considered “crime”: Same sort of stuff considered crime in our society: murder, theft, etc. but lots of the crimes punished are crimes of survival Criminal punishment/rehabilitation methods: People who commit harm are fed to Giant Beasts, where they are held in their bellies and slowly digested over the course of many years, or released after some time (people are given sentences like our current prison system) What does resistance look like?: Using birds to send messages. receiving messages while inside the Beast heals a person and helps protect them from the digestive juices. some people also lead raids to try and kill the Beasts and free the people who have been devoured. Solar System Temporary Name: System Y Example Planet Name: TechTopia Slogan / motto: “Progress every nanosecond!” Types of beings: Cyborgs, which are part human and part robot. They are able to swap parts among each other (although it is not an allowed), and can have more or fewer robot parts. Climate and Landscape: Purple skies, cyborgs live on clouds, barren and rocky ground Population density: Spread out and isolated residences and businesses, connected with surveillance network Religion / belief system / shared societal morals: Very anti-religion as science & tech is the highest ideal Political system / who is in power & how do they stay there: The highest power is a mysterious entity “The Central Computing System” that makes all governing decisions (allocation, punishment). Enforced by a central cyborg parts manufacturing factory. Justify staying in power by assuring safety to the populace Social structure / hierarchy: “The Central Computing System” is acknowledged as the highest power, but all cyborgs are considered equals, except those who have been shamed for resisting Continued on page 27...
Continued from page 26... Economic system: Part of each connected cyborg’s mental processing power is used by “The Central Computing System” to compute other things than what they desire to think about. Specific export: Ultra-fast and accurate calculations (aggregated from forced cyborg mental processing) that other planets can use in their planning, construction, etc. How is harm addressed: If one cyborg hits or harms another cyborg, then that’s automatically monitored and reported to the governing body. Then a digitally enforced restraining order is enacted, so if the cyborg tries to cross it, their legs are programmed to walk the other way. They also use digital shaming, for example, the cyborg part of their face turns red for a certain period of time to mark “criminals”. What is considered “crime”: Interfering with connection to the central surveillance system, swapping or independently making cyborg parts (can only have the parts you were given! must be normative! reproductive control) Criminal punishment/rehabilitation methods: more surveillance (everyone has a base level but if you try to disconnect when you’re reconnected you have to give up more of your brain units); eventually you have to send back your parts to be reprogrammed at the central factory (wipe clean) What does resistance look like?: Disconnecting from the system, hacking your own body parts, swapping body parts with someone else
Solar System Temporary Name: System Z Example Planet Name: YEV Slogan / motto: “Everyone is valuable, I was once where you are now, no one is disposable” Types of beings: Advanced humanoids who can shape shift into animals. When transforming, humanoids can take on specific characteristics of animals (such as wings and gills) or turn entirely into a different animal. The humanoids are differently racialized (with races that are parallel to our current earthly racial categories) Climate and Landscape: Lots of water, cultivated land, urban areas created from natural structures (like giant trees that can function as sky scrapers). Humanoids are constantly aware of how Continued on Page 28...
Black & Pink Address and Topics You can send multiple requests/topics in one envelope! Due to concerns Black & Pink - __________ about consent and confidentiality, you cannot sign up other people for the 614 Columbia Rd newspaper. However, we can accept requests from multiple people in the same envelope. There’s no need to send separate requests in more than Dorchester, MA 02125 one envelope. If you are being released and would still like to receive a copy of the newspaper, please let us know the address we can send the Please write one or more of these newspaper to! topics in the top line of the address:
Newspaper Subscriptions, Pen-Pal Program, Address Change, Request Erotica, Religious Support & Volunteering
Black & Pink - General
Newspaper Submissions- Stories, Articles, Poems &Art
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Black and Pink – Visionary Stories
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Black and Pink Religious Zine Advocacy Requests- Include details about situation and thoughts about how calls or letters might help Submit to Erotica Zine
Black and Pink - The Spirit Inside
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Pen Pal Program: LGBTQ prisoners can list their information and short non-sexual ad on the internet where free world people can see it and decide to write. There will be a Pen-Pal Request Form in the Newspaper every 4 months. Mail: We are several months behind in our mail. There will be a delay before we can open your letter, but keep writing!
B. and P. 614 Columbia Rd Dorchester, MA 02125 Return Service Requested
Continued from page 27... Description of Example Planet “YEV”, Climate and Landscape their structures change the natural world and make changes that won’t create great harm. Seasons of the year: growing, resting, harvesting, building, imagination. Population density: Combined urban/rural world, not densely populated extremely large planet. Religion / belief system / shared societal morals: Belief in the interconnectedness of the universe and the capacity for all to be good and to transform Social structure / hierarchy: All humanoids can inhabit each others’ perspectives. People are respected and seen as leaders based on their ability to express and live through empathy and compassion. The youngest can be some of the most empathetic and compassionate beings. Those who develop their capacity for empathy, sharing and meeting others needs are seen as the most moral. Political system / who is in power & how do they stay there: Each community has their own regular meetings to make decisions about resource use and community needs for the functioning of the community. Each community has a representative who attends seasonal meetings with all the community representatives to make decisions about concerns that affect everyone. Major decisions are taken back to the community to be ratified before being established a final decision. Economic system: Land, food, resources are equitably shared. “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need” Specific export: The energy used to create electricity needed for the galaxy How is harm addressed: If one humanoid says that another caused harm, the one who caused harm believes them, and has been taught to be involved in their transformation processes. They begin a fast, and must enter into community spaces or other humanoids’ homes to begin the process of transformation. Other humanoids feel called to work with the one who has caused harm to help them to understand the harm they have caused and find their inner transformation. The humanoid who has been harmed is given access to more community resources, their designated support system is given time off from community work responsibilities, they are given extra units of entertainment, and they are given all necessary healing resources. What is considered “crime”: Hoarding; hyper individualism; dishonesty about capacity to share, give and do; physically harming other humanoids; exploiting/destroying the planet without following the community agreement of meditative reflection in relationship with the environment What does resistance look like?: The policy of the leadership body on a solar system level is one of nonintervention in the prison/criminal punishment system of other solar systems. The resistance includes those from the planet who disagree and are trying to support and build abolitionist rebellion in the other two solar systems. They communicate through letters and by teleportation. Teleporting to the other solar systems is easy, but teleporting back is EXTREMELY dangerous & difficult. Role of technology or magic: Magic is ingrained in their way of life and available to everyone. Travel via spiritual teleportation is a skill that one learns and becomes better at as their spirituality increases.