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Blue Star Moms
How You Can Help
www.BlackhawkLivingCA.com @BlackhawkLivingCA #BlackhawkLivingCA
By Megan Scott, Resident Since 2010
After the attack on our country on 9/11/2001, three moms from San Ramon, CA, Patty Martin, Peggy Conklin and Nancy Ecker turned to one another for strength and support. Together they had 4 sons serving in the U. S. Army. On that terrible day in September they knew no other families with loved ones in the military. Finding no support groups in Northern California, they reached out in their community. They organized their first meeting in November 2001 at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Danville, CA. About thirty moms from this area attended. Since that time, they have become an official chapter of The Blue Star Mothers of America Inc., a national organization, and membership has remained steady. The moms conduct casual meetings with most of their time devoted to sharing information about military kids. They share what they have learned about the military, helping moms with questions from boot camp to deployment and beyond.
Danville Resident and Blue Star Moms Member Stacey Little agreed to share her story with Blackhawk Living Magazine.
MS: What is the mission of Blue Star Moms?
SL: BSM Chapter 101 was established November 2001, shortly after the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. We share information with each other about what we have learned about the military, supporting one another from boot camp to deployments. Having a group of moms who understand the stress and strain of being a military mom gives you strength to handle the difficult times. Family and friends try to understand, but nothing compares to the support of another military mom. It’s a unique bond we have, and we develop deep life long friendships.
MS: What made you want to join this organization?
SL: With my child being stationed over seas and going on deployments, I was able to see first hand the needs of our military personnel. All of us moms feel a deep calling to support our troops. We feel it’s the least we can do for the immense sacrifices our sons and daughters are making for us. Our chapter sends care packages to our deployed troops three times a year. For some of our troops, our care packages are the only piece of home they receive while they are deployed. When we receive thank you notes from the soldiers who have received our packages it is heart warming. During my son’s first deployment he worked at a hospital. He was able to share his care packages with everyone he worked with as well as some of the patients.The thank you notes that our local school children made for the troops were hung all over the hospital so the injured soldiers would know people at home were thinking about them and cared about them.
MS: How can the Blackhawk Community help Blue Star Moms?
SL: We hold “drop zones” at several grocery stores in the area throughout the year to collect items for our care packages. Our drop zones are also a way for us to be a visible reminder that we still have troops deployed all over the world. Our main mission is supporting boots on the ground, but because of the support our community has shown to us we also are able to support other areas of need such as Veterans Outreach, Wounded Soldiers and Gold Star Families.
We welcome anyone who wants help our chapter. Our website has a link for volunteering or making a tax deductible donation. We also have information on our website for those who want to organize their own fundraiser as an individual or at their place of work or school for our chapter.
To learn more visit: https://www.bluestarmoms.org