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Meet The Rasbands: It\u2019s not the road, it\u2019s the destination



Photo by Kim Lind Photography

Story by Megan Scott, Blackhawk Resident Since 2010

Lisa and Alan Rasband were raised in two very different places only to find each other in Seattle, Washington. Lisa, although born in Spokane, Washington, spent most of her formative years on Douglas Island across the bay from Juneau, Alaska. She loved her time there and literally left kicking and screaming as a 16-year-old, to move to Bellingham, Washington. In her early adult years, she traveled and worked across the U.S., finally developing some roots in the Seattle/Puget Sound region. Alan, on the other hand, was born and raised in Central Utah, enjoying all the outdoor activities that can be found there from deserts to the wonderful Utah snow until he moved away in his thirties. In his younger days, Alan played bass in a few local bands in Utah, opening for Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix were a few of the highlights. After spending a few years in Southern California managing some very diverse construction projects, he too ended up taking an opportunity in the Pacific Northwest. After a couple of years, Lisa came to apply for a job she didn’t want and almost cancelled the interview. If she had she would have never met Alan. The result was Lisa and Alan both working for Malcolm Drilling Co., Inc., a San Francisco based foundation drilling company, and becoming friends for the next 6 years.

After a couple of difficult divorces and many rounds of golf, they realized that they were crazy about each other and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. They decided to get married in Utah near Alan’s parents due to the health of his mother. Family and close friends gathered in a very quick (almost shotgun) wedding in 2006. The result was a new family in which there isn’t a yours and mine but an “ours.” Lisa went from having one son to five sons, which she enjoys very much, along with four beautiful daughters-in-law and 10 grandchildren.

They proceeded to move into their perfect little house in Maple Valley, WA on a golf course and fully remodeled it inside and out. They were very active in their community and took the lead each year on the annual Christmas food drive for their community food bank. Their neighborhood would put up the best Christmas lights that people would come to see from miles around. They would advertise the event each year to get as much traffic as possible through the neighborhood, sometimes to the detriment of being able to get into their own driveway. As the cars paraded through the neighborhood, joined by their kids, grandkids, neighbors and Santa, they would enjoy the spirit of Christmas collecting money and food for the local food bank. They also organized a hayride through the neighborhood pulled by one of their sons. Life was good, everything was perfect, and they were very happy for almost ten years.

As the District Manager and Vice President of Malcolm Drilling, Alan held many industry positions including President of the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC) being his crowning achievement. They had the opportunity to travel to wonderful places and got to know new friends in their industry that they will treasure for life. They spent their time playing golf, enjoying friends and family, going to soccer games and dance recitals. Everything perfect…until, it wasn’t.

Sometimes it’s best not to answer the phone. In mid-year of 2015, the Executive Vice President of Malcolm Drilling called Alan and said that the he should start getting things ready to move to the Bay Area to take on the Presidency of the company located in downtown San Francisco. While that sounds like a very nice honor, Alan’s response was, “Heck no! Why would I want to do that?” Lisa was not happy about moving either, as they would be leaving their kids, grandkids and friends to the unknown California. Not to mention, that Lisa was leaving an excellent job as Malcolm’s NW Business Manager. The owner assured both of them, it would work out just fine.

Once everything finally sunk in, Lisa flew to California to help her son with his wedding plans in Valley Springs. She took the opportunity to look for a place to live. Then, in November of 2015, they were told that they needed to be at the corporate office by January of 2016. They hopped on a plane and began the process of finding their perfect Bay Area home. Ultimately, they settled on the first house they saw in the beautiful development of Blackhawk. After Christmas, they loaded up their cars, grabbed their dog, Megs, and drove to Danville. Alan is now the President and COO of Malcolm Drilling and Lisa’s title is Manager of Special Projects (that just means if nobody else will do it, give it to her). It took a while to settle in, especially not knowing anyone. They signed up for every event you could think of just to get seated at a big table to meet new people. It was very difficult, but thanks to the wonderful people of Blackhawk, it turned out very well.

They both play golf, pickleball and tennis. Lisa just took up tennis in May of 2017, excelled quickly and loved it. Lisa joined the C-team, met some of the most wonderful women and friends, took lessons and had a lot of practice that ultimately paid off. The Blackhawk C-team won Northern California Sectionals in 2018, and they went on to play for a National title in Orlando, FL in October, finishing 6th nationally. Alan was with her all the way being the most supportive husband you can imagine. He has taken up tennis too to spend more time with her as her 2nd home is now at the tennis villas. Their favorite thing to do turned out to be anything they do together no matter what that might be.

They have a very close-knit and large family spread throughout the country. They definitely count their blessings when it comes to their kids and grandkids, and of course all the kids love visiting Mom and Dad in Blackhawk.

Ireland trip taken with Blackhawk Country Club in 2017

The Rasbands also love to travel and to play golf. Last year they traveled with members of Blackhawk to a magical trip to Ireland. This past spring was Cabo, and hopefully they will be on to Spain in the fall. While life can be filled with a lot of twists and turns, Lisa and Alan wouldn’t change a thing and certainly not where they live now!

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