BHC Student Handbook 2022-2023

Page 36

4. The student has the option to engage in the Informal Resolution Procedure or may request a hearing before the Student Conduct Committee; 5. The student has a right to have an advisor accompany him/her during the disciplinary process and that individual may serve in an advisory role only. C.

Investigation If the VPI determines the charges warrant an investigation, he/she will conduct an investigation. During the investigation, the accused student shall be given an opportunity to respond to the charges and provide any documentation or information the student deems relevant to adjudication of the complaint. Following the investigation, the VPI shall make a determination of whether there are sufficient facts to support a finding that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct occurred. The VPI shall commence a hearing before the Student Conduct Committee if the VPI determines the sanctions may include a suspension or expulsion or the VPI otherwise determines a hearing is warranted.


Informal Resolution Process The VPI may direct that the student engage in the Informal Resolution Process any time prior to hearing. The student may also request to engage in the Informal Resolution Process. During the Informal Resolution Process, the VPI shall meet with the student to review the violations or charges and the student will be given an opportunity to respond to the same and provide any information the student deems relevant to adjudication of the charge(s). If the investigation was concluded prior to the Informal Resolution Process, meetings between the VPI and the student from the investigation may constitute the necessary meeting(s) for this purpose under the Informal Resolution procedure. In the event the VPI determines there are sufficient facts to support a finding that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct occurred, the VPI shall determine whether the matter may be resolved without a hearing by mutual consent of the parties involved on a basis acceptable to the VPI. During the Informal Resolution Process, the VPI may recommend disciplinary action for the conduct at issue or convene the Student Conduct Committee. If the student agrees to the recommendation of the VPI and/or waives his/her right to a hearing, the student shall receive the imposed sanction and the matter shall be deemed closed. A student may not later appeal a decision that was mutually agreed to during the Informal Resolution Process. The hearing procedures before the Student Conduct Committee shall commence if the charges cannot be mutually resolved through the Informal Resolution Process and may result in a suspension or expulsion.


VPI Authority to Impose Discipline Without a Hearing. At the conclusion of the investigation or after engaging in the Informal Resolution Process, the VPI has the authority to impose discipline for violations of the Student Code of Conduct found to have occurred. In the event the VPI recommends suspension or expulsion, the VPI shall commence a hearing before the Student Conduct Committee. In the event the VPI recommends sanctions less severe than suspension or expulsion, the VPI may impose such sanctions against the student without a hearing. Such disciplinary sanctions are subject to the same appeal rights outlined below.


Student Conduct Committee Hearing The Student Conduct Committee shall consistent of two (2) faculty members, two (2) student services staff members and one (1) administrator. The administrator shall serve as chair of the Committee (“SDC Chair”).

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