【Amber Shih】Graphic Design+Illustration Portfolio

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史 書 賢


S H I H ’ S


作 品 集





Amber AmberShih Shih( Shu ( Shu Hsien Hsien Shih Shih ) ) SanSan Francisco, Francisco, CA CA

ambershih331@ ambershih331@ gmail.com gmail.com

415-412-0141 415-412-0141

A talent A talent graphic graphic designer designer and and illustrator illustrator with with 9+ years 9+ years of experience of experience in Adobe in Adobe SuiteSuite of products. of products. Highly Highly creative creative and and multi-skilled multi-skilled visual visual artistartist whowho has ahas strong a strong passion passion for creating for creating fascinating fascinating images. images. Well-versed Well-versed in designing in designing professional, professional, neat,neat, powerful powerful works works for clients. for clients.

Education Education 2 017.02-2018 2017.02-2.1 0 128 .1 2 San Francisco, San Francisco, CA CA 2 012.09-2016 2012.09-2.0 0 166 .0 6 Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan Taiwan

Experience Experience

Graphic Design & Illustration Collection

Cooperated Cooperated withwith Taiwan Taiwan Design Design Center. Center. Young Young Designers' Designers' Exhibition Exhibition is one is one o f t hoef ltahrge e l asrge t d es st id ge nsex ign h iex b i thiiobni tsi,oenssp, eecsipael lcyi aolrliye o n rte i edn to te ds tto u dsetnutdseinnt sA si n i aA . sia. T h e Tphro e pporo s aplowa s a ls wa n ost n ad oo t pa te d odp b teudt b wa u ts wa eve s netvueanl tl yu aelxl h y iebxi te hid b ia tet dt haet st h e o w. s h o w. AfterAfter the exhibition, the exhibition, the project the project keptkept achieving achieving plenty plenty of international of international awards, awards, suchsuch as K-Design as K-Design Award, Award, Indigo Indigo Design Design Award, Award, and embodied and embodied by lots by of lots publications. of publications.

AWARDs AWARDs& &Exhibitions Exhibitions 2018 2018 Ind igo Indi Indigo De gos iDe g nsAwa iig g n Awa rd (Grd ol(G d Win ol d ner Wi nner ) ) 2017 2017 K- D eKs iDgensAwa i g n Awa rd ( Srd i l ve ( Sri lW vei n r nWeirn)n e r ) 2017 2017 Ta i wa Tani wa I n te n Irnnte a tir n oa nti a loG n ra a l pGhra i cpD hei cs iDgensAwa i g n Awa rd rd

Graphic Design & Illustration Collection

Multiple Designers Designers 2015.09-2016.05 2015.09-2016. 05Multiple

2016 2016 The The Platinum Platinum Originality Originality International International University University Students Students Graphic Graphic Design Design Competition Competition (Silver (Silver Winner) Winner) 2016 2016 Behance Be h a n Gce ra ph G ra i cph Deic i cs iDe g nsFea ig i g n tu Fea retu P re ro jP ec rot j ec t 2016 2016Ch i nCh e sien e Ty s ep oTy g ra p opghra y pDheys iDgensB i gi e nnBniaelnen(aElxeh(iEbxi ti h iobni ti ) on) 2016 2016Young Young Pin Design Pin Design Award Award (Nomination) (Nomination)

Publications Publications 2017 2017 Asian AsTy iia a npog Tyra pog phra y ph ( Em yb ( Em odie b odi odie d) ed d) 2017 2017 Less Less Is More Is More - Brand - Brand Design Design (Embodied) (Embodied) 2017 2017 BranD BraMa n Dga Ma z iga n ezN in i no. e 3N3o.(Em 33 b (Em odibed o d) i ed ) 2016 2016 Design Design Magazine Magazine No.188 No.188 (Embodied) (Embodied)


Languages Languages E ng lEi sh ng l i sh Ch i nCh e sien e s e J a paJnese a pa nese

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio



The The greatest greatest danger danger forfor most most of of us us is not is not that that ourour aim aim is too is too high high and and wewe miss miss it, it, butbut that that it isit too is too low low and and wewe reach reach it. it.


Michelangelo Michelangelo

Graphic Design & Illustration Collection

Graphic Design & Illustration Collection


Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN #VI Design #VI Design #2016 #2016 #Cooperation #Cooperation

01 01

Young Young Designers' Designers' Exhibition Exhibition Proposal Proposal

We, We, the new the new generation, generation, daredare to voice to voice out, dare out, dare to dream to dream and dare and dare to take to take action. action. On the Onborder the border of generation of generation between between the new the new and the andold, the clashes old, clashes oftenoften arisearise between between valuevalue and ideas and ideas thanks thanks to ever-changing to ever-changing technology technology and rapid and rapid dissemination dissemination of information. of information. We learn We learn to think to think independently, independently, refuse refuse to blindly to blindly set foot set on footwell-paved on well-paved way way and take and take up up challenges challenges with with positive positive attitudes, attitudes, especially especially whenwhen it comes it comes to uncertainty. to uncertainty. In spite In spite of adversity, of adversity, we are we still are able still able to turn to turn it around it around and take and take it as itthe asdrive the drive to move to move forward. forward. The The font structure font structure exercises exercises simplified simplified approach approach to reach to reach visual visual balance. balance. WithWith the basis the basis of of rigorous rigorous principles principles of fonts, of fonts, we write we write it anew it anew with with our own our own hands. hands. The The strokes strokes are imperfect are imperfect but fortuitous, but fortuitous, which which computers computers can hardly can hardly imitate. imitate. This This is what is what we crave we crave to present to present so-called so-called “Human “Human Temperature”. Temperature”. We infuse We infuse humanistic humanistic spiritspirit with with bold bold minimalist minimalist design. design. “Dare “Dare to try; todon’t try; don’t be afraid be afraid of failure” of failure” is theisattitude the attitude that we thatwant we want to encourage to encourage and get and get across across to young to young generation. generation.

Cooperated Cooperated with with

Yu Shu Yu Shu Chien Chien

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC DESIGN #VI Design #2016 #Cooperation

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

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GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN #Package #Package Design Design #2018 #2018

02 02

Goddess Goddess Table Table Meat Meat Package Package Design Design

A creative A creative idea idea that combines that combines meatmeat package package design design with with fantasy fantasy hybrid hybrid creatures creatures suchsuch as as Mermaid, Mermaid, Glaistig, Glaistig, Harpy, Harpy, makes makes itselfitself stand stand out from out from otherother normal normal packages packages in market. in market. The The simplified simplified stylestyle of illustration of illustration shows shows thesethese goddess’ goddess’ elegance, elegance, the color the color palette palette with with red and red and gold gold is bold is bold and steady. and steady. By using By using colorcolor paper paper and white and white ink technology, ink technology, the work the work not only not only reduces reduces ink usage ink usage but also but also wisely wisely captures captures audience’s audience’s attention attention by the by strong the strong original original colorcolor of the of paper. the paper.

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

USE BY USE BY 12/25/20 12/25/20




12/25/20 12/25/20


Up to 3% retained water.

Up to 3% retained water.



Up to 3% retained water.

Up to 3% retained water.


12/25/20 12/25/20


$7.55 $7.55




no hormones no hormones added added no animal-by no animal-by productproduct


$8.49 $8.49


no hormones no hormones added added no animal-by no animal-by productproduct




no hormones no hormones added added no animal-by no animal-by productproduct


$9.99 $9.99

GRAPHIC DESIGN #Package Design #2018

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

GRAPHIC DESIGN #Package Design #2018

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN #Package #Package Design Design #2015 #2015

03 03

Jojanna Jojanna Pineapple Pineapple Cake Cake

According According to the to survey, the survey, the package the package designs designs of pineapple of pineapple cakecake of modern of modern timestimes are more are more towards towards the direction the direction of traditional of traditional or monochromatic or monochromatic colors. colors. Key Key visions visions are also are also focused focused on concrete on concrete concept, concept, so packages so packages usually usually havehave photos photos of pineapple. of pineapple. I want I want to break to break the tradition the tradition and and challenge challenge the design the design which which hasn’t hasn’t appeared appeared in the in market. the market. This This design design can not can only not only stand stand out from out from the other the other opponent opponent but also but also let the letconsumers the consumers enjoyenjoy the pineapple the pineapple cakes cakes with with bothboth tastetaste and and vision. vision.

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN #Package #Package Design Design #2015 #2015

The The shape shape and and volume volume of ice ofare ice similar are similar to pineapple to pineapple cake.cake. Ice crystals Ice crystals represent represent fibers fibers in in pineapple pineapple cake.cake. This This idea idea inspires inspires the key the vision key vision of this of design. this design. In order In order to increase to increase audience's audience's appetite, appetite, I addI add edible edible pigment pigment into the into ice. the This ice. This makes makes the design the design moremore attractive attractive and and interesting. interesting. The The texture, texture, light light and and shadow, shadow, color, color, transparency, transparency, etc. All etc.the All elements the elements combine combine together together and and become become a beautiful a beautiful accident. accident. The The package package design design of pineapple of pineapple cakecake can be canmore be more creative creative and and fun than fun than we thought. we thought.

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN #CIS Design #CIS Design #2014 #2014 #Cooperation #Cooperation

04 04

National National Chiang Chiang Kai-Shek Kai-Shek Memorial Memorial Hall Hall

Chiang Chiang Kai-shek Kai-shek Memorial Memorial Hall Hall is anisimportant an important historical historical architecture architecture and and one one of the of favorite the favorite attractions attractions for foreign for foreign tourists tourists in Taiwan in Taiwan in recent in recent years. years.

However, However, afterafter our field our field investigations, investigations, we found we found that that Chiang Chiang Kai-shek Kai-shek Memorial Memorial Hall Hall doesn't doesn't showshow the characteristic the characteristic and and distinguishing distinguishing features features in brand in brand identity identity at all. atLogotype all. Logotype of Chiang of Chiang Kai-shek Kai-shek Memorial Memorial Hall Hall has been has been outdating, outdating, it hasn't it hasn't beenbeen refurbished refurbished sincesince its establishment. its establishment Not only Not only the branding the branding but the but website the website is also is also unmanaged. unmanaged. Although Although the park the park is large, is large, therethere is nois no navigation navigation map.map. Souvenirs Souvenirs are the are most the most direct direct and and expressive expressive way way to promote to promote Taiwan. Taiwan. If Chiang If Chiang Kai-shek Kai-shek Memorial Memorial Hall Hall lackslacks for this for this part,part, it willit be willlost be lost the the spotlight spotlight in international in international tourist tourist spot spot because because of the of unimpressive the unimpressive culture culture image, image, this is this what is what we don‘t we don‘t wantwant to see to and see and trying trying to prevent to prevent happening happening mostly. mostly. That's That's why why we decided we decided to make to make this this innovation. innovation. We hope We hope that that through through this this change, change, the public the public will pay will pay attention attention to Chiang to Chiang Kai-shek Kai-shek Memorial Memorial Hall Hall again. again.

Cooperated Cooperated with with

ChiaChia YingYing Lin Lin

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN #CIS Design #CIS Design #2014 #2014 #Cooperation #Cooperation

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN #Poster #Poster Design Design #2014 #2014 #3 Versions #3 Versions

05 05

Juming Juming ArtArt Exhibition Exhibition

The The typography typography is inspired is inspired by taiwanese by taiwanese sculptor, sculptor, Mr.Juming's Mr.Juming's mostmost well-known well-known “Taiji” “Taiji” series. series. The The structure structure of the of font the font feelsfeels like alike sturdy a sturdy rock,rock, blocky blocky and and minimalist, minimalist, viewers viewers will easily will easily connect connect it with it with Juming’s Juming’s signature signature style.style. The The layout layout design design is also is also cleanclean and and steady, steady, conveys conveys the aesthetic the aesthetic spiritspirit of Mr.Juming. of Mr.Juming.

Amber Amber Shih Shih 2019 2019 Portfolio Portfolio

GRAPHIC DESIGN #Poster Design #2014 #3 Versions


Juming Art Exhibition

There are three proposals for Juming Art Exhibition poster, each of which is presented in a different style, with the aim of guiding more possibilities through design. The second one is complete modernism, which consists of dots and lines, minimalism yet detailed.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

GRAPHIC DESIGN #Poster Design #2014 #3 Versions


Juming Art Exhibition

The main idea of the key vision is to convey the spirit of the combination of modern art and traditional crafts in Master Zhu Ming's works. By using mixed media, the blend of gold powder and black ink seems to be a conflict, but it is actually a wonderful chemical reaction, putting audiences into a great visual feast.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio


3.3 6.15 香 港 當代 藝 術 中心

刻畫 朱 銘 美術 人間 與 雕 塑 大展

展覽期間免費入 場


3.3 6.15 香 港當 代 藝 術中 心

刻 畫 朱銘美 術 人 間 與雕塑大 展


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GRAPHIC DESIGN #Package Design #2015


Fresh Delight 100% Fresh Milk

During designing, I thought about how to make the drink become the most visible one on the shelf. The package gets rid of the existing mainstream design, the most impressive thing about it is the rainbow cow pattern. It is fun, creative and appetizing, customer target is locked in kids and juniors.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Children’s Book #2018




Little Red Riding Hood

A children’s book illustration which is created with pen and ink. The work was exhibited at Academy of Art University 2018 Spring Show.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Children’s Book #2018


Goldilocks and the Three Bears

What if a classic fairy tale took place in North Pole? It is a new interpretation of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. By Using saturated color palettes and simplified shapes, makes the children’s book attractive and interesting to read.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Children’s Book #2018


Three Little Witches

Original children’s book illustration, a story that is about three little witche helping the little frog to find his color b

es back.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Concept Art #2018


Hanso and Greko

It is also a reinterpretation of a classic fairy tale: Hansel and Gretel, turning the original European-style candy house into a Japanese one. Since the stage is in Japan, Hansel and Gretel are also renamed as Hanso and Greko. Below is a series of environmental designs.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Concept Art #2018

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Concept Art #2018

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Concept Art #2018


Hanso and Greko

Props design and interior painting of japanese candy house.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Editorial Illustration #2018

05 Editorial Illustration

Editorial illustrations inspired by magazine articles and news.

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Editorial Illustration #2018

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

ILLUSTRATION #Editorial Illustration #2018

Amber Shih 2019 Portfolio

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