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We Should Have More Residents Connecting With Their Neighbors
www.BlackhawkLivingCA.com @BlackhawkLivingCA #BlackhawkLivingCA
By Aaron “Wally” Barger, Resident since 2012
The Blackhawk service area consists of a fully staffed police department, which provides security and safety services for our residents and guests. Of course, they are not alone because the County Sheriff’s Office provides a variety of backup services as does the cities of Danville and San Ramon as well as the California Highway Patrol.
You would think with such horsepower our little community is well protected, and it is. Even when criminals are highly motivated, they still need to seek out vulnerable victims. The Blackhawk police are always on the lookout for potential situations that leads to a crime.
It is obvious that police presence in our community is very important and an essential service for all of us. But, if you and your neighbors were to take an active role in watching out for one another, you will enhance community police security services by increasing the “eyes and ears” on your block.

If you have not established a viable network with your neighbors to mutually agree to keep a lookout and notify one-another, including the police, about any questionable or aberrant behavior around your property, you need to create such a network. This is a very useful step to protect your home, property, and family. Another low cost way to protect your property is to leave one LED inside light and several LED outside lights on each night. Further, lock all your doors before retiring for the night or while away.
Your involvement in the Blackhawk service area is vitally important. Your participation in forming a network of neighbors on your block will enhance the safety and security of the community. Further, forming a Neighborhood Watch program in cooperation with the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department will increase your residents’ awareness and ensure additional support for the police officers in performing their responsibilities.
If you have any questions regarding this article or want additional information, please contact me at aaron.barger@yahoo.com. If you or any of your neighbors are interested in forming a Neighborhood Watch Program, you can contact me or call the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department, Crime Prevention Unit, and ask for Christina Lind-Winters at 925-313-2682 to schedule an orientation meeting. There is no charge for this service, but your participation in this prudent step means a safer more secure community for all of us.