3 minute read
Rayhanneh Mazinani: Simplifying car and van sourcing through Trayd
By Daneile Moore
She began building the business using LinkedIn, visited car dealer groups, and made hundreds of cold calls searching for business and contacts.

She admits the first 8 months were tough “I lived hand to mouth, struggled to manage myself, my high energy and understand exactly what I needed to throw myself at to make it work”
Covid had thrown the market into chaos, there weren’t nearly enough cars to match the demand which opened many opportunities to supply dealer groups who would otherwise have always bought from the same traditional buying channels, so Rayhanneh capitalised on this, networked wherever she could, attended events, trade shows and continued to visit buyers and suppliers.
Rayhanneh say “I studied economics and business and always had a genuine interest in the economy, the factors at play and how they interact and lead to growth or in some cases recession.
I grew up watching the apprentice aspiring to be in business and relished the opportunity to work under pressure and outside of my comfort zone. That was something I dreamed of, I craved, the excitement, the unpredictability and to ultimately be really put to the test.
I was very entrepreneurial as a child, charging my siblings to tidy their room, remove spiders or straighten their hair! At university I entered several business competitions and threw myself into the challenges, I loved every minute of them. I made money but most importantly I enjoyed doing it!”
Disillusioned in her role, and realising there is no time like now, Rayhanneh handed in her notice and the keys to her company car. She started the business with no money, no contracts, buyers, or stock, but she was not deterred and knew what she needed to do.
This is when she began to really understand the market, and how she could fulfil demand and the business started to come together.
A helping hand from AD:VENTURE
Over a year into the journey, Rayhanneh decided to look at what support was available for business owners, and she discovered AD:VENTURE. The fully funded programme provides hands on business support and advice to newly established business owners who have ambitions to grow.
On joining the programme, she was assigned a dedicated business adviser who met with her and guided her through the help available for the business, also offering advice and guidance in future planning. He also helped her with lots of connections and helped her to further build her network in the local business community.
Rayhanneh was delighted with the support she was given “I can honestly say there are individuals I met, decisions I have made, and achievements met that I would not have done without making that initial phone call. It is a phenomenal, underestimated resource.
There is a saying I hear often ‘you don’t know, what you don’t know’ and that sums it up. You don’t always understand that you need help, guidance, and resources until you speak to people and hear their perspectives, recommendations, and advice.
I was also lucky enough to attend a Women in Business Seminar at the Hepworth Gallery where I got listen to prominent females from the district and listen to their stories and struggles. There is so much to be gained through discussion and sharing experience”
So, what’s next for Trayd?
Growing rapidly the business has turned over just short of £7,000,000 since starting. Rayhanneh says “It sounds a big figure but it’s a drop in the ocean within the motor industry and I know there is a hell of way to go to achieve my ultimate ambitions. The first steps are the hardest and I’m happy I didn’t listen to my previous employers who told me ‘I wasn’t quite ready’. I’ve always been ready to take the driving seat, and I am enjoying being sat in the greatest roller coaster of my life so far!

My immediate goal is to scale the volume of stock reaching dealerships, maintain the key business relatio nships I h ave and source more stock. The business model is built on well described desirable stock. Something at the forefront of all my dec isions.Scaling a business can sometimes impact upon the quality and level of service being delivered, but to me knowing the market as I do and the available buying channels, this is my point of difference and a non-negotiable.
I will be looking to take a fulltime driver and administrator so that my time and focus can be channelled into selling and building suppli ers and buyers”
You can find out more about Trayd by contacting Rayhanneh on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/rayhanneh
T0 find out more about AD:VENTURE, visit https://www.ad-venture.org.uk/