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Black History Month Message from HIS EXCELLENCY SETH GEORGE RAMOCAN High Commissioner for Jamaica

I warmly greet readers of this informative publication,as I welcome this opportunity to share with you some brief thoughts for Black History month 2018.

The month of October is very significant for the High Commission as it marks the commemoration of Black History monthhereintheUnitedKingdom,aswellasHeritagemonthin Jamaica.During theperiod,theopportunityisused tohighlight and celebrate the rich history and cultural heritage of the Afro-Caribbean communities in the UK,as well as the valuable contributionsofourforefathersincludingJamaica’ssixnational heroes and one heroine,Nanny of the Maroons. Black History Month 2018 fittingly coincides with the celebration of various important milestones this,year including the 70th anniversary of the docking of the SS EmpireWindrush, the70thanniversaryoftheestablishmentoftheNationalHealth Service and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Nurses Association of Jamaica,UK,all of which are important links between Caribbean nationals and their contribution to the development of British society. BlackHistorymonthhasalsotakenonaddedsignificancethis year,given the regrettableWindrush debacle which has served tohighlight theinjusticessufferedbysomeofournationals,many of themunsungheroes,whohaveplayedsignificant rolesin the developmentoftoday’smulti-culturalBritain.TheGovernmentof Jamaicaispleasedthatsomeprogresshasbeenmadein‘righting thewrongs”facedbytheWindrushgenerationandwillcontinueto collaboratewithitsCARICOMfamilyandUKofficials,atthehighest level,toensureasatisfactoryresolutiontothisregrettablesituation. Jamaica’sfirstnationalherotheRt.ExcellentMarcusMosiah Garvey stated that “a people without a knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”. As such,it is very important that we celebrate the achievements of the many brave men and women who struggled for freedom, independence,equality,human rights and justice and from whose example we have been able to learn and progress. AnimportantmissionoftheHighCommissionhereinLondon thereforeis topromoteunderstandingofJamaica’srichcultural heritage,as well as the significant contributions of the UK Jamaican community and its positive impact on British society. In this regard,the High Commission has initiated a project to honour the achievements of five hundred (500) Jamaicans who have contributed to the development of the United Kingdom. This will form the basis of a Legacy Publication to be officially launched later this year. This is important as we seek to educate and inspire current and future generations.You are invited to be a part of this important process.Please visit the website of the Jamaican High Commission - www.jhcuk.org for procedures and forms. Finally,as we commemorate Black History month 2018,I commend all the Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica who have supported the work of the High Commission over the years. Your goodwill has been invaluable as we continue to promote our beautiful island home.I am sure that like me,you are proud to be involved with a progressive country,blessed with natural beauty,warm and vibrant people,including a rich legacy of trailblazers and well-respected Jamaicans who have made an impact across the world in various fields. Iencourageyoutocontinuetosupport theHighCommission as we strive to improve our services,to maintain contact with ourwell-appreciatedDiasporaandaswecontinueinourefforts to build a better Jamaica,LandWe Love.

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