blackball:a comic book

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for you.your coffee table.your recycle bin.

Blackball would like to thank: Liv + JET magazine for taking the chance. family + friends for laughing for no reason. Colin ‘Blackseed’ Andrews for pointing me in the right direction. David + Critic magazine for taking another chance. Sarah + head on fire comics for giving me some company . all the Critic cartoonists for all the stiff competition. the photocopy machine for being God. Radio 1 for the tunes + experience. Kari + OTW! for the support and free staples. Mel+ Isaac for pretending to understand. Gran + Granddad for never asking to read this. Taking the Fall, Le Chat Noir, Cadaver , DAVE! , Anfanee +Stalkerville for sharing their talent. Cary, Nico, Puala, HeCaTe, Almie + Amy for being the most supportive friends I’ve never met. Apologies to : anyone that was reading this comic from 04-05. what the hell was I thinking!? all ‘artwork’ contained in this publication copyright 04-07 : BBC 07+ Daniel Alexander myspace/blackballcomics

published in JET mag :05-07 + Critic magazine: 07

b l a c akba l l: comic book, 2004-07

(now with pages)

2004-2005: JET mag

the ‘what the hell was I thinking?’ stage

2006: JET mag

2007: JET +Critic mag

to be continued


comics + design


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