SAN FRANCISCO FIREFIGHTERS CANCER PREVENTION FOUNDATION The San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation (SFFCPF), founded in 2006 by Tony Stefani, is committed to the prevention and early detection of cancer and providing access to cutting-edge care for active and retired members of the SFFD and their families. The goals of the Foundation are based on scientific research, education, cancer screenings, and health navigation. Through this research and advocacy, the SFFCPF aims to improve public health and end the threat of job-related cancer in the firefighting profession. Firefighters are at a significantly greater risk than the general public of developing certain cancers and more than 300 San Francisco Firefighters have died from various types of this disease since the SFFCPF was founded. This volunteer-based nonprofit has grown to become a leading organization for the early detection, treatment, and support of Firefighters with cancer. The Foundation educates Firefighters on cancer risks they face, provides free cancer screenings, and assists families in the first steps post-diagnosis. The SFFCPF has also been directly involved in legislation and advocacy efforts, including implementing Cancer Presumption legislation, overhauling the Toxic Substances Control Act, and banning flame retardant chemicals.
BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and throughout this time, United Fire Service Women helps raise awareness and funds through t-shirt sales to fight breast cancer. All of the proceeds raised are donated to charity, including the SFFCPF and Bay Area Young Survivors. Approximately 16% of the Department’s Firefighters are women; and of that number, 15% of female Firefighters between ages 40 and 50 years old have been diagnosed with breast cancer, which is six times the national average.
EXPANSION OF HEALTH NAVIGATION SERVICES Since its founding in 2006, the SFFCPF has provided health navigation services to the active and retired members of the SFFD in their battles with cancer. These services include financial assistance with second opinions, genomic testing, and travel assistance when necessary for treatment. In September of 2020, the Foundation announced with great enthusiasm the expansion of the health navigation program to serve Firefighters with cancer outside of San Francisco to several Bay Area Departments. All active and retired members of the fire service in District 4 and 5 of the California Professional Fire Fighters (CPF), extending from Sonoma to San Jose, are eligible for health navigation and financial assistance. The SFFCPF is now working with local coordinators in the participating departments and unions to provide services to our increased caseload. This is a pilot program made possible by generous supporters which the Foundation hopes to expand over time to more of California.