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Meet the Knapps: Hooked on a Feeling
www.BlackhawkLivingCA.com @BlackhawkLivingCA #BlackhawkLivingCA
By Megan Scott, Resident since 2010
"Hooked on a Feeling” was a hit song when Harry and Joanne started dating at the age of 15. Now, almost 50 years later, it’s still their favorite song and they are still hooked on each other. A high school history class forever changed the lives of Harry and Joanne Knapp. Both spent their school years in Colonia, New Jersey and Joanne says that when they locked eyes to meet in 9th grade history class, there was an instant chemistry.

The Knapps have been married for 43 years.
The Knapps have a daughter and a son who have grown up to start their own families. Their daughter, Kim, and son-in-law, Mark, live in Redwood City with their 2-year-old son, Zachary, and their 6-month-old daughter, Cassidy. Their son Kyle lives with his girlfriend, Elle, in Denver. “We love being grandparents and are blessed to have our daughter and her family living nearby. Kyle would like to move back to the Bay Area someday, and that would be perfect!,” says Joanne.

Harry received a degree in Statistics from Princeton University. He started his career as an actuary at Prudential in Newark, NJ. In 1980, the Knapps were transferred to Southern California. In 1983, Harry was asked to change career paths and join Prudential’s investment organization, so they moved back to New Jersey. After attending a three-month management program at Harvard Business School, he assumed a variety of senior positions in Prudential’s investment organization until 1996. He then joined a small local investment firm in New Jersey for about three years. In 1999 he was hired by Alliance Bernstein in NYC, specifically to move to San Francisco in early 2000 and support the rapidly-growing wealth management business. In 2004 he joined Merrill Lynch in Walnut Creek, where he worked until retiring in 2014.

Joanne attended her local community college and the College of St. Elizabeth. She worked as a medical assistant until leaving her job to raise her family. The family also had the opportunity to live in Tokyo for six months in early 1992 in connection with a temporary work assignment. “It was a wonderful opportunity to explore another part of the world and experience a different culture. It was a particularly great experience for Kim, who spent part of 5th grade in an international school with students from over 50 countries. Kyle was just a year old, so unfortunately, has no memories of this experience,” shares Joanne.
The Knapps have always had a commitment to volunteering and community service. When their children were young, Harry coached their sports teams. Joanne taught Sunday School and served on the Boards of the Parents Associations of their schools. She has served as a member of Rowan Branch for 13 years, an organization that raises funds for Children’s Hospital in Oakland. She has volunteered at John Muir Hospital, is currently on the Board of Trustees and helps with Sunday School at San Ramon Valley UMC. She also prepares and serves meals to the homeless at Trinity Center in Walnut Creek. Harry is also active in church, serving as chairman of several annual stewardship campaigns, as a member of the finance committee, and as part of a group that takes care of the property’s landscape maintenance. He also serves on the Board of Trustees and Investment Committee of the California-Nevada United Methodist Foundation.

Harry and Joanne keep busy by spending time with family and friends, playing golf, hiking and traveling. “We’ve traveled throughout Europe, Asia, South America, North America, and to Antarctica. Our goal is to visit all seven continents, which we will accomplish in 2020 with future trips we already have planned to Africa and Australia/New Zealand. We also enjoy the theater and going to concerts,” says Harry.
After being empty-nesters for several years, the Knapps decided Blackhawk would be the perfect place to call home. “We have lived inside the gates of the Country Club for six years. Having been golf members for so many years, we already knew many Blackhawk residents, but living here has allowed us to build those acquaintances into friendships. We have also made new friends through the many activities Blackhawk offers,” says Joanne.
Joanne is a member of the Blackhawk Niners, Blackhawk Women, Blackhawk Bloomers and is on a bocce team, “The Game of Throws.” She also enjoys playing Mexican Train and Mah Jongg with friends she has met through golf. Harry is active in the Senior Golf Association and is currently serving as a board member and treasurer. He is also on the Finance Committee of the Club.
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