2 minute read
Tucker Associates Real Estate Services Gives Back
By Nicole Tucker, Resident Since 1997
Since the inception of Tucker Associates Real Estate Services in 2005, the group has always found a way to “give back” to those in need within our community. Whether a Tail Gate Fundraising Party, Clothes Drives, Golf Tournaments or Holiday Boutiques, they’ve found fun ways to help neighbors get involved with charitable giving.
For more information about the Bridge The Gap Project, The Heartspeak Collective and Amanda Betts, please visit www.bridgethegapproject.co.nz.
Tucker Associates has made a handsome cash donation to commission ‘Bridge the Gap Project’ and fashion designer Amanda Betts to create one of kind jackets for friends, family and clients of Tucker Associates to bid on, in real time through a secure, web based live auction which lasts approximately 5 days. The audience gets real time updates on the bidding process. Participants can follow the item and increase their initial bid to win the jacket(s). The auction is a global event and open to any and all participants that desire the item with the goal to raise awareness and funds for the charitable organizations here locally.

The jackets will be “theme”specific for each organization. The funds raised from the auction item will go directly to Shepherd’s Gate, Tri-Valley Animal Rescue (TVAR) and Horses Healing Hearts. The auction will ‘go live’ November, 2018. The jacket designs will be revealed, on line, in November, 2018.
This year we thought it would be great fun to bring one-of-a-kind jackets to our customers, friends and family. I am very excited to see the generous reaction to these amazing auction items. The customized “theme based” jackets, designed by Internet sensation Amanda Betts will echo the mission of each individual charitable organization. Simply said, they are works of art. I know the winning bidders will cherish this priceless item for the rest of their lives,” says Nicole Tucker, Owner/Broker of Tucker Associates Real Estate Services.
To learn more about the Auction please contact Nicole Tucker, Tucker Associates Real Estate Services, 925-360- 2125 NicoleTuckerRES@gmail.com or Kara Kanishak, Tucker Associates Real Estate Services, 925-785-8228, PrincessKara15@ aol.com or visit www.TuckerRealEstateGroup.com.
To learn more about the organizations being helped
Visit the Bridge the Gap website here: www.bridgethegapproject.co.nz.
Visit the Shepherd’s Gate website here: https://www.shepherdsgate.org/
Visit the Tri-Valley Animal Rescue website here: https://www.tvar.org/
Visit the Horses Healing Hearts website here: https://horseshealingheartsinc.org/